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Knights of the Blade. Ebonheart XB1 EU guild!

My friends and I have started up a guild... It's very laid back, fun, guild with regular players.
At the moment we are all still fairly low levels and just questing and exploring the game, crafting goods etc. We have yet to find our place in the game... Although pretty sure my soul purpose is to craft!
We are hoping for a tight knit, sociable guild that will help each other out, we do need more people for dungeon runs.

We've not really tried the PVP yet but will do at some point.

We are all adults somewhere in the region of 30ish, we are all UK based.
Your class doesn't matter, your skill level doesn't matter, what gear you use doesn't matter... our aim is to enjoy the game!

Leave your GT's below and someone will get an invite out to you this evening! :)
Edited by RabidHellBunny on 19 June 2015 14:08
Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • sasha151
    Soul Shriven
  • RabidHellBunny
    Ok Sasha, you should get in an invite this afternoon or this evening. Look forward to seeing you in game :)
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • Tequila317
    Hi, am new to the game to, planing on being mainly crafting and PVE.

    Gamertag is Tequila317

    Would like to give it a try, thanks.

    Adult player.

    Edited by Tequila317 on 19 June 2015 23:05
  • RabidHellBunny
    Invite sent. Look forward to gaming with you.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • MonsterPriest
    Would like an invite.

    Gametag: Monster Priest
  • RabidHellBunny
    Invite sent. Look forward to seeing you in game. :)

    Should have our guild bank opened this weekend, pretty sure our guild magpies will have this full of crafting goodies in no time.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • oIPuddlesIo
    Soul Shriven
    Wouldn't mind an invite

    oI Puddles Io

    They are capital i's :)
  • RabidHellBunny
    Invite sent, welcome aboard.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • RabidHellBunny
    We are getting a great little guild together. Sociable, helpful people :)
    The guild bank is now open and filling up with crafting goodies.
    Please note if you join the guild you will start as a recruit and won't have access to the bank. However switch to guild chat and have a natter with myself or DoubtfulPrism and we will promote you. We just like to know that we are all singing from the same song book.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • bac1969b16_ESO
    looking for guild main aim to do pvp and pve .
    gamer tag is dreadlius
  • scriswell
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds great.
    Gametag is GingerAvenger92
  • RabidHellBunny
    Hey guys, I will get invites out to you this evening :)
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • RabidHellBunny
    Invites sent... See you online soon.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • XxTemppyxX
    ah you posted a thread xD didnt realize. my gt is same as my forum name. ill be heading on shortly so i might just try and hit you up there lol

    i didnt think i would find a guild with mics lol
    Riding hard every a shooting star---Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox---Come, drink deep, let the dam of mind seep---Travel with great Elan, dance a jig at the funeral. (Nightwish)

  • MonsterPriest
    I've been with this guild a few days now and have been made to feel welcome. I dont say much over guild chat (not much of a talker lol) but I can say the guild chat has been active, helpful and fun. Thanks for the invite I'm really glad I joined you guys.
  • DigitalByDesign
    GT: DigitalbyDesign

    Thanks in advance :D
    Edited by DigitalByDesign on 23 June 2015 06:41
  • thechampxo
    Hey bro can I join ? lol 7 dg
  • RabidHellBunny
    Temppy - I got an invite out to you this morning, see you online soon.

    Will get invites out to Digital and the champ this evening.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • tehjagjr
    Soul Shriven

    You sound pretty laid back so i'll give it a shot.

    27 Elf Sorcerer GT: tehjagjr

    I started on Thursday :smiley:

    Hit me up and lets see if we can dungeon dive and stuff
  • Djryzo101288
    Soul Shriven

    I am a level 24 Dragonknight Dark elf looking to join a guild that likes to have fun doing PVE and PVP.
    Looking to do dungeons as the group finder is a nightmare.

    GT: DjRyzo
  • RabidHellBunny
    I will send you out some invites tonight. Our guild leader is arranging a dungeon run or 2 for Thursday night starting at 7pm.

    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • Wrightx12
    Soul Shriven

    I'd like to get involved! Fairly new to the game and still finding my feet, quite a low rank at the moment!

    Gamertag - Wright x 12

    Xbox One - Gamertag: Wright x 12
  • XxTemppyxX
    cool ..i will accept when i can get on the game :P right now they are down :(
    Riding hard every a shooting star---Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox---Come, drink deep, let the dam of mind seep---Travel with great Elan, dance a jig at the funeral. (Nightwish)

  • PlatinumMarrow
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'm hoping to join your guild

    From the UK myself active player, looking to do group dungeons and pvp

    Player name : Lycario Breulon
    Gamertag : PlatinumMarrow

  • ZeFeZ
    I would like to join if possible. :)

    GT: Savagery x360a
  • RabidHellBunny
    Ok, I will get invites out to the 7 people above tonight. This should be around 6.30 - 7pm.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • tehjagjr
    Soul Shriven
    Ok, I will get invites out to the 7 people above tonight. This should be around 6.30 - 7pm.

    Thanks Buddy, I'll be on then. Give me a shout if you need equipment or whatnot :wink:
  • elchupanibre87
    Soul Shriven
    ElChupaNibre87 i have three other people wanting to join aswell
  • Shoomonster77
    Soul Shriven

    Should be on this evening, ta.
  • RabidHellBunny
    Elchupa - let me know the Gamer tags of your friends and I will invite them too.
    All invites should be going out in the next hour or so.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
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