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The "Differently Geared" - Standing in Stupid

  • drzycki_ESO


    I guess it could sound that way without knowing the players and knowing they are actually family, not a PUG. When you take into account it was me yelling at him, and he happens to be my older brother I hope you can understand it wasn't meant as hostile. He gives me grief all the time for doing the same sort of things. We just chose the extreme clips to use in the video as we thought they were funny after the fact. In some of those clips, it was Jim, our sister, my wife, and I.

    Jim lives in a different part of the country but we still play together several times a week. He stands in red, and I always face pull and accidentally fall off high places. Have to include Jim yelling at me for getting us all killed in one of the upcoming videos, lol![/quote]

    It's great playing with family. Our "Jim" is my husband and we play with our son, grandson, granddaughter, and two best friends. We all screw up. If everything went perfectly, what would there be to laugh about?
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thank you for pointing out why I don't count myself as an MMO player. You people are too judgmental and you want everyone to play a specific way.

    I'd rather not complete content than to put up with people like that.

    Why so serious? I think the point of the video was to demonstrate the funny things people do, not trying to force them to play a certain way. Besides, when does standing inside of a damage circle that can quickly kill you qualify as playing the way you want? I'm pretty sure no one is supposed to play that way unless you are purposely trying to troll others.

    The group I run with has one guy that always does something stupid (unintentionally of course) so we constantly make fun of him for it. It is not to correct him but to just have fun when he makes a mistake. When someone else in the group does something similar, myself included, the whoe groups has a good laugh about it too. Usually the one guy messes up again and we just go back to joking with him though. Despite all the mistakes he makes, he's the one guy that boosts morale for the entire group; it certainly wouldn't be the same without him.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    I don't normally watch videos in the forums most of the time they are just some one stroking their epeen, in some 1Vxxx, but I am glad I broke my own rule and watched this one it was funny and I have encountered the geared differently a few times, thanks for the laughs.:)
  • Armitas
    If you get a red circle on you take it over to your healer and yell "get it off me get it off me" so they can cleanse it for you. o:)o:)
    Edited by Armitas on 1 October 2015 20:15
    Nord mDK
  • Mjollo
    What I learned from this video is "Jim get out of the circle". I laughed every time I heard it.
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • QuebraRegra
    cosmetic items all the way!

    Listen to Jim Kelly:

    "I'll be too busy looking good"
  • Mandrel8
    Oh, that's excellent! Been there! Can I join the 'Jim' fan club?
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thank you for pointing out why I don't count myself as an MMO player. You people are too judgmental and you want everyone to play a specific way.

    I'd rather not complete content than to put up with people like that.

    LMAO What!?!

    You mean pointing out how the Game wants you to play this content? Every red circle in the game is a bad place to be standing. Thats why its red. To act as if its the players fault for pointing out the obvious and not yours is just refusing to take responsibility for how terrible you are at playing a simple video game.
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on 1 October 2015 22:01
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Shimmer
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thank you for pointing out why I don't count myself as an MMO player. You people are too judgmental and you want everyone to play a specific way.

    I'd rather not complete content than to put up with people like that.

    @Gidorick wow so serious! We are actually family, Jim is my brother in law. Steve is my husband and Christie is my sister in law. (steven and jim are brothers, how can you expect brothers not to bicker from time to time) Don and other steve are close friends that we have gamed with for YEARS. The intent of the video was to make fun of how bad we were at not standing in circles. As you can see everyone in the video at some point was standing in stupid.

    The game itself makes the circles red to let you know they are bad! So really its ZOS wanting you to play a certain way...

    We all have fun and 90% of the time laugh our tooshes off even after wiping numerous times learning fights. Turn your frown upside down sir! Its good fun!
    Edited by Shimmer on 1 October 2015 21:25
    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | The Differently Geared

    Mistakes must be carelessly planned.
  • Kuroinu
    Sylance9 wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thank you for pointing out why I don't count myself as an MMO player. You people are too judgmental and you want everyone to play a specific way.

