Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Tamriel's Most Wanted - aka. The Great Grand List of Furniture Wishes and Hopes

Since this thread has now grown from my personal wish list to one of the most used wish list for the community as a whole, I'll update the OP with some general guidelines, to ensure the most efficient communication to any devs who may or may not be lurking.

- This thread is for items that are already in game and have ingame models. If you want to suggest something completely new that isn't in the game already, feel free to post in another thread or make a new post
- Please provide pictures of the items ingame that you would like to see as a furniture item, and please post them via Imgur or another such image uploading service, as the forum's internal picture uploader results in too much loading time. If you're going to upload a long series of pictures, also please hide them under spoiler tags
- Please look through some of the pictures in this thread already before posting, as to not have too many repetitions and suggestions of items that already have been suggested


MASTER LIST of most/all items suggested so far (will try and keep it updated, no promises):

  • Large ground pitcher plants
  • Blue glowing mushrooms
  • Emerging stinkhorn (we got one variant, the variant in the front, the larger one, isn't available but has been datamined)
  • Vegetation from the Malatar dungeon
  • Gathered bunches of wheat
  • Nightshade
  • Grape vines
  • Hist flowers
  • Gemstone geodes
  • Bottled fungi gardens, both tall and fat variants
  • Stone with daedric writing
  • Apiary, normal and bosmeric variant
  • Dreugh eggs
  • Wamasu eggs
  • Deshaan and Stonefalls mushrooms
  • Ash trees, purple variants

  • Some khajiiti board game
  • Clockwork jewelry and outfit stations
  • Murkmire oven
  • Durzog wall trophy
  • Order of the Hour round rug
  • Order of the Hour tapestry
  • Dwemer orrey
  • Anniversary cakes
  • Vvardenfell pellet maker
  • Loom and spinning wheel, wooden, non-clockwork variants
  • Archery targets and target dummies
  • Clothier's stand, wooden non-clockwork version

Smaller objects, knick knacks, misc:
  • An alternate mortar & pestle
  • Alchemical boiler
  • Alchemical distiller
  • Coldharbor mirror
  • More maps
  • Murkmire dreamcatchers
  • Washing buckets and such
  • Musical instruments of all kinds
  • Orsinium hanging masks
  • Orsinium bear and mammoth effigies
  • Malacath ritual candle
  • Order of the Hour hourglass
  • Hanging bats
  • Clockwork Obscuros
  • Clockwork chest
  • Dwemer calendar
  • Indrik feathers
  • Easles
  • Clockwork sequence plaque books, open and closed
  • Hlaalu ceremonial bell
  • Vvardenfell jewelry boxes, various kinds
  • Velothi gilded coffer
  • Glass vial
  • Lich crown
  • Vaermina nightmare mirror
  • Tear of St. Veloth
  • Stamp and another type of inkwell and quill

Light sources:
  • Clockwork projector device

  • Meridian banner
  • Halls of Colossus friezes and dragon carvings
  • Dwemer statue
  • Maormer tents
  • Raven statues/altar
  • Orsinium statues
  • Orsinium stone totem pole
  • Statue of a priest with staff and book
  • Ra Gada statue with halberd
  • Ra Gada lion statue
  • Yokuda ibis relief
  • Yokuda gilded ibis tile
  • Yokuda sarcophagus
  • Yokuda gateway, stony and gilded
  • Yokuda tapestries, two kinds
  • Yokuda throne
  • Yokuda statue, sitting ibis
  • Statue of Arkay
  • Statue of Redguard with sword
  • Murkmire coiled snake
  • Psijic fountain
  • Dark elf well
  • Colovian fountain, Kvatch
  • Ayleid statue, Gold Coast
  • Dunmer statue, mage
  • Tribunal banners
Edited by Carbonised on 19 August 2019 18:04
  • Carbonised
    Stonefalls and Deshaan are full of interesting flora and fungi. Unfortunately, only a tiny amount of these are actually available to buy. Like the red twisted ash trees of Stonefalls and the Chanterelle mushrooms from Deshaan.

    For all the great player homes with gardens we have in these zones, like the Velothi Reverie, Quondam Indorilia and of course the Ebonheart Chateau, I really wish we had some more native plants available at the merchant.

