Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

WRONG FEEDBACK SOURCE Streamers don't represent most players

  • willlienellson
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Also, I think it's pretty crappy how mod and addon authors are always left out in the cold and treated sort of like second class citizens next to their PR pets. They are seemingly just taken for granted for the most part.

    We are expected to fix bugs and generate value for the company for free. We don't even get crown perks or community picks for some meaningless title or anything. Fine whatever, I do it as a hobby. But so do streamers. Yet streamers get big time sponsorship and MONEY for THEIR hobby.

    I'd be lucky to make enough in donations to pay my monthly sub.

    This is what I don't get.

    In all honesty if Deltia et al never made another video it would not diminish my game fun one bit, and I am not being disrespectful by that.

    But without the UI Modders this game would be borderline unplayable, and my game fun would very much be diminished.

    All The Best

    I agree with you guys about including Modders, but honestly, I don't think FOCUSING on feedback from either of this tiny groups is healthy.

    I don't see why we should be okay with Zos ignoring hundreds and thousands of people complaining about the same things to focus on the feedback of a half a dozen streamers.....or a half a dozen modders.

    But more inclusion is better than less. So, adding the modders to the streamers would be a step in the right direction.

  • cpuScientist
    Need an lol button again
  • Joy_Division
    Gimme a break. I suppose you think that you represent the majority of the player base. You do not have any more clue than how other people play this game beyond me, Sypher, or the other PvPers you think exploit, cheat, and don't bother fighting each other.

    Do you think the majority of people suck or, how did you put it, "rarely utilizing abilities to their maximum effectiveness"?

    The very fact that you think the game is balanced toward the top 1% is beyond ridiculous.
  • makeumrage
    So good to see theyve brought people who FULLY understand game mechanics to help them learn and grow. Perfect audience and perfect idea. Also addons developers have no place being invited. As they are totally useless to 2/3 of this game.
  • Heroeric1337
    Although I could be wrong, im pretty sure they have the streamers there to display and advertise what they have in the works...If they wanted feedback on changes to be made to the game, they wouldn't spend the money to have them over for something that could be resolved with simple communication
  • willlienellson
    Gimme a break. I suppose you think that you represent the majority of the player base.
    You supposed wrong. And nothing I wrote even remotely suggests so.

    But I think if Zos is using company resources to collect feedback from a half dozen game streamers while they simultaneously roundly ignore most player feedback, it's a problem.

    [Edit to remove insulting content]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on 7 February 2017 01:09
  • LrdRahvin
    LrdRahvin wrote: »
    I was part of the invite only Psijic Order alpha server that had several really big guilds in other games brough on to test stuff pre-pre-launch and I can confirm it wouldn't matter at all. ZOS doesn't pay any more attention to invited testers than they do to the forums.

    This is all just PR and playerbase placating.
    Although I could be wrong, im pretty sure they have the streamers there to display and advertise what they have in the works...If they wanted feedback on changes to be made to the game, they wouldn't spend the money to have them over for something that could be resolved with simple communication

    See above and you are correct.
    Edited by LrdRahvin on 7 February 2017 00:58
  • Solariken
    While your premise may be solid and I may share your concerns OP, let's remember that at the end of the day this is simply a calculated PR activity - I'm willing to bet that it's less about choosing players with the most valuable feedback potential and much more about choosing players with the biggest following/platform via which ZOS can show that they are making efforts to connect with the community.
  • Bislobo
    Meting with players to get feedback is always a step in the right direction. Streamers play the game a lot, so they are a good source of information.
    Redguard Dragonknight - Bislobo
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    Imperial Templar - Bíslobo
    Altmer Sorcerer - Bisløbo
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I honestly do not know what exactly they are giving feedback on so I can't really judge . I assume Warden because they mentioned "Theory Crafter" in Ginas post and I'm almost sure they would like to see what that class can and can't do . Any of Us could give feedback on Battlefields .

    While I don't disagree with all of your post and am putting judgement of past arguments on other subjects aside , I don't think those players at ZoS need to lumped in with a cheating post . They just don't deserve that . FENGRUSH is very critical of ZoS whether you like him or not and helped shed light on cheating last year . I don't think Deltia can be lumped in as a Elitist as he is very helpful with people and I don't know much about Sypher so won't make a assumption but he has never struck me as someone negative .

    Anyways this is not the first time ZoS has asked for player help as SirAndy mentioned and I really think it's more of a PR move to be more inclusive with the community , which I actually like . I wish them the very best while there and hope they bring their A game to the table . I just want to focus on the positive of this . Still , I respect your opinion .
  • bitels
    Maybe ZoS would not do that if every feedback thread wasnt made of 99% useless insluts and QQ posts and only 1% that are well thought and constructive opinions about changes.

    Also- it isnt like they wont give us all chance to test things on PTS before realese, so maybe just chill
  • Tapio75
    Couple of streamers are not my representatives. I have watched few of those and they do not really represent my wievs at all.

    Community representatives should be selected by community in game vote like in EVE online, that way there should be sufficient number of people from all around the game.
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Sypher
    People keep jumping to conclusions that everyone invited is a streamer. When in reality I'm pretty sure most are just active community members and long time players who actively partake in feedback and testing.

    DC Dragonknight 'Sypher - AD Nightblade Sypher Ali - AD Sorcerer Sypher Sensei - EP Sorcerer Sypharian - DC Templar Ali Sypher

  • Balamoor
    Who cares game is already in the poop anything they add won't take away or help

    Yeah that's why it keeps winning mmo of the year and is packed all the time, and that's why the dev team (if you look at the jobs board is still expanding exponentially) and that's why it gets such favorable press from most legitimate news sites.

