Maintenance for the week of June 24:
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Champion System Clarification

  • Epsilon_Echo
    Antiquity wrote: »
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    Wow. So where are the chest with free Sanctum Ophidia gear? We dont want people to get extra advantage for working hard dont we?

    Of course you should be able to work hard for an advantage. But others should be able to work hard to catch up, as well.

    Or the instant they turn vr1 apparently
  • Antiquity

    Antiquity wrote: »
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    Wow. So where are the chest with free Sanctum Ophidia gear? We dont want people to get extra advantage for working hard dont we?

    Of course you should be able to work hard for an advantage. But others should be able to work hard to catch up, as well.

    Or the instant they turn vr1 apparently

    Oh.... I wasn't aware I would hit VR1 and instantly be handed VR14 gear, and the same number of skill and ability points as a VR14. Where do I go to get it?

    Say, maybe you mean they're taking away all the gear, skill points and ability points VR14s already have. No?

    So then. They're not giving me anything for free that VR14s arent getting for free. They're also not taking anything away from VR14s that they dont currently have already.
    Where does this leave us? With VR14s having exactly the same head start they had before.

    No one is losing. No one is gaining. I will still have to work just as hard to earn VR14 as they did.
    Edited by Antiquity on 23 December 2014 22:50
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    Antiquity wrote: »
    Yes, Ghostbuster, I do understand what is going on. I have had it slammed in my face since I started playing not long ago, its practically all I've been able to read about, since it's practically all anyone has been talking about.

    What I am saying is that had I been in VR14's position on October 3rd, I would have been pissed that they were going to hand me points on a silver platter for work done exceeding the VR cap. And I would be happy now that that decision is reversed. Should they have promised to track xp over VR14? No! It was a terrible decision to even consider doing that. Should they apologize for going back in what they said? Yes! Promises broken deserve apologies. BUT, that doesn't mean they should hold to a terrible decision just because they said they would.

    I could promise I'm going to go steal a bike. That doesn't mean I ought to go through with it. It's like you guys are urging ZOS to go ahead and do something wrong and bad, just because they said they would. If anything you should have been trying to talk them out of it all along.

    Sigh... If you really want me to entertain this straw-man argument, I shall correct your mischaracterization of the issue as well as the bass-ackwards metaphor you cobbled together.

    For you to say we're getting points on a "silver platter" for "work done" is a contradiction in terms. If you worked for those points, that's not a silver platter, is it? That's what they agreed to do -- reward us for time and effort spent. At what point, exactly, does the silver platter come in?

    Secondly, your analogy of stealing a bicycle to ZOS promising to reward us for time & effort spent makes no sense, at all. They didn't threaten to take something away -- they promised to reward us based on what we did to *earn* those points. So we did what we were told we would be compensated for doing. We kept playing. We kept subscribing. We rolled alts and played a lot of unrepeatable content. We held up our end. Now, ZOS is not holding up theirs.

    Say it with me now: They -- broke -- their -- word.

    No need to relive The Bicycle Thief.

    And to say we should have tried to talk them out of making that promise has precisely no bearing on ZOS breaking their promise. And despite the countless comments you've made about this, you've said nothing that excuses or explains WHY they broke their word -- you cannot explain why their decision is terrible. Every one of the threads on this subject that's come up has quoted the October 3rd announcement, multiple times, and nobody can offer one valid reason why they went back on it.

    Yes, they reduced the number of points needed for each star from 400 to 100. Well gee, what's the big deal? Divide the alleged XP to CP conversion rate and cap by four as well, and the problem is solved. ZOS keeps their word, players feel rewarded and appreciated, and because of the CAP (which should be more than 1% of the potential champion points) nobody would be drastically so far ahead of anyone else -- even if the cap were 10% (360), the very few players with sufficient XP to hit the cap would still have 90% of the Champion System to complete.

    You need to give a better reason other than "Ya, well, woulda-coulda-shoulda" to explain why they broke their word. Otherwise, you're clearly just going on blind faith, and I have no respect for the opinion of a sheep.
  • Ramtaku
    Antiquity wrote: »
    Antiquity wrote: »
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    Wow. So where are the chest with free Sanctum Ophidia gear? We dont want people to get extra advantage for working hard dont we?

    Of course you should be able to work hard for an advantage. But others should be able to work hard to catch up, as well.

    Or the instant they turn vr1 apparently

    Oh.... I wasn't aware I would hit VR1 and instantly be handed VR14 gear, and the same number of skill and ability points as a VR14. Where do I go to get it?

    Say, maybe you mean they're taking away all the gear, skill points and ability points VR14s already have. No?

    So then. They're not giving me anything for free that VR14s arent getting for free. They're also not taking anything away from VR14s that they dont currently have already.
    Where does this leave us? With VR14s having exactly the same head start they had before.

