Knights of the Blade. Ebonheart XB1 EU guild!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Lilleth2005
    Soul Shriven
    Very casual player - been playing for awhile but only scratched the surface of ESO - would like to join
    GT- DingierMean4609.
  • S2KxBLiiTz
    Soul Shriven
    S2K x BLiiTz would love to join have morrowind and all dlc
  • C4Bliss
    All invites should be up to date!

    Knights of the Blade is a very laid back and fun guild for regular players who want to pve or pvp.
    All are welcome! Even low levels who are just questing, exploring the game, doing dungeons, crafting goods, etc. We dont care if you have yet to find your place in the game...
    We are hoping for a tight, knit, sociable guild that will help each other out!

    We try to keep a weekly trader, have guild events and are looking into future trial runs.
    We pvp, but mostly combine it with a social event of some kind (races, hide and seek, ...).

    We are all adults somewhere in the region of 30ish and we are mostly UK/EU based.
    Your class doesn't matter, your skill level doesn't matter, what gear you use doesn't matter... our aim is to enjoy the game and to help each other out!

    Leave your GT's below and we will get you an invite as soon as possible!
    Or send a message on xbox to:
    -GT: C4 Blissful Sin
  • jbOblivion
    Hello, I would like to join this guild; my GT is the same as my username.

    Got ESO when it came out (completed main story and Ebon Pack areas/quests "solo"), stopped playing for a while, got back in with Morrowind with new NB DPS Khajiit char; would like to try more PVE dungeon areas.

  • C4Bliss
    jbOblivion wrote: »
    Hello, I would like to join this guild; my GT is the same as my username.

    Got ESO when it came out (completed main story and Ebon Pack areas/quests "solo"), stopped playing for a while, got back in with Morrowind with new NB DPS Khajiit char; would like to try more PVE dungeon areas.


  • MaxOfLondon
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join, GT: Xorux FX. Thanks
  • C4Bliss
    I'd like to join, GT: Xorux FX. Thanks

  • bobbydowneyjunior
    I'd like an invite please
    Gt bobby104
  • C4Bliss
    I'd like an invite please
    Gt bobby104

  • Melonbrew

    I am just looking for a casual guild pretty much how you described. I think my Character is Daggerfall but I believe it doesn't matter nowadays except for PvP.

    It's only level 7 so I could easy reroll. I will be playing the game casually, I jump between Warframe and ESO.

    Does you guild have a xbox Club to join?

    Gamertag is Beat665.

    Character name is Mel

  • C4Bliss
    Melonbrew wrote: »

    I am just looking for a casual guild pretty much how you described. I think my Character is Daggerfall but I believe it doesn't matter nowadays except for PvP.

    It's only level 7 so I could easy reroll. I will be playing the game casually, I jump between Warframe and ESO.

    Does you guild have a xbox Club to join?

    Gamertag is Beat665.

    Character name is Mel


    Yeah we just aim to be a small social guild. There are already enough trading and trial guilds around ;)
    And you are right it doesn't matter and I will gladly kill you in pvp (I'm a red)! We do not have a club though, we mostly use the club ESO EU.
    I will invite you asap!
  • kukan
    Gt: xX kukan Xx
    Templar - healer (260 champ)
    Droped the game over 1.5 year ago
    I think it's time to reunite)))

    Currectly surfing through the thiefs guild dlc
  • C4Bliss
    kukan wrote: »
    Gt: xX kukan Xx
    Templar - healer (260 champ)
    Droped the game over 1.5 year ago
    I think it's time to reunite)))

    Currectly surfing through the thiefs guild dlc

    Invite Send! Welcome
  • MajorAngry
    GT : Major Angry

  • Warrilad
    Experienced PC EU player starting the xb1 version for extra kicks, uk based.

    GT is Warrilad
  • C4Bliss
    All invites are up to date
  • Vahx
    Hello, can i join?

    GT: Exiled Vahx
    Edited by Vahx on 9 August 2017 20:45
  • dyn0m1k3
    Hi, could I join please?

    GT: dyn0m1k3
    Xbox Series X EU Server GT: dyn0m1k3
  • C4Bliss
    All have been invited! Welcome!
  • littleun83
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, my other half and I both play, uk based, mid 30's! Looking for a guild if you're still looking for members
    Me: littleun83
    Him: alexander1836

    Thanks :)
  • Stanx
    Can you add me please

    T Stank4
  • Morningrise
    Soul Shriven

    I'd love to join!
    I'm a casual player, jumping between Destiny and ESO, really enjoying both.
    My gt is Morningrise89.

    Thank you!
  • Youdey

    Could I get an invite again please....guild chat was stuck in a loop so had to leave guild

    Gt= Youdey

  • Dub_Witchcraft
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I would like to join your guild, please, if you are still recruiting. I'm new to ESO, only been playing a month or so and I'm only level 44. My GT is: Dub Witchcraft
  • WormyBoat
    Soul Shriven
    I would like an invite too please


  • C4Bliss
    All invitations should be up to date!

    Knights of the Blade is a very laid back and fun guild for regular players who want to pve or pvp.
    All are welcome! Even low levels who are just questing, exploring the game, doing dungeons, crafting goods, etc. We dont care if you have yet to find your place in the game...
    We are hoping for a tight, knit, sociable guild that will help each other out!

    We try to keep a weekly trader, have guild events and are looking into future trial runs.
    We focus more and more on pvp and try to combine it with a social event of some kind.

    We are all adults somewhere in the region of 30ish and we are mostly UK/EU based.
    Your class doesn't matter, your skill level doesn't matter, what gear you use doesn't matter... our aim is to enjoy the game and to help each other out!

    Leave your GT's below and we will get you an invite as soon as possible!
    Or send a message on xbox to:
    -GT: C4 Blissful Sin
  • drumbeat360
    Soul Shriven

    Casual player only level 33, smithing mostly, dungeons and exploring whatever :D
  • zombi8slay8r
    Soul Shriven
    Hi can i get an invite please GT zombi8slay8r thanks
  • C4Bliss
    Hi can i get an invite please GT zombi8slay8r thanks

    It says account not found... are you on eu server?
  • C4Bliss

    Casual player only level 33, smithing mostly, dungeons and exploring whatever :D

    Invited! Welcome!
    Edited by C4Bliss on 17 October 2017 19:15
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