Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Anyone else has ESO Plus removed today?

  • FleetwoodSmack
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.

    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.

    I have, and it's not an assumption. Any legitimate business would keep their customers updated when their account info like that is changed. Stop feeding excuses because that's what creates terribad service from companies.

    Then again "Welcome back to the forums" for Matt Firor, I suppose I can't expect anything less from this thing. ;)
    Edited by FleetwoodSmack on 19 January 2017 16:37
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Enodoc
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.
    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.
    I have, and it's not an assumption. Any legitimate business would keep their customers updated when their account info like that is changed. Stop feeding excuses because that's what creates terribad service from companies.

    Then again "Welcome back to the forums" for Matt Frior, I suppose I can't expect anything less from this thing. ;)
    What do you want them to say? "It's still bugged and we're still working on it" is implicit if they don't say anything, and saying it anyway is no more use than saying nothing.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • MikanPachi
    Soul Shriven
    Hi guys, apologies for the late update on this. Unfortunately the fix we had in testing yesterday did not completely resolve the issue, so we're continuing to work on it today. At this time, the earliest we could have a fix ready is this afternoon.

    If you have linked your Steam account to an existing ESO account, you could try playing through the regular PC client and still see your ESO Plus benefits.

    We'll keep you updated on the progress today.

    Thanks for the update, Gina, but please be aware that some users (myself included) are unable to play the game through the "regular PC client". So this means that some of us are still in the same fix as yesterday.

    Yep, totally understand. We're working hard to get it fixed ASAP!

    does this mean you'll also fix my issue where my account says

    Active - Trial

    when I paid for a 30 day renewed subscription on the 6th? This is 2 days of my PAID sub i've lost so far!
  • FleetwoodSmack
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.
    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.
    I have, and it's not an assumption. Any legitimate business would keep their customers updated when their account info like that is changed. Stop feeding excuses because that's what creates terribad service from companies.

    Then again "Welcome back to the forums" for Matt Frior, I suppose I can't expect anything less from this thing. ;)
    What do you want them to say? "It's still bugged and we're still working on it" is implicit if they don't say anything, and saying it anyway is no more use than saying nothing.

    I expect them to be transparent when dealing with our accounts like that in such a manner, without any warning or word. People don't visit the forums. The splash didn't appear for me (and others) in regards to Steam being affected in this way. I had to explain it to tons of people IN GAME supposedly when the splash went out, before and after. What are people supposed to think? You can't expect people to visit the forums. You can't expect people to spread things through word of mouth. All I'm saying; Defending terribad situations when they should know better is terribad. Don't be terribad.
    Edited by FleetwoodSmack on 19 January 2017 16:48
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Lord_Ninka
    Guys, please. Let's save the fighting for cyrodiil, eh? :)

    @ZOS_GinaBruno May I suggest you make a sticky post reassuring everyone that you are on it and maybe some info on the workaround? I only found this thread because some helpful fellow linked it, and it seems to me like important information that concerns quite a lot of your customers. Just a thought!
    Edited by Lord_Ninka on 19 January 2017 17:14
  • Squeezoid
    another day and no fix yet?.. cmon and here i was thinking that since is a problem afecting THE MONTHLY PAYING costumers that was something that was going to get fixed fast...well i guess i need more cosmetic items and crown crap.. oh
    The aliens are coming for me!! They're gonna use my butt for stuff! SQUEE!!!!!!!!! ~
  • Untidy1
    The workarounds that people keep repeating in here simply don't work for everyone. I'm in the unfortunate position of having convinced a couple of friends to join me in the game just a couple of weeks ago. I have egg on my face now. They're heavily into crafting, unlike me, so the sudden loss of the bag has created real frustration for them.

    We've all tried the various workarounds and none of them work, I suspect it's because we all bought the game through Steam (though I bought it last summer) and downloaded that version and have been playing it that way since, so we never used the older launcher from before the Steam integration.

    I did find a workaround that almost works for me, but it's extreme. I went to my ESO account page and downloaded the full version of the game. Now, if I launch it from their launcher, I get my craft bag unlocked. Unfortunately, there's an odd bug where the view spins slowly in game unless I wiggle the mouse a bit to find the sweet spot where it will sit still, and then leave it untouched. I haven't figured out how to stop that yet, so the game is still unplayable for me, but I'm sure there's some fix for that issue. I asked my friends to try the same fix, but neither of them can see the "Download Game" button next to the "Manage Account" button like I can, so there's something different going on for them, too. It's a mess.

