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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO – The Year Ahead"

  • Sixthly
    Hopefully nameplates will have more than an on/off switch. I'd really like to be able to select from one or more of the following:

    Proximity slider?

    And hopefully health bars could be controlled by the same logic or tied to nameplates
    Nameplates will have toggles so you can choose to turn them on or off. The same goes for scrolling combat text. (And both will be off by default.) We're dedicated to ensuring players have enough visual feedback during combat to play with SCT turned off.
  • Mysticman
    Spellcrafting was the only thing I was looking forward to this year, crafting stuff that I could conjure up like a Flame, frost or storm Atronach like in Skyrim would have make the game more like a Elder Scroll game should be like. I’m hoping that once they figure out how to make $$$ off of Spellcrafting they will still add it to the game, remember when they first started talking about stuff like spellcrafting more than 1 1/2 years ago this was a subscription game now that it’s B2P ZOS is obviously rethinking what they can afford to add to the game and what it will cost them.
    Now that Spellcrafting is all but dead how about adding "spell tomes" (spell-containing books that upon reading a tome, the specific spell contained within is learned, but the tome is destroyed in the process), to the game like what you have in Skyrim that would add a lot of excitement and new skills to the game. I believe a spell tomes system like in Skyrim could easily be adopted to ESO.
    Edited by Mysticman on 13 January 2016 19:17
  • prophexor
    Soul Shriven
    Didn't read anything about instanced pvp such as BGs or arenas. Is this something that will be considered for 2016?
  • Frawr
    In summary:

    You will make more (of the same with new skins) PVE solo + world mobs + grind DLC zones to sell.

    You will not make the previously-mentioned additions to the core game because you cannot monetise it.


    Why can you big (American) companies not strike a balance between Cash Grab and Longevity?

    - Justice system needs a bounty threshold, above which, players can attack. Once died to a player, lose a fixed amount of gold to bring the bounty back down below player threshold. This is hardly rocket science.
    - You cannot possibly make a game that pleases everyone. There will always be players who are better than other players. Please stop trying to ensure that no one 'loses' and instead focus on making engaging content.
    - Your die hard, hardcore fans stick around far longer than the casuals who B2P and then move on. Keep the payers happy first.
    - you cannot stop people from leaving by making the game totally idiot-proof
    - you can make people leave by making it repetitive and mundane
    - This game's big selling point is its combat. Not its quests, its combat.

    - PVP Arena.

    and I am a fool for continuing to sub...
    Edited by Frawr on 13 January 2016 19:35
  • Yo_Langland
    Is DSA being scaled up to vet 16?
  • stevenbennett_ESO
    My quick responses:

    - Justice System PvP - Oh thank heavens they're dropping this horrible idea. PvP belongs in PvP zones only.

    - Spellcrafting - I'll miss this idea but I can live with waiting on it until they can come up with a way to make it work within the system.

    - February PTS release... Foo. One of the things I'm really looking forward to is the 64 bit support... but I know that since it includes some VERY extensive overhauls of a lot of underlying systems, there's a lot of potential for major bugs. I was really hoping to have 6-8 weeks of testing on this before the live release, and a February PTS release either means not enough testing time on the new client, or a DLC release delayed until April, which I think is pushing their announced timeframes too much.
  • DorianDragonRaze
    I'm very excited to hear about player housing is coming. I love to tweak and decorate my houses in Skyrim, to put collectible items on shelves, and so on.
    I don't hope it will be even close but having at least several weapon and armor racks, crafting spots and a couple of extra chests (to increase total bank space a little bit) would be great.

    New guilds and quest lines are also always welcome.

    Now, regarding justice system and PvP. I'm happy it's off and I'll explain you why.

    There are many places in Tamriel where PvP just would not fit. If someone doing quest to save alliance, talking to the leader or his agent and see someone killing npc or other player nearby - it just doesn't make any sense. Already.
    And what about bands of people fighting around at the main city square (or any other significant place) while an important part of alliance quest is going on?
    It would be complete immersion break and disappoint people, especially who experience the quest for the first time.
    Unless any (justice) PvP actions are completely phased out of the player sight.
    The best fate for committing serious crime (like fight or kill) in times of war is public execution.
    Tamiel shouldn't feel like a circus full of clowns.

    Imagine one of the very first scenes in Helgen (Skyrim) right before the dragon shown up. Now add 10 players jumping and fighting around...

    What would be nice is training yards where people could train (PvP) with any random member of the same alliance no matter if the player is in a guild or not. That would fit and look just perfect.

