Official Discussion for "Enjoy a New Level-Up Experience, Home-Storage, and Outfits with Update 17"

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This is the official discussion thread for the "Enjoy a New Level-Up Experience, Home-Storage, and Outfits with Update 17" blog article.

Update 17 contains a host of incredible new features that can be enjoyed by Elder Scrolls Online newcomers and veterans alike, including the new Level-Up Experience, Home Storage, the Outfit System, and more!

Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    so the DLC is live on the 27th
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • Vanthras79
    I am so excited for the outfitting system.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • Miaura
    very happy, two things I`ve been waiting for a long time, outfit system and house storage :)! Cheers, big thanks devs for listening to the community and making the game even better !
  • HidesFromSun
    It's brilliant, and im hyped for everything in the update.. exept for the hide helmet thing. Please put hide helmet back into the gameplay options menu! Putting it into the outfit system means our polymorphs cant use it anymore :(

    Other than that though, great job with the Update and i'm looking forward to it :smile:
  • prototypefb
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?
  • Hixtory
    As someone who has not been very involved in housing, can you pls explain how hard is to get the achievement?

    Note: The “Permanent Resident" achievement is required.

    Ty in advance
  • Aeslief
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    “With these new containers you can store bankable items in your home, freeing up space in your inventory, bank, or Craft Bag.”

    Since it specifically says ‘bankable’ I assume that stolen items and runeboxes are still not storeable.
  • Apherius
    Hixtory wrote: »
    As someone who has not been very involved in housing, can you pls explain how hard is to get the achievement?

    Note: The “Permanent Resident" achievement is required.

    Ty in advance

    You need to enter in a free appartement, so pretty easy .
  • Miaura
    Derlfak wrote: »
    It's brilliant, and im hyped for everything in the update.. exept for the hide helmet thing. Please put hide helmet back into the gameplay options menu! Putting it into the outfit system means our polymorphs cant use it anymore :(

    Other than that though, great job with the Update and i'm looking forward to it :smile:

    Same here , I agree with the hide helm! Also makes disguises unable to hide helmet I hear? = bad for vamps wanting to use disguise sometimes to look better..
    And Being able to hide other parts like shoulder/chest/gloves would be very nice. There is a poll about this on the PTS forum.
  • Sawzallz
    How does skill advisor work?
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    Just checked on this for you and the short answer is "No."

    Home storage chests and coffers use the same rules and tech as banks, even though they are not connected. So anything you cannot place in your bank, you will not be able to place in a home storage chest or coffer.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Sawzallz
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    Just checked on this for you and the short answer is "No."

    Home storage chests and coffers use the same rules and tech as banks, even though they are not connected. So anything you cannot place in your bank, you will not be able to place in a home storage chest or coffer.

    Hello, any idea what skill advisor does?
  • Elsonso
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    Just checked on this for you and the short answer is "No."

    Home storage chests and coffers use the same rules and tech as banks, even though they are not connected. So anything you cannot place in your bank, you will not be able to place in a home storage chest or coffer.

    Interesting! Thanks for checking on that.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Wizball1987
    Outfits are a cool addition!
  • prototypefb
    Aeslief wrote: »
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    “With these new containers you can store bankable items in your home, freeing up space in your inventory, bank, or Craft Bag.”

    Since it specifically says ‘bankable’ I assume that stolen items and runeboxes are still not storeable.
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    Just checked on this for you and the short answer is "No."

    Home storage chests and coffers use the same rules and tech as banks, even though they are not connected. So anything you cannot place in your bank, you will not be able to place in a home storage chest or coffer.

    meh, there goes my plan to stack apples for easy legerdemain leveling on alts
  • Dagoth_Rac
    since those chests are not bank regulated, i assume we will be able to store stolen items in them?

    Just checked on this for you and the short answer is "No."

    Home storage chests and coffers use the same rules and tech as banks, even though they are not connected. So anything you cannot place in your bank, you will not be able to place in a home storage chest or coffer.