    This shroom is one of my favourites in Deshaan. Simple yet elegant, and could provide some shade in a corner of one of my gardens:


    These interesting shrooms from Stonefalls should be available to buy as well:



    These lovely Deshaan shrooms come in great variety and shape. Why can't we place a cluster of these in our Dunmer homes?


    And once again some parasol shrooms. I especially like the the twisty double one:


    Morrowind isn't all about shrooms either. Deshaan has some great, huge, twisty green trees that I would love to have all over my player homes. Maybe scaled down to a m ore appropriate size, but these trees are far more interesting than some you can find for sale in other zones:


    Here are another few pictures showing off the trees. Notice also the large parasol shroom in the background on the second picture. I want:



    A tree type from Stonefalls that we really are lacking is the lilac/purple variety of the ash trees. We can only buy them with red flowers right now. Why not allow us to buy the purple ones as well, for a bit of variety? They would go really well together:


    This concludes the second post. We have done gone through the Vvardenfell, Deshaan and Stonefalls fungi, shrooms and plants. Including the much wanted carnivorous plants that still aren't available.

    There are some real treasures ahead, as we move away from plants and fungi into other areas. Next post will follow very soon.
  • Carbonised
    Now we approach the true overlooked treasure. Knick knacks, gilded boxes, luxury clutter. Most of this was introduced with the Vvardenfell/Morrowind update, but hasn't been released into the Homsteads yet.

    First off we have something exotic. There are already different eggs available in the game, Argonian, Kwama, Harpy, but what about these ones:


    The blue and dark egg both would serve as great additions as achievement furnishings. I also draw your attention to the dark, wooden platforms they rest on, carved i the Hlaalu style. These platforms and the holder with the candles inside, would serve as great pieces to display your other treasure and trinkets. Simple, yet pretty and with great functionality.

    This candle display looks like the Dres meditation candles, but the base is different, a sort of metallic thread instead of wood:


    Next up we have a very pretty gilded coffer, that I hope we will see eventually. It is found both in NPC homes and Velothi tombs:


    We see the coffer in the next picture again, as well as a slender, golden brazier. That brazier would be great to have access to as well, bought somewhere. The brazier is found in both Velothi tombs and Vivec City:


    Speaking of Veloth tombs, we got the Velothi Urns a while back as luxury merchant goods, but did you know there is another kind of urn still not obtainable? It is a bit lighter in colour with a different pattern. Picure:


    Maybe this will be the "extra" item when the Velothi items return again this year? Either way, I hope we will get this second type of urn as well, so they can compliment one another instead of being restricted to only using 1 of the 2 types.

    And finally, we move on to a true fan favourite, the Dunmer brass oven found in Vivec City and other places in Vvardenfell:


    I'm sure lots of people would love to get access to this one, it would server as a great Master crafter voucher bought recipe, like we can currently buy the provisioning station from there. If it comes with crafting access, like the one in the picture in Vivec, it wil be an instant hit. The current provisioning station doesn't fit anywhere, and looks more like a camp fire. THIS is a true oven, and would grace any of the noble homes we have in the game. I'm sure we will eventually get this one, if we don't it will be a huge oversight anyway. But since it's been more than half a year since Morrowind, perhaps we can hurry this one along a bit? There are such a huge amount of Morrowind stuff we still haven't seen as homestead furnishings, and the next couple of posts will expand on that, prepare for some real gems.

    Edited by Carbonised on 21 February 2018 13:55
  • Wreuntzylla
    I just did the Falora Magnifico quest again on a new toon. Just about everything in that palace is now on my wish list. Tile pieces, doors, walls, everything except for the wedding stuff. Which is the same set of items as on the luxury vendor.

  • Deserttiger
    Anyone know if this elephant figurine is already available? If not, I’d love to have it added (pic is from the Pariah’s Pinnacle loading page.)


    Edited by Deserttiger on 21 February 2018 22:13
  • Carbonised
    Anyone know if this elephant figurine is already available? If not, I’d love to have it added (pic is from the Pariah’s Pinnacle loading page.)

    The recipe has been datamined as a gold recipe, and it's actually a bear, according to the name. Though that doesn't fit the visual, which is a mammoth. So perhaps the name will be changed. It's not available in game right now, my best bet would be that it's a future Rolis Hlaalu recipe, like the other orc golden recipes. But when? Who knows.