    No one is losing. No one is gaining. I will still have to work just as hard to earn VR14 as they did.

    The primary issue many of us have is not the base line 30 CP. It's that the best content to gain CP, solo quests in silver/gold and Cyrodil, are not available because we have already done them. They're essentially killing my character and forcing me to alt. With this change, doing every single quest in every zone in all three factions was the worst thing you could do.

    A VR1 will be able to accumulate more CP in one silver zone in a couple hours than Ill be able to get in days of repetitive grinding. Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

  • Evandus
    Ramtaku wrote: »
    Antiquity wrote: »
    Antiquity wrote: »
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    Wow. So where are the chest with free Sanctum Ophidia gear? We dont want people to get extra advantage for working hard dont we?

    Of course you should be able to work hard for an advantage. But others should be able to work hard to catch up, as well.

    Or the instant they turn vr1 apparently

    Oh.... I wasn't aware I would hit VR1 and instantly be handed VR14 gear, and the same number of skill and ability points as a VR14. Where do I go to get it?

    Say, maybe you mean they're taking away all the gear, skill points and ability points VR14s already have. No?

    So then. They're not giving me anything for free that VR14s arent getting for free. They're also not taking anything away from VR14s that they dont currently have already.
    Where does this leave us? With VR14s having exactly the same head start they had before.

    No one is losing. No one is gaining. I will still have to work just as hard to earn VR14 as they did.

    The primary issue many of us have is not the base line 30 CP. It's that the best content to gain CP, solo quests in silver/gold and Cyrodil, are not available because we have already done them. They're essentially killing my character and forcing me to alt. With this change, doing every single quest in every zone in all three factions was the worst thing you could do.

    A VR1 will be able to accumulate more CP in one silver zone in a couple hours than Ill be able to get in days of repetitive grinding. Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

    I agree.

    Migrating my only comment so far on this issue here:

    Too many threads on this subject to accurately follow. For those complaining because people are complaining that should mean something...

    I have an overall negative impression of the handling of the champion point system in what I've read so far. To be fair to those of differing opinion, here is why:

    What I don't get here is why a system would be put into place that actually favors grinding above all else. If you institute a flat rate of points to all characters, who benefits the most from this? The answer is the grinders. Because they have nearly every quest in the game to go back and do. Like my Nightblade for example. After reading this news initially, I ignored all quests and just killed mobs. He went from level 16 to 41 in a few hours. When I have time tonight, I'll move him to V1 using the same method. Then he has everything from Stormhaven on up, including the main story quests available for additional xp.

    Yet my main, who has done every PVE quest in this game has no options (not a pvp'er and rarely gets into trials due to being a DK tank) except undaunted dailies. That's ridiculous...

    And it seems to me that as soon as the server goes live with 1.6, the whole 30CP for everyone goes out the window in mere hours. People who grind characters will find places in the game to do it. And they'll share that information with others who are interested. In a matter of a few days there will be folks with an abundance of time to play this game maxed out on CP. More casual folks like myself will feel the hurt of non awarded xp much more. Just as in the introduction of the Undaunted Dailies. My characters that were maxxed in the line and had lots of xp to spare got shafted. And are still doing dailies trying catch up with others who got maxxed in a day or two having never run the content previously.

    This implementation takes time away from the concept of actually running content you want to. And it forces some of us who don't care for Cadwell's to run that content even though we don't enjoy it. Also, I believe the immersionists are in for a major hit as well. There will likely be many groups of V14's mowing through content like locusts trying to make up for xp that was promised to be tracked, but ultimately rescinded. In a way it encourages people to not run content actually. Because if you don't, then you have the option of being able to max skill lines quickly in a matter of hours really when it's fixed.

    /dismay #omgwtgbbq!

  • Sharee
    Ramtaku wrote: »
    Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

    Not enough content in a game that continually adds new content?

    Everyone is too fixated on the past. "OMG i won't be able to do Cadwell quests again, i'm forewer screwed!" Look forward! The release of new zones is around the corner. There will be tons of new ways to earn XP - that is the nature of MMO's!

    Champion system will take years to max out. One year after now, nobody will be giving a damn about the old cadwell's quests anymore. Wrothgar, Murkmire, Imperial city, and god knows what else ZOS is planning to drop on us in 2015 will keep everyone busy, and give tons of ways to earn XP.
  • manny254
    Sharee wrote: »
    Ramtaku wrote: »
    Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

    Not enough content in a game that continually adds new content?

    Everyone is too fixated on the past. "OMG i won't be able to do Cadwell quests again, i'm forewer screwed!" Look forward! The release of new zones is around the corner. There will be tons of new ways to earn XP - that is the nature of MMO's!

