Knights of the Blade. Ebonheart XB1 EU guild!

  • Deadly-Bacon31
    If you guys are still recruiting I would love an Invite

    Deadly bacon31
  • Sinist3r4041
    Soul Shriven
    GT: SiNiSt3rGoddess

    Any chance I could get an invite to both please
  • CaptainSharp
    Soul Shriven
    Pretty new to the game but looking to join up to the guild if you're recruiting!
    GT: Captain5harp
  • Spiderneil
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, looking to take advantage of some of the large guild related aspects of the game. Can I get an invite please? I'm also a UK based make in his 30s.

  • Minkey_M0nkey
    Bunny has sent you all invites
    Guildmaster for The Games Den trading guild (sister Guild to The Knights of the Blade)
    Co-leader for The Knights of the Blade
    Find us at:

    Vet 16 - Templar - Wood Elf - Ebonheart Pact
  • Avail17
    Soul Shriven
    GT: lI Harrison Il
    Li iL

  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Gt- Equinox Shane

    Me and a friend looking for more people to play with. We are both Vet 16s, looking to do end game content - trails, Dality gold pledges etc. Oh and also we pvp a bit too.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • RabidHellBunny
    Should be up to date with invites now. Don't forget to jump into guild chat and say hello!
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • deathscomrade
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join please. Currently level 28 dark elf DK, DPS/healerish build. Gamertag deathscomrade :-)
  • ErikStrom
    Soul Shriven

    number zero not an letter, ta
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    ErikStrom - Oathsworn of Vokundein
  • teclis38
    Soul Shriven
    teclis95 :). Just got the game but loving it so far and looking for people to team up with
    Soul Shriven
    Any chance of an invt
    30 somthin
    Lvl 2 vet Healer
    My gt is (CHR0NIC UK) with a zer0 not an O
  • Minkey_M0nkey
    All done and up to date
    Guildmaster for The Games Den trading guild (sister Guild to The Knights of the Blade)
    Co-leader for The Knights of the Blade
    Find us at:

    Vet 16 - Templar - Wood Elf - Ebonheart Pact
  • RabidHellBunny
    Still looking for active players who like to get involved with the social side of the game.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • mad0ni0n
    Could I get an invite? I'm looking for a guild to do dungeons with rather than using the group finder all the time plus for trading. I'm VR3 tank gamertag: mad0ni0n
  • lokesgard
    I'd like to join you please, new player, level 19 sorc.
    GT LokiWillSmiteU
    Edited by lokesgard on 27 May 2016 17:56
  • falcatatimes01
    Soul Shriven
    Would like to join:
    Vet 16 Nightblade
    Vet 9 Sorc
    Vet 6 Healer
    Level 40 Dragonknight

    Tag: Wolfshead Bin
  • boiiiiiiiiii
    Soul Shriven
    Me and a friend have just started we are really noob .

    We want to join a trade guild so we can sell stuff.

    Are we in the right place ?

    My gt is boiiiiiiiiii .

  • SmokingCures
    Soul Shriven
    Hello would like to join, reliable tank for dungeons!
  • Drearvoyage
    Not sure if invites have been sent but I'll check and invite you later if not :)
    Xbox One - EU - EP
    Officer in Knights of the Blade
    DrearVoyage - V16 Nord DK tank
    Drearyvoyage - V16 Breton magblade
  • Drearvoyage
    Should be up to date. I couldn't find a gamertag for wolfshead though, is it right?
    Xbox One - EU - EP
    Officer in Knights of the Blade
    DrearVoyage - V16 Nord DK tank
    Drearyvoyage - V16 Breton magblade
  • Tida2Yuna
    Would like to join GT: Lezask6p
  • KatoZee
    Soul Shriven
    This seems like an interesting guild to join, is it still highly active with many interesting characters to venture with? I am somewhat indecisive with my character build, would there be people able to help me explore more of the game instead of the Mournhold respec shrines?
  • SandF
    Soul Shriven
    Hi can I join? 30 year old returning to scrolls after ten years out did play skyrim but do count myself as a good player
  • Drearvoyage
    Sure, is your gamer tag the same as your forum name? @SandF
    Edited by Drearvoyage on 6 July 2016 14:47
    Xbox One - EU - EP
    Officer in Knights of the Blade
    DrearVoyage - V16 Nord DK tank
    Drearyvoyage - V16 Breton magblade
  • kenjiblaster25
    My gamer tag is kenjiblaster25 - I'm ebonheart, can I get an invite?

    Never Behind Guild - PvE & PvP & Trade & Trials & Friendship & Great laughs
    Guild Motto - leave no one behind, stay on the crown, kill the greens
    Ebonheart Pact
  • Ethelwulf_Nz
    Soul Shriven
    The UnderDog56
  • Tida2Yuna
    Would like to join.GT: tatum8aci
  • KaixKurosaki
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join please. :)

    GT: SGTxBl4ckxHe4rt
  • Dethjestic69
    Looking for a guild, I am low level on the EU server. Looking to start more play on EU.
    GT - dethjestic
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