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Random Dungeon Event: Tanks, DPS, & Healers, Know Your Taunts

With the Random Dungeon Event coming up in 5 days Nov 30th -Dec 6th, this is a handy reminder of which taunts are available in the game. I main a tank and often see players using taunts when they didn't mean to or didn't know it was a taunt. So do us all a favor and review the taunts available in game. Note: All actual taunts in game are single-target.


Puncture, One Handed and Shield skill line.
Melee Taunt
Cost: Stamina
Thrust your weapon with disciplined precision to deal [x] Physical Damage and taunting them to attack you for 15 seconds. Also afflicts enemy with Major Fracture, reducing Physical Resistance by [y] for 12 seconds.
Morphs: Pierce Armor (provides Major Fracture and Major Breach), Ransack (provides Major Fracture and Major Resolve)

Inner Fire, Undaunted skill line
Ranged Taunt
Cost: Magicka, can morph to Stamina
Ignite the fires of hate in an enemy's heart, dealing [x] Magic Damage and forcing them to attack you for 15 seconds. Grants a 15% chance that allies targeting this enemy can activate the Radiate synergy, dealing [y] Magic Damage to a target enemy over 2 seconds, and then causing the target to explode for [z] Magic Damage to all nearby enemies
Morphs: Inner Rage (magicka + increased synergy chance), Inner Beast (stamina, reduced cost, scales with max stamina and weapon damage)

Frost Staff Heavy Attack with Tri-Focus, Destruction Staff Passive
Ranged Taunt
Cost: None
Tri Focus I: Gain bonus effects based on your staff type: Fully-charged Flame Heavy Attacks deal 6% additional damage. Shock Heavy Attacks damage nearby enemies for 50% of the damage done. Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 350 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking costs Magicka instead of Stamina.
Tri Focus II: Gain bonus effects based on your staff type: Fully-charged Flame Heavy Attacks deal 12% additional damage. Shock Heavy Attacks damage nearby enemies for 100% of the damage done. Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 699 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking costs Magicka instead of Stamina.

Tormentor Set, dropped gear set from Banished Cells
Ranged/Melee Taunt
(5 items) When you deal damage with a Charge ability, you gain 3642 Physical and Spell Resistance and taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds.
Issues: if the charge ability has an aoe effect, the taunt is only applied to the primary target.

Honorable Mention
Clannfear, Sorcerer skill
I can’t find any information on whether or not this pet actually has a taunt for certain. According to semi-recent threads, it’s pretty reliable at picking up aggro when soloing, but shouldn’t be able to override or interfere with a tank who is taunting properly.

So why does this matter?
Tanks, you should be using a taunt. DPS & Healers, you should NOT be using a taunt.

Tanks, I hear you now. But I don’t wanna slot a taunt!!!
Buck up, buttercup! Slot a taunt. Your amazing DPS isn’t going to keep the boss focused on you. Your taunt is. Oh, and as long as you are the only one taunting the boss, you can’t overtaunt. So taunt away! If you have to imagine that your taunt is actually you screaming insults at the boss when you use the taunt, go for it. My go-to tanking phrase is yelling at the boss “Pay attention to ME!”

DPS & Healers, I hear you now. But I wanna puncture/inner fire/frost staff heavy attack/tormentor charge attack!!!
Don’t. Please don’t. Why? See, if more than one person taunts the boss, the boss gets a period of taunt immunity. So while your tank would very much like to re-taunt the boss to keep him from smashing you into paste, your tank can’t, because you taunted the boss. You taunt it, you tank it. So don’t use a taunt.

Tanks, know your taunts and use them appropriately.
DPS & Healers, know the taunts and don’t use them.
Remember, if you taunt it, you tank it. Taunt like you mean it.
  • TheDarkShadow
    1 box/1 character/day is a bad idea. I only have 1 main character for dungeon, others are roleplay characters or crafter, with only basic skills unlocked. Now I have to dust them off, staple whatever gear I have on them, and then queue for random normal. I expect a lots of people yelling and kicking me next week. I don't want to be "that guy", but ZOS kind of force me to. I mean... pets, mounts, costumes, and even house from the box. Who would want to miss a chance.
  • Girl_Number8
    I'm a dps marked as a healer I don't have 13hrs to wait for a q. :smiley: So I heal by killing everything in front of them. :*

    jj or....?
    Edited by Girl_Number8 on 25 November 2017 19:55
  • Acrolas
    1 box/1 character/day is a bad idea. I only have 1 main character for dungeon, others are roleplay characters or crafter, with only basic skills unlocked. Now I have to dust them off, staple whatever gear I have on them, and then queue for random normal. I expect a lots of people yelling and kicking me next week. I don't want to be "that guy", but ZOS kind of force me to. I mean... pets, mounts, costumes, and even house from the box. Who would want to miss a chance.

