Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live’s Next Episode: 4/10"

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Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article ESO Live’s Next Episode: 4/10. We hope to see you in chat tomorrow!
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • Mettaricana
    so far nothing about future updates? or even hints at whats to come....
  • Wicked_Wolf
    Is this where we post questions for the show? Or is it the big thread?
  • lord_dal
    please give us more information regarding the console version, everyone is asking things about it, and there are verry little information about it, ie, you stated that you will/have some features from some addons, like what? imo I would not use addons if the stock ui was better, minimap option, some way to see what items I need for research without having to read on every item, better overview over the loot, will any of this be avaible in the console?
  • gimpdrb14_ESO
    I would like to know where you all stand on character re customization and character renaming, also i would like to know about your thoughts on a poison morph for twin slashes or at least making PvE bosses not immune to bleed effects.
  • inferi
    Soul Shriven

    Is there any more information that you can divulge to us about the Champion system and phase four? I'm really looking forward to having more people at the same level for dungeons.

    I would also like to see the ability to play dungeons or PVE content with characters from other alliances. Is there any talk of adding this option?

    The grouping tool seems to take a very long time to find party members. As a result just about everyone seems to use in-game chat instead. Is this tool working properly, but people aren't using it? Or is the tool just latent?

    Thanks, I really enjoy the ESO Live videos!
  • LonePirate
    Was the Armchair Developer idea scrapped? It was excluded from the previous show and now it is excluded from this week's show.
  • cozmon3c_ESO
    Can we PLEASE have an outline of whats being done to combat the lag in Cyrodiil? its getting beyond rediculous and would like to hear whats the plan, short term goals, you know stuff like that.

    im sure im not the only one.
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • ItsGlaive
    Would love to hear more about upcoming updates.

    Would love to hear more about how soon the lag in the daily gold dungeons can be fixed (especially with an open weekend for beta players around the corner).

    Would love to know ZOS' current stance on the auction house debate and whether there's anything planned to update it or not.

    Forgot one, can we also find out if VR ranks are still being removed as originally announced?

    Thanks :D
    Edited by ItsGlaive on 9 April 2015 21:35
    Allow cross-platform transfers and merges
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    When will the WW get more attention for PVP? It is pure garbage in PVP. The animation turning into WW sometimes works. There is no keeping build up of ultimate after you lose the short timer. Since we were told you don't know how to do a toggle..What is Overload for Sorc? Lore for WW is broken also. How can a WW be considered the greatest hunter but cant even stealth or hunt without a way longer timer or a real toggle?

    Will PVP ever have its server lag fixed? The major issue is large group of spam aoe casters that stop enemies from being able to use there abilities or lag them into a game crash.

    These issues have been around since beta and beta 12months (eso online). When can we see a fix?
  • ixie
    Question for Eric: Concealed weapon seems to hit a little weak, I am wondering if this is because it is a Magicka based spell and as such does not benefit from sneak attack bonus even though it is a melee skill, is this intended or something that has been overlooked?
    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • Bouvin
    Can we PLEASE have an outline of whats being done to combat the lag in Cyrodiil? its getting beyond rediculous and would like to hear whats the plan, short term goals, you know stuff like that.

    im sure im not the only one.

    I'm pretty sure they are skirting the issue at this point.

    Same with content.

    Hence, the amount of "fluff" in the ESO Live agenda.
  • thedoctor1fan
    Soul Shriven
    Will there possibly be a chance we can get class swaps via a shrine? I am a imperial nightblade with heavy armour but I only stick to one character. I ask as I feel that PVP is extremely difficult for misused classes?
  • ItsGlaive
    Bouvin wrote: »

    I'm pretty sure they are skirting the issue at this point.

    Same with content.

    Hence, the amount of "fluff" in the ESO Live agenda.

    It's all fluff. There's nothing in that agenda that is solid at all lol
    Allow cross-platform transfers and merges
  • CP5
    When will the WW get more attention for PVP? It is pure garbage in PVP. The animation turning into WW sometimes works. There is no keeping build up of ultimate after you lose the short timer. Since we were told you don't know how to do a toggle..What is Overload for Sorc? Lore for WW is broken also. How can a WW be considered the greatest hunter but cant even stealth or hunt without a way longer timer or a real toggle?