    Will there be a special icon to indicate an item is stored in a home storage container? Similar to the little backpack icon to indicate item is on current character or the chest icon to indicate item is in bank?
  • Jayne_Doe
    Miaura wrote: »
    very happy, two things I`ve been waiting for a long time, outfit system and house storage :)! Cheers, big thanks devs for listening to the community and making the game even better !

    Just a note to everyone regarding the housing storage. Unless you still have an open character slot or still have a character under level 18, you will be REQUIRED to either delete a character or spend 1500 crowns on an additional character slot in order to obtain all 360 house storage slots that will be available in this "free" update. The ONLY WAY to obtain one of the 30 slot storage coffers is through the level-up advisor at level 18. You cannot purchase this one from the writ vendor or tel var merchant and it will not be for sale in the Crown Store.

    Effectively, this update will NOT be free to a percentage of the player base (unless they delete months/years of hard work), namely a lot of veteran players, who are arguably the most in need of this housing storage.
  • Inval1d
    Derlfak wrote: »
    It's brilliant, and im hyped for everything in the update.. exept for the hide helmet thing. Please put hide helmet back into the gameplay options menu! Putting it into the outfit system means our polymorphs cant use it anymore :(

    Other than that though, great job with the Update and i'm looking forward to it :smile:

    I think the Hide Helmet works just the same as it works right now, except the "Hide Helmet" button will be now in the Collections menu instead of Options > Gameplay menu
  • Elsonso
    Inval1d wrote: »
    Derlfak wrote: »
    It's brilliant, and im hyped for everything in the update.. exept for the hide helmet thing. Please put hide helmet back into the gameplay options menu! Putting it into the outfit system means our polymorphs cant use it anymore :(

    Other than that though, great job with the Update and i'm looking forward to it :smile:

    I think the Hide Helmet works just the same as it works right now, except the "Hide Helmet" button will be now in the Collections menu instead of Options > Gameplay menu

    Not exactly. The Update 17 hide helmet will not be able to hide helmets on Disguises or Polymorphs.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Vanthras79
    I am just glad that "the guys" are making ESO more and more better! :wink:
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • DoctorESO
    Edited by DoctorESO on 23 September 2018 01:48
  • Tannus15

    It would be nice if we either got a new character slot, or all the benefits from the skill adviser if we have all character slots filled with level 50 characters.
  • Ackwalan
    Tannus15 wrote: »

    It would be nice if we either got a new character slot, or all the benefits from the skill adviser if we have all character slots filled with level 50 characters.

    They are adding an additional character slot, but you will need to buy it. You can have 15 total.

    Edited by Ackwalan on 2 February 2018 06:02
  • nightstrike
    Please allow existing characters to receive the level up rewards.
    Warning: This signature is tiny!
  • jimmulvaney
    There is a poll in the General Discussion forum: as of this post; 57% say YES, account-wide level up advisor rewards should be awarded retroactively.

    My comment:
    I have one toon, don't want another toon, even if they give me a FREE character slot. Why do I feel like I am being punished because I started back when ESO launched? I just picked up Morrowind and will most likely not even be making a Warden because I like my Dragonknight. I tried leveling a Templar, Sorc, and a Nightblade didn't care for it. Deleted them. I already did pretty much everything with my character that you can do in Tamriel Unlimited (640cp). Why should I have to start over? Crap like this will make me think twice before playing again.
  • Elsonso
    Add a Free character slot? :anguished: People have probably lost their parking spot there for suggesting less than that. :smile:
    Why do I feel like I am being punished because I started back when ESO launched? I just picked up Morrowind and will most likely not even be making a Warden because I like my Dragonknight. I tried leveling a Templar, Sorc, and a Nightblade didn't care for it. Deleted them. I already did pretty much everything with my character that you can do in Tamriel Unlimited (640cp). Why should I have to start over? Crap like this will make me think twice before playing again.

    They really really want people to make a new character and level it up.