    Now, let's say I'm not doing any quest and flagged myself for Justice PvP.
    Let's say I want to steal something for the first time, I perfectly hidden from npc, but I ganked by several players who already bored of any other awesome ESO activities and just soaring to catch other players who try to enjoy the game for their bully fun.
    And once more. And again...
    Next time I'll just join them and I will never try to steal again.
    Let police do their work!

    Many people would say Justice PvP works fine in other games. But ESO is not other games.
    Many blames Zenimax because of abandoning the idea but nobody can offer well thought and balanced Justice PvP mechanics that whould be fine for majority of players.
    Edited by DorianDragonRaze on 13 January 2016 21:46
    I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...
  • maboleth
    Frawr wrote: »
    In summary:

    - Justice system needs a bounty threshold, above which, players can attack. Once died to a player, lose a fixed amount of gold to bring the bounty back down below player threshold. This is hardly rocket science.
    - You cannot possibly make a game that pleases everyone. There will always be players who are better than other players.

    I guess you gave an answer yourself. Justice PVP bounty, as far as I see it, would make dedicated and strong, but despicable bounty hunters (no one liked them, even in the days of the wild west ;) ) that would just run and trash other players for their pitiful bounties. A bounty threshold, as good as it sounds, could easily be just another "pay xxx amount of gold to go below and no one will touch you" transaction thing. Hardly entertaining as I see it.

    What they already did for the justice system was very nice and quite logical - the more mess you create, the more you pay AND/OR the more it takes to clear with lots of stages to go.
    If they ever make a PVP Justice system, I would apply that only to the hardcore criminals with very large bounties that would be very hard to chase, track and get down. I guess it would be a lot of hassle for such a small population of like-minded players.
  • Saturn
    Sixthly wrote: »
    Saturn wrote: »
    Just look at Guild Wars 2, it didn't get its first expansion until three years after launch and how many players joined and left the game during that time? They won't get them back, because those people have long since moved on to other games. MMOs have to be frequently updated in order to stay relevant.
    So I don't speak for you, but I'm sure I speak for a lot of other people, when I say that going 9 months without proper content updates is not great.

    World of Warcraft is another great example of a game which is bleeding subscribers due to lack of content. The last content patch (Hellfire Citadel) was released in June 2015. The next content patch (Legion) is expected in September 2016. 15 months with no new content. The current expansion has gone from 10 million subscribers at launch, down to 5 million subscribers. This could be even lower, but Blizzard has announced they will no longer report subscribers.

    I doubt Elder Scrolls Online would last this long without new content because it has less replayability. We really need arenas, battlegrounds, and better PvE progression. Even if they keep old content relevant by upgrading the difficulty and increasing the rewards it will help a bit. How long is this new, single trial supposed to last? It will become stale without something else to do.


    At one point I believe WoW had close to 15 million active subscribers, but yeah it is dying out, however I think the reason why it isn't completely dead yet is because so many of the core features are well designed. I haven't played the game since the launch of Cataclysm, but I have quite fond memories of the PvP. Just imagine what ESO could be like if the PvP was less of a mess and had matchmaking, ranked matchmaking, instanced battlegrounds, arenas, etc.
    I think it says something when a game like WoW can have great PvP and still be so boring to play with your 40+ abilities on hotbar and floaty unimmersive gameplay. Cyrodiil is such a dreadful waste of the superb gameplay that ESO has. I think not developing instanced PvP arenas / battlegrounds (with actual balance and smaller scale fights) will prove to be detrimental to ESO's longevity.
    Edited by Saturn on 13 January 2016 21:30
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • ThatNeonZebraAgain
    Saturn wrote: »
    Sixthly wrote: »
    Saturn wrote: »
    Just look at Guild Wars 2, it didn't get its first expansion until three years after launch and how many players joined and left the game during that time? They won't get them back, because those people have long since moved on to other games. MMOs have to be frequently updated in order to stay relevant.
    So I don't speak for you, but I'm sure I speak for a lot of other people, when I say that going 9 months without proper content updates is not great.

    World of Warcraft is another great example of a game which is bleeding subscribers due to lack of content. The last content patch (Hellfire Citadel) was released in June 2015. The next content patch (Legion) is expected in September 2016. 15 months with no new content. The current expansion has gone from 10 million subscribers at launch, down to 5 million subscribers. This could be even lower, but Blizzard has announced they will no longer report subscribers.

