Maintenance for the week of July 1:
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PTS Feedback Thread for Player Housing

  • Mix
    Regardless, if my house is to replace Rawl'kha as my "home" spot, where I go to take care of business and park my characters, it MUST do the following:
    1. Contain crafting stations for deconning and upgrading items
    2. Contain a merchant for vendoring items and repairing my gear (crown store merchant works)
    3. Contain a fence where I can sell stolen items (quest reward fence works)
    4. Contain a cooking station where I can craft my food/drink
    5. Contain an alchemy station where I can craft my potions
    6. Contain an enchanting station where I can decon glyphs and make new ones

    You can do all the above.

    Currently there is no access to Guild Traders in your home.

    If you buy the house in Rawl'kha you aren't far from the guild traders there (if those are guilds you are in) and the bank with guild trader access is right there too...
  • Mix
    There might sound like L2P noob, but:

    I had to do a Google Search to figure out how to actually purchase a house because I rebound the F5 key and the secondary binding was to a default controller that I do not use.

    I want to at least practice with a target skeleton. I still haven't figured this out. Apparently, the Rollis merchant guy is in the lower floor of Deshaan Bank ... only when you have an active or master writ available. I did my writs. I didn't get any master crafting stuff. Do you have any idea how long I spent looking for him?

    Am I going to have to make a template just to do this stuff?

    I always felt - from Beta - that actually learning how to play this game required a second computer opened to Google. I like the fact that I can have a house, but the lack of explanation of how to do even basic stuff is very frustrating.

    Rollis is at the writ turn in site in Mournhold (for EP); the exit gate closest to the wayshrine to get there. I did a master writ and then found him, but others did say he wasn't there for them and they hadn't done the writ.

    I suggest making a premade and putting the Master Writs they come with into the bank and then you can do them on your main. (premades also have lots of gold, tel var, and all the mats you will ever need. You can also learn all the furniture recipes on them but sadly cannot put that book in the bank to transfer to your main as well.)
  • Vakromcuthgrand
    Did you complete the initial quest to acquire your apartment?

    Yes, I completed the Aldmeri Dominion quest given by the NPC inside the same building as the bank. I would have never found that NPC though if it had not been for other testers in zone chat telling me to go there.

    Did you run into any issues?

    Yes, there was no initial quest in my quest journal telling me to go to the NPC and where to find the NPC with a quest marker.
    I got help in zone chat.

    Home Previewing

    Were you able to successfully preview a home and buy it with gold?

    I was able to preview homes via the crown store most times, but sometimes I could not and received a message that the instance was full. When I got to the home to preview it, I could purchase it unfurnished or furnished with ease by choosing to pay with gold or crowns.

    How did you preview the home? Did you do it via the Crown Store, Collections UI, or just walk up to the door?

    I previewed via the crown store and also left clicking homes on the map to preview which enabled me to quick travel directly to the home via the open world map.

    Were you able to figure out how to switch between previewing a furnished/unfurnished home?

    Yes, the functionality was/is intuitive.

    Furnishing Sourcing

    Were you able to purchase and place furnishings from Achievement Furnishers?

    Yes, I purchased two items from an Achievement Furniture Vendor in Skywatch in Auridon. However, if I'm going to spend 5K + gold on these Achievement furnishings I need to be able to preview them. There was no way to preview the item at the vendor to see what it would look like or what size it would be.

    Were you able to purchase furnishings from Zanil Theran the Luxury Furnisher?

    No. Where is he/she? I have my character standing in front of Maladdiq the Home Goods Furnisher and Athrahgor the Achievement Furnisher in Skywatch in Auridon and there's another tent nearby, but that tent has a chef vendor, not Zanil Theran the Luxury Furnisher Vendor. I guess I'll have to do some searching. I didn't even know there was a Luxury Furnisher vendor.

    In Wayrest - Daggerfall Covenant - All Furnisher vendors - the Achievement ones (there's 3) and the Home Goods one are bugged out not showing any items available to purchase at all.

    Did you get any Undaunted Busts from dungeon bosses? If so, which one was your favorite?

    I don't do dungeons so this question is not applicable to me.

    Specialty Furnishings

    Were you able to find the reprints of Shalidor’s Library books, place them, and read them?


    Did you understand how to use the various light sources?