    It's going stressful if you think too much about it. So instead of thinking too much, just have fun.

    A lot of normal dungeons can be soloed. And everybody has to realize going in, there are going to be a lot of noobs. And that's okay. This is as much a learning experience as it is a reward event. So long as people don't sit down inside and expect to be carried without doing anything, I'm good.

    And unless your character is already designed to be a tank, choose either damage or healing and then do that one task to the best of your ability. Good habits regardless of level or experience. Pick one role and roll with it.

    Also, don't immediately run off to change characters to run another random. Five seconds saying 'thank you' and 'great job' goes a long way toward making others who may be equally as nervous feel less nervous.
    signing off
  • Cadbury
    I'm a dps marked as a healer I don't have 13hrs to wait for a q. :smiley: So I heal by killing everything in front of them. :*

    jj or....?


    jk :p

    But in all seriousness, I try to follow the "rhythm" of the group. if it's an easy dungeon I'll push to go faster but if it looks like things are going south I'll slow it down. But if I get in a speedy group, then it's Sanic time. But yeah, I personally wouldn't kick ya.

    I think I'll form a group of guildies to run with for the event
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Myyth
    You don't need to taunt if your doing regular dungeons. A healer could solo them.

    Just slot all dps skills and burn through it as fast as possible.
    Edited by Myyth on 25 November 2017 20:52
  • Shardan4968
    I will use my guildmates who didn't bought dlc dungeons and It's gonna be a good and chill time.
  • MehrunesFlagon
    Healers better be using spc. There is not substitute.
  • Sordidfairytale
    The Twilight Matriarch does a decent job of pulling aggro from a trash tank as well.
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • Liofa
    It is kinda sad that this actually contains info that is new to A LOT of players , even the high CP ones . It's like one of those signs that says ''don't eat the plastic'' . Well , I guess it is pretty normal since the tutorials of ESO are really bad and doesn't actually teach something to a new player .

    I appreciate the effort you put into this . I hope a lot of players will read it :)
  • Oakmontowls_ESO
    Healers better be using spc. There is not substitute.

    I'd settle for healers that heal for more than surge. I was in a vWGT pug that couldn't get passed the planar inhibitor cause the healer couldn't out heal the pinion damage. In looking at combat metrics, the only heals they used was combat prayer and ritual of retribution. The heals i was getting from surge vastly overshadowed everything i was getting from the "healer"
  • MakeMeUhSamich
    With the Random Dungeon Event coming up in 5 days Nov 30th -Dec 6th, this is a handy reminder of which taunts are available in the game. I main a tank and often see players using taunts when they didn't mean to or didn't know it was a taunt. So do us all a favor and review the taunts available in game. Note: All actual taunts in game are single-target.


    Puncture, One Handed and Shield skill line.
    Melee Taunt
    Cost: Stamina
    Thrust your weapon with disciplined precision to deal [x] Physical Damage and taunting them to attack you for 15 seconds. Also afflicts enemy with Major Fracture, reducing Physical Resistance by [y] for 12 seconds.
    Morphs: Pierce Armor (provides Major Fracture and Major Breach), Ransack (provides Major Fracture and Major Resolve)

    Inner Fire, Undaunted skill line
    Ranged Taunt
    Cost: Magicka, can morph to Stamina
    Ignite the fires of hate in an enemy's heart, dealing [x] Magic Damage and forcing them to attack you for 15 seconds. Grants a 15% chance that allies targeting this enemy can activate the Radiate synergy, dealing [y] Magic Damage to a target enemy over 2 seconds, and then causing the target to explode for [z] Magic Damage to all nearby enemies
    Morphs: Inner Rage (magicka + increased synergy chance), Inner Beast (stamina, reduced cost, scales with max stamina and weapon damage)

    Frost Staff Heavy Attack with Tri-Focus, Destruction Staff Passive
    Ranged Taunt
    Cost: None
    Tri Focus I: Gain bonus effects based on your staff type: Fully-charged Flame Heavy Attacks deal 6% additional damage. Shock Heavy Attacks damage nearby enemies for 50% of the damage done. Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 350 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking costs Magicka instead of Stamina.
    Tri Focus II: Gain bonus effects based on your staff type: Fully-charged Flame Heavy Attacks deal 12% additional damage. Shock Heavy Attacks damage nearby enemies for 100% of the damage done. Fully-charged Frost Heavy Attacks taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds and grant a damage shield that absorbs 699 damage. While a Frost Staff is equipped, blocking costs Magicka instead of Stamina.