    I doubt Elder Scrolls Online would last this long without new content because it has less replayability. We really need arenas, battlegrounds, and better PvE progression. Even if they keep old content relevant by upgrading the difficulty and increasing the rewards it will help a bit. How long is this new, single trial supposed to last? It will become stale without something else to do.


    At one point I believe WoW had close to 15 million active subscribers, but yeah it is dying out, however I think the reason why it isn't completely dead yet is because so many of the core features are well designed. I haven't played the game since the launch of Cataclysm, but I have quite fond memories of the PvP. Just imagine what ESO could be like if the PvP was less of a mess and had matchmaking, ranked matchmaking, instanced battlegrounds, arenas, etc.
    I think it says something when a game like WoW can have great PvP and still be so boring to play with your 40+ abilities on hotbar and floaty unimmersive gameplay. Cyrodiil is such a dreadful waste of the superb gameplay that ESO has. I think not developing instanced PvP arenas / battlegrounds (with actual balance and smaller scale fights) will prove to be detrimental to ESO's longevity.

    Not really imho. The style of PvP you describe essentially the CounterStrike of MMO PvP. While fun and quick, there's no surprise: the terrain is always the same, you know when and where your enemies are, etc. ESO's PvP is more akin to something like the real-time battles in the Total War series. They are different approaches, and coming from a hardcore DAoC background, I much prefer the DAoC/ESO style of strategic open field combat, keep sieging, and Scroll capturing. It's precisely the unpredictability (ie enemies could be anywhere) and scale that sets ESO PvP apart and makes it a dynamic experience. That said, there are MANY improvements that could be made to Cyrodiil to make better use of the great zone they've built. But doing a 180 and trying to clone WoW's PvP model would betray ESO's design philosophy and and forego what makes it unique.
    Edited by ThatNeonZebraAgain on 13 January 2016 21:44
    Gore-of-the-Forest Argonian Nightblade
    Wode Earthrender Breton Dragonknight
    Ceol the Last Baron Redguard Dragonknight
    Wayra High Elf Sorceress
    Erebain Salothran Dark Elf Templar
    Rituals-of-the-Forest Argonian Warden
  • Saturn
    Saturn wrote: »
    Sixthly wrote: »
    Saturn wrote: »
    Just look at Guild Wars 2, it didn't get its first expansion until three years after launch and how many players joined and left the game during that time? They won't get them back, because those people have long since moved on to other games. MMOs have to be frequently updated in order to stay relevant.
    So I don't speak for you, but I'm sure I speak for a lot of other people, when I say that going 9 months without proper content updates is not great.

    World of Warcraft is another great example of a game which is bleeding subscribers due to lack of content. The last content patch (Hellfire Citadel) was released in June 2015. The next content patch (Legion) is expected in September 2016. 15 months with no new content. The current expansion has gone from 10 million subscribers at launch, down to 5 million subscribers. This could be even lower, but Blizzard has announced they will no longer report subscribers.

    I doubt Elder Scrolls Online would last this long without new content because it has less replayability. We really need arenas, battlegrounds, and better PvE progression. Even if they keep old content relevant by upgrading the difficulty and increasing the rewards it will help a bit. How long is this new, single trial supposed to last? It will become stale without something else to do.


    At one point I believe WoW had close to 15 million active subscribers, but yeah it is dying out, however I think the reason why it isn't completely dead yet is because so many of the core features are well designed. I haven't played the game since the launch of Cataclysm, but I have quite fond memories of the PvP. Just imagine what ESO could be like if the PvP was less of a mess and had matchmaking, ranked matchmaking, instanced battlegrounds, arenas, etc.
    I think it says something when a game like WoW can have great PvP and still be so boring to play with your 40+ abilities on hotbar and floaty unimmersive gameplay. Cyrodiil is such a dreadful waste of the superb gameplay that ESO has. I think not developing instanced PvP arenas / battlegrounds (with actual balance and smaller scale fights) will prove to be detrimental to ESO's longevity.

    Not really imho. The style of PvP you describe essentially the CounterStrike of MMO PvP. While fun and quick, there's no surprise: the terrain is always the same, you know when and where your enemies are, etc. ESO's PvP is more akin to something like the real-time battles in the Total War series. They are different approaches, and coming from a hardcore DAoC background, I much prefer the DAoC/ESO style of strategic open field combat, keep sieging, and Scroll capturing. It's precisely the unpredictability (ie enemies could be anywhere) and scale that sets ESO PvP apart and makes it a dynamic experience. That said, there are MANY improvements that could be made to Cyrodiil to make better use of the great zone they've built. But doing a 180 and trying to clone WoW's PvP model would betray ESO's design philosophy and and forego what makes it unique.