    Luckily we all purchased our subs recently, so we're still within the window where we can simply contact our credit card companies and get that money refunded if this isn't resolved soon. We can easily show that we're not getting what we paid for. We've already cancelled our subs, but that just means they can't automatically charge us for another term.
  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.

    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.

    I have, and it's not an assumption. Any legitimate business would keep their customers updated when their account info like that is changed. Stop feeding excuses because that's what creates terribad service from companies.

    Then again "Welcome back to the forums" for Matt Firor, I suppose I can't expect anything less from this thing. ;)

    OK then how about readjusting your expectations to a more realistic level? If it's not fixed yet, it's not fixed yet. It not like they can hit the easy button and magically it's fixed. I get it, you're upset you can't play but try not letting your emotions get in the way of common sense. Also realize it's a game we're talking about here. No one's health or safety is in danger. A broken game login does not equate to heads will roll catastrophe levels. Jesus.

    It's nice that you assume that I'm saying that. I'm not. It's called being transparent. As for "No one's health or safety is in danger"; apparently you're not affected. Apparently it's not okay to be concerned about our accounts being meddled with when we didn't ask for it, nor have the transparency to tell people a work around through a forced popup message that reaches everyone through the launcher. That's what's NOT happening. So in order for you to tell me to be realistic, you have to tell THEM to be realistic. Practice what you preach before you preach it.

    Put it into action, chief.

    You don't have to be a chef to know your food's raw Kodrac. Neither do you have to be tech support to know your service is poor. A good-sized portion of the playerbase does not use the forums whatsoever, with quite a few, like myself, having inactivated accounts at one point or another.

    Surely you'd expect a little more forthrightness from any company on such an unexpected, wide ranging issue with a core component of their service, right? Or do you expect them to only accommodate forum jockeys like us? And even then only sparingly.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    We've removed a few posts that threatened to derail this topic. We understand this is frustrating for everyone affected, please don't direct that frustration at other members of the community.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • MikanPachi
    Soul Shriven
    Untidy1 wrote: »
    The workarounds that people keep repeating in here simply don't work for everyone. I'm in the unfortunate position of having convinced a couple of friends to join me in the game just a couple of weeks ago. I have egg on my face now. They're heavily into crafting, unlike me, so the sudden loss of the bag has created real frustration for them.

    We've all tried the various workarounds and none of them work, I suspect it's because we all bought the game through Steam (though I bought it last summer) and downloaded that version and have been playing it that way since, so we never used the older launcher from before the Steam integration.

    I did find a workaround that almost works for me, but it's extreme. I went to my ESO account page and downloaded the full version of the game. Now, if I launch it from their launcher, I get my craft bag unlocked. Unfortunately, there's an odd bug where the view spins slowly in game unless I wiggle the mouse a bit to find the sweet spot where it will sit still, and then leave it untouched. I haven't figured out how to stop that yet, so the game is still unplayable for me, but I'm sure there's some fix for that issue. I asked my friends to try the same fix, but neither of them can see the "Download Game" button next to the "Manage Account" button like I can, so there's something different going on for them, too. It's a mess.

    Luckily we all purchased our subs recently, so we're still within the window where we can simply contact our credit card companies and get that money refunded if this isn't resolved soon. We can easily show that we're not getting what we paid for. We've already cancelled our subs, but that just means they can't automatically charge us for another term.

    Agreed. I cannot use the workarounds since my account claims my account status is "Active - Trial" when I PAID for a 30 day renewable sub on the 6th. I contacted support and after getting a auto response from Chet, I had to poke the ticket with a stick and got a reply from Derek that they are investigating and will update accordingly.

    I really enjoy this game and want to keep subbing, but if I don't get my subscriber status back sometime this week, OR i'm not compensated for the days I lost of sub status I won't renew.
  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.

    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.

    I have, and it's not an assumption. Any legitimate business would keep their customers updated when their account info like that is changed. Stop feeding excuses because that's what creates terribad service from companies.

    Then again "Welcome back to the forums" for Matt Firor, I suppose I can't expect anything less from this thing. ;)

    OK then how about readjusting your expectations to a more realistic level? If it's not fixed yet, it's not fixed yet. It not like they can hit the easy button and magically it's fixed. I get it, you're upset you can't play but try not letting your emotions get in the way of common sense. Also realize it's a game we're talking about here. No one's health or safety is in danger. A broken game login does not equate to heads will roll catastrophe levels. Jesus.

