Official Discussion Thread for "Summerset and Update 18 Preview"

  • Zeni0s
    Cloudrest is similar to the Clockwork City's Asylum Sanctorium in that it allows you to choose how difficult you want the final boss to be by either taking on or skipping its other bosses. However, unlike Asylum Sanctorium, Cloudrest has four bosses in total, making it more difficult and much longer to complete.

    AAAAAAAAH. An other 100 000k-big-dummy-45 min-fight-with-aoes-everywhere-because-a-lot-of-aoe-means-difficulty.


    That's not what i call a trial.

    much longuer to complete


  • LadyAstrum
    Yes to daily login rewards. Yes to crown store gifting. Yes to everything else as well.

    Sounds cool to me!
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Izaki
    Dracane wrote: »
    Regarding the new trial. The article says, we will be able to optain improved 'perfected' versions. Does this refer to improved versions of the sets that drop in this trial, or does it refer to new "master" weapons ?

    "Master" weapons are also set items, so I guess we'll just have to wait until the PTS to find out
    @ Izaki #PCEU
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  • zassasaurus
    Dracane wrote: »
    Regarding the new trial. The article says, we will be able to optain improved 'perfected' versions. Does this refer to improved versions of the sets that drop in this trial, or does it refer to new "master" weapons ?

    i would imagine its improved versions of armour sets, as it says "four new item sets and the addition of new, improved “perfected" versions" so that sounds to me like only 4 new sets, with perfected versions. So unless they decided to do only half the weapons, will probably be armour.
    Edited by zassasaurus on 28 March 2018 20:30
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Want to buy a real trial like vMOL & vHOF please <3

    Agreed 100%. vAS is tiring, I don't enjoy its design at all. vMol and vHoF are fun to do and are at a nice difficulty level. vAS is boring in +0 and extremely intense and not enjoyable in HM...
    PC EU

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  • code65536
    I was okay with Asylum since it was billed as a mini-trial and slotted as a bridge between a real trial (vHoF) and the next real trial.

    Cloudrest was supposed to be the next real trial.

    If it turns out to be Asylum II, I will be sorely disappointed. And annoyed. Even more so if it once again involves watching a bloody bank of clocks.
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  • Masel
    Class Representative
    code65536 wrote: »
    I was okay with Asylum since it was billed as a mini-trial and slotted as a bridge between a real trial (vHoF) and the next real trial.

    Cloudrest was supposed to be the next real trial.

    If it turns out to be Asylum II, I will be sorely disappointed. And annoyed. Even more so if it once again involves watching a bloody bank of clocks.

    Exactly. I'd take 4 challenging successive bosses with a little trash in between over one ridiculously complex fight 24/7.
    Edited by Masel on 28 March 2018 21:19
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • jypcy
    I’d be okay if HM is only packing 1 more boss into the final fight, and the others are still their own fights. I know you don’t have to do HM, but then it just feels like a waste of time (at least it does for vAS and I’d assume it’d carry over).

    Even better would be a more original fight than just “Oh let’s fight everyone at once!” The story is teased as ancient guardians abandoning their posts and an ancient evil residing in the city, so something like the other bosses being the Welkynar and the last boss being perhaps a Sload (or some other enemy) seems plausible to me. You could skip the Welkynar bosses, but the more you skip beforehand, the stronger/more mechanics the Sload has. Or inversely, not defeating the Welkynar bosses beforehand would result in them aiding you in the final fight, making the final boss easier. Doing the full trial with each boss as a separate encounter leaves you to fight the final, ultra powerful boss w/o aid.

    Even if it’s a vanilla vCR +3 for HM I’m sure it’ll be entertaining, but there’s just so much potential to do with these trials that it would be disappointing for that to be the case. Especially if there’s no actual trial to go with it, like for vAS.
  • Turelus
    Masel92 wrote: »
    code65536 wrote: »
    I was okay with Asylum since it was billed as a mini-trial and slotted as a bridge between a real trial (vHoF) and the next real trial.

    Cloudrest was supposed to be the next real trial.

    If it turns out to be Asylum II, I will be sorely disappointed. And annoyed. Even more so if it once again involves watching a bloody bank of clocks.

    Exactly. I'd take 4 challenging successive bosses with a little trash in between over one ridiculously complex fight 24/7.
    Yeah. AS was interesting because it was different and special. Repeat that too much and it's special any more.
    If this doesn't seem like a traditional trial it's a shame.

    Adding that so few have achieved AS at the highest level adding a second one is eh...
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
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  • James-Wayne
    Log in reward like ES Legends, finally!

    Just hope they are not all crappy rewards like guts and game! :)
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  • crobarXIII
    Dracane wrote: »
    Regarding the new trial. The article says, we will be able to optain improved 'perfected' versions. Does this refer to improved versions of the sets that drop in this trial, or does it refer to new "master" weapons ?

    i would imagine its improved versions of armour sets, as it says "four new item sets and the addition of new, improved “perfected" versions" so that sounds to me like only 4 new sets, with perfected versions. So unless they decided to do only half the weapons, will probably be armour.