    They wouldn't remove Cyrodiil and that's not what I wish for, obviously. I just want something that is more accessible to solo players or small groups, and where balance is always even (at least in terms of team size).

    Also I wouldn't call Cyrodiil strategic, sure it is intended to be strategic, but when it comes down to it a group with a lot of players can zerg any keep and take it without the need for any real strategy other than "stack and AoE".

    The main problem with Cyrodiil is that it is huge, but most of the area is unused. What they could do is add more points on the map to contest, so that you could be strategic by for example locking off the main route to a keep by conquering a gate or a bridge, forcing enemies to waste time recapturing said gate or bridge in order to pass through.

    Another problem with Cyrodiil's PvP is that it is inherently unbalanced, since players will go to whichever campaign their alliance "controls". On NA PC, AD currently "owns" Trueflame for example. If I go to try and take resources I will usually meet odds like 1v4 or worse.

    Having a matchmaking system would ensure you would always fight with even odds, which is when the combat system becomes less about stack and spam aoe, and more about individual player skill.

    If there wasn't any surprise in what you call "CS of MMO PvP" then people wouldn't play it. Especially when everybody knows the terrain, the spawns, the different ways to approach a given objective, etc. is when strategy starts to evolve. Sports games are like that too, the field size, player count, etc. is always the same, but the games you watch are different because of various strategies employed by the different teams.

    I am of course not saying that there isn't any strategy in Cyrodiil at all, but everyone who PvPs a lot can probably tell you that balance is a big issue and that more often than not the sides with most players will win, this has become even more of a problem since they capped AoE, meaning small groups have a harder time dealing with big groups because the game design limits them.
    Edited by Saturn on 14 January 2016 00:23
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • FilteredRiddle
    All future DLC will continue to use player level scaling to ensure that players of all levels can play in the same zone together, as we do with Imperial City and Orsinium.
    I really like this mechanic, though I hope we'll see more end-game specific leveled zones added too (e.g. Craglorn).
    Enable text chat on consoles later this year
    This is a focus on making the game much more "open," allowing players to play and group with one another with far fewer restrictions. The first step in doing this will be to fix longstanding problems with the Looking for Group system, but we will do much more than that.
    I really, really, really hope we'll see in-guild cross-alliance grouping in the future. I love the people in my guild and I detest the fact that I can't play with my buddies in other alliances for dungeons, Craglorn, etc.
    Work on a Looking for Guild system, as well as updates and fixes to make it easier manage player guilds.
    YAY #2!
    other features we are working on include scrolling combat text, character nameplates, the ability for console players to display their character name instead of their PSN ID/XBL Gamertag
    YAY #3, 4, and 5!!!
    expect to see information about systems like a character customization shop so you can change your character's gender, appearance, name, etc., player housing
    MORE YAYS THAN I CAN YAY! I really, really, really hope we'll see race changes included in the character changes. I was so disappointed with the inability to change my toon to an Imperial, after I was finally able to purchase the Imperial Edition. I'm not sure I want anything more than the ability to finally have my Imperial, without losing all of the time and effort I've put into my character. As for player housing, finally! I hope we'll see guild halls as well.
    We will not be adding in the previously discussed PvP component of the Justice System.
    Thank jeebus.

    EDIT -
    LearnThis wrote: »
    I know I read about the character customization but I did not see the word "race" in there. Was there a reason that was not spoken of or at least mentioned?

    Race changes are part of the current character re-customization design.
    Edited by FilteredRiddle on 14 January 2016 01:10
    Xbox One NA
    The Sentinels of Padomay
    Obsidian Guard (Social with PvX Events)

    Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it's always worth trying, and trying now. Gamers don't sit around.
    - Jane McGonigal
  • Slylok
    I think they should think again about the Enforcer part of the Justice system.. Link it to how much bounty a player has and once it is over a certain amount then they become " Wanted " and are open to be hunt down. Players that do not want to take part will be able to stay below the bounty threshold and those that do can go over it and have their fun too.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

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  • Stalwart385
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Trikki wrote: »
    NeKryXe wrote: »
    btw... after cheating the players who already reached v16 back to level 50 are you going to return the crowns spent on "Crown Experience Scrolls"?

    because i only used it after level 50, so, it's better you return some crowns if you are going to remove 16 levels.
    This x10000000000000000000000000000. I've spent like 12000 crowns on scrolls
    And you got a boost to your earned Champion Points for it. The removal of VRs isn't going to take away any of the things you got from those VRs (the attribute points and skill points), just the numbers themselves.