    It's nice that you assume that I'm saying that. I'm not. It's called being transparent. As for "No one's health or safety is in danger"; apparently you're not affected. Apparently it's not okay to be concerned about our accounts being meddled with when we didn't ask for it, nor have the transparency to tell people a work around through a forced popup message that reaches everyone through the launcher. That's what's NOT happening. So in order for you to tell me to be realistic, you have to tell THEM to be realistic. Practice what you preach before you preach it.

    Put it into action, chief.

    Back at you, cupcake.

    I'm not the one telling them how to do their jobs. You seem to know better, or at least think you do, so go apply and get paid for it, Otherwise, you're just being irrational for the sake of it. But get your last word in...

    It's not irrationality when there's nothing for those outside of the forum to reference. We have a laughable support ticket system. I shouldn't have to apply somewhere to fix something someone else broke. That's just a silly notion. But cool story, bro.

    Don't break your leg. By the above logic, you're not allowed to go to the Dr to get it fixed, nope, you'll need to train for a medical degree of your own :)

    Excuse the sarcasm, just really hate the notion that people cannot criticise something unless they can do it better themselves

    Seems to me that @IndyWendieGo 's scenario is more analogous to becoming a doctor to set her own broken leg. We expect the doctor to know how to do his job, and not beat around the bush about whether the leg's ACTUALLY broken.

    EDIT: And I've got to say, I absolutely adore your signature.

    "Forget the in-game bosses, or loading screen boss. The true boss to defeat in this game is that of customer service. Many have tried to get an answer, few have succeeded"

    That's a really solid platform to throw snide jabs from.
    Edited by Judas Helviaryn on 19 January 2017 18:03
  • Animusmontus
    Soul Shriven
    So are we going to get our missing days back when they fix this issue? I have 49 days left out of the 180 paid for. No access to ESO-plus
  • FleetwoodSmack
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.

    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.

    I have, and it's not an assumption. Any legitimate business would keep their customers updated when their account info like that is changed. Stop feeding excuses because that's what creates terribad service from companies.

    Then again "Welcome back to the forums" for Matt Firor, I suppose I can't expect anything less from this thing. ;)

    OK then how about readjusting your expectations to a more realistic level? If it's not fixed yet, it's not fixed yet. It not like they can hit the easy button and magically it's fixed. I get it, you're upset you can't play but try not letting your emotions get in the way of common sense. Also realize it's a game we're talking about here. No one's health or safety is in danger. A broken game login does not equate to heads will roll catastrophe levels. Jesus.

    It's nice that you assume that I'm saying that. I'm not. It's called being transparent. As for "No one's health or safety is in danger"; apparently you're not affected. Apparently it's not okay to be concerned about our accounts being meddled with when we didn't ask for it, nor have the transparency to tell people a work around through a forced popup message that reaches everyone through the launcher. That's what's NOT happening. So in order for you to tell me to be realistic, you have to tell THEM to be realistic. Practice what you preach before you preach it.

    Put it into action, chief.

    Back at you, cupcake.

    I'm not the one telling them how to do their jobs. You seem to know better, or at least think you do, so go apply and get paid for it, Otherwise, you're just being irrational for the sake of it. But get your last word in...

    It's not irrationality when there's nothing for those outside of the forum to reference. We have a laughable support ticket system. I shouldn't have to apply somewhere to fix something someone else broke. That's just a silly notion. But cool story, bro.

    Don't break your leg. By the above logic, you're not allowed to go to the Dr to get it fixed, nope, you'll need to train for a medical degree of your own :)

    Excuse the sarcasm, just really hate the notion that people cannot criticise something unless they can do it better themselves

    Seems to me that @IndyWendieGo 's scenario is more analogous to becoming a doctor to set her own broken leg. We expect the doctor to know how to do his job, and not beat around the bush about whether the leg's ACTUALLY broken.

    ^Pretty much this.

    All I was asking for was more transparency as there's a disconnect from the developers to the playerbase. I can fire up the Steam launcher right now and there's no indication that there's a problem with Steam Integration and ESO+ benefits. Assuming people come to the forums 100% of the time shouldn't be a thing. So that's a disconnect.