    I'd rather not complete content than to put up with people like that.

    @Gidorick wow so serious! We are actually family, Jim is my brother in law. Steve is my husband and Christie is my sister in law. (steven and jim are brothers, how can you expect brothers not to bicker from time to time) Don and other steve are close friends that we have gamed with for YEARS. The intent of the video was to make fun of how bad we were at not standing in circles. As you can see everyone in the video at some point was standing in stupid.

    The game itself makes the circles red to let you know they are bad! So really its ZOS wanting you to play a certain way...

    We all have fun and 90% of the time laugh our tooshes off even after wiping numerous times learning fights. Turn your frown upside down sir! Its good fun!

    Although these types of people still exist and I've came across them on rare occasion. It's been a while since I've been in an MMO with a group that can just laugh when someone dies and not call them out. So many players today, so serious.

    It's possible to be laid back with a good attitude and still be a good player.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Watched the video and thought of the tons of AP Nerien'eth would have if he were in PvP ...
  • Gidorick
    Sylance9 wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thank you for pointing out why I don't count myself as an MMO player. You people are too judgmental and you want everyone to play a specific way.

    I'd rather not complete content than to put up with people like that.

    @Gidorick wow so serious! We are actually family, Jim is my brother in law. Steve is my husband and Christie is my sister in law. (steven and jim are brothers, how can you expect brothers not to bicker from time to time) Don and other steve are close friends that we have gamed with for YEARS. The intent of the video was to make fun of how bad we were at not standing in circles. As you can see everyone in the video at some point was standing in stupid.

    The game itself makes the circles red to let you know they are bad! So really its ZOS wanting you to play a certain way...

    We all have fun and 90% of the time laugh our tooshes off even after wiping numerous times learning fights. Turn your frown upside down sir! Its good fun!

    It's more your general attitude towards him and there is no indication of what type relationship you have with Jim on the OP. How was I supposed to divine that Jim wasn't some random guy you came across?

    I wasn't defending his actions, I was commenting on how judgemental his "team" seems. Yea, Jim was "standing in stupid" but you guys seem to be laying in judgment.

    That being said, the reception of the video does change knowing that you guys are family/friends and not just guildmates or apug group.

    I just know how it is to be on the receiving end of these kinds of criticisms. I've been admonished because I'm a DragonKnight that almost exclusively uses weapon skills because my character detests magic in all its forms. I've been rushed through dungeons by players who "know the way" and want to complete the content quickly. More often than not grouping is not fun for me.

    That's my perspective. Thanks for sharing yours.
    Edited by Gidorick on 2 October 2015 00:03
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Elijah_Crow
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Sylance9 wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Thank you for pointing out why I don't count myself as an MMO player. You people are too judgmental and you want everyone to play a specific way.

    I'd rather not complete content than to put up with people like that.

    @Gidorick wow so serious! We are actually family, Jim is my brother in law. Steve is my husband and Christie is my sister in law. (steven and jim are brothers, how can you expect brothers not to bicker from time to time) Don and other steve are close friends that we have gamed with for YEARS. The intent of the video was to make fun of how bad we were at not standing in circles. As you can see everyone in the video at some point was standing in stupid.

    The game itself makes the circles red to let you know they are bad! So really its ZOS wanting you to play a certain way...

    We all have fun and 90% of the time laugh our tooshes off even after wiping numerous times learning fights. Turn your frown upside down sir! Its good fun!

    It's more your general attitude towards him and there is no indication of what type relationship you have with Jim on the OP. How was I supposed to divine that Jim wasn't some random guy you came across?

    I wasn't defending his actions, I was commenting on how judgemental his "team" seems. Yea, Jim was "standing in stupid" but you guys seem to be laying in judgment.

    That being said, the reception of the video does change knowing that you guys are family/friends and not just guildmates or apug group.