    Will PVP ever have its server lag fixed? The major issue is large group of spam aoe casters that stop enemies from being able to use there abilities or lag them into a game crash.

    These issues have been around since beta and beta 12months (eso online). When can we see a fix?

    I would also like to add in regards to the werewolf if the team behind them believes that the skill line is "fine" due to the larger number of werewolf players. I would like to know since your numbers are likely skewed by the people who simply want the 15% stamina regen passive.

    I would also love to know if the combat team still has plans on giving us any sort of feedback on the sorcerer class. Last we heard we were going to get something in February but have gotten nothing since.
  • Ragmir
    Soul Shriven

    First, I apologize for my English terrible.

    Is there any chance that the DLCs may be purchased through Steam?

    I live in Brazil, is not easy to pay in US dollars with the crisis that my parents are going through, I would have to shell out around $ 49 (local coin) plus tax only for the subscription.

    The package with 1500 Crown costs me 30 bucks including taxes, at least the DLCs can be purchased by Steam, will be enough "incentive" for me to buy.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    so far nothing about future updates? or even hints at whats to come....

    There will not be any major updates for awhile now; that has already been confirmed; their main focus are consoles now. It won't be until long after console release / fixing issues with whatever breaks for console users, that we'll start to see progression again.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • tengri
    L a g & P e r f o r m a n c e issues.
    Deal with them; nothing else matters these days.
  • Enodoc
    Is Lawrence taking questions? If so, here are some of mine from the Ask Us Anything thread:
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Lore Questions:

    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • pecheckler
    Please address group finder not working, taking extremely long time to find players, forming groups without all required roles, and what you're going to do to stop the status quo of using only a single capital cities zone chat as the only place to find players for dungeons.

    Please also address nightblade shadow cloak and its morphs. I'm of course referring to the fact that it randomly fails for no reasons all the time.

    Please provide a more specific release date of the controller support and associated UI for the PC version. There are a lot of players, and friends of to-be players, who are unsure of which platform to play on because of this. I know many people who will play on PC if only the controller support was added. These same people will be upset if they start playing on a console, only to have this feature released, and then are not offered the opportunity to transfer to PC.

    Lastly, please answer the question about whether or not the console version of the game will have tweaked difficulty, especially for veteran dungeon content.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Elebeth

    I have couple of questions for lore master Lawrence Schick:

    1) Prior to 3E 414 and Imperial reorganization, Vvardenfell was Temple governed preserve as established by the treaty of the Armistice in 2E 896. So my question is: what is Vvardenfells current status (political as well as demographic and infrastructure wise). Are there any chances of seeing for ourselves? ;)

    2) Can You elaborate on the topic of Bosmerii Spinners? To what extent can they "manipulate" the "flow of actions"? Can they spin the story without the protagonist? How does spinning a story correlates with the elder scrolls?

    3) "Moon Bishop Hunal says, “When true cats commune with the moons and their spirits climb the Lunar Lattice, then can a Khajiit see the Dead Moon sailing behind Jone and Jode. This moon is the corpse of Lorkhaj. After he made the world for Nirni’s children to live in, the Darks in the heart of Lorkhaj also made a prison of the world—for he did not know the First Secret. Thus his heart was cut out and buried in the Dark Behind the World, and his body was hurled on high to follow the moons forever. This all true cats learn from their Clan Mothers.” "

    This and the things seen during the last quest in Reaper's March may imply on the existence of "the third moon". I won't elaborate my theory here, but any comments on the matter?

    Sincerely, Elebeth!
    Edited by Elebeth on 10 April 2015 02:01
    "I don't recall using teleportation, and yet there I was. Alone. Naked." Morrowind
  • Digiman
    Question: Will the Crown store release an option to change our characters appearance like face sculpting in Skyrim's DLC Dawnguard?
  • Cody
    stop breaking quests with every patch:/

  • Adryssa_Joneley
    A few Questions:

    1. I would like to know when we will be seeing The Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild? Will these be factions where we will be able to do many different daily quest chains with them to build Rep with them for goods/rewards? For example of a Dark Brotherhood quest, "Needing to assassinate someone" like you did in the solo-player games.