    As a console V16 Master Crafter, can you tell us if we're going to be, for want of a better term, majorly screwed over if we commit to making new V16 gear using the holy-s*** ridiculous needed amount of V16 mats now? What's going to happen to all of the materials and gear made for Veteran Ranks when the VR system is removed? Are we all going to be shafted out of our time and money? Is it a waste of time, materials, and gold to spend on gear that will lose effectiveness or otherwise be outdated?

    This is really urgently needed information, because it's already costing me half of my V16 business. Many people (myself included) are too scared to commit the massive gold and material cost into gear that will last only a month or two before it may or may not be rendered useless. Would it be prudent to just give up on making V16 gear and sell all of the mats before they're made extinct?

    Last they said, and this may not be the case anymore, instead of vr requirements there will be cp requirements. So yes your v16 gear will be more valuable than v1 gear.

    So if I were to make a full set of V16 gear, take it to yellow, and put yellow enchantments on all of it, I would not be getting shafted hard when the VR system goes kaput? Does anyone know what's going to happen to all of the crafting materials for gear above level 50? Is it going to be changed to affect weapon color or something, hopefully?

    Instead of v16 gold it will be cp500 gold. Which would be better than a cp250 (v8) gold or cp500 purple. Along those lines.
    Almost, except the plan is that VR16 gear will become 160 CP gear. Although I would much rather see other types of gear progression that did not restrict gear to how many CPs you have. There are so many different possibilities and opportunities for post 50 gear progression that do not need to tie gear into how many CPs you have. Tying anything into how many CPs you have as a hard requirement is counter to one of the principal reasons for removing VRs.

    Gotcha, yeah i couldn't remeber the numbers just the idea.
  • Dawidjohnssonb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler With the nixxing of the justice system part 2, the PvP community now has no clue what you are working on in 2016 if anything? Care to provide some enlightenment beyond fixing lag.[/
    @timidobserver i agree, the Pvp players need it badly
    Edited by Dawidjohnssonb16_ESO on 14 January 2016 09:03
  • Tyrion87
    Crown wrote: »
    For all of you complaining about removing vet levels and gear, our current understanding is that VR16 gear will become CP160 gear. See the 16 to 160 ratio? They're not so much removing vet levels as changing the way that you see them. People with level 50 toons will get the free 16 skill points and character points that they would have otherwise needed to experience up to VR16 to get. This applies to all of your new characters that you level up as well.

    If you're a VR6 toon with VR6 gear, then they will try to scale that in the conversion so that you are level 50 with 60 champion points and CP60 gear.

    If you're a VR15 toon with VR15 gear, then they will try to scale that in the conversion so that you are level 50 with 150 champion points and CP150 gear.

    Hmm I'm too lazy to read carefully all the eight pages already (!) of this thread but I have one concern about what you have just written above. Here it is:
    When I am VR10 with over 160 CPs at the date of the removal of VRs, how will such conversion apply to me, especially to my gear? I see that I will get all other 6 skill/attribute points which I would obtain while levelling my char up to VR16, but will my gear scale automatically to the highest level gear in the game right now, I mean to CP160 gear (after conversion) if I actually have over 160 CPs already? Will I skip the gear that is 'between'? And if all those CP's are common to all chars, will my lvl 50 char be granted an access to the highest level gear as well? In this case, everybody who has a minimum of 160 CPs already (and it is the vast majority of players nowdays), after levelling their chars to lvl 50, will get the highest level gear. So what will be the point in keeping in game the gear between lvl50 and those 160 CPs? The same concern refers to the crafting materials between VR1-VR16...
    Do I misunderstand something? If so, please explain me.
  • Enodoc
    Tyrion87 wrote: »
    Crown wrote: »
    For all of you complaining about removing vet levels and gear, our current understanding is that VR16 gear will become CP160 gear. See the 16 to 160 ratio? They're not so much removing vet levels as changing the way that you see them. People with level 50 toons will get the free 16 skill points and character points that they would have otherwise needed to experience up to VR16 to get. This applies to all of your new characters that you level up as well.

    If you're a VR6 toon with VR6 gear, then they will try to scale that in the conversion so that you are level 50 with 60 champion points and CP60 gear.