    Yes, that is easy.

    Were you able to sit on chairs, both in a home and throughout the world? Was it clear which chairs you could sit on?

    Some seats are functional and some are bugged and not functional inside homesteads and in the world. Sometimes my character sits, but immediately gets right back up. Sometimes sits on the very edge of the seat/bench as if sitting mid air.

    Were you able to allow or restrict other players to enter your home?


    Did you duel inside your home? How was the experience?

    No, I don't duel. The question is not applicable to me.

    Did you like the housing-related achievements and titles?


    Which was your favorite home, and why?

    Daggerfall Homes. Cozy. Warm. Inviting.

    What did you think of the prices for each home?

    Too expensive and unaffordable for the average casual player and/or new players. 11,000 gold for a closet? When resins for improving my max gear are 5500-10K gold each depending where you buy and it takes many (minimum 8) per gear piece to improve an item from epic to legendary, I'm not saving gold for a few million dollar homestead when it's costing me so much gold to upgrade my gear. Especially as a player who doesn't do dungeons or PvP. I'm questing, crafting, and doing open world map stuff. I've been playing since October and I'm usually broke. I think I've spent 150K gold across all my characters just from testing different builds which costs A LOT of gold to respec. Then there's the traders guilds that need A LOT of gold for their guild traders which is another gold sink if you're not profiting from it.

    Are you an ESO Plus member?

    Yes. Specifically for the crafting bag. Crafting is my thing. There needs to be better rewards for crafters, for completing writs after the craft is leveled to max. Crafted gear needs to be worth something again. As it is now drops in dungeons/trials or elsewhere are better than crafted gear. That makes a crafter who loves crafting lose incentive to craft. Suggestion: A furniture bag for ESO + subs. An unlimited furnishings bag would be great.

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    Adding furniture crafting writs to help level crafting professions sounds fun.

    Increasing gold rewards for completing quests in game would make Homesteads more affordable. Otherwise, I don't know how I will ever afford more than an Inn room - closet.
    Edited by Vakromcuthgrand on 8 January 2017 06:56
  • JavaWho

    This in the air plank, two of us could see quite easily in my cavern, yet one of us could not. Same Pic from two different views from 2 people. I tried to retrieve this item many times with no one in editor yet it always said item in use. One time i was able to grab it and put it on the floor but as i clicked to place it, it returned to its original spot in the air.

    Although the system of decorating and moving objects quite fun especially with friends still has some bugs to work out. Another glitch which i noted in earlier post, some redguard furnishings are not able to be sat in properly having no interaction at all. I also purchased an inventory bag which has disappeared from my hundings palatial property.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Epic Synergy, Founder
    JavaWho Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
  • ShadowHvo
    Also as a bug report, whenever you place a faction specific item from Cyrodiil,
    Nevena wrote: »
    Short feedback:
    • The Daggerfall Manor should have a little bit of land placed in the "Overlook Shore", out to where the rocks are now, and allow some furnishings to be placed, like a little private beach. As it is, I get that you can send victims from the dungeon to feed the slaughterfish, but otherwise it seems like the "Overlook Shore" isn't finished.
    • The prices are double what I think they should be, based on what I've seen among my friends, and also among strangers in Zone chats and forums.
    • 10 collection items for the Manor for a subscriber is half what it should be.

    Mate, you can build stuff down there, and you can build even further out on the ocean than the rocks. I built an entire docks there.
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • SilentRaven1972
    Is it intentional that no light comes through the tiny Orc housing windows? It would be nice to know if it's day or night without having to go outside. Those places are fairly dark as it is.
    "Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so will it always be. In time all foul things come forth." -Thranduil
  • NightbladeMechanics
    Mix wrote: »
    Regardless, if my house is to replace Rawl'kha as my "home" spot, where I go to take care of business and park my characters, it MUST do the following:
    1. Contain crafting stations for deconning and upgrading items
    2. Contain a merchant for vendoring items and repairing my gear (crown store merchant works)
    3. Contain a fence where I can sell stolen items (quest reward fence works)
    4. Contain a cooking station where I can craft my food/drink
    5. Contain an alchemy station where I can craft my potions
    6. Contain an enchanting station where I can decon glyphs and make new ones

    You can do all the above.

    Currently there is no access to Guild Traders in your home.