    We should have also have gotten an update in the thread at the end of the work day saying that a solution wasn't found, didn't work, and that they'd try tomorrow. Keeping us informed. That isn't happening. So there's a disconnect there.

    There's also not a red system message on the forum reporting the outage of ESO+ benefits through Steam Integration. Yet another disconnect within the community hub.

    It's not rocket science. It's not asking for a fix immediately. It's keeping an open channel of dialogue going. Something that we're obviously lacking here, which is why there's frustration.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Delgent
    Kodrac wrote: »
    If this was any other company, people would have gotten fired for that.

    Nice assumption. Funny how customers always think that. Go work in a support field for a few days. Come back when reality sinks in.

    I worked IT for over 20 years before burning out, retiring, and getting a much lower stress job. If we had the same track record coming out of a maintenance period that ZOS does, there's little doubt in my mind that I would have been shown the door before I was vested in the retirement plan. For the bulk of my career, I was in a position where I had to document tech shortcomings so when the time came to invite someone to clean out their desk due to performance, the "but why?" was quickly answered.

    By the way, if we didn't provide regular updates on issues to both management and users, we were called out for it, by both groups. As I progressed through my career, and rose to managing the shop, I knew one of my biggest tasks (and challenges) during an outage was to properly manage the expectations of those who depended on my system to be up and running. In this case, ZOS has gone from "We're testing a fix" yesterday to "hmmmm" today. I learned long ago, be upfront with your customer base if you want them to respect you and the work you're trying to do. Stringing people along with vagaries just increases frustrations.

    I don't play through Steam, so it's not affecting me, but the old Information Systems Manager in me wonders what will go wrong next when the servers come up after maintenance. I really love ESO, but I'm starting to have doubts about it's longevity because of the frequent issues and spotty communication. I am starting to feel a little less like a customer and more like a nuisance to ZOS, and my faith in the company is starting to wane.

    To live for good is to die in the name of honor.
  • Statler
    Soul Shriven
    I figured I'd come home today and this would be fixed. Still a problem? Will we get an update if you all go home tonight without fixing it?
  • InfiniteGamer
    Are we going to be compensated for the lost eso+ time? It blows that I pay monthly for a service that I can't even use. I haven't even bothered playing this week, except to feed my horses. @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • thegreybetween
    Just chiming in to say that I'm also affected. NA/PC, Steam-linked.

    Curious to know if we will be reimbursed for:
    - Days without ESO+ access (given that our countdown is still ticking)
    - Gold/Inspiration/Research time lost within the crafting system (for writs completed, etc) due to the missing bonus. I can definitely attest to the fact that I received less of a payout when turning in writs during this bugged period.

    Not a big deal in any event (assuming the issue is resolved promptly), but as I'm scrambling like a mad Argonian for as much GP as I can harvest before Homestead drops, I really miss that extra 10% :-P
    Brings-the-Rain - Argonian Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact - CP278 (and steadily rising)
    Build: "lolz l2p n00b"
    Master Crafter | Werewolf | Solo PvE (so far) | ESO Plus | NA/PC via Steam

    "Cool rain on your scales, friends."
  • TheImperfect
    I haven't played since this started, my husband texted me at work to tell me so I never logged in hoping it would be fixed quickly. I realise it's probably playable okay by using the direct file link to open the game but would rather wait until it's fixed properly to log in, though I am getting tempted.
  • Decon98b16_ESO
    I had previously posted that I would not post on this topic again. However, since I got the ESO premium member to work without any help from ZOS, I thought it would be the right thing to do and post how I got it to work for me.

    I run the game thru Steam

    I launched the application file labelled Bethesda.net_Launcher

    From the following folder

    This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Zenimax Online > Launcher

    I follow the instructions on login screen with my acct and password ( I received a msg that my computer was not authorized and received an email message with an access code). Placed that in the login screen and logged into one of my toons. I was able to have my ESO premium status show up.

    Hope this helps - shame on ZOS for not posting something like this

    Side note: I have requested a refund from Steam for this game - let's see what happens with that!
    Edited by Decon98b16_ESO on 19 January 2017 19:14
  • Mahabahabtha
    Delgent wrote: »

    I really love ESO, but I'm starting to have doubts about it's longevity because of the frequent issues and spotty communication. I am starting to feel a little less like a customer and more like a nuisance to ZOS, and my faith in the company is starting to wane.