    I am full up on characters (8 out of 8), so if I want anything from that list of leveling rewards, I will have to delete a character. The possibility of me buying a character slot from them is pretty remote.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • jimmulvaney
    Let's say they GIVE us a 100% free character slot for argument's sake. Then what? I am not going to play the story again, it is long and arduous, I won't even be level 50 by the time I finish it anyway. So what are veteran players going to do? Grind. Which is something ZOS is always saying they want to avoid making you do. People are going to make a new toon and grind the dust out of zombies and undead for like a day. You are going to have people at dolmens fighting over and slaughtering everything before it even hits the ground (I have seen it happen). Your going to see people doing the same to world bosses and making it impossible for new players to get their hits in, again I have seen it happen. When this happens even to us veteran players, it is incredibly frustrating for sword and board or two-hander builds because even with shield and or critical charge, things die before they come into range and the sorcs and nightblades and templars all sit there and camp on them. I dunno what it is like for wardens because I have yet to play one. But my main reason why this is a bad idea is how stupid of a process the above becomes and the fact that we have to do it in the first place is proof positive. Lastly, how many people are going to create new characters just to grind out these rewards one after another? Filled up your slots? No problem, delete a grind dummy after transfering to your main and then keep going! Make the rewards retroactive or you are going to completely upset the balance in the zones.
  • Kwik1
    Let's say they GIVE us a 100% free character slot for argument's sake. Then what? I am not going to play the story again, it is long and arduous, I won't even be level 50 by the time I finish it anyway. So what are veteran players going to do? Grind. Which is something ZOS is always saying they want to avoid making you do. People are going to make a new toon and grind the dust out of zombies and undead for like a day. You are going to have people at dolmens fighting over and slaughtering everything before it even hits the ground (I have seen it happen). Your going to see people doing the same to world bosses and making it impossible for new players to get their hits in, again I have seen it happen. When this happens even to us veteran players, it is incredibly frustrating for sword and board or two-hander builds because even with shield and or critical charge, things die before they come into range and the sorcs and nightblades and templars all sit there and camp on them. I dunno what it is like for wardens because I have yet to play one. But my main reason why this is a bad idea is how stupid of a process the above becomes and the fact that we have to do it in the first place is proof positive. Lastly, how many people are going to create new characters just to grind out these rewards one after another? Filled up your slots? No problem, delete a grind dummy after transfering to your main and then keep going! Make the rewards retroactive or you are going to completely upset the balance in the zones.

    I happen to be a veteran player that started on day 1 of launch when a sub was required.

    Plz do NOT lump all veteran players into your category!!!!

    I personally have no issues buying an extra character slot to get all the level up rewards at least once, and if I didn't then I could find a toon to delete.

    If YOU don't want to that's fine, it's your choice. This has been known for a long time though and personally I have no issues with it.

    So again to sum up, stop lumping everyone into your opinion as some of us can speak for ourselves.
  • jimmulvaney
    Kwik1 wrote: »

    So again, to sum up, stop lumping everyone into your opinion as some of us can speak for ourselves.

    Understood. I speak mainly for the 57% of people who agree it should be retroactive; according to a poll in General Discussion. I am just saying it is a very real possibility as I know people who already plan on doing it and have personally encountered it in the past myself. Everyone knows that Dolmens are the best place to grind, especially if there is an undead area nearby. I have to ask though why anyone would want to play through any of the content all over again. It is not particularly good, not particularly bad either, and how many veterans are going to just skip past all the dialog and go from point a to point b then back to point a? Know what I mean? Personally, I think it is a pointless roadblock for veteran players to get something they have already, most definitely, earned. BTW, it has only been "known for a long time" to people who follow the PTS and or Forums, but for people on Reddit and Youtube this is all only coming out just now.

    Edited by jimmulvaney on 3 February 2018 17:26
  • basketcaseNZ
    I'm excited for all this new stuff, but I was wondering if they'll be any new general Options to customise one's playing preferences. In particular, as a guy who uses a shield there's one thing I'd love to be able to toggle off.
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