    If you buy the house in Rawl'kha you aren't far from the guild traders there (if those are guilds you are in) and the bank with guild trader access is right there too...

    I intend to buy a larger house to accommodate lots of guildies at once. I will likely purchase that house by Rawl at a much later date since it is in close proximity to the city, but my priorities in choosing which house I purchase are centered around functionality for my guys.
    Legion XIII
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    Now NA/PC's dueling, BGs, small scale, GvG, and general PvP community. We float just under 500 members. Mail me in game for an invite.

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

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    Vampire Discussion:
  • feyii
    Did you complete the initial quest to acquire your apartment? Did you run into any issues?
    I started the quest (AD) but couldn't finish it at first. It was stuck at the stage where I had to get furniture for the apartment. Neither crafting nor buying anything from the marked merchant advanced the quest stage. (The apartment was already unlocked and furnished for my account). However, after a relog the quest was updated and I was able to complete it.

    Home Previewing
    Were you able to successfully preview a home and buy it with gold?
    I was able to preview it, but not buy it with gold yet, as I don't have the required achievements yet. Will try this again, when the EU characters are copied to the PTS.

    How did you preview the home? Did you do it via the Crown Store, Collections UI, or just walk up to the door?
    I previewed most homes via the Crown Store, and the one in Wayrest by using the door. The Wayrest one was easy to find, but for most others I had no idea where they are located, so the Crown Store was the more convenient preview option. I didn't realise that I could also preview them via the collections UI.

    Were you able to figure out how to switch between previewing a furnished/unfurnished home?
    I was, but that wasn't intuitive at all. When previewing, the only option you have in a house is labeled "purchase", which I didn't want to do before seeing the furnished version as well. Eventually I did, since I couldn't figure out how to get the other preview. It also took some time to realise that changing the selection in the dropdown from unfurnished to furnished not only selected which version to buy, but also changed the preview. I think, changing the wording from just "purchase" to something like "preview and purchase options" would help a great deal in making this clearer.

    Furnishing Sourcing
    Were you able to purchase and place furnishings from Achievement Furnishers?
    Not yet, again waiting for the EU character copies.

    Were you able to purchase furnishings from Zanil Theran the Luxury Furnisher?
    I only looked at what he had, but didn't buy anything.

    Did you get any Undaunted Busts from dungeon bosses? If so, which one was your favorite?
    Didn't do any dungeons.

    Specialty Furnishings
    Were you able to find the reprints of Shalidor’s Library books, place them, and read them?
    I have found them, but didn't buy or place them.

    Did you understand how to use the various light sources?
    Yes, that was intuitive.

    Were you able to sit on chairs, both in a home and throughout the world? Was it clear which chairs you could sit on?
    They were quite irritating. Some where usable (easy to see that they were), others - even those that look exactly like usable ones - were not. I thought every object whose usual purpose is that of a seat, would be usable / interactable.
    I also found a (craftable) bench that is interactable, but on which you can't actually sit - the "Redguard Bench, Slatted". When activating it, the character first tries to sit down and then instantly gets up again, even if the bench is placed in a wide area with nothing else near it.
    By the way, it is great that you can sit in both directions on seats without a back!

    Were you able to allow or restrict other players to enter your home?
    Haven't tried that yet.

    Did you duel inside your home? How was the experience?

    Did you like the housing-related achievements and titles?
    The achievements are OK, the titles are nice.

    Which was your favorite home, and why?
    I haven't visited all of the homes, yet, so I also haven't decided which one I like best. But I missed the ravens at Ravenhurst, which are mentioned in the house description.

    What did you think of the prices for each home?
    I think they are realistic, especially when compared to housing prices in other games. In my opinion, that's a good thing.

    Are you an ESO Plus member?

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    It would be nice if beds were usable as well and place the character in a sleeping position upon activation. For most beds this is easy to do with slash commands, but some, like canopy beds, you can't even get on to.

    And one last remark for the usable furniture. Since you can only get up by moving the character, the animation that's played afterwards simply looks wrong, because it's much too late to be played. The animation in itself looks good, but to have the intended effect, the player should have to press e.g. the activation key to get up (as a second option). If the player moves, no get up animation should be played.

    And the vendor inside the Mara's Kiss Public House is not usable.

