Knights of the Blade. Ebonheart XB1 EU guild!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • HecticPurity
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join your clan my Xbox gamertag is HecticPurity
  • C4Bliss
    All invitations are send.

    We have resurrected the guild for Morrowind... It's very laid back, fun, guild for regular players who want to pve or pvp.
    All are welcome! Even low levels who are just questing, exploring the game, doing dungeons, crafting goods, etc. We dont care if you have yet to find your place in the game...
    We are hoping for a tight, knit, sociable guild that will help each other out! We try to keep a weekly trader and are looking into future trial runs.

    We pvp but mostly combine it with a social event of some kind (races, hide and seek, ...).

    We are all adults somewhere in the region of 30ish and we are mostly UK based.
    Your class doesn't matter, your skill level doesn't matter, what gear you use doesn't matter... our aim is to enjoy the game and to help each other out!

    Leave your GT's below and we will get you an invite as soon as possible!
    Or send a message on xbox to:
    -GT: C4 Blissful Sin
  • safcpete
    Soul Shriven
    SAFC Pete
    Should be on after 10pm tonight. Would appreciate an invite :)
    Quite new to the game mind. Level 12
  • C4Bliss
    safcpete wrote: »
    SAFC Pete
    Should be on after 10pm tonight. Would appreciate an invite :)
    Quite new to the game mind. Level 12

    You have been invited. And dont worry all is welcome! from a beginner to a veteran :)
  • Mordan
    Can a 24 year old join or is it only for people in 30s?
    Pretty new to the game and mmos in general
  • C4Bliss
    Mordan wrote: »
    Can a 24 year old join or is it only for people in 30s?
    Pretty new to the game and mmos in general

    Everyone is welcome mate!
  • Durin97
    Soul Shriven
    Hi mate, would love an invite!

    GT: Joseph Slee

  • C4Bliss
    Durin97 wrote: »
    Hi mate, would love an invite!

    GT: Joseph Slee


  • mdaly1985
    mdary2 i take a invite that my xbox name
  • C4Bliss
    mdaly1985 wrote: »
    mdary2 i take a invite that my xbox name

    Welcome to the guild. If you need something do not hesitate to ask an officier!
  • raveniarre
    sorry, disregard
    Edited by raveniarre on 28 June 2017 19:29
  • Bonzodog01
    Hey there, would like an invite to the guild?

    GT is Neucoder.

    Xbox One - EU - EP/DC
    Trying and failing to hold the walls of his Templar house up since 2015
  • C4Bliss
    Bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Hey there, would like an invite to the guild?

    GT is Neucoder.

  • bushcraftbuster
    Soul Shriven
    Can I have an invite please gamer tag is bushcraftbuster
  • C4Bliss
    Can I have an invite please gamer tag is bushcraftbuster

    You should have an invite!
    Hi would be great if could get an invite I was sent here by Fubz21, I'm level 47 but played for a while just need some general guidance and help with dungeons, I'm in AD alliance but have every single Dlc so can go anywhere, or any race, or any alli, just don't have morrowwind yet.

    My GT is R4TB0Y88
    Edited by R4TTIUS on 5 July 2017 11:18
  • C4Bliss
    R4TTIUS wrote: »
    Hi would be great if could get an invite I was sent here by Fubz21, I'm level 47 but played for a while just need some general guidance and help with dungeons, I'm in AD alliance but have every single Dlc so can go anywhere, or any race, or any alli, just don't have morrowwind yet.

    My GT is R4TB0Y88

    Happy to see people recommend our guild! You should have gotten an invite!
  • alexyin2
    new to this game,
    would like to give it a try
    my GT: alexyin1053
  • C4Bliss
    alexyin2 wrote: »
    new to this game,
    would like to give it a try
    my GT: alexyin1053

  • Youdey

    Gt = Youdey. Could I get an invite?

  • C4Bliss
    Youdey wrote: »

    Gt = Youdey. Could I get an invite?


    Of course! Welcome!
  • Sketch21
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, Really would like to join GT: Sketch21
  • C4Bliss
    Sketch21 wrote: »
    Hi, Really would like to join GT: Sketch21

  • Sketch21
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks! Won't be on tonight but will be tomorrow. Many of you guys mic'd up?
  • C4Bliss
    Sketch21 wrote: »
    Thanks! Won't be on tonight but will be tomorrow. Many of you guys mic'd up?

    Yeah lots of us have a mic! But a lot of people are on holiday right now so it can be a bit less Active in chat.
  • jonny05081
    Soul Shriven
    An invite would be great if possible!

    GT: Akros233
  • Schleenz
    Soul Shriven
    I would be happy to get an invite :)

    GT: MoenchBrutalo7
    Edited by Schleenz on 13 July 2017 07:45
  • C4Bliss
    Invites are up to date
  • Nygasaki
    Yay I would also like an invite :)

    GT: Nygasaki
  • C4Bliss
    Nygasaki wrote: »
    Yay I would also like an invite :)

    GT: Nygasaki

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