Spellcrafting was the only thing I was looking forward to this year, crafting stuff that I could conjure up like a Flame, frost or storm Atronach like in Skyrim would have make the game more like a Elder Scroll game should be like. I’m hoping that once they figure out how to make $$$ off of Spellcrafting they will still add it to the game, remember when they first started talking about stuff like spellcrafting more than 1 1/2 years ago this was a subscription game now that it’s B2P ZOS is obviously rethinking what they can afford to add to the game and what it will cost them.
Now that Spellcrafting is all but dead how about adding "spell tomes" (spell-containing books that upon reading a tome, the specific spell contained within is learned, but the tome is destroyed in the process), to the game like what you have in Skyrim that would add a lot of excitement and new skills to the game. I believe a spell tomes system like in Skyrim could easily be adopted to ESO.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
I didn't even start until bit before f2p. This is great game because better story and quests than Skyfail.cjddrumnub19_ESO wrote: »... I am DONE. This game was released with the promise that we would get REAL PvP. Guess what ZOS, the Skyrim-single player crowd is GONE, they left a month after you released.
cjddrumnub19_ESO wrote: »2. Lying: This company lies more than any I have seen, more then Turbine, Trion, EA, ect.. As some examples, Justice System, Spell Crafting, Removal of Vet levels, Imperial City having an Arena, Imperial City coming out a year before it actually did, Console Version didn't come till a year after they said it would launch, and it goes on and on.
@Ponyboy9569 The 16 extra skill/attribute points are being moved into the 1-50 levelling, so by the time you hit 50 you will have all 65. Nothing will change for the 1-50 levelling, so it'll be as easy to get to 50 then as it is now (and may even be a bit easier, thanks to those extra skill and attribute points being moved down). Presumably extra points will be given on conversion for those people who have passed the relative new thresholds. Yes, race change will be part of character customization, but it's likely that if you don't own the Adventurer/Explorer Pack that you'll only be able to change race within your alliance (more money for ZOS if people have to buy the Upgrade in addition to the race change).Ponyboy9569 wrote: »I have a couple questions, may or may not been answered already i just do not have time at the moment to read through all the comments so sorry if i am repeating anything, but i need to sleep due to work in the morning xD But with the removal of the veteran ranks, what happens to the 16 extra attribute points a vr16 would have. i have 4 vet characters, i just have not quite reached vr16, and do not want to miss out on attribute points i will never be able to earn, also making former vr16s more powerful then anybody else.. also with the character customization shop, will race change be available as well? i bought my game from the playstation store, so it did not come with a code for all race all alliance perk, so two of my vet characters are not the best class for the role. I read up on the alliances before purchasing the game, and chose ebonheart and all my characters have been so. This restricted me to nord, dark elf and argonian.. i recently have obtained the upgrade, and it makes me not want to play my old characters.. even if it is going to cost me 50k per switch i dont care.. just take my moneys so i can be fixedAlso, i have heard that it is imperative that i get my current characters to 50, because it is going to as hard to get to level 50 as it is to get to vr16.. at least that is what i understand from what i was told from a friend, just want verification on this.. although i know in the blog article it did say the leveling from 1-50 would have little change, it is something i have heard enough that it just might be true. thanks in advance
@Galoriz Alliance change is currently down as "maybe". I think it'll depend on whether they can ensure questing progression isn't broken. I agree that the Explorer/Adventurer Pack should also be required, otherwise the purpose of that pack is effectively broken.If we'll get crown store race re-customization, does it mean we could change alliance? Maybe with explorers pack?
@Oliviax They said quite a while ago that Cadwell's isn't going anywhere. There's also a rumour that they are "making it easier" to get access to these zones, so I'm thinking they may be changing the requirements so you no longer have to do Silver before you can start Gold. (This would be easily doable, and they wouldn't even need to change any of Cadwell's dialogue.)Not sure if this has been asked:
When the veteran Ranks are removed, Will the Cadwells Silver and gold still be left in the game as an optional feature?
I ask this mainly because there are 15-16 sky shards in each of the zones that can be used to build up skill points, and tbh I have no problems running through it on multiple characters.
I would like to see it kept there in case people want to acquire those skill points or will they have to change their race (ie pay money to the crown store to do this)
If we'll get crown store race re-customization, does it mean we could change alliance? Maybe with explorers pack?
The Dark Brotherhood DLC game pack and update will come in the second quarter. It will be set on the Gold Coast of Cyrodiil (around the towns of Anvil and Kvatch),
PrimeSeptim wrote: »
More mixing PvE with PvP? -sigh- Or, is Kvatch and Anvil going to be a "safe zone"?
@PsilocybirX They will be integrated into the 1-50 levelling.PsilocybirX wrote: »Didn't read the full forum...
But what are they going to do with the 15/Attribute & Skill Points we gained from those 15/Ranks we achieve after Rank/1>Level/50. Are we going to gain more after a certain amount of Champion Points. Or are the 15/Attribute & Skill Points going to be removed entirely...?..
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »
You will now earn the extra attribute/skill points while leveling up from 1-50. Here's a quick chart to help explain it better
Level - Bonus Attribute/Skill Points
5 - 1
10 - 2
15 - 1
20 - 2
25 - 1
30 - 2
35 - 1
40 - 2
45 - 1
50 - 3
Total 16
Note: This is different than what I posted in November last year. We've been iterating on the design for a bit now and this is a much more straightforward approach.
@giinoz2011rwb17_ESO That guild master was misinformed. ZOS have said they are not working on jewellery crafting at all yet.giinoz2011rwb17_ESO wrote: »Hi I was told by a guild master that Jewellery crafting would become available with the next DLC.
That now approaching will we finally have Jewellery crafting available?
As no mention in DLC update for Q1 notes regarding this.
@giinoz2011rwb17_ESO That guild master was misinformed. ZOS have said they are not working on jewellery crafting at all yet.