Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Are you lost? Bumfuzzled? Batsh*t Crazy? Socially Awkward? The Skooma Express is Recruiting!

  • Caoillain
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Ellie,

    I have been trying to contact you ingame considering my forum account only just got activated.
    Either way, would it be possible for me to get an invite to the guild? I'm quite a new player but learning fast.

    Hope you're having a good day, and happy new year! ^^

    Another edit: @Caoilainne ingame. :)
    Edited by Caoillain on 2 January 2017 14:47
    Every day we fight the little battles, even if there is no chance at winning the war. Today, the world is a better place than it was yesterday.
  • seajellies90
    Sure thing buddy! I shall add you when I've finished work :)
  • Davechan
    Soul Shriven
    KInd of new to the game, played a little when it started but thats it so its a whole new experience.

    If you don't mind having me along i'd like to join. Does it matter what faction I chose or are guilds closed off to a faction only?
  • seajellies90
    Hey Davechan. I'll add you shortly. No it doesn't matter what faction. We won't judge you either ;)
  • Davechan
    Soul Shriven
    Great stuff. My user id is @Davey87
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    Just returned to the game after a long break (left just as IC was released).
    Really, really enjoying the One Tamriel experience - a huge improvement over the initial release.

    My main is a Nord Templar, recently refocused to Healing with DPS support. Just coming up to 300CP and have decided its time to look at something other than pure Solo content. My RL job means that some of the time I can be on 6 hours a day, and then maybe go 4 or 5 days without having enough time to log in at all.

    My in-game name is @RedneckRPGer

    All The Best
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • Angekap
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Ellie & Co.

    I'm a full/semi active player (as with everyone else, RL being a major factor why), but I'd love to join you guys.
  • seajellies90
    I'll be online shortly. Will add you both then :)
  • garadore10
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join ellie seems fun guild
  • tola1990
    Soul Shriven
    New player here :p
    it is okay to join ?
    If so then my user id @tola1990
  • seajellies90
    Yeah boi. I'm at work at the moment but I'll ask another guildie to add you
  • KensheeBe
    Hello there, Dark Mistress of The Skooma Express.

    Can I please has invite to join your guild :>?

    My user id is @Kenshee ^^. Thanks!
  • seajellies90
    You can indeed! I'm not online at the moment but I'll get my fellow guildie @whitebear to add you ;)
  • Scorp1us
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, im a very lost returning player. Seems i have a lvl 44 high elf sorc.
    I am in need of new blood ,did i mention im a vampire as well?
    Hmm account name is over yonder Scorp1us. i am looking for a sociable friendly casual type of do for long walks in the sunshine or moon light, holding hands and dieing in more and more stupid fashion.
  • seajellies90
    Sounds marvellous sir. I'll ask @whitebear to add you.

    Also we now have a Facebook page!!! Search 'The Skooma Express' on Facebook :) if you can't find it, let me know and I'll add you.
  • Wilg
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there! I'd like to join too ^^
    My userID is @IrisDragonborn and the character I play as is a bosmer called Wilg, who's currently cp 159.
    Thanks in advance :)

  • departe1983
    Soul Shriven
    Hello :)
    You will need this one: @departe1983
    Healer CP 170
    Tank lvl 42
    And newbie lvl 7 nightblade
  • schidob16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds fun. Can i join?
  • seajellies90
    Hello :)
    You will need this one: @departe1983
    Healer CP 170
    Tank lvl 42
    And newbie lvl 7 nightblade

    Hi buddy, are you sure your gamer tag is correct? We can't locate you

  • departe1983
    Soul Shriven
    Hello :)
    You will need this one: @departe1983
    Healer CP 170
    Tank lvl 42
    And newbie lvl 7 nightblade

    Hi buddy, are you sure your gamer tag is correct? We can't locate you

    Its not.. Its missing D letter :dizzy:
  • Sprotch_16_ESO
    Am I lost ?
    - not really
    Bumfuzzled ?
    - no, can't say I am
    [snip] crazy ?
    - I don't think so (but if I was I wouldn't know, so.....)
    Socially awkward ?
    - ehm... I choose not to answer this one.

    But... can I join ?