    Edited by feyii on 8 January 2017 23:03
  • Tandor
    We need to be able to ACCESS OUR GUILD TRADERS from our houses, somehow. Maybe buff the banker guy to let him access our traders? That'd tie it into the crown store for you. :wink::wink:

    Regardless, if my house is to replace Rawl'kha as my "home" spot, where I go to take care of business and park my characters, it MUST do the following:
    1. Contain crafting stations for deconning and upgrading items
    2. Contain a merchant for vendoring items and repairing my gear (crown store merchant works)
    3. Contain a fence where I can sell stolen items (quest reward fence works)
    4. Contain access to my guild traders (!!!)
    5. Contain a cooking station where I can craft my food/drink
    6. Contain an alchemy station where I can craft my potions
    7. Contain an enchanting station where I can decon glyphs and make new ones

    Bonus features that would be cool and would keep visitors coming back to your house:
    1. Crafting stations capable of making 5pc sets, BUT these must NOT take up a lot of space -- just make the one station of each type attune to all the sets you can craft with your currently researched traits
    2. Werewolf and/or vamp shrine if the owner is a ww or vamp
    3. Small exp bonus, renewable by visiting the house (this would be big for keeping friends coming back!)
    4. Giant tapestries or banners with guild symbols on them, like from the tabbards
    5. stripper pole

    Just some random thoughts I had a few weeks ago but never got around to posting.

    I'm always totally opposed in any MMO to all the game's commonly used features being made available in a house, whether a player's or a guild's. It always ends up turning the cities into empty places with the impression instantly given to new players that there's no-one playing the game so they don't stay.

    Making your house the super-convenient place for you to hang out may be good for you, but it's bad for the game. Please ZOS, don't go down that route! Give people a decent place to hang out but leave them some reasons to populate the cities too.
  • VirusOfBeauty
    Did you complete the initial quest to acquire your apartment? Did you run into any issues?
    Not yet.

    Home Previewing
    Were you able to successfully preview a home and buy it with gold?


    How did you preview the home? Did you do it via the Crown Store, Collections UI, or just walk up to the door?
    Crown store preview and Collections UI

    Were you able to figure out how to switch between previewing a furnished/unfurnished home?

    Furnishing Sourcing
    Were you able to purchase and place furnishings from Achievement Furnishers?

    not yet, waiting for EU characters to be copied

    Were you able to purchase furnishings from Zanil Theran the Luxury Furnisher?
    didn't find this character yet

    Did you get any Undaunted Busts from dungeon bosses? If so, which one was your favorite?
    waiting for EU characters to be copied

    Specialty Furnishings
    Were you able to find the reprints of Shalidor’s Library books, place them, and read them?


    Did you understand how to use the various light sources?
    yes. Being able to interact with them is very nice

    Were you able to sit on chairs, both in a home and throughout the world? Was it clear which chairs you could sit on?
    yes, but it's not clear which ones you can use and which ones you can't. Also a glitch can happen where you end up walking around as if you're sitting on an invisible chair. This happens after trying a few chairs. But I love the idea that you can interact with chairs now.

    Were you able to allow or restrict other players to enter your home?
    yes, works fine

    Did you duel inside your home? How was the experience?
    yes. It's nice to have a duel without distractions in the open world.

    Did you like the housing-related achievements and titles?
    yes, but they will be very hard to get for a lot of players for financial reasons.

    Which was your favorite home, and why?
    I like them all except for the very small ones, because they just don't offer the options to be a functional home base compared to larger homes.

    What did you think of the prices for each home?
    They are realistic, but for achievements some are very expensive. I still think the prices should stay this way though.

    Are you an ESO Plus member?
    not yet but will be

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    I love the idea that you can visit a home and interact with everything when the owner is offline. Please adjust the setting so merchants and bankers are seen as "furniture". Now they disappear after the owner is offline for more than an hour. If they would stay inside the homes, it would be an extra motivation to visit your friend's home instead of the usual market place. It still wouldn't exclude you from open world since these merchants and bankers can't repair or give access to guild stores etc. This disappearing also happens in your own home after a while. Being able to craft, sell and bank is the absolute most important functionality-reason to get a house, so please don't kick merchants, bankers and mounts out of the house when we are offline, it's very cold and lonely for them :)
    Mother Hen of Chilled Explorers Dailies (PC EU Guild)
  • cyberjanet
    Did you complete the initial quest to acquire your apartment? Did you run into any issues?
    I did do the quest for the apartment. The main issue was finding an item of furniture to complete the quest. The only merchant I found only sold trees, which I didn't think appropriate for a room at an inn. I was a Vulkhel Guard girl and had to go to Skywatch to find a mercha.t

    Home Previewing
    Were you able to successfully preview a home and buy it with gold?