    I just know how it is to be on the receiving end of these kinds of criticisms. I've been admonished because I'm a DragonKnight that almost exclusively uses weapon skills because my character detests magic in all its forms. I've been rushed through dungeons by players who "know the way" and want to complete the content quickly. More often than not grouping is not fun for me.

    That's my perspective. Thanks for sharing yours.

    I'm sorry that's been your experience and I can share that I have experienced it in other games. That's one of the reasons I prefer to play with a tight knit group of friends and family. Every time we do content for the first time I drive everyone nuts taking forever to peak into corners or jump off some spot where I most certainly have little chance of survival, but it needs to be tried any way :) .

    The video isn't meant to ridicule anyone of us in particular, but to ridicule all of us and share some laughs at things most of us have experienced. Just wait for the next episode... :)
  • Belidos
    HollyQ502 wrote: »
    uberkull wrote: »
    Funny...but...doesn't hold a candle to a real WoW raid. Then again, ESO dungeons or trails aren't 'raids'. Try managing 40 people....

    Was Everquest before your time? We regularly had 100+ in two raids on the same target (because we had a huge guild). Those were some good days. That's where I learned that if I get agro, DON'T MOVE.

    Yeah I had the same when I played Dark Age of Camelot, I was leading master level runs for multiple battle groups at the same time, up to 200+ players all wanting to run in a different direction with their own ideas of boss tactics, probably the most stressful point in my gaming life, yet one of the most satisfying. I wish back then recording your gaming was a thing, I would have some real epic videos, getting far to old to do that kind of thing now, i'm happy pottering around soloing most of the time lol
  • maxjapank

    Gidorick wrote: »

    I just know how it is to be on the receiving end of these kinds of criticisms. I've been admonished because I'm a DragonKnight that almost exclusively uses weapon skills because my character detests magic in all its forms. I've been rushed through dungeons by players who "know the way" and want to complete the content quickly. More often than not grouping is not fun for me.

    That's my perspective. Thanks for sharing yours.

    I take pride in the fact that I don't mind running with pugs and people who are still learning the fights. I found the video amazingly funny and would be happy to run with all of them, including Jim :).

    I had one of those "elite" players join a pug with me the other day. After wiping on a boss twice, he said he'd give it one more try. Then when we wiped again, he just up and left. Funny thing was that we got another player and after I explained the fight, we got it in two more tries. And the rest of the dungeon was smooth sailing. That "elite" player, by the way, is a leader in a guild. And during our entire run I saw him continually trying to get a group together for that pledge. And he was still trying to do it an hour after we'd finished.

    I understand some people's frustrations. But it's been my experience that teaching people the mechanics and being patient helps develop amazing players.

  • Bhakura
    gets really hilarious when a pug member dies and dies again, then starts bashing on everyone for being so crappy at this ...
  • Carter_DC
    I found this most disrespectful !

    Theses ppl are human being just as you and me.

    Calling them "different" ? Shame on you OP !

    Some ppl are "keyboardly challenged", that's sad but it's a condition, you shouldn't make fun of them for something they do not control (their keyboard actually).

    High Kinlady Estre was right ! Hail to the Veil !
    Fr AD Guild Arkadium.
  • Elijah_Crow
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I found this most disrespectful !

    Theses ppl are human being just as you and me.

    Calling them "different" ? Shame on you OP !

    Some ppl are "keyboardly challenged", that's sad but it's a condition, you shouldn't make fun of them for something they do not control (their keyboard actually).


    Lol. "Differently Geared" is a term coined by an old raid leader friend as a politically correct term for taking those unfamiliar with mechanics and under powered gear through dungeons and raids to get better gear. We adopted this name for ourselves for three reasons. It points out that these videos focus on people are not wearing the best in slot gear, they are learning mechanics, and it's damn funny.

