Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Tamriel's Most Wanted - aka. The Great Grand List of Furniture Wishes and Hopes

  • TonyRockaroni
    I so want musical instrument furnishings! I'm a musician IRL and would love to incorporate my love of music into my love of ESO! =)


    Considering how many instruments there are, I couldn't agree more! Right now, I believe all we have is the Hlaalu Gong, an Argonian Drum Ceremonial, and the Horn of the Reachclans for instrument furnishings. VERY limited, considering how many possibilities there are. Bad enough the Vossa-Satl's only going to be a memento.

    Then there's the other furnishings I've seen in just Neesh-Deeka's Music Shop. I mean, it's a music shop!
    There's also a stone oven I've seen in Dead-Water Village. Just what we need; more ovens we can't have. Right? ^^;





    I would also mention the Redguard Oven I so desperately want, but we all so desperately want it and have mentioned it. And still, we have heard nothing. :( Although not sure if the Redguard Lamp, Oil has been mentioned enough...

    Edit: Originally got my instruments mixed up. Updated my post with the ones I meant to show. And, of course, want. XP
    Edited by TonyRockaroni on 28 November 2018 06:49
  • Dacalana
    @TonyRockaroni all those were mentioned in first posts, there's a reason to check them really.
  • Carbonised
    I'm currently redoing Orsinium again on an alt, for the first time in forever. The Wrothgar zone achievement vendor unfortunately has very few items available, and the lux vendor keeps giving us trash items for orsimer, like the totems that were direct replicas of what you can already buy at the achievement vendor.
    Why oh why did you leave out all the cool items from Wrothgar from the loottable, or from achievement vendor? And why has none of this ended up on the mastercrafter vendor or the lux vendor? Orsinium is years old content, we shouldn't have to wait so long for these items! Just take a look at this:

    We get one purple craftable statue, and at the same time, two other statue variants have been left out. Mage and archer:

    This large stone totem should have been lux item instead of duplicate wooden totems that we already had:

    These Orsimer masks are seen all over the zone, in various sizes. Why have they not been made available for us?

    These mammoth and bear effigies/totems have been asked for since forever. Make them mastercrafter recipes, the recipes have already been datamined years ago!

    These Malacath altar candles should have been achievement vendor goods:

    This Breton Mage/Monk statue is needed:

    Troll skulls:

    Durzog skull:

    Durzog trophy:

    3 years after and we still have not gotten access to any of these items, and yes Wrothgar zone achievement vendor only has a handful of items for sale, seriously, ZOS, get these items in the game for housing!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Edited by Carbonised on 28 November 2018 14:54
  • Carbonised
    More Wrothgar stuff, even if it's Redguard related. It's from the Honor's Rest quest and zone:

    Statue of the Diagna Order:

    Lion Statue:

  • MornaBaine
    I want that lion statue so bad! Also WHY are these banners NOT available as any kind of furnishing? This one is in the castle in Shornhelm, Rivenspire. All 3 alliances should have craftable banners like this or AT LEAST available as achievement furnishings!

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • TonyRockaroni
    Carbonised wrote: »
    More Wrothgar stuff, even if it's Redguard related. It's from the Honor's Rest quest and zone:

    Statue of the Diagna Order:

    Lion Statue:


    If we're talking about Redguard stuff, while going through No Shira Citadel again for the Thieves Guild, I came across this Redguard sarcophagus. I don't believe this is available as a furnishing either!
  • Carbonised
    Carbonised wrote: »
    More Wrothgar stuff, even if it's Redguard related. It's from the Honor's Rest quest and zone:

    Statue of the Diagna Order:

    Lion Statue:


    If we're talking about Redguard stuff, while going through No Shira Citadel again for the Thieves Guild, I came across this Redguard sarcophagus. I don't believe this is available as a furnishing either!

    My museum screams for that sarcophagus =F

    Im about to run my alt through hews bane again. Going to see what I come across there.
  • TonyRockaroni
    Carbonised wrote: »
    Carbonised wrote: »
    More Wrothgar stuff, even if it's Redguard related. It's from the Honor's Rest quest and zone:

    Statue of the Diagna Order:

    Lion Statue:


    If we're talking about Redguard stuff, while going through No Shira Citadel again for the Thieves Guild, I came across this Redguard sarcophagus. I don't believe this is available as a furnishing either!

    My museum screams for that sarcophagus =F

    Im about to run my alt through hews bane again. Going to see what I come across there.

    Well, I can ave you the trouble with these two items; an ibis warrior relief (or whatever you call it) and a Redguard throne. I mean, there's quite a few thrones in-game, but none of them are Redguard in origin.



    As someone who grew up fascinated with Egyptian culture, seeing these amazing Redguard relics and unable to have them, needless to say, feels like a tease.
    Edited by TonyRockaroni on 29 November 2018 16:48
  • Carbonised
    I want those, especially the relief and the sarcophagus!
  • Dacalana
    Those spears are good to have too!