    2. Also, wondering when Spell Crafting will be coming?

    3. Will there be a Jewellery Crafting?

    4. Will there be an option for a Barber? And/or more hairstyles added? (hint: long flowing hair)

    5. Player Housing. When will players be able to purchase a house that can also perhaps be used for extra personal storage. Space is very limited and buying a house (be it account-wide sharable) would be nice to purchase some storage chests to put some of our extra goods in. But even if not for the extra storage, just having a home you can call your own is very attractive idea.

    Thank you for your time.
  • Harva
    Are the senche monuts that were data mined eventually going to be a real item? I'm pretty sure one of the Devs mentioned there would be various senche mounts and that the tiger mount was only for those that paid for 300 days, right?

    Is there any possibility of getting a barber shop type item to change your characters appearance for those of us that realize a little too far into the game that something isn't right? You guys could even create new hairstyles, markings and accessories with an item like this. Or add updates to the crown store thay add new hair packs or accessory packs or new hair and eye colors, etc.

    Could we get an update on the other zones that were mentioned being in development a while back? We've heard a little more about Orsinium but what about Murkmire, Clockworks, Abahs' Landing and Mephala's Realm? Can we get teased about these soon?
  • Emma_Overload
    What is the official rationale for the cooldown on Critical Surge heals? This is a game-breaking nerf for a lot of Sorcerers, so it would be nice to have an official statement that we could use as a baseline for a productive discussion between players and developers. Working together, I believe we could find a solution to this problem that everyone could live with!

    Edited by Emma_Overload on 10 April 2015 05:44
  • Legedric
    My questions:

    1. Can we expect any medium content updates before console launch? So bigger ones than 2.0.1 to 2.0.4?
    2. What is the progress on lag in Cyrodiil?
    3. When will ESO+ members get something useful for subscribing? (10% XP isn't worth it)
    4. Why is there literally no feedback at all coming to the Alliance War forums or these forums in general these days? Only mods are seen around.
    5. Will we ever see a more transparent leaderboard for AvA? So will we be able to see if we are eligable for top 10% or 2% rewards at the end of a campaign?

    That's it for now.
    Legedric the Flamedancer ► - Redguard Dragon Knight
    Legedric the Stormdancer ► - Altmer Sorcerer
    Legedric the Sundancer ► - Altmer Templar

    EU | DRUCKWELLE - Retter des Kaiserreiches
  • Adryssa_Joneley
    Will we be able to purchase more Character Slots with Crown Coins in the coming future?
  • Elebeth
    Woops, wrong thread*
    Edited by Elebeth on 10 April 2015 12:32
    "I don't recall using teleportation, and yet there I was. Alone. Naked." Morrowind
  • Frenkthevile
    Why there are no DLCs until late summer/console version?
  • ashlee17
    I'm looking forward to ESO live :) and do have few questions I would and over 200 other players would love to love to get some answers to. While there may not be time to find the answers to these questions this time around, maybe they could be a part of the next show :)

    1. Do Zos recognise the need for better guild management tools?

    By this I mean any of a range of improvements such as:

    a)more controls for guild banks (For example an option to limit daily withdrawals or have tiered guild bank access etc)
    b)more ways for guilds to communicate with members (such as guild wide mail or calendars etc)
    c)improvements to the guild trader system (restrictions on which guild members can see trader bid amounts, a way to cancel bids placed erroneously or a more logical system for assigning guild vendors)
    d) better ways for guilds to recruit and reward guild members (e.g give guilds effective recruiting tools so we don't have to flood zone chat with recruitment adds, bonuses for grouping with guildmates or some way for guilds to recognise and thank helpful members)

    2) Are ZOS currently actively working on any improvements to guild management tools. Why/why not?

    3) If they are being worked on, can you give us any particulars or timeframe on upcomming improvements?

    Please give guilds the tools they need to build stronger ESO communities!

    If anyone reading this wants to add their support or ideas for better guild management tools please follow this link-

    Thank you for your consideration and good luck with the show.

    See you all in tamriel :)
    Happy adventuring!
    Edited by ashlee17 on 10 April 2015 14:32
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
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