    Tormentor Set, dropped gear set from Banished Cells
    Ranged/Melee Taunt
    (5 items) When you deal damage with a Charge ability, you gain 3642 Physical and Spell Resistance and taunt the enemy to attack you for 15 seconds.
    Issues: if the charge ability has an aoe effect, the taunt is only applied to the primary target.

    Honorable Mention
    Clannfear, Sorcerer skill
    I can’t find any information on whether or not this pet actually has a taunt for certain. According to semi-recent threads, it’s pretty reliable at picking up aggro when soloing, but shouldn’t be able to override or interfere with a tank who is taunting properly.

    So why does this matter?
    Tanks, you should be using a taunt. DPS & Healers, you should NOT be using a taunt.

    Tanks, I hear you now. But I don’t wanna slot a taunt!!!
    Buck up, buttercup! Slot a taunt. Your amazing DPS isn’t going to keep the boss focused on you. Your taunt is. Oh, and as long as you are the only one taunting the boss, you can’t overtaunt. So taunt away! If you have to imagine that your taunt is actually you screaming insults at the boss when you use the taunt, go for it. My go-to tanking phrase is yelling at the boss “Pay attention to ME!”

    DPS & Healers, I hear you now. But I wanna puncture/inner fire/frost staff heavy attack/tormentor charge attack!!!
    Don’t. Please don’t. Why? See, if more than one person taunts the boss, the boss gets a period of taunt immunity. So while your tank would very much like to re-taunt the boss to keep him from smashing you into paste, your tank can’t, because you taunted the boss. You taunt it, you tank it. So don’t use a taunt.

    Tanks, know your taunts and use them appropriately.
    DPS & Healers, know the taunts and don’t use them.
    Remember, if you taunt it, you tank it. Taunt like you mean it.

    Actually, I thought you COULD over-taunt an enemy and lose aggro. Did this change?

    BTW-Great tips, OP!
  • VaranisArano
    Actually, I thought you COULD over-taunt an enemy and lose aggro. Did this change?

    BTW-Great tips, OP!

    On this thread, one of the Community Ambassadors says that there is no overtaunt (as long as only one person is taunting).

    Now if more than one person is taunting, the boss gets a short period of taunt immunity.

  • MakeMeUhSamich
    Actually, I thought you COULD over-taunt an enemy and lose aggro. Did this change?

    BTW-Great tips, OP!

    On this thread, one of the Community Ambassadors says that there is no overtaunt (as long as only one person is taunting).

    Now if more than one person is taunting, the boss gets a short period of taunt immunity.

    Good to know. Thanks!
  • Linaleah
    Healers better be using spc. There is not substitute.

    on normal? seriously? right, I'm going to go right now, farming white gold tower for some spellpower cure on my lvl 20 alts. just as soon as I finish ironing my socks.

    but seriously its not even bloody necessary for vet dungeons, let alone normals. its an awesome set, don't get me wrong, but if you absolutely positively require your healer to use spell power cure? maybe you are the one you needs to l2p
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Ackwalan
    And if you have lots of experience with these dungeons, just don't speed race them down.
  • Sixty5
    If only there was an option to solo the random normal each day.

    That'd be the dream.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Hanokihs
    Apologies in advance; I've only got 5 dungeon-ready characters, so this is gonna suck for some of the PUGs I get sorted into.

    This is a stupid event/promotion design. Why make players feel forced into uncomfortable and annoying situations? People already have such a low opinion of using the group finder... This is only going to make it worse.

    It's not going to stop me from trying to get free loot. But it's not going to be much of a fun ride. :angry:
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
  • Meld777
    DPS & Healers, I hear you now.

    But I like weaving Inner Fire. Most OP stuff ever.
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • Mureel
    Healers better be using spc. There is not substitute.