    I actually previewed and bought a home with crowns, it was the craglorn tear one.

    How did you preview the home? Did you do it via the Crown Store, Collections UI, or just walk up to the door?
    I previewed some homes via Crown Store, and some via Collections UI. I didn't walk up to any doors. Some I just used the map from the brochure I got after completing the first quest.

    Were you able to figure out how to switch between previewing a furnished/unfurnished home?

    Furnishing Sourcing
    Were you able to purchase and place furnishings from Achievement Furnishers?
    Were you able to purchase furnishings from Zanil Theran the Luxury Furnisher?

    All of those merchants had nothing for me. But it was a new character with no achievements. I'll wait and see what happens when EU gets to PTS.

    Did you get any Undaunted Busts from dungeon bosses? If so, which one was your favorite?
    Did not do any dungeons, I have nobody to play with.

    Specialty Furnishings
    Were you able to find the reprints of Shalidor’s Library books, place them, and read them?

    Eh what? No, and no and no.

    Did you understand how to use the various light sources?
    There are light sources? Nope, understood nothing of that.

    Were you able to sit on chairs, both in a home and throughout the world? Was it clear which chairs you could sit on?
    I crafted a chair which I could use, but I sat through it and stood up again immediately. I haven't seen any other usable chairs, and not in my furnished home that I bought.

    Were you able to allow or restrict other players to enter your home?
    I allowed my husband in, and he came.

    Did you duel inside your home? How was the experience?

    Did you like the housing-related achievements and titles?
    Which was your favorite home, and why?
    What did you think of the prices for each home?
    Are you an ESO Plus member?

    I am an ESO Plus member. I haven't had enough time to explore all the homes and prices yet but overall prices look fair. I am curious as to what the Crown Store prices will be. I don't have a favourite home yet; I suspect the home I want for personal use will be different to the one for guild use.
    Favourite NPC: Wine-For-All
    Mostly PC-EU , with a lonely little guy on NA.
  • CadenceRowan
    Did the quest to get the apartment. I would not have found the guy to do the quest if I hadn't read the patch notes. Only issue was purchasing a furnishing item so that I could take ownership; when I went to the merchant, no items showed up for purchase. I quit for the night at that point, logged on the next day and was able to purchase something.

    Apartment is pretty tiny. :(

    I have previewed by walking up to the home, and by selecting homes on maps. I was able to switch between the unfurnished and furnished previews, and I did buy a couple of the furnished ones to check it out. I wouldn't say switching between previews was obvious though, since I did it by hitting the purchase button. Not sure I would have been willing to try that if I hadn't been on the test server.

    Honestly, pretty disappointed that I cannot interact with chests, cabinets, etc. Can't interact with the fire either. All I can do is sit on a chair, which is not particularly useful. And I can't actually display any of the trophies that I've had kicking around in my inventory all this time? I have to get new ones?

    I did sit on some chairs in houses I purchased. Haven't tried out in the world.

    I am an ESO Plus member. Honestly, I think the prices on the houses are really high for what, to me, basically amounts to a vanity item. Aside from adding crafting stations, you can't actually do anything useful with a house from what I've seen so far.
  • Elara_Northwind
    I am having an issue sometimes when decorating the houses, where certain items, after travelling out of the house and then returning, will be gone. They won't be where I placed them, and are not in my inventory or in the 'retrieve' tab. It doesn't matter much on the PTS, but I can imagine it being quite frustrating to have items vanish on live...

    Also, the crafting stations occasionally become unusable, and I have to go into the editor, pick them up and place them again in order to use them again.