    If you're a VR15 toon with VR15 gear, then they will try to scale that in the conversion so that you are level 50 with 150 champion points and CP150 gear.
    Hmm I'm too lazy to read carefully all the eight pages already (!) of this thread but I have one concern about what you have just written above. Here it is:
    When I am VR10 with over 160 CPs at the date of the removal of VRs, how will such conversion apply to me, especially to my gear? I see that I will get all other 6 skill/attribute points which I would obtain while levelling my char up to VR16, but will my gear scale automatically to the highest level gear in the game right now, I mean to CP160 gear (after conversion) if I actually have over 160 CPs already? Will I skip the gear that is 'between'? And if all those CP's are common to all chars, will my lvl 50 char be granted an access to the highest level gear as well? In this case, everybody who has a minimum of 160 CPs already (and it is the vast majority of players nowdays), after levelling their chars to lvl 50, will get the highest level gear. So what will be the point in keeping in game the gear between lvl50 and those 160 CPs? The same concern refers to the crafting materials between VR1-VR16...
    Do I misunderstand something? If so, please explain me.
    From what we understand right now, if you have more than 160 CPs, then yes, you will suddenly be able to equip the highest level gear on any Level 50 character. The VR1-14 crafting mats will still be viable for anyone who is below 160 CPs, but that period won't last long. That's one of the reasons I would much rather see a 50+ gear progression system which doesn't have a CP requirement, and keeps all the mats viable for anyone over 50.
    Edited by Enodoc on 14 January 2016 13:33
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  • Ashtaris
    Dominoid wrote: »
    Daraugh wrote: »
    I was hoping to read something about the CRAFT BAG, I think I've read that they were thinking about adding such things for
    ESO plus member but I'm not sure.

    If there was a craft mats bag, especially if it was per character, I'd resub in a second.

    It's coming exclusively for ESO Plus members. What form it takes, we don't know yet.

    They mentioned crafting bags for Plus subscribers over six months ago on ESO Live but I haven't heard a peep about it since. I think they would just prefer selling us bag and bank space on the Clown store.
    Edited by Ashtaris on 14 January 2016 15:17
  • Mysticman
    Frawr wrote: »
    - This game's big selling point is its combat. Not its quests, its combat.

    - PVP Arena.
    This not battlefield or WOW this is a ""Elder scroll game"" that means Quest, Quest and more Quest this is a ""Online RPG"" game that means Quest, Quest and more Quest PVP is a minor part of this game that prefer very small part of the player base it never has been and never will be the main focus of this game, if want a PVP focused game you could look elsewhere.
    Edited by Mysticman on 14 January 2016 15:31
  • ForfiniteStories
    I appreciate the President being so open and upfront about the product he is in charge of. It's nice to see someone of his stature speak to the player base on such a personal level.

    Much of what I read was fairly insightful, but it also left me curious. It is unfortunate that they are no longer working on the crime system, but the game was never made or designed to work with such mechanics in place to begin with, being a themepark MMO after all. With all that there is to focus on, I can see what they dropped this and instead retained their focus on other gameplay features and additional content.
    The fact that they added a crime system at all was a welcoming surprise and change, and for that alone, I am grateful. Definitely a step in the right direction there!

    To be able to resculp your character is a nice addition and one that has been anticipated for quite some time. It is nice to know that the President himself acknowledges our interest in such a feature. It would also be great if we could adjust race and class, though I understand that there may be some technical issues involved with that.

    As for nameplates, it is nothing short of a good idea. I would very much appreciate it, however, if we could also display the name of a guild we are a part of as well as our rank. I would like my characters to be represented more, and that would be one way to do it. Also, it would help identify fellow guildies and guildies in general in PVP. I do not expect enemy alliances will have the privilege in identifying guildies of other alliances, however.

    Heck, let us form our own titles as well. That would also help identify fellow role-players.

    For example:
    Neveah Latina
    Temple of Kynareth


    Neveah Latina
    Temple of Kynareth, Healer


    Majigh Zinn
    House Telvanni


    Majigh Zinn
    House Telvanni, Sorcerer


    While it would be nice, it's certainly not something vital to my enjoyment of the game. Just a suggestion.

    I do hope that when Veteran Ranks are removed, all our progress won't be for naught. Specifically experience points, among others things. For example, when the total needed to level up to the next VR was shortened, I didn't receive any lost experience from the previous VRs that I leveled through. So that was 150,000 exp per previous VR that I grinded for nothing. Unless, of course, I did receive all that exp, but just didn't notice.
    If we won't be compensated, I will deal with it and move on. Though it would still be frustrating to a degree.
    Edited by ForfiniteStories on 14 January 2016 17:11
  • Caff32
    What will happen with those attribute points we got for veteran ranks?

