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Official Discussion Thread for "Update 11 Featuring Shadows of the Hist: First Look"

  • Mysticman
    ManDraKE wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    No new zone just 2 new group dungeons :/ not much of a DLC. I guess this is a example of a episode DLC that Matt Firor was talking about. Here's the Matt Firor quote from E3 2016: Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, "smaller" DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game. That doesn't sound good for future DLCs no more large Orsinium type DLCs. I'll be ending my sub for this DLC nothing here for me.

    so.... great content that will improve the quality life in endgame for both pve and pvp players is not good? better to have a zone with 2 delves, 1 crafting station a a few quests that you in 1 weekend and done? /facepalm
    Facepalm? LOL grown up dude. Some of us like to actually "play" the game not just occasionally drop in for a visit on weekend.

    Edited by Mysticman on 21 June 2016 18:08
  • vladimilianoub17_ESO1
    So the whole barbershop system its going to be crown store?I was thinking it was going to be like barbershop will exist in base game and will use existing hair,adorments ect. and then you can add new styles and change race by buying from crown store.Reading this,looks like the whole " barbershop system" its going to be behind pay wall.

    I hope im wrong on this and the basic barbershop comes on the basic game patch if not it sux.I know a barbershop its not a p2w item or system but its a widely requested one and put it in completely behind the crown store seems very greedy.
  • Ashtaris
    This is just horrible!! Here us guys are waiting patiently to do the vet dungeons and our wives are spending time at the dye station. Now with the appearance changes, adornments, and dyeable costumes, you might as well find a cot somewhere in the dungeon so we can take a snooze while we wait :)
  • ManDraKE
    Mysticman wrote: »
    ManDraKE wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    No new zone just 2 new group dungeons :/ not much of a DLC. I guess this is a example of a episode DLC that Matt Firor was talking about. Here's the Matt Firor quote from E3 2016: Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, "smaller" DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game. That doesn't sound good for future DLCs no more large Orsinium type DLCs. I'll be ending my sub for this DLC nothing here for me.

    so.... great content that will improve the quality life in endgame for both pve and pvp players is not good? better to have a zone with 2 delves, 1 crafting station a a few quests that you in 1 weekend and done? /facepalm
    Facepalm? LOL grown up dude. Some of us like to actually "play" the game not just occasionally drop in for a visit on weekend.

    wtf? can you read? More dungeons and more pvp is repetable content for the people that plays this on daily basis for a long period of time, THAT IS TRUE ENDGAME CONTENT. A new zone with a few quests that you do in 1 day (the thing you are asking for) is not endgame content.
    Edited by ManDraKE on 21 June 2016 18:51
  • Khaos_Bane
    ManDraKE wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    ManDraKE wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    No new zone just 2 new group dungeons :/ not much of a DLC. I guess this is a example of a episode DLC that Matt Firor was talking about. Here's the Matt Firor quote from E3 2016: Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, "smaller" DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game. That doesn't sound good for future DLCs no more large Orsinium type DLCs. I'll be ending my sub for this DLC nothing here for me.

    so.... great content that will improve the quality life in endgame for both pve and pvp players is not good? better to have a zone with 2 delves, 1 crafting station a a few quests that you in 1 weekend and done? /facepalm
    Facepalm? LOL grown up dude. Some of us like to actually "play" the game not just occasionally drop in for a visit on weekend.

    wtf? can you read? More dungeons and more pvp is repetable content for the people that plays this on daily basis for a long period of time, THIS IS A TRUE DLC CONTENT. A new zone with a few quest that you do in 1 day (the thing you are asking for) is not endgame content.

    You guys seem to agree but are still arguing? Classic.

  • codybrewer78b14_ESO
    Wow! I have to say I was a little worried about the next DLC, but this sounds great!
  • arkansas_ESO
    Some thoughts:

    From what it seems, we'll have to buy appearance change tokens on top of buying new hairstyles? This seems like too much to me. I'm content to either pay with gold to change my appearance and pay with crowns for new options, or to pay with crowns to change my appearance and have the new options included, not both. Of course, people are still going to throw money at the screen for new hairstyles, so I guess my opinion on this doesn't really matter.

    New dungeons are cool and the updates to the old trials are welcome, but, wow, you guys took a really long time to do so.