    Edited by Carbonised on 22 February 2018 08:24
  • Carbonised
    For today's post, I have some real treasures, again from the Morrowind update.

    Let's start off with something mage related. We already got the mage's apparatus at Rolis Hlaalu, the gold and emerald boiler thing. Here's hoping we will get the gold and blue apparatus thing as a golden recipe as well in another update. Here it is:


    Also notice the rolled up scrolls on the shelves. I'm sure most people would love to get their hands on them for their libraries and whatnot.

    Here's an even clearer picture of the blue boiler. As you can see, the green boiler we already have is standing on the same shelf right next to it:


    Also, notice the bottled fungi on the shelf below. Last patch gave us the bottled garden/tree as a recipe, so I'm strongly counting on getting the bottled fungi as a recipe as well.
    Here's a picture of both the bottled fungi and the bottled tree we already have in game:


    There are actually TWO types of bottled fungi. The tall thin glass I have already showed you, and then a more flat, fatter glass buld that looks like this:


    The picture was a bit dark and hard to see, but on the top shelf you can see the flatter, fatter fungi glass, and on the shelf below the taller fungi glass and the bottled tree. We got the tree, so now we just need the 2 types of bottled fungi to finish them off.

    Moving on to something that is most likely some kind of knitted plaid of some kind. You see them on tables and trestles in Vvardenfell, often with objects on top of them like this:


    These would be a great recipe or item to have to decorate your tables and shelves.
    Here's an even clearer picture of it, in the background, with nothing on top. It's the red and golden clothing thing that I've circled out in the picture. Also note the drum in the foreground, we will come back to that in another update which focuses exclusively on the various musical instrument objects in the game.


    The last item in this post is another one of my top favourites. It looks like some kind of pellet making tool. What are the pellets for? Are they food? Are they clay? Are they supposed to be used in the Hlaalu Foxes and Felines tabletop game? I have no idea! But I know that whatever they are for, I would LOVE to get access to this pellet making tool some time, perhaps as a golden recipe from Hlaalu in the future:


    I really love how detailed it is, and how real it looks. I'm sure your designers were inspired by real life historical tools, perhaps from the Orient or Asia. This is great kudos to your designing team. I love items like this, exotic, mysterious, yet somehow still practical and gives an every day like kind of feel. Here are real people, with real activities. They sit down and work sometimes, and the objects and items around them reflect that. Much appreciated, +10 immersion.

    Edited by Carbonised on 22 February 2018 08:41
  • altemriel
    yes please!! all of them!!
  • Pink_E_808
    Carbonised wrote: »
    The recipe has been datamined as a gold recipe, and it's actually a bear, according to the name. Though that doesn't fit the visual, which is a mammoth. So perhaps the name will be changed. It's not available in game right now, my best bet would be that it's a future Rolis Hlaalu recipe, like the other orc golden recipes. But when? Who knows.

    Could both a bear AND a mammoth be coming? I found these in Wrothgar...


  • Carbonised
    Pink_E_808 wrote: »
    Carbonised wrote: »
    The recipe has been datamined as a gold recipe, and it's actually a bear, according to the name. Though that doesn't fit the visual, which is a mammoth. So perhaps the name will be changed. It's not available in game right now, my best bet would be that it's a future Rolis Hlaalu recipe, like the other orc golden recipes. But when? Who knows.

    Could both a bear AND a mammoth be coming? I found these in Wrothgar...

    Probably. One recipe has been found by the addons, though it isn't available yet. Whether we get acces to one, or both, I guess only time will tell.
    Edited by Carbonised on 23 February 2018 07:29
  • Holycat
    Soul Shriven
    Art supplies. Paints, canvas, brushes and so on.
  • Carbonised
    Today's update will continue to focus on Vvardenfell treasures and trinkets.