    You will now earn the extra attribute/skill points while leveling up from 1-50. Here's a quick chart to help explain it better

    Level - Bonus Attribute/Skill Points
    5 - 1
    10 - 2
    15 - 1
    20 - 2
    25 - 1
    30 - 2
    35 - 1
    40 - 2
    45 - 1
    50 - 3
    Total 16

    Note: This is different than what I posted in November last year. We've been iterating on the design for a bit now and this is a much more straightforward approach.

    What happens to those characters who are in the vet rankings and haven't reached V16 but have the champion points to be the top level? How do they get the skill points between where they were before the removal of vet ranks and where they are after the removal of the vet ranks?

    For example, I have a character that is V3. I received a skill point at V1, 2, & 3. I have 230 champion points. When the vet levels are removed, my V3 will instantly become the equivalent of a V16. The character is already past 50, so she won't earn points as described in your post. She won't earn the 13 skill/attribute points between V3 and V16 for gaining levels because those levels will be gone. How will she get those points?
  • Ourorboros
    Apologies if my rant was covered somewhere in the 8 pages I didn't wade through in this thread.

    @ZOS_MattFiror I'm bemused that while improving the social aspect of the game was a focus for ESO this year there was no mention of Voice for the PC. Zeni acquired an outfit to improve Voice, and adding Voice to the PC has often been lumped with Controller support in previous discussions. Controller support is here (mostly well done, too). How can you ignore the most social venue we have, our voices, when focusing on improving social aspects of the game?

    Yes, we have Teamspeak, and quite a few other 3rd party apps, to use. That's part of the problem. Of my 5 guilds, there are 3 different voice apps in use. And while these apps are great for guild events, other than there being too many of them, they fall short when it comes to PUGS (which is essentially what Group FInder is). An essential element for successful groups is communication. While some have no problem typing in chat in the middle of a dungeon fight, I'm usually too busy killing and staying alive to read it, much less type myself. I also don't want to spend time exchanging settings and passwords for 3rd party apps every time I join a PUG. To make matters worse, I use a controller (and am very grateful for the Controller UI). To use chat, I have to switch to KB, and back to play. As a result, I usually don't do PUGs. They are not worth the hassle, even though there are days when I can't find a group in my guilds, and skip pledges that I would really like to do.

    If you truly plan to focus on the social apect of ESO, give us a VOICE.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • randomguy
    I tried reading all the forum posts so I could either bump or quote but I give up, how do you do it Gina...

    I AM VERY SAD the PVP aspect of the justice system is being removed. I WOULD LOVE if ZOS introduced a DLC where there were contested territories, like Cyrodiil Resources or Keeps, that functioned more like trading outposts. In these zones you can steal from and murder one another, in a Wild Wild West type scenario where there are no NPC guards. These territories should be faction-neutral, but maybe introduce the possibility of controlling the territory for your guild and making money. I want inner-faction PVP going on, and maybe also inter-faction PVP. I yearn for a cops-and-robbers type scenario or a bandits vs town garrison scenario. The now reclaimed city of Satakalaam reminds me of such a place, where the NPC guards are easily dealt, one can go on a crime spree unhindered... but then institute Justice PVP rules in such a place. The Imperial City/Sewers does represent many of these things, but without a few objectives to capture, maybe a DLC for imperial city DLC (omg dlc squared) could accomplish these things in the future, when the city is free from molag bal's control.
    I was hoping for some Dark Brotherhood dailies where you had to assassinate a friendly faction player or NPC (and then a player might have the option of killing you for committing a crime). I was hoping to fight players on my faction, so a Dueling option would also be very cool. It would also be cool if you could Duel players of an opposing faction. As a NB, setting the rules to a duel can be tricky (since I want to attack from stealth LOL) so if there were some in game rules (100meter ring, 5 minute timer, basic parameters really) that defined a Duel then I think the hardcore PVPers and Duelers would really appreciate that in-lieu of an arena type system. Everyone wants to prove they are number one, so a Dueling option would be very nice if you wanted to cater to the games 1% and keep the really badass players from leaving ESO.

