Bring back:
Dawnbreaker Artifact Style
Please and thank you.
Would love to get a full-fledged motif (light, medium, heavy) for Ayleids. We've already been teased for a while now with the Ayleid-themed mounts and weapons. So now I'm absolutely dying to get a full motif for the Ayleids, including all the variants (light, med, heavy) too so you're not just stuck with plate armour if you're a mage, or cloth if you're a warrior.
Personally I've always loved these artistic depictions of Ayleid armours:
Heavy plate armour
Another heavy plate armour
Yet another heavy plate armour (the Beyond Skyrim people are really just spot on with their depiction)
Light armour
Okay, we got a regular and not lizard-welwa with the voidmother welwa... but it's still a gem exclusive and insanely expensive and rare thusly... also overly-flashy and not REGULAR-regular welwa... so now give us this normal non-lizard Welwa. Iron Orc War Welwa.
To restate my earlier post, now that I'm not rushed on a workday morning:
Perhaps some sort of special appearance change token that will let a player character look like a unique race, without actually changing their race (to maintain base racial skills and such). With my primary wish to be able to set the buyer's appearance to that of a Dagi and a Pahmar, perhaps it could also incorporate other unique racial appearances such as Ayleid, Kothringi, the various different looking Argonians seen in Murkmire, etc. The want for it to be an "appearance change token" because of hoping it would not override equipped apparel/costumes, and have the customization freedom equivalent to that of base game character creation.