    First up we have the red gilded floral box. This one looks really splendid with the Hlaalu lotus on the front cover. We see it many places in homes and shops in Vvardenfell. Should be a high priority to get in game at some point:


    Next up we have an even more opulent and luxurious Hlaalu gilded floral box, this time in gold and blue. What is more, when you interact with it, it even opens up and reveals three small trays inside! Perfect item to get in game along with the other floral box. Let them be interactible like the Hlaalu Golden Turtle with an open and a closed setting:



    Our next item is the clothier's stand, NON-clockwork:


    I can't believe we got the clockwork version as a gold recipe before this one! So instead of releasing the generic version that would appeal to mostly everyone on a general basis, since it would fit into almost every type of home, they instead release the clockwork version of it that pretty much only fits a clockwork themed house (or people who don't really care about furniture cohesion and theme). Could we pretty please get this item in game for those who don't want to ruin their decor by filling it with clockwork stuff that doesn't fit the house's theme?

    And while we're at it, here's a NON-clockwork loom and a spinning wheel:


    It would be really awesome to put the clothier's stand, the loom, the spinning wheel and some of the Dres sewing kits into a crafting room to create an atmosphere of sewing and tailoring. But we need these items to do it. The spinning wheel has been in the game since forever, and still not released. The loom was again only released in a Clockwork version as a luxury item. Why can't we have the generic, normal versions released BEFORE we get the niche clockwork versions?

    Final item in today's post is the Hlaalu ceremonial bell, made in the same style as the Hlaalu gong we just got as a gold recipe. I hope this one will follow next.


  • LadyAstrum
    Love the red and blue trinket boxes - want!
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Carbonised
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    Love the red and blue trinket boxes - want!

    They're very pretty. A pity they weren't included in the Vvardenfell recipes. Maybe they will come as golden recipes on Rolis Hlaalu some time, or as a limited luxury item. One can hope.
  • Carbonised
    Another update to the Tamriel's Most Wanted furniture list. This time we focus on music instruments. First up we have this wonderful harp:


    Vvardenfell brought with it several types of unique instruments, this tall drum and drumstick is one:


    As well as another and smaller version:


    Another great piece of instrument is this gilded trumpet here:


    As well as an elaborate floral lute:


    All these piece of elaborate and decorated instruments are found in Vvardenfell homes, and here we see most of them together in a single picture:


    Note also especially the string instrument there, I don't know what the technical name is, but I would love to have it available. Again it looks asian inspirated, perhaps japanese, with the gilded lotus blossom decorations. Truly an opulent and luxurious piece of furniture and instrument.

    The final piece of instrument was a riddle to me until recently, I simply didn't know what it was. But I have seen it near bards and other instruments a lot, and I believe it is a sort of percussional instrument, where you hit the metallic gold plates like a gong, in order to make sound. again it looks very asian, perhaps nepalese or himalayan. That's the vibe I get from it anyway. Again we have the gilded floral decorations, a really great piece:


    This covers all the special Vvardenfell pieces of instruments I have found. There are quite a lot of them, and I would LOVE to have them available sometime somewhere. We can finally make a bard's room, or use them in decorating a recreational room with lots of instruments, luxurious pillows and perhaps a skooma bubbler or two. We just need the instruments to finish it off.
    Edited by Carbonised on 23 February 2018 14:43
  • Carbonised
    There is so much furnishing in Morrowind/Vvardenfell that still isn't obtainable. We got some great stuff as recipes, but there are still so many items that could be added.

    For this post, we stay in Vvardenfell. first off, these planters would be great to plant various flowers and plants in. They come in various sizes, here is one type:


    Next up, another unique item, a small hand mirror. Would be a great addition to any beauty parlor or just on a nightstand or some such:


    Vvardenfell also introduced a writing quill and inkwell that's a lot more different (and more stylish) than the default ones we have as recipes. Please add these as well eventually. Notice also the stamp thing lying next to them, perfect addition for any type of office:


    Speaking of office supplies, here again are the inkwell and quill, but look at those closed and open scrolls and the brush lying on top of it. Great items to add to a library or an office room. But what's that lying on the table? A smoking pipe!


    This post ends with various coloured magic lamps, with the Hlaalu lotus flower symbol. I found some in red and some in blue, there are even some in white as well, though I didn't get a picture of those.

    I really hope we get these magic lamps eventually, they look really great. Here are the red and blue variants:


  • LadyAstrum
    Another selection of nice items. Why does ZoS hold them back? In particular, the decorative musical instruments. Come on ZoS release them , please.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • TelvanniWizard
    Carbonised wrote: »
    There is so much furnishing in Morrowind/Vvardenfell that still isn't obtainable. We got some great stuff as recipes, but there are still so many items that could be added.