    That would be interesting. Wonder if that would also affect the current trial gear.
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  • Sekero
    Well, we need to buy the chapter if we want to craft jewellery; that much is clear from the website.

    What is not clear, in fact not mentioned at all, is whether all new characters will be "born" in Summerset. This I would not like at all.
    It's bad enough that they gave a perfectly good intro quest to Morrowind, then forced you start there (OK you get an extra skill point) which puts the whole story out of sequence. Both Azura (in Shadowfen) and Meridia (after you complete the main quest) imply that the Morrowind story will happen afterwards. It makes no sense for them to warn you of upcoming nastiness in the east when you have already completed Morrowind..... Just imagine if you are starting out in Summerset? The mind boggles.
  • VaranisArano
    Allanm wrote: »
    Well, we need to buy the chapter if we want to craft jewellery; that much is clear from the website.

    What is not clear, in fact not mentioned at all, is whether all new characters will be "born" in Summerset. This I would not like at all.
    It's bad enough that they gave a perfectly good intro quest to Morrowind, then forced you start there (OK you get an extra skill point) which puts the whole story out of sequence. Both Azura (in Shadowfen) and Meridia (after you complete the main quest) imply that the Morrowind story will happen afterwards. It makes no sense for them to warn you of upcoming nastiness in the east when you have already completed Morrowind..... Just imagine if you are starting out in Summerset? The mind boggles.

    Agreed. I know they say you can do Summerset without Morowind and Clockwork City for context, but seriously? Isn't Summerset supposed to be Part 3 of the daedric plot that started in Morrowind and continued in Clockwork City?

    I predict many confused players going "What's the right order to do things in so the story is in order?"

    Seriously, this game needs a Cadwell's Bronze for your own faction quests and a Cadwell's Platinum or whatever for Chapters and DLC so we can keep the plotlines straight easily in game.
  • Recremen
    WHOA, lots to unpack here! I'll gloss over the new quests, environment, and trial because those are so consistently good that extolling their virtues just seems excessive at this point (not to mention that it's also the standard fare for these updates). But daily login rewards?? Daily battleground rewards?? That's amazing!
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  • Vanthras79
    "An ancient enemy of the Altmer.."

    Who could this be?

    Boethia? Lhorkan?

    The Sload?
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Apart from the fact that Jewelry stations will be locked behind the paywall (but I'll discuss that on the dedicated thread), everything seems nice and exciting !
  • James-Wayne
    Vanthras79 wrote: »
    "An ancient enemy of the Altmer.."

    Who could this be?

    Boethia? Lhorkan?

    The Sload?

    Definitely has to be the Sload.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
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  • Glaiceana
    This sounds fantastic :)
    Will you be able to gift crown store items already owned though?
    And I wonder if the log in rewards increase in value up to a certain tier? If you play every day already you could be earning some pretty awesome stuff just from playing how you do now :D
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  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Allanm wrote: »
    What is not clear, in fact not mentioned at all, is whether all new characters will be "born" in Summerset.

    That's because they mentioned it in a previous news release; we are getting a(nother) tutorial.
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  • Sekero
    Allanm wrote: »
    What is not clear, in fact not mentioned at all, is whether all new characters will be "born" in Summerset.

    That's because they mentioned it in a previous news release; we are getting a(nother) tutorial.

    Can you give me a link please?
  • Xeven
    Jewelry crafting makes heavy armor even stronger as sets like Seventh and Fury will now have robust jewelry. It also makes Sorc relatively weaker and more pigeon-holed as we do not wear craftet sets and I can not see us being able to give up Arcane for any other traits. We shall soon see.

    Edited by Xeven on 29 March 2018 00:27
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    @Allanm Sure. :)

    Here you are, start watching at 5:45.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
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  • Sekero
    @Allanm Sure. :)

    Here you are, start watching at 5:45.

    Thank you very much :smile:
  • Leandor
    @ZOS_Holden @ZOS_Chris @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Quick one: Will research scrolls we already have in our backpack, i.e. from levelling or crown crates, be updated to include jewellerycrafting progress or will you replace them with the new ones that do include it?
    Edited by Leandor on 29 March 2018 07:03
  • Qbiken
    Want to buy a real trial like vMOL & vHOF please <3

    This ^

  • Dracane
    Vanthras79 wrote: »
    "An ancient enemy of the Altmer.."

    Who could this be?

    Boethia? Lhorkan?

    The Sload?

    Will be the sloads. It flatters me, that it takes sloads and daedric princes in order to face Summerset ;) Fools.
    And the Maormer will presumibly try to siege Sunhold.
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  • Morgul667
    Is there any content for PVP players ?

    Are there more characters slots with this update ?
  • commdt
    Take my 'meh' too if its like Asylum (Asylum is fine though, its just one of a kind is enough)
  • MornaBaine
    All I want to know is if there will be new player housing associated with Summerset????
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • WuffyCerulei
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Since jewelry crafting will be similar to clothing, blacksmithing, and woodworking, as well as having several new traits, will we be able to transmute jewelry we crafted, purchased, or looted?
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
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