    100% Agree...Last Time my Internet-Provider messed something up, it costs me one call and as a workaround, he delivered via Courier 6 hours later a LTE/UMTS Router with 100 Gigs Traffic on Top. 9 hours later a Technican showed up to check if all Cables in my house were in correct state. 16 hours Later the Problem was solved. The Company says "Keep the Router and the free traffic in case something get mixed up again"...
    I am very pleased with my provider...!!!!!
    Edited by Mahabahabtha on 19 January 2017 18:59
    "In fact, I’ve met more PVEers that are worse at PvE than PvPers."
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We should have also have gotten an update in the thread at the end of the work day saying that a solution wasn't found, didn't work, and that they'd try tomorrow. Keeping us informed. That isn't happening. So there's a disconnect there.

    There's also not a red system message on the forum reporting the outage of ESO+ benefits through Steam Integration. Yet another disconnect within the community hub.

    You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the lack of an update at the end of the day yesterday. We'll also add a banner on the top of our forums to reflect that we're aware of the issue and working on it.

    To give you all an update, we're in the process of validating a new fix for this issue. If everything passes, we'll do our best to get this fix out to you today.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Nhilandra77
    Pc Eu here. Also a steam user. I can confirm I'm also affected by this. Lost all eso plus privileges
  • thegreybetween
    We'll also add a banner on the top of our forums to reflect that we're aware of the issue and working on it.

    That would have prevented me from submitting a support ticket, which is how I was routed to this thread in the first place :-P Even better if this message popped up on the in-client login screen.

    Global announcements that are easy to find whenever there is a broad issue like this are very useful, and I'm sure they must help mitigate a lot of redundant support tickets and thus free up more time for support staff to commit to a fix.

    In any event, I'm glad to have found this thread and have it bookmarked. Please continue to keep us updated on the issue, and best wishes on a swift resolution. Cheers!
    Brings-the-Rain - Argonian Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact - CP278 (and steadily rising)
    Build: "lolz l2p n00b"
    Master Crafter | Werewolf | Solo PvE (so far) | ESO Plus | NA/PC via Steam

    "Cool rain on your scales, friends."
  • FleetwoodSmack
    We should have also have gotten an update in the thread at the end of the work day saying that a solution wasn't found, didn't work, and that they'd try tomorrow. Keeping us informed. That isn't happening. So there's a disconnect there.

    There's also not a red system message on the forum reporting the outage of ESO+ benefits through Steam Integration. Yet another disconnect within the community hub.

    You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the lack of an update at the end of the day yesterday. We'll also add a banner on the top of our forums to reflect that we're aware of the issue and working on it.

    To give you all an update, we're in the process of validating a new fix for this issue. If everything passes, we'll do our best to get this fix out to you today.

    Thank you. That's all we can really ask for, is more global announcements when issues like this happen.
    Edited by FleetwoodSmack on 19 January 2017 19:57
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Ozzfest
    Since the last Maintenance (Jan. 18), I have the same Issue.
  • Fudly_budly

    Since I was in the process of farming world bosses and dolmens in Deshaan for Mother Sorrow jewelry and weapons when you nerfed me up, zos could in-game email these collections: Mother's Sorrow Jewelry and Mother's Sorrow Weapons:



    And 12 crown store experience scrolls. Such a gesture would go a long way toward turning my attitude around. You all say you understand my frustration. Well...

    btw: Please feel free to audit my #3 toon. It's been in Deshaan since Monday.
    Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
    Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
    Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
    Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.
  • Kendo12
    Another day and no fix...some free player is enjoying what I paid for though...
  • Melethgil
    Soul Shriven
    I have to admit that I too am frustrated with the situation.
    Mainly because of the lack of updated info we are getting via either an official post made by the ESO team and/or social media.
    I do however understand that if something suddenly doesn't work it can be very stressful for a team to fix it and that it takes time. But the least you can do to keep your customers (slightly) happy is to keep us an update every now and then. This bug affects many players, especially crafters, many of us now not knowing what to do with lack of (sudden) space/sudden missing DLC and some of us not even playing until this is fixed.

    So please, keep us updated (even on ways to work around it).
  • kontroll
    Soul Shriven
    Kendo12 wrote: »
    Another day and no fix...some free player is enjoying what I paid for though...

    Given that some people aren't even getting the DLC they paid for in the Gold Edition (me included)... not everyone is enjoying things. And I for one haven't seen any trace of a free craft bag, so yay. Lovely.
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