Knights of the Blade. Ebonheart XB1 EU guild!

  • RabidHellBunny
    We do try and have a trader every week, however we wouldn't class ourselves as a trading guild. Our trader this week isn't in the best position. I'll ping you an invite later and you can judge for yourself.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • RocketDragon
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag: RocketDRAG0N
  • wharmby93
    Soul Shriven
    Wharmby93 quite new to this game sounds like it will be good guild to enjoy the game
  • AZ3V3D0
    Hi, can I get an invite please? GT is AZ3V3D0. Thanks
  • shiels11
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'd love to join, Gamertag: Shielscampeador

    Thanks in Advance

  • N1CK17
    Soul Shriven

    I'd also love to join!

    GT: N1CK 17

    Cheers! :smile:
  • Bauvrock
    Soul Shriven
    Wouldn't mind an add if that's all right?

    GT: LMC1
  • Nightshade150
    Soul Shriven
    Hi im looking for a guild.
    Mature casual gamer.
    Elder scrolls fan played a lot of hours in oblivion skyrim and eso
    Have lv 37 healer templar on ebonheart.
    Name on eso is Stormlord150

    Main Jeebah-ri
  • Saminga
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, looking for a guild also to expand after solo-ing.

    fairly new Level 24 char if could join ?

    GT : LostDamo
    ESO : Saminga

    Cheers !
  • Nathan1155
    Soul Shriven
    GT v NaTHaN 96
  • neurowfunk
    Soul Shriven
    Good evening.

    My name is Robert and i'm from the Netherlands. I just reached lvl 10 and i would like to join your guild. Im still kinda new to elder scrolls online but am experienced MMO player.
    Would be nice to be invited my ingame name is neurowfunk

    Thanks in advance!
  • TheMagpie
    Soul Shriven
    I wouldn't mind joining you guys if thats cool.

    My GT: TheMagpie07

    Thanks :)
  • xPeddiex
    Hi, I'm happy to play anything!
    Add GT: X Peddie x
  • justint33
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'm new of 10 Templar can I get an invite gamer tag JustinT33
  • CRAZY343
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, although I haven't yet bought the game I am getting it tonight; it would be cool to be in a guild to have people to show me the ropes and to quest with, so I can get the most out of this awesome game. I have been in a group before, I'm in the UK; and I'm a vet of all the Elder Scrolls games. I'd like to start this game in a guild and put lots of time in, should be fun. Cheers.
  • RabidHellBunny
    I'll get you all invites out this evening.
    Please note we are primarily an Ebonheart guild so if you are in a different faction you may not find people to group with in our guild. You can still join chat and use the trader / store though.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • spirtwalker
    Soul Shriven
  • mooney8404
    Soul Shriven
    Add me please GT Mooney300
  • CRAZY343
    Soul Shriven
    I'll get you all invites out this evening.
    Please note we are primarily an Ebonheart guild so if you are in a different faction you may not find people to group with in our guild. You can still join chat and use the trader / store though.

    Hello again, I now have the game and a character under the Ebonheart pact, a dark elf; and therefore can now accept your invite if you would be so kind as to send it. My gamer-tag is CRAZY343. Many thanks.
  • sacrelfc
    Soul Shriven

    I have been looking for a guild for ages and this sounds perfect. Lvl 19 nightblade and looking for a guild to complete dungeons etc.

    22 UK male

    my GT is:


    Thanks in advance!
  • xboxkid102
    Soul Shriven
    My gamertag is i d3ath dealer and i would like to join the guild to do some dungeons and imperial city content. I am veteran 12 DK.
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, please could I be in your guild GT is MANEATING MANG0 with the o on mango being a zero
  • Willburgessx
    Soul Shriven
    My GT l3urgeSx the 'B' is made of a lower case L and a 3 :)
  • Willburgessx
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry it's l3urgesSx not l3urgeSx lol
  • FlipFl0p
    GT: FlipFl0p

    UK, Male, 35.

  • RabidHellBunny
    @Willburgessx - I have tried your gamer tag and it is coming up as not known... sorry.

    @FlipFl0p - Will ping you an invite soon.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • Turbatus96
    Soul Shriven
    Hi guys, I've been reading through your discussion. Impressive. Many nice things been said. I'm guessing since June yer not low level characters now?
    And your guild must me massive?
  • RabidHellBunny
    We have people of all levels, many people who have high level characters have low level alts as well.
    Member wise we are sitting at just over 100 although most are not active in chat or guild events, so we still have a decent group of regulars who are online and in chat.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • Turbatus96
    Soul Shriven
    Don't you have to keep in tuch tomb raiding?
    Sorry for the thousand questions bud but I'm just trying to find a place for me.
    I'm only at lev. 11
  • RabidHellBunny
    Well since you can join 5 guilds, the best thing I can suggest is give me your gamertag and I'll ping you an invite, you can check us out and see for yourself. If you are in Ebonheart I have a level 10 alt that I'm leveling so I can do some quests etc. with you.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
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