    Echatere skeleton (right near the bear one we got with wolfhinter)
    Fox pelt
  • Aziara
    I've got a few things to add.
    Those giant snakes skewered on pikes:
    And a potter's wheel with a half-finished pot on it:

  • Carbonised
    Moving onward from Orsinium to Hew's Bane, there's a ton of items as well that haven't been released as furniture, and that I would love to be able to obtain. Some have already been suggested, but they can bear a second mentioning, plus I gathered everything Hew's Bane/Thief Guild related in this same post:

    This Ibis god stone relief:

    Ibis God golden tile:

    The Egyptian style sarcophagus:

    Tomb stone relief:

    Tomb relief but in gold:

    Broad Yokudan tapestry:

    Slim Yokudan tapestry:

    Tomb statues (same ones as found in the Wrothgar tomb):

    Ancient Yokudan throne:

    Gilded Redguard emblem (the one in the middle with the Redguard symbol on it):

    Sitting Ibis statue (different statue/pose than the ones that came with the Hubalajad pack):

    Ibis statue and the two different Yokudan Tapestries in the same picture:

    All this Egyptian style ancient tomb stuff would be amazing to have. Especially the tapestries, sarcophagus, throne and ibis god tile and relief. Please consider adding some of this stuff to the luxury vendor instead of the riekling and torture trash that no one wants.
  • Dacalana
    Agree on those snakes! And redguard things are from my dreams, but I think they were posted in the topic the link to which were posted long ago, I feel like we should repost other things from it here, cause I didn't pos some things I found and that were there and in the end other find and post them, so there's no reason to resist a ill to "still", lol.
    Mannekins were discussed, but I couldn't resist.
    Edited by Dacalana on 2 December 2018 00:50
  • Dacalana
    Here it is
    It has more Yokudan stuff and in general nice things.
  • Tigerseye
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I want that lion statue so bad! Also WHY are these banners NOT available as any kind of furnishing? This one is in the castle in Shornhelm, Rivenspire. All 3 alliances should have craftable banners like this or AT LEAST available as achievement furnishings!


    Not only that, but you should be able to flip all banners and other furnishings (like ornaments), so you can create a true pair of them.

    In this case, with a lion facing right, as well as left.

    Re. the other post: Hew's Bane is indeed a rich source of Ancient Egyptian-style statues and so on, that should be made available.

    Also, all the large planters and pots and so on, with soil in them, in Alinor and the other towns in Summerset, as well as all the plants (flowers, shrubs, trees and vines) that go in them.

    There's a wealth of beautiful stuff like that there that still isn't available.

    I could post pics, but really all that needs to be done is to run around the Summerset towns to see it all.

    So far, you just have the reddish flower shrub (forget its name, but it's from the vendor), a few trees in pots (crafted) and some empty pots, with no soil in them (again, crafted).

    Virtually any plant you put in them (and there still aren't many choices) looks like it is growing in an empty pot.

    Really need some way to fill existing containers with soil, or water (like basins and bird baths), or whatever.

    Ideally, without using up another slot...

    Then we need some large bouquets of flowers, for large vases and some more large vases to put them in.

    At the moment, there's only really the Nord vase (all the rest are smaller) and you typically have the choice of a small handful of flowers (like the Pale Garden Flowers, from the Hew's Bane vendor), or a shrub/plant (like a white Hosta); but, not large bouquet, that I am aware of.

    Should be at least 3 of them, in various colours - like a (pinkish) white one with a variety of pale flowers, a blue and purple one and a multicolour one, for example.

    I would also like to see a stem version of the Star Blossom (from Murkmire), with about 3 stems, like the Pale Garden Flowers, to put in small vases.

    It's a very pretty, pink, tigerlily-like flower, but currently only comes in a rather messy shrub/plant form, which doesn't even really work in a circular bowl/urn, let alone in a vase.

    Finally (for now!) speaking of Hostas - we still don't appear to have a single pink Hosta?

    Even though it exists in the game.

    We have pairs of them (Crown Store) and both single and paired white ones; but, no single pink ones.
    Edited by Tigerseye on 2 December 2018 20:54
  • Tigerseye
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I would really love this easel, both with the blank canvas and as an empty version you can put a painting on!


    We got the paint palette so where's our easel? ZOS you have a pretty maddening habit of doing things in the most incomplete way possible.

    I know, it's mad that we have a palette we can make, but no easel.

    Even though they're all over Summerset...

    Also, need paintbrushes (both in a pot and out of it), tubes of paint and maybe, also, the palette shown here (or, ideally, a combination of all of them, counting as one item).

    Oh and waterlilies...