    srsly doe, if emetic russula is 100% useless and the game is 2yrs old I will ragequit >.<
    anything over a 4 man is a zerg, anything over a duo is sweaty. true pvp is erp and telling ahtu to shut up
  • SuperKamiGuruXP
    Soul Shriven
    So about the removal of vet levels, what happens to the players that are vets that have gained skill points and attribute points for those levels? Do they just disappear?
  • Leogon
    Lots of awesome stuff to look forward to this year!
    Also, I'm so glad the PvP Justice System was cancelled.
    Edited by Leogon on 24 January 2016 13:12
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    I read the Year Ahead a few times, and was hoping someone would add an addendum for a few things:
    • Looking at PvP, all we have to look forward to for an entire year is reducing latency/lag and the cancellation of the Justice system?
    • There is no talk of balancing. Is @Wrobel posting his own Year Ahead? Many people I know of consider balancing to be a top priority.

    I don't need complete answers, I'm just hoping that this list is just to show what DLC's you have coming up. I would be very sad to hear that this next year is going to be a few PvE DLC quest zones and bringing things like scrolling text (something we had in beta) to consoles.

    We'll have Brian on this Friday's ESO Live to talk about about what he's working on for 2016 and beyond. And Eric will be making an appearance on an ESO Live in the near future (just not this week) to talk about class and combat changes and improvements in the works, too. :)

    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    I read the Year Ahead a few times, and was hoping someone would add an addendum for a few things:
    • Looking at PvP, all we have to look forward to for an entire year is reducing latency/lag and the cancellation of the Justice system?
    • There is no talk of balancing. Is @Wrobel posting his own Year Ahead? Many people I know of consider balancing to be a top priority.

    I don't need complete answers, I'm just hoping that this list is just to show what DLC's you have coming up. I would be very sad to hear that this next year is going to be a few PvE DLC quest zones and bringing things like scrolling text (something we had in beta) to consoles.

    We'll have Brian on this Friday's ESO Live to talk about about what he's working on for 2016 and beyond. And Eric will be making an appearance on an ESO Live in the near future (just not this week) to talk about class and combat changes and improvements in the works, too. :)

    Perfect. I was just concerned that there was very little in the Year Ahead. Thank you for the response, and I look forward to it.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Darkonflare15
    I read the Year Ahead a few times, and was hoping someone would add an addendum for a few things:
    • Looking at PvP, all we have to look forward to for an entire year is reducing latency/lag and the cancellation of the Justice system?
    • There is no talk of balancing. Is @Wrobel posting his own Year Ahead? Many people I know of consider balancing to be a top priority.

    I don't need complete answers, I'm just hoping that this list is just to show what DLC's you have coming up. I would be very sad to hear that this next year is going to be a few PvE DLC quest zones and bringing things like scrolling text (something we had in beta) to consoles.

    We'll have Brian on this Friday's ESO Live to talk about about what he's working on for 2016 and beyond. And Eric will be making an appearance on an ESO Live in the near future (just not this week) to talk about class and combat changes and improvements in the works, too. :)

    :/ I would of rather have Eric on the show. We had Brian on the last show. I am more interested in class and combat changes. Oh well.
  • MikeB
    People complaining about them dropping the rest of the justice system just don't see how it could be HUGELY exploited and ruin the economy beyond recovery. What would stop me from making a character I couldn't care less about, going and getting a 10 million dollar bounty and then have a friend kill me and split the gold?

    Those that don't see how hard it would be to implement spell crafting w/o breaking the balance beyond repair never played Morrowind. It would either be so generic you could only craft spells made by ZOS for your class or would be open ended which would take the balancing out of ZOS' hands. I will not be surprised when its inevitability cancelled.

    Sorry if I missed the answer for my question. You mentioned scrolling combat text coming with TG but there's no mention of buff/debuff timers. Will these be included with SCT?
    Edited by MikeB on 14 January 2016 23:02
  • Stigant
    Thanks for sharing your plans with us ... while you make it sound all pretty pretty. there is actually nothing really interesting coming

    You want to pump out DLC every Q for us to purchase, while you don't care at all about previous DLCs not meeting their advertised features"

    What about supposedly PvP content released as an Imperial city, which is flooded with NPCs and DAILY PVE QUEST? Any plans to revisit and turn it into real PvP DLC at all?

    Do you even want us to PvP in your game or you want it to be Online Single player PvE game with a option to join a party once in a while for some Dungeon Run? I m h
    aving really hard time to trust that something is actually going to happen to make PvP interesting and enjoyable in the future..

    buy hey .. you scratched Spellcrafting, you scratched Justice PvP, you are still in process of fixing actuall PvP, and you are giving us useless housing instead ... THANK YOU

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