Could I get an invite please my GT is EmZ RT thanks
I usually play alone but the occational dungeon and maybe some trading would be nice!
GT: Jonthe838
Inconsol8Guitar wrote: »I'm interested. Online often. Need to do all the group dungeons in each territory (minus Auridon) and all of Craglorn (minus "The Gray Passage" quest). Willing to help others, as long as I don't have to talk... much...
GT: MetalcoreMormon
Psychedelic1993 wrote: »This is perfect for me! Just promise no one will shout at me and I would love to join
UnityChronicler wrote: »Just made a new guild for all us solo players who don't want the hassle and commitment of a regular guild but still want to get together with like-minded players to hit dungeons at every level. Nice and casual, participate as much or as little as you like, no fees or anything.
Not currently officially associated with, but we're working on that! Looking for new members, so leave a reply here and be sure to include your gamertag so we can get you an invitation sent out.
The Guild is currently based in Ebonheart Pact (and aligned with them for Alliance War content), but characters from all over Tamriel are welcome.
-UnityChronicler, Guildmaster.
GT: woftis
Slaytanicslayer45 wrote: »This sounds ideal, I've been wanting to do the dungeons for a while now, got missions to complete in em lol. As long as everyone is friendly and we can have a laugh I'm in.
GT: Slaytanicslayer
PLEASE ADD ME!!! GT: Freshj15
This is my kind of guild
plumpyrumpyb16_ESO wrote: »Hey! This is the guild for me. Could I get an invite please, GT: PlumpyRumpy
Can I get an invite?
GT - Neaqmir
7bermudez7nrb19_ESO wrote: »I would like to join
My gt: Tokuda77
naylor-2010b16_ESO wrote: »Could I get an invite please pal. GT is xDxIxLxDxO