    But the oracle of all gaming knowledge FloppyTouch says it is poop so poop it must be.

    Edited by Balamoor on 7 February 2017 01:22
  • Oompuh
    The fact of that matter is they have Streamers, Youtubers, Hardcore PvE'rs like members of Hodor and Mundus, and PvPr's and other notable names. They know their names, we know their names, they're not just gonna ask random people who play their game to COME ON DOWN like this is the Price is Right or something.

    Should they of invited you? The roleplayer in riften playing his lute naked? Or people from different sides of the game who talk to the community from within Twitch, Twitter, and Youtube? Top raiding guilds? Nah, what do they know.
    Edited by Oompuh on 7 February 2017 01:26
    Xbox NA - Oompa
    Khajiit DK Tank
    Founder of Major Aegis
    Main Tank of Dissonant Crusade Uprising Savages
  • LrdRahvin
    Balamoor wrote: »
    Who cares game is already in the poop anything they add won't take away or help

    Yeah that's why it keeps winning mmo of the year and is packed all the time, and that's why the dev team (if you look at the jobs board is still expanding exponentially) and that's why it gets such favorable press from most legitimate news sites.

    But the oracle of all gaming knowledge FloppyTouch says it is poop so poop it must be.


    It's poop ;)
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Just what we need people with personal agendas, speaking for the player base not a good idea, might as well bring in some cheaters and exploiters as well to speak for us, this is a fail on so many levels :(
  • Mojmir
    Sypher wrote: »
    People keep jumping to conclusions that everyone invited is a streamer. When in reality I'm pretty sure most are just active community members and long time players who actively partake in feedback and testing.


    This sounds scripted, are you sure your not a hostage?
  • Sypher
    Mojmir wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    People keep jumping to conclusions that everyone invited is a streamer. When in reality I'm pretty sure most are just active community members and long time players who actively partake in feedback and testing.


    This sounds scripted, are you sure your not a hostage?

    *blinks twice*

    send help
    DC Dragonknight 'Sypher - AD Nightblade Sypher Ali - AD Sorcerer Sypher Sensei - EP Sorcerer Sypharian - DC Templar Ali Sypher

  • LrdRahvin
    Mojmir wrote: »
    Sypher wrote: »
    People keep jumping to conclusions that everyone invited is a streamer. When in reality I'm pretty sure most are just active community members and long time players who actively partake in feedback and testing.


    This sounds scripted, are you sure your not a hostage?

    Dnes pleh esaelp a dnoces emit!!!
  • thankyourat
    Shouldn't ZoS balance the game around the best players though. Why would they use players who don't know how to maximize builds and abilities to their full potential to balance the game. That just makes the game more unbalanced because most of the time these players don't understan how the classes are designed to function.
  • LrdRahvin
    because most of the time these players don't understan how the classes are designed to function.

    Neither does Wrobel.

    Your point?
  • Rex-Umbra
    Calm down man.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • arkansas_ESO
    I'm cool with Fengrush and Sypher representing me, I know what they want from ESO is very similar to what I want

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • thankyourat
    LrdRahvin wrote: »
    because most of the time these players don't understan how the classes are designed to function.

    Neither does Wrobel.

    Your point?

    Wrobel had to understand he designed the classes they function how he wants then to. Is it always the most balanced? No. But it's his decision. And my point is if we think wrobel doesn't understand the classes why bring in more people who don't understand to help him. Why not bring in people who actually know how to play the game?
  • Cadbury
    Eh, it's just like politics.

    The representatives get appointed to speak on your behalf. They just hope past scandals don't get brought up.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • LeifErickson
    You literally have no idea what you are talking about.
  • LrdRahvin
    LrdRahvin wrote: »
    because most of the time these players don't understan how the classes are designed to function.

    Neither does Wrobel.

    Your point?

    Wrobel had to understand he designed the classes they function how he wants then to. Is it always the most balanced? No. But it's his decision. And my point is if we think wrobel doesn't understand the classes why bring in more people who don't understand to help him. Why not bring in people who actually know how to play the game?

    Actually the classes were designed by a Dev who hasn't been with ZOS for quite some time, NOT Wrobel.

    I understand your point though...I still take exception to automatically equating streamers and/or high profile players with "best". :)
    Edited by LrdRahvin on 7 February 2017 01:58
  • Hand_Bacon
    I generally trust them to do a good job at whatever it is they are doing.

    The great trap is that the 1% have a habit of working only for the 1% instead of a focus on raising the middle to be more competitive with the 1%. If there is only 1% that truly understands how classes should function, then that needs to be translated into a better experience which educates the average user. That seems to fly in the face of convention as who would want to invite a more difficult experience or make it more difficult to be that 1%. As a long time athletics coach I can tell you that those world class athletes I met, who wanted to be the best, always invited the most difficult competitive situation and competitors. If e-sports, etc, wants to be respected as anything other than those who game a game, they must embrace the same attitude. I hope this group will take this approach. I think, from what I've seen, that they have the character to do so.

  • Gallifreyy
    Hmmm sounds more like an L2P issue to me. Besides i wouldn't want some forum warrior that barely knows how to heavy attack talking to ZOS about how to improve the state of the game. You have to realize that majority of the player base barely knows simple game mechanics let alone their left to their right.
    Gallifreyy - DragonKnight - Imperial - EP
    Death by Tray - Nightblade - Dunmer - EP
    Moustacheasaurs - Templar - Dunmer - EP
    Zerief - Sorcerer - High Elf - EP
    Afro Leap - DragonKnight - Redguard - DC
    + 4 other Lvl 50s
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