    For this post, we stay in Vvardenfell. first off, these planters would be great to plant various flowers and plants in. They come in various sizes, here is one type:


    Next up, another unique item, a small hand mirror. Would be a great addition to any beauty parlor or just on a nightstand or some such:


    Vvardenfell also introduced a writing quill and inkwell that's a lot more different (and more stylish) than the default ones we have as recipes. Please add these as well eventually. Notice also the stamp thing lying next to them, perfect addition for any type of office:


    Speaking of office supplies, here again are the inkwell and quill, but look at those closed and open scrolls and the brush lying on top of it. Great items to add to a library or an office room. But what's that lying on the table? A smoking pipe!


    This post ends with various coloured magic lamps, with the Hlaalu lotus flower symbol. I found some in red and some in blue, there are even some in white as well, though I didn't get a picture of those.

    I really hope we get these magic lamps eventually, they look really great. Here are the red and blue variants:



    God, how much I want those scrolls and eggish lamps. Specially the blue one!
  • Carbonised
    Carbonised wrote: »
    There is so much furnishing in Morrowind/Vvardenfell that still isn't obtainable. We got some great stuff as recipes, but there are still so many items that could be added.

    For this post, we stay in Vvardenfell. first off, these planters would be great to plant various flowers and plants in. They come in various sizes, here is one type:


    Next up, another unique item, a small hand mirror. Would be a great addition to any beauty parlor or just on a nightstand or some such:


    Vvardenfell also introduced a writing quill and inkwell that's a lot more different (and more stylish) than the default ones we have as recipes. Please add these as well eventually. Notice also the stamp thing lying next to them, perfect addition for any type of office:


    Speaking of office supplies, here again are the inkwell and quill, but look at those closed and open scrolls and the brush lying on top of it. Great items to add to a library or an office room. But what's that lying on the table? A smoking pipe!


    This post ends with various coloured magic lamps, with the Hlaalu lotus flower symbol. I found some in red and some in blue, there are even some in white as well, though I didn't get a picture of those.

    I really hope we get these magic lamps eventually, they look really great. Here are the red and blue variants:



    God, how much I want those scrolls and eggish lamps. Specially the blue one!

    'Library items' is such a huge let down in this game. The books you can buy and read take up loads of precious furniture slots, and you can't even place them in bookcases in a satisfying way. For generic small scrolls and bookpiles, you have to buy them from the Crown Store, you can't find them anywhere in the game. And these large scrolls, maps and other library type of items aren't even in the game, neither as craftable or even from the store. While I wanted to make an impressive library, I've long since given up on that idea, it's just not feasible in any satisfying way with the current system. Even Skyrim, an ancient game in comparison, had a more satisfying way playing library, at least you could stock your bookcases in your player homes full of books you could both see and read.

    The glowing lamps are also really great, a pity they didn't even include them anywhere yet.
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    Another selection of nice items. Why does ZoS hold them back? In particular, the decorative musical instruments. Come on ZoS release them , please.

    The cynical part of me is thinking they're still gauging just how highly they can price these items in the crown store.

    The realistic part of me is thinking that they are just bumbling along adding some stuff here and there in no organised or methodological manner, sort of as an afterthought. There have been soooooo many mistakes, bugs and issues and just plain "wtf" moments with the luxury vendor, the Hlaalu gold recipes and the furnishing system in general, that it's a small wonder we got so far we did after all.

    Who recalls the weeks we got double Craglorn furnishings, the 'free' daedric thrones, the orcish tapestry golden recipe that they got wrong, and just decided to keep, that Dwemer furnishing cost a million Dwemer frames to make, and then suddenly CWC only requires 1 style mat per item, but right after that the Hlaalu new gold recipe items require 20 Bonemold per item again. That purple woodworking items take 3 Mastic per item, while the wood elf throne gold item takes only 1 mastic and 0 rosin?

    Honestly, the furnishing system is a mess, and it really shows that there's no 1 person or small team in charge of this, but everyone just chimes in a little here and there, and we get what we have now.