    I'd settle for healers that heal for more than surge. I was in a vWGT pug that couldn't get passed the planar inhibitor cause the healer couldn't out heal the pinion damage. In looking at combat metrics, the only heals they used was combat prayer and ritual of retribution. The heals i was getting from surge vastly overshadowed everything i was getting from the "healer"

    Pugs shouldn’t be ‘holding the pinion’ anyway. Unless the dps is good, you need to take turns on pinion. Best is healer and tank swap pin, dps does guess what?

    I think if you’re in a pug holding pinion you need to l2p.
  • Zimbugga
    I hope everybody will read this. I hate to always say groupdmates about Frost staff's heavy attack...
  • Mureel
    Healers better be using spc. There is not substitute.

    I guarantee I’ll outheal and outbuff/debuff and provide more resources than *most* healers using spc any damn day.

    SPC is only as good as the healer using it, spefically their regen also, so they can keep all overhealed for the proc to be up.

    A lot of healers think spc is all they need.

    No. They need to actually use skills other than ritual and mutagen.

    Also combat prayer is an excellent spammable area heal with 8% damage buff. (For the poster who complained about it)


  • raj72616a
    what random dungeon event?
  • SpearDusk
    Got my 3 tanks and 3 healers all geared up and ready to go :p
  • Gargath
    MagSorc with Frost Staff Heavy Attack, Ranged Taunt at no Cost! - my favourite so far, much over Puncture which needs stamina. Just stay in place and do HA each few seconds, while geting a strong shields with each taunt:
    - shield from the Staff with infused trait and Glyph of Hardening - approx. 6k
    - shield from Tri Focus II - approx 4k
    - Additional shield from Bone Shield on stamina - approx 20k
    The only disadvantage is, it gets boring in time, especially if doing activity with low DPSers :).
    Plus we get 20k instant healing from Unstable Clannfear (when having up to 60k base health from wearing 2 best tanky heavy armors giving max health).

    An advice for groupies, when you see a Bone Shield synergy - hit the key!
    Edited by Gargath on 26 November 2017 11:14
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Nifty2g
    Mureel wrote: »
    Healers better be using spc. There is not substitute.

    I guarantee I’ll outheal and outbuff/debuff and provide more resources than *most* healers using spc any damn day.

    SPC is only as good as the healer using it, spefically their regen also, so they can keep all overhealed for the proc to be up.

    A lot of healers think spc is all they need.

    No. They need to actually use skills other than ritual and mutagen.

    Also combat prayer is an excellent spammable area heal with 8% damage buff. (For the poster who complained about it)

    What do you mean, where are you going to get 250 spell damage from that SPC offers to outbuff that lol
  • Jade1986
    1 box/1 character/day is a bad idea. I only have 1 main character for dungeon, others are roleplay characters or crafter, with only basic skills unlocked. Now I have to dust them off, staple whatever gear I have on them, and then queue for random normal. I expect a lots of people yelling and kicking me next week. I don't want to be "that guy", but ZOS kind of force me to. I mean... pets, mounts, costumes, and even house from the box. Who would want to miss a chance.

    You dont have to do dungeons for the boxes.....the dungeons are for prizes not related to the free scam crates. All you have to do is quest and kill monsters, npcs or bosses. And if its anything like the last crate give away, you get one box PER day, regardless of toon. You will not get 27 boxes per day if you log in with 27 characters.
  • Jade1986
    I'm a dps marked as a healer I don't have 13hrs to wait for a q. :smiley: So I heal by killing everything in front of them. :*

    jj or....?

    Depends on the dungeon, if its a dlc dungeon, you are a goner, I will not tolerate that nonsense. If its a base game low level dungeon, its whatever. But you should expect to get kicked if there are 3 other low levels in there relying on proper roles to do their jobs. Also, 6 of my 8 toons are dps, and i never wait more than 2-5 minutes for a dungeon.....
    Edited by Jade1986 on 26 November 2017 11:27
  • T4T2FR34K
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    If only there was an option to solo the random normal each day.

    That'd be the dream.

    Cant you just walk up to it and enter...
  • Blackbird_V
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    If only there was an option to solo the random normal each day.

    That'd be the dream.

    Cant you just walk up to it and enter...

    He said solo random, so clearly that way he can solo it and get undaunted rewards. The enter manually will not award you anything.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Gargath
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    If only there was an option to solo the random normal each day.

    That'd be the dream.

    Cant you just walk up to it and enter...

    I'm affraid it is not considered as "random", no exp reward.
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
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