    I must warn you ; because of Real Life (a wife and 2 young children) I can suddenly go AFK, even in the middle of combat...
    If they call me, need me or anything else I drop the game. (this is still a game....)

    This is the main reason I rarely group, the group can't really depend on me since I can be afk at any moment. I always let the group know this before we start a dungeon.... well, let's say I never use the group finder anymore.

    Also ; I play this game the way I want. This means : I don't care about BIS or the best build-flavor of the week. I build and play my toons to have fun.

    If you still consider me : @Sprotch_Ardain

    [Edit to remove censor bypass.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 8 January 2017 02:52
  • wemwom
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in joining! @wemwom
  • seajellies90
    Am I lost ?
    - not really
    Bumfuzzled ?
    - no, can't say I am
    [snip] crazy ?
    - I don't think so (but if I was I wouldn't know, so.....)
    Socially awkward ?
    - ehm... I choose not to answer this one.

    But... can I join ?

    I must warn you ; because of Real Life (a wife and 2 young children) I can suddenly go AFK, even in the middle of combat...
    If they call me, need me or anything else I drop the game. (this is still a game....)

    This is the main reason I rarely group, the group can't really depend on me since I can be afk at any moment. I always let the group know this before we start a dungeon.... well, let's say I never use the group finder anymore.

    Also ; I play this game the way I want. This means : I don't care about BIS or the best build-flavor of the week. I build and play my toons to have fun.

    If you still consider me : @Sprotch_Ardain

    [Edit to remove censor bypass.]

    You and me both, my friend! Not with the wife and kids, but with the play style. I play how I want with what I want because that's more fun :)

    I will add you know problem. we are all very chilled out and if someone needs to leave, then they leave. Because after all, like you said, this is a game.

    I'll ask my guild mate to add you all tomorrow :)

    Nomad x
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 8 January 2017 02:52
  • jamessamuelsb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    returning player after many moons. seeks comforting bossom of guild.. @calemotxo
  • Barry_Fontaine
    Soul Shriven
    I'm addicted to skooma! Can i join? can't promise that any skooma given to me to transport will end up at it's location though.....

    username (i think) is @BarryFontaine.

  • Dantaria
    Hello and blessing upon your House!

    I am socially awkward low-level absolute newbie (ESO being my first MMO ever). If such ULTIMATE COMBO isn't too much, I would be very glad to join you! :smiley: My in-game account: @DantariaDH

    I am new and casual player, but I will do my best to learn and help the guild however I can :blush:
    English isn't my native, apologies for any mistakes.
  • Mothical
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, would love to join, please add @Mothical
    “It never got weird enough for me.” - Hunter S Thompson
  • Saturnana
    Hi! I'm new to ESO (have played the Beta in 2014 but MUCH has changed) and I'm really enjoying myself so far! Fell in love with Oblivion and Skyrim, and hope to find the same pleasures in this game. Being a bit nutty, a total newbie and occasionally running in circles, I think it's safe to say I tick all your boxes. xD

    My first character is a Wood-elf Dragonknight and when reading all the Meta gamers' threads, I'm pretty sure I've managed to botch her up entirely already. But hey, that's okay! I thoroughly enjoy the questing and adventuring part of the game - playing for fun, not to win, and I don't want it to feel like a job either; already have one. Probably won't start PvP until I'm getting into the champion points since I'm generally not a huge fan of it, but I do like the idea of doing dungeons with others.

    If that's all good with you, I'd love to join your Skooma enterprise!
    My User ID is @lnsane (with a lowercase L)
    @Saturnna | PC / EU

    Nâmae Rin : Dragonknight | Dr Milodas Ra'Himo : Templar | Mira Motierre : Sorceress
    Plays-ln-Puddles : Warden  |  Lady Neria : Dragonknight   | Philadore : Nightblade  
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "Ha! I do love it when the mortals know they're being manipulated. Makes things infinitely more interesting."
                                      - Sheogorath
  • Translogic
    Soul Shriven
    hey! newcomer casual pleb here. can i join ples IGN: @Graphex
  • seajellies90
    Hello :) I'll be online tomorrow so will add you all then! Excited to meet you!
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