    Why are we only getting three capturable towns in Cyrodiil, instead of making all of the towns in Cyrodiil captureable? More objectives means the zergs are more spread out, which is a good thing.

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • vladimilianoub17_ESO1
    wouldnt it be great if they include wgt and icp ddungeons in this DLC? That way those not interested at all in Imp City can have those 2 dungeons in this upcoming DLc and really get a dungeon PACK.I was specting more than 2 dungeons.
  • Akrasjel
    Is that all :(
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
    Houses: Strident Springs Demesne,

  • kamimark
    First DLC I have *no* interest in (as opposed to IC, which was just a disappointment).

    But have a moment of pity for the Argonians: They get killed in new dungeons, and don't have any hair for the new hair styles (at least not in modern TES games).
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • BigES
    Yes! Great job guys! Keep improving the base game content and stop making new zones.

    Now, we just need a battle arena to do controled, ranked PvP fights! 1v1, 2v2, etc.
  • ShedsHisTail
    kamimark wrote: »
    First DLC I have *no* interest in (as opposed to IC, which was just a disappointment).

    But have a moment of pity for the Argonians: They get killed in new dungeons, and don't have any hair for the new hair styles (at least not in modern TES games).

    I'm sure we'll get new feathers and spikes.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • Tiedän
    Some thoughts:

    From what it seems, we'll have to buy appearance change tokens on top of buying new hairstyles? This seems like too much to me. I'm content to either pay with gold to change my appearance and pay with crowns for new options, or to pay with crowns to change my appearance and have the new options included, not both. Of course, people are still going to throw money at the screen for new hairstyles, so I guess my opinion on this doesn't really matter.

    New dungeons are cool and the updates to the old trials are welcome, but, wow, you guys took a really long time to do so.

    Why are we only getting three capturable towns in Cyrodiil, instead of making all of the towns in Cyrodiil captureable? More objectives means the zergs are more spread out, which is a good thing.

    Maybe they'll give us the option to purchase said "in game tokens" with gold along with the option to purchase token packs via the crown store? Hopefully we'll get more details sooner than later...

    Im also curious where these dungeons are going to be? Would they really just plant two new dungeons somewhere in Shadowfen; or will they give us access to another micro zone?
    "Battle-Born is a name out of legend, sung in the songs of old and heard in deeds of valor for a hundred generations. 'For Clan Battle-Born!' they cry in the mead halls. 'First into the fray and last to quit their ale!'" - Olfrid Battle-Born
    PC/Mac - NA
    Thian Battle-Born - Nord Stamina DK DPS
    Alynu Dreth - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer DPS
    Reeh-Jah Nisar - Argonian Stamina Nightblade DPS
    Eraldil Riverrun - Bosmer Stamina Warden DPS
    Tsavani Khanai - Khajit Magicka Templar DPS
    Laila The Huntress - Nord Stamina DK Tank
  • Cinbri
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom will we get ability to toggle left monster shoulder?
  • NBrookus
    @ZOS_Finn & team has been busy... that's a lot of trial & dungeon work. Plus new objectives for Cyrodiil as well. And my mOrc DK gets to turn into Dunmer. Oh my.

    I do hope we get a serious chunk of bug fixes, anti-cheating work and performance improvements to go with it all.

  • MeerkatWarlord
    This is cool and all, but are there any plans to fix the issues in the Orsinium DLC?

    On the console, the main quest is unplayable due to crashing issues, and I've heard of people crashing just by entering any region of Wrothgar.

    2 DLC's have been released, and now there's another on the way.

    This is ridiculous.

    Edited by MeerkatWarlord on 21 June 2016 18:46
    I play on the XBOX ONE

    Zanaam-ri - AD Khajiit DPS MagBlade (Grand Master Crafter)
    Haldrion - AD High Elf DPS MagSorc
    Gedryn - EP Dark Elf DPS StamBlade
    Amalene - DC Imperial Stamplar
    Jeebo the Mad - AD Argonian Tank Dragonknight
  • altemriel
    so my stam DK Altmer (I did not know at the beginning Altmers are mag race, but I like stam) will finally change to some stam race :) - I will miss her, she is so hot :smiley:
  • CromulentForumID
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Bfish22090 wrote: »
    @Bfish22090 I don't disagree with you, though I likely won't be participating in the new dungeons or any DLC. Until they fix the base game, my sub will remain cancelled.

    i bet theyre going to make the barbershop/race change sub only.
    they will gain so many subs if they do that

    No, they won't do that. They will sell tokens in the store for anyone to purchase.

