lordrichter wrote: »Bfish22090 wrote: »SwaminoNowlino wrote: »@Bfish22090 I don't disagree with you, though I likely won't be participating in the new dungeons or any DLC. Until they fix the base game, my sub will remain cancelled.
i bet theyre going to make the barbershop/race change sub only.
they will gain so many subs if they do that
No, they won't do that. They will sell tokens in the store for anyone to purchase.
Yeah, the crown store.
Gosh I hope there will be even a bit of the barber shop in game rather than crown only.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Update 11 Featuring Shadows of the Hist: First Look. From new dungeons to character re-customization features, learn about some of the things you can expect in the next Update for ESO!
HELLB0UNDH0UND wrote: »This update sounds awesome and I can't wait to check out the new dungeons. That said, I also still enjoy running the current dungeons, which I haven't been able to do since the grouping tool has been broken following the DB patch
zerosingularity wrote: »Additional question, what about player/guild housing? This DLC or next DLC?
lordrichter wrote: »lordrichter wrote: »Bfish22090 wrote: »SwaminoNowlino wrote: »@Bfish22090 I don't disagree with you, though I likely won't be participating in the new dungeons or any DLC. Until they fix the base game, my sub will remain cancelled.
i bet theyre going to make the barbershop/race change sub only.
they will gain so many subs if they do that
No, they won't do that. They will sell tokens in the store for anyone to purchase.
Yeah, the crown store.
Gosh I hope there will be even a bit of the barber shop in game rather than crown only.
Sure... on a cold day in the Deadlands, they might do that. Uh. Maybe not even then.
This is a cash cow. I expect that anyone in ZOS that even suggests gold instead of Crowns gets escorted to the curb by the marketing people.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Update 11 Featuring Shadows of the Hist: First Look. From new dungeons to character re-customization features, learn about some of the things you can expect in the next Update for ESO!
No new zone just 2 new group dungeonsnot much of a DLC. I guess this is a example of a episode DLC that Matt Firor was talking about. Here's the Matt Firor quote from E3 2016: Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, "smaller" DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game. That doesn't sound good for future DLCs no more large Orsinium type DLCs. I'll be ending my sub for this DLC nothing here for me.
No new zone just 2 new group dungeonsnot much of a DLC. I guess this is a example of a episode DLC that Matt Firor was talking about. Here's the Matt Firor quote from E3 2016: Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, "smaller" DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game. That doesn't sound good for future DLCs no more large Orsinium type DLCs. I'll be ending my sub for this DLC nothing here for me.
Meh, i wish the group dungeons also had a solo option. Give better loot drops for more players but let us solo them if we want to.ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Update 11 Featuring Shadows of the Hist: First Look[/url]. From new dungeons to character re-customization features, learn about some of the things you can expect in the next Update for ESO!
Yes, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! thank you so very-very much! I started crying, i swear, i cried like child. I've been begging for the character appearance customization for so long, for a year! A hole year. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for listening to your community, thank you for loving your game, thank you for making it. This is the best MMO ever, none could top it, only because you've invested so much feeling in it. I voice my appreciation and give you my money, no other mmo deserves it more. Please, keep it up and be careful with what you put in cash shop, I've seen this over and over again in my life. Perfect MMOs hit the ground for being greedy. You have plenty of players to keep you well fed, please be careful, I beg of you!
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »2 new dungeons + 3 updated Trials is a really nice group PvE patch after what were, for the most part, 3 straight solo DLC.
I am a little nervous about references to "max level" instead of CP160, though. Will the new dungeons + AA/HRC/DSA be CP180 content? Will existing content scale up to CP180? Or will everything currently CP160 stay there for now?
The Barbershop is not a large new piece of content it's just an extension of the current character creator that's already in the game and I see the Barbershop as a crown store addison not part of the DLC.No new zone just 2 new group dungeonsnot much of a DLC. I guess this is a example of a episode DLC that Matt Firor was talking about. Here's the Matt Firor quote from E3 2016: Firor says that Zenimax is aiming to release multiple, "smaller" DLC packs to cater to players who return to the game intermittently, creating something akin to 'episodes' for the game. That doesn't sound good for future DLCs no more large Orsinium type DLCs. I'll be ending my sub for this DLC nothing here for me.
well we will be getting the Barbershop, so that was expectable that the next new content will be not as large, as if we would not get Barbershop too included.
Khaos_Bane wrote: »Dungeons better not be like another Veteran ICP. Give us something we can play and enjoy, not stupid mechanics aggravating !