    Other than a few little niggles, I am finding it very easy and nice to use. I am waiting for character transfer to properly see how my templar and sorcerer have been affected by the balancing, and so for now have just been decorating houses everyday since the PTS came out :lol: its great fun, I can imagine myself putting allot of time and effort into making my house look pretty when it goes live, and it may even force me into completing some unfinished achievements :blush:
    Sorcerer, Templar, Wolf Collector, Housing Addict!

    GM of Salted Wings Tavern and Salted Wings Housing 🏠🌻

    'A House is Built with Boards and Beams, a Home is Built with Love and Dreams'

    Youtube -
  • JasonSilverSpring
    SadieJoan wrote: »
    I am having an issue sometimes when decorating the houses, where certain items, after travelling out of the house and then returning, will be gone. They won't be where I placed them, and are not in my inventory or in the 'retrieve' tab. It doesn't matter much on the PTS, but I can imagine it being quite frustrating to have items vanish on live...

    This is a major issue I hope they can fix quickly. I crafted a test dummy and it disappeared and I have never been able to get it back. In live that would be a huge issue considering the materials needed to craft it.

    I have also had mounts and pets randomly disappear but they can just be replaced. Permanently losing items either crafted with valuable materials or purchased with gold/crowns would be really upsetting in live.
  • OMA
    The Preview of furnishings from the Housing Editor and the Crown Store is horrible for the big furniture items. Posts, lamp posts and tents, carts ect don't even get to see them. You see either the base of the lamp posts or just a small area of one side of the tents. Also the smaller items, artwork and lamps...some of the items are stuck down into the ground. You need to seriously figure out how to preview these items. the camera needs to adjust or the items need to shrink for preview purposes. How can we know what we are buying with our hard earned money when we can't even see what it is?

    Furnisher Vender Prices are all over the place and do not even make sense based on quality color. We have white items worth more than blue, we have a green tea table worth more than everything else in the entire Furnisher vendor at 607 gold its worth more than purple items. Also, where are the beds and tables and chairs? Not even a basic boring bland version of these items for the paupers and non-crafters? Just something cheap to toss into the free Inn room from the Furnisher?

    Achievement Furnisher - Price consistency for the yellow achievements please! There seems to be no explanation as to why the blood fountain is 100,000 gold but the other gold items are anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000.

    So while I am talking about the Achievement Furniture...this is an item that we earned by doing a lot of quests, for finishing an entire zone etc. We worked hard to earn it, and personally these items should be rewards...REWARDS not something we have earned the right to buy for all the money we earned while doing those quests. It's a rip off really, not a reward. Why not just give us the darned trophy for having worked so hard? You know the gold rewards for clearing a zone are not that great. Please throw us a bone here?
  • ixie
    So while I am talking about the Achievement Furniture...this is an item that we earned by doing a lot of quests, for finishing an entire zone etc. We worked hard to earn it, and personally these items should be rewards...REWARDS not something we have earned the right to buy for all the money we earned while doing those quests. It's a rip off really, not a reward. Why not just give us the darned trophy for having worked so hard? You know the gold rewards for clearing a zone are not that great. Please throw us a bone here?

    I submitted feedback about this, we help these guys, then they have they have the audacity to charge us for a memento
    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • Betheny
    So while I am talking about the Achievement Furniture...this is an item that we earned by doing a lot of quests, for finishing an entire zone etc. We worked hard to earn it, and personally these items should be rewards...REWARDS not something we have earned the right to buy for all the money we earned while doing those quests. It's a rip off really, not a reward. Why not just give us the darned trophy for having worked so hard? You know the gold rewards for clearing a zone are not that great. Please throw us a bone here?

    Maybe we could at least get the first one free, then have to buy any further copies of the same item.
  • Nevena
    So while I am talking about the Achievement Furniture...this is an item that we earned by doing a lot of quests, for finishing an entire zone etc. We worked hard to earn it, and personally these items should be rewards...REWARDS not something we have earned the right to buy for all the money we earned while doing those quests. It's a rip off really, not a reward. Why not just give us the darned trophy for having worked so hard? You know the gold rewards for clearing a zone are not that great. Please throw us a bone here?

    Yes, very much agree with this. Most of us have to spend a lot of time and effort for achievements, and don't have a lot of gold because we're playing the game, not farming or gaming the economy. Can't the achievement furniture pieces be 0-value, bind on pickup?
  • theivorykitty

    (1) Please increase the cap on furniture in all of the houses. We cannot furnish them as uniquely as we want to as they are now.

