cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »Can we PLEASE have an outline of whats being done to combat the lag in Cyrodiil? its getting beyond rediculous and would like to hear whats the plan, short term goals, you know stuff like that.
im sure im not the only one.
I'm pretty sure they are skirting the issue at this point.
Same with content.
Hence, the amount of "fluff" in the ESO Live agenda.
bbqwolf13b14_ESO1 wrote: »When will the WW get more attention for PVP? It is pure garbage in PVP. The animation turning into WW sometimes works. There is no keeping build up of ultimate after you lose the short timer. Since we were told you don't know how to do a toggle..What is Overload for Sorc? Lore for WW is broken also. How can a WW be considered the greatest hunter but cant even stealth or hunt without a way longer timer or a real toggle?
Will PVP ever have its server lag fixed? The major issue is large group of spam aoe casters that stop enemies from being able to use there abilities or lag them into a game crash.
These issues have been around since beta and beta 12months (eso online). When can we see a fix?
Mettaricana wrote: »so far nothing about future updates? or even hints at whats to come....
Lore Questions:
- Which river is the Xylo? And other river questions
- Why are Masser and Secunda always the same phase (as each other)?
- Which breed of Khajiit do we have in ESO currently? It was suggested previously that they are Suthay-raht, but the Suthay-raht in Morrowind were digitigrate, and the Khajiit in ESO (and Oblivion and Skyrim) are plantigrade, suggesting they are actually a different breed.