    Edited by Carbonised on 26 February 2018 13:51
  • Carbonised
    In a few posts above, I included the gilded floral boxes, both the red and the blue variants. I found a gilded floral box I had missed, this is the brown variant. As you can see, all these three boxes not only have different colours and textures, but the models themselves are different too:


    The bottom drawer and the top lid opens up to reveal the contents, just like the blue box can be opened, and the bottom drawer pulled out as well.

    I really, really hope we get these trinkets eventually. They're too good to miss out on.
  • LadyAstrum
    Carbonised wrote: »
    Carbonised wrote: »
    There is so much furnishing in Morrowind/Vvardenfell that still isn't obtainable. We got some great stuff as recipes, but there are still so many items that could be added.

    For this post, we stay in Vvardenfell. first off, these planters would be great to plant various flowers and plants in. They come in various sizes, here is one type:


    Next up, another unique item, a small hand mirror. Would be a great addition to any beauty parlor or just on a nightstand or some such:


    Vvardenfell also introduced a writing quill and inkwell that's a lot more different (and more stylish) than the default ones we have as recipes. Please add these as well eventually. Notice also the stamp thing lying next to them, perfect addition for any type of office:


    Speaking of office supplies, here again are the inkwell and quill, but look at those closed and open scrolls and the brush lying on top of it. Great items to add to a library or an office room. But what's that lying on the table? A smoking pipe!


    This post ends with various coloured magic lamps, with the Hlaalu lotus flower symbol. I found some in red and some in blue, there are even some in white as well, though I didn't get a picture of those.

    I really hope we get these magic lamps eventually, they look really great. Here are the red and blue variants:



    God, how much I want those scrolls and eggish lamps. Specially the blue one!

    'Library items' is such a huge let down in this game. The books you can buy and read take up loads of precious furniture slots, and you can't even place them in bookcases in a satisfying way. For generic small scrolls and bookpiles, you have to buy them from the Crown Store, you can't find them anywhere in the game. And these large scrolls, maps and other library type of items aren't even in the game, neither as craftable or even from the store. While I wanted to make an impressive library, I've long since given up on that idea, it's just not feasible in any satisfying way with the current system. Even Skyrim, an ancient game in comparison, had a more satisfying way playing library, at least you could stock your bookcases in your player homes full of books you could both see and read.

    The glowing lamps are also really great, a pity they didn't even include them anywhere yet.
    LadyAstrum wrote: »
    Another selection of nice items. Why does ZoS hold them back? In particular, the decorative musical instruments. Come on ZoS release them , please.

    The cynical part of me is thinking they're still gauging just how highly they can price these items in the crown store.

    The realistic part of me is thinking that they are just bumbling along adding some stuff here and there in no organised or methodological manner, sort of as an afterthought. There have been soooooo many mistakes, bugs and issues and just plain "wtf" moments with the luxury vendor, the Hlaalu gold recipes and the furnishing system in general, that it's a small wonder we got so far we did after all.

    Who recalls the weeks we got double Craglorn furnishings, the 'free' daedric thrones, the orcish tapestry golden recipe that they got wrong, and just decided to keep, that Dwemer furnishing cost a million Dwemer frames to make, and then suddenly CWC only requires 1 style mat per item, but right after that the Hlaalu new gold recipe items require 20 Bonemold per item again. That purple woodworking items take 3 Mastic per item, while the wood elf throne gold item takes only 1 mastic and 0 rosin?

    Honestly, the furnishing system is a mess, and it really shows that there's no 1 person or small team in charge of this, but everyone just chimes in a little here and there, and we get what we have now.

    Sounds like you nailed it to me. Perhaps it's a bit of both, disorganisation on the furnishing element, but also perhaps trying to decide how/when to introduce things like the musical instruments. I would be happy to see some of these items added as recipes, or even on the luxury trader.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • DeadDragon13
    Soul Shriven
    Carbonised wrote: »
    Now we approach the true overlooked treasure. Knick knacks, gilded boxes, luxury clutter. Most of this was introduced with the Vvardenfell/Morrowind update, but hasn't been released into the Homsteads yet.