    (2) Please allow people with decorator access to houses to place new furniture in the home rather than just moving around items that are already in there. A lot of husbands and wives, etc, would like to furnish a home together and don't want to have to juggle with having the other person get online, trading an item to them, and putting it down in the house.

    (3) Please remove any unremoveable/forced faction branding from the homes (I'm looking at you, Glenumbra manor).

    (4) Please allow bank and merchant in housing (ONLY) to perform full merchant/banking functions. That is, repair, and guild trading. Otherwise people will not go home between dungeons etc, as repairing is the main part of what you need to do to get your inventory ready. I imagine a lot of people will use houses as guild-halls and having a guild store there is sort of a must-have.

    Other notes:
    -> I like the pricing distribution of the houses. It gives people something to strive for with some far-out goals.
  • Taternater
    The houses in Skyrim should come with a Huscurl.
  • Incognitius
    I don't think this has been mentioned already, but Sleek Creek really needs a better roof.

    My character was running inside her house to shield from the rain, but noticed it was raining inside just had much as outside:


    Can this be fixed, cause I was eyeing this house, until I saw this. :)

    I also checked the other houses in the area, but this one seems the only one affected.
  • Enodoc
    Taternater wrote: »
    The houses in Skyrim should come with a Huscurl.
    No they shouldn't. You haven't been made a Thane.
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  • Betheny
    • Housing item caps need to be increased.
    • Some chairs are bugged and can't be sat on (you stand up immediately).
    • Benches can't be sat on at all, this need to be changed.
    • The beds with canopies are pretty much useless, as we can't access them at all. I like jumping on everything.
    • On same subject (beds), that type of furniture should have an action - while facing bed [sleep] - like sitting for chairs.
    • I found by using align on a shelf I was placing, then accidentally rotated backwards then sideways (trying to correct the first accident), I was able to completely break the shelf angle so it couldn't be placed perfectly stayed on a very slight tilt sideways.
    • The Slaughterfish "feature* needs to go, but what would be awesome is if we could "seed" areas of water with fish (even with Slaughterfish if we wanted to create a deathpool). But so it was under our control. Some people would like pretty fish popping up out of the water, houses feel quite lifeless currently.
    • Speaking of lifeless, the horses and pets we place are barely moving at all. They keep their head facing the direction you plonked them down and don't do any of their standard "at rest" animations. I'd like to see them move around a little more, maybe give them a sitting animation as well as add their usual animations (cub should play with butterfly, puppy should bark, horse should snort and move its head around, and so on).
    • I'd like to see the placed NPCs (banker/merchant/fence) have additional functions when placed in a house - banker can now open guild store; merchant can now repair items and sells limited items; fence npc now launders and buys our stuff without the 35% penalty.
    • Also more NPCs for the house would be great - a bartender for our bars, a guard for the gates and walls, a servant for the house...things like this to add a little more life to the place would help a lot. Could give them limited animations and rely on players placing them correctly (bartender wipes down bar, so player must place bartender facing a surface at bar height, servant sweeps floor at times/at other times holds a tray of something for you, and so on).

  • koekie1991b16_ESO
    I can also report that random objects in my house are starting to go MIA. I had the nordic antler chandelier above my dining table, it completely vanished and cannot be found in both storage or by retrieving trough the creator editor.

  • Haruspex
    So while I am talking about the Achievement Furniture...this is an item that we earned by doing a lot of quests, for finishing an entire zone etc. We worked hard to earn it, and personally these items should be rewards...REWARDS not something we have earned the right to buy for all the money we earned while doing those quests. It's a rip off really, not a reward. Why not just give us the darned trophy for having worked so hard? You know the gold rewards for clearing a zone are not that great. Please throw us a bone here?

    I agree, it's a bit overwhelming knowing that there will be a huge gold sink not only in the form of purchasing a home but also in buying the achievement furnishings as well as doing master writs.