    If you had read the thread you would know this is a close group of friends and family making fun of ourselves. If anyone in these videos were not in reality completely competent, we wouldn't be including them in the video and no individual is "different" as you imply. It's all in good fun and we are glad to laugh at ourselves.
  • SilentRaven1972
    @Gidorick I know what you mean. My brother and I still have to experience most dungeons because it's hard to find people that want to take things slow. We enjoy poking around, figuring out tactics (especially after getting killed a few times) and trying to have fun. The first few times through Spindleclutch, we were rushed. Later, we found there are hidden chests in there!

    I did enjoy the video, and I am one of those guilty of "standing in stupid" :)
    "Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so will it always be. In time all foul things come forth." -Thranduil
  • Carter_DC
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I found this most disrespectful !

    Theses ppl are human being just as you and me.

    Calling them "different" ? Shame on you OP !

    Some ppl are "keyboardly challenged", that's sad but it's a condition, you shouldn't make fun of them for something they do not control (their keyboard actually).


    Lol. "Differently Geared" is a term coined by an old raid leader friend as a politically correct term for taking those unfamiliar with mechanics and under powered gear through dungeons and raids to get better gear. We adopted this name for ourselves for three reasons. It points out that these videos focus on people are not wearing the best in slot gear, they are learning mechanics, and it's damn funny.

    If you had read the thread you would know this is a close group of friends and family making fun of ourselves. If anyone in these videos were not in reality completely competent, we wouldn't be including them in the video and no individual is "different" as you imply. It's all in good fun and we are glad to laugh at ourselves.

    My bad.
    I should have added that you can't take this post anything but literally for there isn't any openings for the slightest sarcasm whatsoever.
    High Kinlady Estre was right ! Hail to the Veil !
    Fr AD Guild Arkadium.
  • Elijah_Crow
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I found this most disrespectful !

    Theses ppl are human being just as you and me.

    Calling them "different" ? Shame on you OP !

    Some ppl are "keyboardly challenged", that's sad but it's a condition, you shouldn't make fun of them for something they do not control (their keyboard actually).


    Lol. "Differently Geared" is a term coined by an old raid leader friend as a politically correct term for taking those unfamiliar with mechanics and under powered gear through dungeons and raids to get better gear. We adopted this name for ourselves for three reasons. It points out that these videos focus on people are not wearing the best in slot gear, they are learning mechanics, and it's damn funny.

    If you had read the thread you would know this is a close group of friends and family making fun of ourselves. If anyone in these videos were not in reality completely competent, we wouldn't be including them in the video and no individual is "different" as you imply. It's all in good fun and we are glad to laugh at ourselves.

    My bad.
    I should have added that you can't take this post anything but literally for there isn't any openings for the slightest sarcasm whatsoever.

    After re-reading I actually do get the sarcasm (as did my wife upon reading it once). I may however have to ask your permission to use the term "Keyboardly Challenged" for a future episode. :)
  • SkylarkAU
    When's the next installment??
    Skylärk // v16 Stamina DK (AvA 23)
    Elizabeth Skylark // v16 Magicka Sorc (AvA 29)
    Tauriel Skylark // v16 Stamina NB (AvA 12)
    Alexander Skylark // v2 Magicka Templar
    Terra Australis XI // v2 Magicka DK
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  • Shimmer
    SkylarkAU wrote: »
    When's the next installment??

    Today! Getting ready to upload to youtube after its done rendering :open_mouth:
    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | The Differently Geared

    Mistakes must be carelessly planned.
  • Xendyn
    Sylance9 wrote: »
    SkylarkAU wrote: »
    When's the next installment??

    Today! Getting ready to upload to youtube after its done rendering :open_mouth:

    I've had this bookmarked since the first one, hoping for more :)
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Elijah_Crow
    We might finish the third installment this weekend as well....
  • tinythinker
    Not sure how I missed this before, but after seeing the second video posted by an official ESO social media account I backtracked to the DG YoutTube site and then here. Great work. I might link these in a post I made for people new to/shy about dungeons to help folks get over their anxiety.
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