Liferuiner666 wrote: »Your complaing about them bringing a game out thats not ready, yet if they had posponed realease youd all be [snip] about that too! If you want a glitch/bug free game then learn to be paitent.
Liferuiner666 wrote: »Your complaing about them bringing a game out thats not ready, yet if they had posponed realease youd all be [snip] about that too! If you want a glitch/bug free game then learn to be paitent.
Ha, if console folks are complaining now, what is gonna happen when it it is a significant patch and there is a 30 or 50 gig download. I'm pretty sure its happened a few times on PC already.
Seriously My play time during the day is the same time as Patch time, so I usually consider any day I get to play on patch day a bonus.
Liferuiner666 wrote: »Your complaing about them bringing a game out thats not ready, yet if they had posponed realease youd all be [snip] about that too! If you want a glitch/bug free game then learn to be paitent.
funkyjunky77 wrote: »
So if you were in a restaurant and you found a hair in your soup and the waiter said to you "I'll just change that for you sir, I'll get you a new bowl in 15 hours" you'd be totally happy with that would you?
funkyjunky77 wrote: »I just checked my Internet speed and it's 59Mbps download and yet the patch says it's going to take 26hrs, lol.
I tell you, this game is giving me more and more reasons to not play it anymore.
Razgriz_2142 wrote: »
Its more the fact we are pretty much re downloading content we already have installed from the day 1 patch if they were adding in the new areas sure i would probably not be that bothered, its the fact we are downloading data which is just esentially wasting peoples time and bandwith
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys. Today’s PS4 patch size is 15.9GB because it also includes patches 01.01 – 01.03. We’ll be posting more information about this later today here on the forums.
funkyjunky77 wrote: »
So if you were in a restaurant and you found a hair in your soup and the waiter said to you "I'll just change that for you sir, I'll get you a new bowl in 15 hours" you'd be totally happy with that would you?
Razgriz_2142 wrote: »
Its more the fact we are pretty much re downloading content we already have installed from the day 1 patch if they were adding in the new areas sure i would probably not be that bothered, its the fact we are downloading data which is just esentially wasting peoples time and bandwith
jaredhatter01_ESO wrote: »
This. A lot of work full time jobs. I read this game was going to have an almost 16 gig day one patch. Even though I work extremely early on Tuesday mornings (have to be in by 6), I set my alarm to wake up for the Gamestop midnight release so I could make sure I could have this huge file downloaded when I got home from work. Now having to download essentially the same file on my day off (two days off a week like most people) is a nuisance. It's not entitlement or whatever, but this leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. I get that MMOs needs patches, but browsing the forum, it seems this has been an issue on PC before.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys. Today’s PS4 patch size is 15.9GB because it also includes patches 01.01 – 01.03. We’ll be posting more information about this later today here on the forums.
Razgriz_2142 wrote: »
Its more the fact we are pretty much re downloading content we already have installed from the day 1 patch if they were adding in the new areas sure i would probably not be that bothered, its the fact we are downloading data which is just esentially wasting peoples time and bandwith
Ha, if console folks are complaining now, what is gonna happen when it it is a significant patch and there is a 30 or 50 gig download. I'm pretty sure its happened a few times on PC already.
Seriously My play time during the day is the same time as Patch time, so I usually consider any day I get to play on patch day a bonus.
Edit: Forgot to mention that the servers are down all day instead of a couple of hours on those days so it makes it that much worse.
Stories-Bones-Tell wrote: »It's quite fun to see console players going completely bananas every patch or server maintenance day. Reminds me of the early days in WoW where everyone would demand a refund for their sub on such days.
Which are the patches downloaded already, right?
So you're not getting anything new, just the patches you already had?