    Yeah, the crown store.

    Gosh I hope there will be even a bit of the barber shop in game rather than crown only.

    Charging crowns for cosmetic appearance changes will ensure I never sub, and probably stop playing. I know the game needs to make money, but I find character appearance to be fundamental enough to an RPG that you should be able to modify that appearance with currency you earn in-game.

    This is especially true when the characters can look so different within the character compared to once you start playing them.

    I don't have trouble with crowns for a race/class change, or anything that changes character stats. I also don't have trouble needing crowns to purchase items that are not part of the base game. But to charge for changes that are part of the standard game? Pass.

    If we have to do a one-time purchase with crowns to unlock the function? I guess I could even get on board with that. Unlock once, use forever for cosmetic features? OK. I can do that.

    If they do charge crowns, they better have a much better preview function that shows you exactly how the character will look in game. If they just take you back to the current character creator, that's pretty much just asking for unhappy players.

  • Khaos_Bane
    sAnn92 wrote: »
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    sAnn92 wrote: »
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    Dungeons better not be like another Veteran ICP. Give us something we can play and enjoy, not stupid mechanics aggravating !

    That's why there is a normal and a veteran version

    Normal is stupid easy.

    There is vICP hard then other Vet dungeons hard. Which is it going to be ? Is it going to be stupid easy normal dungeons and then vet dungeons something that only 10% of the population beats, which includes the CE cheaters. Or are the vet dungeons going to be reasonable and doable by your average player.

    hopefully Normals are like Vet Wayrest Sewers and Veterans are more like vMol and vMsa.

    They are upgrading Hel Ra Citadel, Aetherian Archive, and Dragonstar Arena Improvements for your end game PvE.
  • ManDraKE
    svartorn wrote: »
    When the hell is champion point cap gonna be raised?!?!?!?!?!


    hopefully, never.
  • spawn_to_kill
    No pvp arenas? i thought that was meant to come 3rd quarter?
    August Palatine
    vr16, dk
    vr 16 sorc,, templar,, nb
    500+1 champion points eups4
  • Xerosus
    The barbershop... FINALLY WOOOOOOOO!!!
  • altemriel
    No pvp arenas? i thought that was meant to come 3rd quarter?

    nope, there is no ETA on that as far as I know
  • EvilKiwi
    New hair styles for crowns, really!? Just give us a barber shop we can use with gold. If hair styles are purchased from the crown store, will they be unlocked like costumes and can you collect more than 1 and change them after they have been purchased like costumes?
    No Lollygagging.
  • SwaminoNowlino
    Content isn't even out and this is already a nerf thread. Nice. Everything needs scaled to the lowest common denominator and everyone gets a special ribbon. I'll even save time for the inevitable threads that will be started and demand that everyone be given the new monster helms without ever having to do the dungeon, because if I can't get through it just spamming mutagen it is too hard and I can't be expected to farm that.
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • Lunachik
    I am soooo excited for Barber Shop. So many of have wanted this, (since early beta for some of us), and being able to dye costumes is going to be amazing! B)
    **Mara's Moxie * The Sidekick Order * Azura's Guidance *Hallowed Holes of Tamriel **
  • MornaBaine
    I was really hoping barber shop would cost game gold for subscribers. Even if you had to purchase new stuff in crown store first may not be so bad so long as you could use game gold after unlocking individual styles. This was the game breaker for me in GW2. Changing your hair, paint and adornments should not cost arm and leg in crowns. :(

    I won't mind so much IF purchasing a new hairstyle unlocks it for your entire account and makes it available to all your existing and future characters.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • jcaceresw
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom about the appareance changes, can devs also implement a "template" feature on both character creation and whatever UI you will use for that appareance change option. Lets say I want to edit/create a female bosmer and wanna use the same characteristics (and hairstyle) of some other female bosmer NPC I find in the game (like Rothariel from the normal COA dungeon). That would be awesome to be featured in this update.
  • greathero117
    Is there a estimated time of arrival for this update?
  • altemriel
    Is there a estimated time of arrival for this update?

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