    Edit: I'm not sure the exact amount but I know that I have spent well over 2 million gold purchasing all of the items from the achievement vendors.
    Edited by Haruspex on 8 January 2017 21:21
  • theivorykitty

    Please allow cooking in your house.
  • theivorykitty

    When one character (decorator) is rotating/moving an object while the other character (owner) retrieves a different piece of furniture from the house via the inventory menu, the piece of furniture the decorator was working with becomes bugged. Attempting to manipulate the piece of furniture further (by other the owner or the other character) is greeted by an error that "That furnishing is currently being moved by another player." Going into and out of the the furnishing menu/tool does not resolve the problem.
  • theivorykitty

    My husband and I are trying to work on a home together. He is the 'owner' of the house and I am a 'decorator'. I cannot seem to get to his version of the house unless he is in it and I 'travel to' him via the group/friend menu. If it isn't possible to go to another person's house as a joint owner, than that definitely needs to be implemented. If it is possible, than I highly suggest making it more obvious how the player can do that. I do not have the option to set this house as my 'primary residence'.
  • Theryl
    Did you complete the initial quest to acquire your apartment? Did you run into any issues?
    Very straightforward, no issues

    Home Previewing
    Were you able to successfully preview a home and buy it with gold?


    How did you preview the home? Did you do it via the Crown Store, Collections UI, or just walk up to the door?
    Crown Store

    Were you able to figure out how to switch between previewing a furnished/unfurnished home?
    Eventually, but it's not very intuitive to have it under purchase.

    Furnishing Sourcing
    Were you able to purchase and place furnishings from Achievement Furnishers?

    Yes. But the prices on some of them seem quite high. A better way of locating them would be useful, I foresee much use of third party sites to find everything.

    Were you able to purchase furnishings from Zanil Theran the Luxury Furnisher?
    Yes, no issues.

    Did you get any Undaunted Busts from dungeon bosses? If so, which one was your favorite?

    Specialty Furnishings
    Were you able to find the reprints of Shalidor’s Library books, place them, and read them?

    Yes, although it would be nice if they would fit on the bookshelves

    Did you understand how to use the various light sources?
    Pretty straightforward, although some of the houses are extremely dark inside, e.g., Domus Phrasticus.

    Were you able to sit on chairs, both in a home and throughout the world? Was it clear which chairs you could sit on?
    Occasionally buggy, but most of them seem to work. It's odd that benches aren't sittable.

    Did you like the housing-related achievements and titles?
    Mostly seem reasonable

    Which was your favorite home, and why?
    The Gardener house. Nice size, Breton style, but the price is painful. The Fell's Run house is nice, but I dislike the loft instead of a full second floor.

    ]What did you think of the prices for each home?
    Generally higher than they should be.

    Are you an ESO Plus member?

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    The 24 player cap is too low and deters from use of houses as gathering and event spots.
    There should be a way of building interior walls and putting railings around stairs and lofts. Not everyone is into open plan housing.
    Non-editable elements like the pictures on the walls of Domus Phrasticus interfere with decorating, my bookcases need to go there.
    Similarly, the ground clutter outside makes it hard to have a nice garden. I'm not into the natural look, thankyouverymuch.
    Need some bookcases with books in them.
    Figuring out where to find furniture pieces in the editor is annoying. Sorting them by function instead of room would be a better option.
  • Ralen
    Hi Zenimax ! Hi @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom !

    First of all you did an amazing job with Homestead, thank you very much !

    ... BUT ...

    Can you please reconsider the Ebonheart Chateau ? I visited the three other manor and large homes and I noticed with astonishment how much better they are !
    • Hunding's Palatial Hall (which is assumed to be smaller and less attractive) is FAR better : large outdoor areas , sandy beach , personal lighthouse and suspended terrace
    • Serenity Falls Estate is also a far better manor : extra large outdoor areas , biggest stables than any other homes , and the cherry on the cake : waterfall and river
    • Even the Daggerfall Overlook have great outdoors and a secret passage to escape...

    Sadly, the great Ebonheart Chateau has none of that : small outdoors , small stables, and no place from where to admire the ash horizon or the summit of the Ash Mountain... It could have biggest outdoors and why not a pretty little terrace in font of the sea, like the Plantation Point Overlook (where you can find M'aiq) near from Fort Zeren in Bal Foyen.

    So please Zenimax, offer the Ebonheart Chateau a small improvement to bring it to the same level of attractiveness as the other manors and large house.

    Thank you to ear the dunmer request o:)
    Edited by Ralen on 9 January 2017 02:09
    Gaharikhan de l'Arador Dayn
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