    First off we have something exotic. There are already different eggs available in the game, Argonian, Kwama, Harpy, but what about these ones:


    The blue and dark egg both would serve as great additions as achievement furnishings. I also draw your attention to the dark, wooden platforms they rest on, carved i the Hlaalu style. These platforms and the holder with the candles inside, would serve as great pieces to display your other treasure and trinkets. Simple, yet pretty and with great functionality.
    Forgive me if it's already been covered but those two egg stands may already be in the game.
    The curved platforms look like Redoran or Hlaalu Stool, Sanded with the chair legs hidden in the wood. The tall stand is Redoran End Table, Sanded turned upside down, I believe
  • Carbonised
    Carbonised wrote: »
    Now we approach the true overlooked treasure. Knick knacks, gilded boxes, luxury clutter. Most of this was introduced with the Vvardenfell/Morrowind update, but hasn't been released into the Homsteads yet.

    First off we have something exotic. There are already different eggs available in the game, Argonian, Kwama, Harpy, but what about these ones:


    The blue and dark egg both would serve as great additions as achievement furnishings. I also draw your attention to the dark, wooden platforms they rest on, carved i the Hlaalu style. These platforms and the holder with the candles inside, would serve as great pieces to display your other treasure and trinkets. Simple, yet pretty and with great functionality.
    Forgive me if it's already been covered but those two egg stands may already be in the game.
    The curved platforms look like Redoran or Hlaalu Stool, Sanded with the chair legs hidden in the wood. The tall stand is Redoran End Table, Sanded turned upside down, I believe

    It probably is yes. Trouble is, for any normal kind of wall shelf or table, it would be impossible to recreate, since the other half of the stool would stick out on the bottom. The only reason it can work here, is that the underside is a solid block. The only scenario I can imagine that would work, is if you place it like that directly on the ground or the floor of a player home.

    It would be nice to simply have the visible parts on that picture as a separate kind of furnishing, like a bowl, so you could place it on tables and shelves and so on.
  • Carbonised
    For today's post, we have another fan favourite, the teapot. I believe it is currently sold in the crown store, with no ingame item or recipe. Pity, these should really be added with a recipe. Many people want to put teapots on their kitchen tables, but not for overpriced crown store furniture, no thank you:


    Other sought after items are the various carpet rolls that you see in many places. The only thing we have resembling this are the merchant's baskets that were for sale in luxury vendor last week. And they looked too empty for my taste, plus you have to use them as they come in a basket, no possibility of just placing a few carpet rolls here and there:


    Many races have statues, like the Orsimer ones, the Breton ones, and the several Imperial ones. However, the 2 Dunmer statues from Mournhold aren't available. Stonefalls and Deshaan generally have some very bad achievement furnishings I think. The Balreth remains looks like a pile of goo or poop set aflame. The Wussisname's Last Stand thingie is just a stone block with no ornament or no distinguising feature. The Daedric blood fountain has nothing to do with Morrowind or Dunmer. The Tribunal carpet is already available as a purple recipe, they look exactly similar. There are really only a very few achievement items from those 2 zones I even consider using in my Dunmer themed homes. And in the meantime, we don't even get the Dunmer statues. There are 2 kinds, I have managed to include a picture of 1 of them:


    Something I would much rather have as achievement furniture are the Vivec's Antlers corals. Why aren't we able to buy various pieces of this instead, after helping save them? Would work much better than those uninteresting and un-Dunmeri items we have right now.

    The Vivec's Antlers corals come in a great many sizes and variety, and any home with sea access (or even some without) would benefit from these exotic corals. I hope you'll consider adding them instead of or as a supplement to some of the Stonefalls achievement furniture:



  • Carbonised
    Today we have another fantastic item that we need to get in game as a furnishing - the gem geodes.
    They can be found in both Elden Hollow and Mazzatun dungeons, and they come in different colours. Obvious luxury vendor item I'd say, instead of giving us that stupid riekling and torture stuff and whatnot:



  • LadyAstrum
    Carbonised wrote: »
    Today we have another fantastic item that we need to get in game as a furnishing - the gem geodes.
    They can be found in both Elden Hollow and Mazzatun dungeons, and they come in different colours. Obvious luxury vendor item I'd say, instead of giving us that stupid riekling and torture stuff and whatnot:




    Ack, I want these! (and the teapot).
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Jayne_Doe
    Carbonised wrote: »
    Now we approach the true overlooked treasure. Knick knacks, gilded boxes, luxury clutter. Most of this was introduced with the Vvardenfell/Morrowind update, but hasn't been released into the Homsteads yet.