    Where are the waterlilies?
    Edited by Tigerseye on 2 December 2018 21:08
  • MornaBaine
    I really agree on the lack of bouquets, flowers and trees and other plants. I am right now especially upset that we only have access to ONE tree with snow on it! For a company so eager to take our money they surely are slow to respond to the many EASY ways we have told them over and over they can have more of it!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Carbonised
    More DLC, this time it's Dark Brotherhood, or Gold Coast. First, there's a bunch of Order of the Hour items we never got access to:

    This square hourglass:

    This round Order rug, unlike the square carpet we did get:

    These Order banners, notice the dragon on top:

    These Order tapestries:

    Pity. The one carpet we get is nice, but why only get 1 out of 5 Order of the Hour items, when the rest are even better?
    Please make these available in luxury merchant, instead of more Brotherhood stuff. Last time you just took 1 Brotherhood tapestry and resized it, stop doing that and start releasing Order items instead.
  • Carbonised
    And more Gold Coast, this time non-Order related:

    Imperial tapestry:

    Rolled carpets:

    Gathered wheat:

    Flapping bats:

    Arkay statue:

    Bag of nightshade:

    Dibella Tapestry:

    Dibella Carpet:

    Minotaur horn lyre:

    Statue of a priest:

    Statue of a warrior:

    Ancient pottery, that sort of look like Alinor urns, but another color:
  • Carbonised
    Moving on to Clockwork City. I have already mentioned the various squence books, open and closed, so I'll not mention those again.

    Clockwork Obscuros. Made a memento, but as you can see, the furniture item. Why did you make this a stupid memento that no one uses, this should have been a collectible furniture piece instead!

    These projector devices. Extremely cool item, especially if they can cast the cone of light, but we can't put them in our houses!

    More pink fabricant trees:

    This upright coffer, to go with the coffer we can already make:

    This clockwork trunk:

    This clockwork projecting device:

    Crate of soulgems:

    Some kind of control panel device:

    Clockwork pipes:
  • Carbonised
    More Dwemer stuff:

    This pedestal, to put stuff on:

    Carved and engraved pillar:

    Spinning cogwheels:

    Some kind of calendar or clock:

    This huge and awesome device from the public dungeon quest in Wrothgar. Maybe give us a smaller version of it, but with the moving lights and all?

    This throne. Could easily be converted into a Dwemeri throne, sans the dead Mer:
  • Carbonised
    The Indrik is fine and all, but I would rather have these feathers as furniture items! Let us buy them in the future, for event tickets. They exist as world objects, you can even see them at the event merchant NPC:

  • Dacalana
    Aren't Dibella tapestriesand carpets available in crown store? I thought I saw them in one of the houses preview and saw them in house furnishing tab.
    Also I posted those blue vases from Gold Coast they're so cool, why we can't make them?
    Maybe we won't be able to get those big beautiful tents, but maybe those 2 little ones? They're awesome.
    Edited by Dacalana on 6 December 2018 14:15
  • Tigerseye
    Can't believe I forgot to say the main thing I have wanted for ages... ><

    A furnishing version of the 3rd Annual Jublilee Cake, on the plate, but minus the cake stand.

    The stand is very nice, too and might be useful as a separate furnishing item.

    However, it's better if they're not inseparable, so you can place the cake on a table, or whatever, without seeing the stand underneath.

    I think the third cake is the best, as 3 is always a particularly nice number for tiers. :)

    It's beautiful and totally wasted as a momento that just disappears after a few seconds.

  • Alphawolf01A
    I would like the glowing ESO Plus Chalice as a furnishing. Give it the glowing/sparkling effect like Shivering Cheese or the Resplendent Sweetroll. Maybe let you interact with it and you would glow like The Golden vendor in Cyrodiil for an hour or 2.
  • SantieClaws
    After obtaining a chicken with some of her very slender gem supply today Khajiit has realised there is one thing missing.


    Simple chicken eggs.

    Yes Khajiit knows the chicken is a rooster but in a land where you can shoot fireballs at your friends it does not seem to much of a stretch to suppose that roosters might also lay eggs.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Jaraal

    Yes Khajiit knows the chicken is a rooster but in a land where you can shoot fireballs at your friends it does not seem to much of a stretch to suppose that roosters might also lay eggs.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    But which came first, the rooster or the egg? ;)

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • SantieClaws
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Yes Khajiit knows the chicken is a rooster but in a land where you can shoot fireballs at your friends it does not seem to much of a stretch to suppose that roosters might also lay eggs.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    But which came first, the rooster or the egg? ;)

    Clearly the rooster - because there are no eggs XD

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • MehrunesFlagon
    MornaBaine wrote: »

    ALL the plants, trees and flowers! And I want that greenhouse so bad I can taste it! And we desperately need all of these:


    And seriously ZOS you gave us wine making items... but no grapes??? C'mon!

    Definitely need the grapevines and greenhouses.I can only imagine how and trippy lighting effects could be done with the greenhouses.
  • kadochka
    I want those pretty flower-eqse hanging lamps attached to all the Hist trees!! Especially the blue ones in the Dead-Water's area!
    Also, if the one on the left is Murkmire Bonding Chimes, Domed, what's the one on the right and can we get it? Conal?? It's much larger-looking!!
    Also, more of those lights in the background!!
    Edited by kadochka on 11 December 2018 04:44
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

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