Knights of the Blade. Ebonheart XB1 EU guild!

  • Turbatus96
    Soul Shriven
    Ok, sounds like a plan. But please. No spoilers guys. The funs in the learning process :D

  • Sanb0
    Hi I've only been playing ESO for a bit, I'm level 30 and am looking for a guild that I can find players of all levels for dungeons etc.

    I have been playing MMOs for over 10 years, 7 years playing WoW, 5 of which were hardcore raiding, although I have given up warcraft now.

    I've had a quick read through and this looks like a decent guild so I was wondering if I could get an invite.

    My GT is Sanb0 (that's a zero at the end)

    Thanks and hope to play with some of you guys soon
  • InFernalEntity
    Interested in joining the guild.

    GT: InFernal Entity

    (space included)
    XBOX GT: InFernal Entity

    Zoarava the Dark Reaper - Level 50 Khajiit Stamblade
    Valyria Uviryoni - Level 50 Dunmer mDK Vampire
    Pale Shade - Level 50 Argonian NB crafter
  • J4mes2895
    Soul Shriven
    Definitely the kinda' guild I'm looking for!

    I've got a few vet characters and some new ones so I hope that if you accept me; that I can make a great contribution to the guild!

    I'm UK based too and I'm regularly online! :smiley:

    Hope to hear form you soon!

    Gamertag is J4mes2895
  • sambrowneyy98eb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Add me please: x Browneyy
  • DiscoStub3rt
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please!

    GT - DiscoStub3rt

  • FranzFerdinana
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Franz Ferdinana
  • facemanfacey
    GT: facemanfacey
  • RabidHellBunny
    Hopefully everyone should have invites now... if we missed anyone give me a shout.

    Don't forget to jump into guild chat and say hello!!
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • Artjuh90
    I would like to join aswell my GT: is strawyfastart
    i have a vet 12 NB, vet 3 templar and a lvl 37 DK
  • coolbeans2me
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join and help do dungeons. Level 48 templar. Gtg: Cool beans 2 me
  • Mesayahuggy
    Soul Shriven
    Mesayahuggy is me lvl 35 nord templar.north east nord!
  • Sinky123
    Soul Shriven

    Myself and my brother would like to join your guild our gamertags are listed below

    My gamertag is VividSatsuma

    My brother is Hellbent Turnip

  • Crazy367
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, been searching for guilds like this to be apart of for a good few hours tonight haha.

    My GT is Crazy367

    I hope to play with you guys soon :)
  • Christophhhh__
    GT - TessTickleHairs

    32 year old, had veteran level players on PS4 but the missus wanted to play it on XboxOne so had to start again on here.

  • TitanJay
    Send me an invite to guild if your more of a PvE guild looking to get Pledges done and help others doing them
    VR16 DK - DPS

    it is 0nly me - 0 is zero
  • LukeOA
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'd like to join your guild please:

    V16 High Elf Sorcerer

    GT: Luke Runs Lesta
  • whosyourdaddy
    GT:asihi na
  • dreadleech
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Dreadleech
  • thom.giesbersb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Are you guys still recruiting? Looking for a cool group to play with, currently level 34 Templar.
    GT: Thom Snow
  • Marosh08
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Marosh08
  • Bentiwon

    I have played on PC since release, but just switched to Xbox One, and I feel it's a greater gaming experience here. I'm an old fart from Sweden who have played mmorpgs since the late 90's, my play style is a bit layed back, but I enjoy all aspects of the game, and you will find me both in PvE and PvP.

    I'm looking for a close knit family guild, and you seem like a good guild, so if you are still recruiting I'd like an invite...

    GT: Thainen

  • dinky_1992b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT: dovahkiin18
  • Shiffty
    Soul Shriven
    HI, any chance i can have a invite please?

    Gamertag is eX Shiffty

    Char name is Sir Shiffty
  • LucyLocket76
    Hi there. A really great player who did me a big favour would like to join but is not sure how. Their gamer tag is J Rizz172 if they are able to join that would be great.

    Thank you
    If in doubt...Run Away!!

    Ebonheart Pact
  • eviluste
    Soul Shriven
    GT SteC81
  • Boskk89
    Soul Shriven
    Hey please help with an invite, gamertag is Bosk89
  • Chaos_Engine01
    Soul Shriven
    Hi my friend and I would love an invite to you guild, my GT is Chaos Engine01 and my friend is Edgartonian2241
  • Scuzzya
    still recruiting? GT: Scuzzya
  • FirstEmperorLee
    Soul Shriven
    Are we still able to join?
    GT FirstEmperorLee
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