    First off we have something exotic. There are already different eggs available in the game, Argonian, Kwama, Harpy, but what about these ones:


    The blue and dark egg both would serve as great additions as achievement furnishings. I also draw your attention to the dark, wooden platforms they rest on, carved i the Hlaalu style. These platforms and the holder with the candles inside, would serve as great pieces to display your other treasure and trinkets. Simple, yet pretty and with great functionality.
    Forgive me if it's already been covered but those two egg stands may already be in the game.
    The curved platforms look like Redoran or Hlaalu Stool, Sanded with the chair legs hidden in the wood. The tall stand is Redoran End Table, Sanded turned upside down, I believe

    Beat me to it! Just came across this thread today and was gonna make a post about it after reading through the thread, as those items look to me exactly as you say.

    EDIT: Just saw the OP's response and I agree that the stools would only work if you were placing them on the ground/floor or on a block counter.

    Great thread so far. Love all the items you called out from Vvardenfell. Also, I agree about the lame achievement furnishings for Stonefalls and Deshaan. Was so disappointed when I purchased the tribunal rug only to discover that it looks EXACTLY the same as the craftable version I already had in my home. I do have the Daedric sconces in my basement at Velothi Reverie, as they fit in well with the look of the basement and give off pretty good light. I've also used Serien's stand as part of a fireplace (idea borrowed from a decorating thread). Don't know what it's original purpose as a decoration is, though - also, it's hollow inside and has no bottom texture.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 5 March 2018 20:21
  • vrine

    These ones you shared were sold in the luxury furnishing vendor last year :) I have a bunch around my rock pool.
    PC - NA - DC
    Altoholic [15/15]

    Flo - Khajiit - DK WW - Tank - lvl50
    Uxith - Argonian - Sorc Vamp - DPS - lvl50
    Both - Imperial - Temp WW - DPS - lvl 50
    Skua - Khajiit - Temp - DPS - lvl 50
    Little Marmoset - Bosmer - Warden PVP - DPS - lvl 50
    Borrows-A-Feeling - Argonian - Temp PVP - Healer - lvl 50

  • Carbonised
    vrine wrote: »

    These ones you shared were sold in the luxury furnishing vendor last year :) I have a bunch around my rock pool.

    Nope, they weren't. He sold land coral plants which look somewhat similar but different. You can do a side by side comparison and see for yourself.
  • Carbonised
    This finishes my wishes for more furniture items, there are some more items here and there I'd like to have available, but it's nothing too important.

    I do want to end this series with my top 10 of items I would most like to have available in game, of the ones I have shown in the pictures so far. I really hope ZOS is paying attention, and that you will consider adding some of these soon. I also know many of these items aren't only on my personal wishlist, but on the list of many others as well, just seeing the response my thread has gotten so far.

    Here goes, my ultimate top 10 list of Tamriel's Most Wanted:
    1. The Venus Flytrap plants from Mazzatun
    2. The bottled mushroom gardens from Vvardenfell, both varieties
    3. The Deshaan zone mushrooms and fungi
    4. The Vvardenfell brass oven
    5. The Vvardenfell Gilded Floral boxes (blue, red and brown variants)
    6. The clothier's model, loom and spinning wheel - wooden variants, not clockwork
    7. The Vvardenfell musical instruments (harp, lute, flute, drums, citar, percussion)
    8. The silver hand mirror
    9. The glowing Vvardenfell magical lamps
    10. The gemstone geodes
    11. I know I said only 10, but here's a bonus item, the common teapot. Everyone likes tea!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Edward @ZOS_Chris @ZOS_Holden

    Edited by Carbonised on 6 March 2018 11:14
  • Carbonised
    Kudos to ZOS for including the coral tower in the luxury merchant last weekend. Even if it is a more muted neutral color than the vivid orange Vivec's Antlers, and even if it had an exorbitant cost of 100k per piece, it's still nice to have them anyway.

    If you look closely at my pictures above, you will see that both the coral tower and the older antler corals are exactly similar to some of the pieces form Vivec's Antlers, albeit in another color palette.

    Here is hoping that we see a lot more of these items at the luxury merchant in this and future cycles (and more Rolis Hlaalu golden recipes as well).
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