    Champion system will take years to max out. One year after now, nobody will be giving a damn about the old cadwell's quests anymore. Wrothgar, Murkmire, Imperial city, and god knows what else ZOS is planning to drop on us in 2015 will keep everyone busy, and give tons of ways to earn XP.

    Content is not added to the game continually. If you play more than 1 hour a day that would be painfully evident. Don't play blind fan.

    If the champion system takes years to complete why can we be credited for months?
    - Mojican
  • xaraan
    Antiquity wrote: »
    Antiquity wrote: »
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    Wow. So where are the chest with free Sanctum Ophidia gear? We dont want people to get extra advantage for working hard dont we?

    Of course you should be able to work hard for an advantage. But others should be able to work hard to catch up, as well.

    Or the instant they turn vr1 apparently

    Oh.... I wasn't aware I would hit VR1 and instantly be handed VR14 gear, and the same number of skill and ability points as a VR14. Where do I go to get it?

    Say, maybe you mean they're taking away all the gear, skill points and ability points VR14s already have. No?

    So then. They're not giving me anything for free that VR14s arent getting for free. They're also not taking anything away from VR14s that they dont currently have already.
    Where does this leave us? With VR14s having exactly the same head start they had before.

    No one is losing. No one is gaining. I will still have to work just as hard to earn VR14 as they did.

    I'm losing possible content to complete. I quest. I don't love pvp. End game content is mostly group related. There is little to nothing for someone to play solo. A v1 has all silver/gold content ahead of them to earn points with, I will not.
    And once the full system is in place, then there will be no v14 vs v1, it will be everyone a max or vet and some with content to do and some without for months until new stuff is released.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
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  • Sharee
    manny254 wrote: »
    If the champion system takes years to complete why can we be credited for months?

    If it was up to me, nobody would be credited for anything at all.

    I would say, here is a new system, everyone starts at zero, have fun.
    Kinda like when DAoC introduced master levels - people have been playing for years by then, and it didn't even cross anyone's mind that they should be granted anything from the new system for free, just because they have been playing the game for a long time.

    People are too spoiled today.
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    Sharee wrote: »
    Ramtaku wrote: »
    Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

    Not enough content in a game that continually adds new content?

    Everyone is too fixated on the past. "OMG i won't be able to do Cadwell quests again, i'm forewer screwed!" Look forward! The release of new zones is around the corner. There will be tons of new ways to earn XP - that is the nature of MMO's!

    Champion system will take years to max out. One year after now, nobody will be giving a damn about the old cadwell's quests anymore. Wrothgar, Murkmire, Imperial city, and god knows what else ZOS is planning to drop on us in 2015 will keep everyone busy, and give tons of ways to earn XP.

    I know why I'm posting in the forums all day -- I've already unsubscribed. But you have posted at least 50 comments in the last two days on over half a dozen separate threads. In fact, it looks like you've done more commenting than playing over the last six months with almost 2,000 forum posts, total.

    Pity they're not tracking forum posts for Champion Points.

    In fact, why *would* you spend virtually all of your time in the forums instead of playing the game??? I mean, it's just such a funny coincidence that you (and two or three others) are the only people supporting ZOS going back on the official developer post from October 3rd.

    All you've done is flame people for disagreeing with you, while simultaneously offering up zero valid counterarguments. And I mean that's *all* you've done -- obstinately defend ZOS tooth and nail, despite any valid points made, despite all evidence, despite common sense.

    So I have to ask: Does ZOS pay you for each individual post you make, or do you work for a flat hourly rate?

    I asked you this on another thread and you ignored it, so I'll ask again on this thread. What, exactly, *would* ZOS have to do to make you lose confidence and unsubscribe? Does Eric Wrobel have to come to your house and, quite literally, spit in your face?

    Honestly, I'm asking in all seriousness: What would make you quit this game?
  • manny254
    Sharee wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    If the champion system takes years to complete why can we be credited for months?

    If it was up to me, nobody would be credited for anything at all.

    I would say, here is a new system, everyone starts at zero, have fun.
    Kinda like when DAoC introduced master levels - people have been playing for years by then, and it didn't even cross anyone's mind that they should be granted anything from the new system for free, just because they have been playing the game for a long time.

    People are too spoiled today.

    Your argument is invalid. Genocide has happened around the world, but that does not mean genocide is acceptable.
    - Mojican
  • EQBallzz
    Sharee wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    If the champion system takes years to complete why can we be credited for months?

    If it was up to me, nobody would be credited for anything at all.

    I would say, here is a new system, everyone starts at zero, have fun.
    Kinda like when DAoC introduced master levels - people have been playing for years by then, and it didn't even cross anyone's mind that they should be granted anything from the new system for free, just because they have been playing the game for a long time.

    People are too spoiled today.

    The only way to make everyone *actually* start at zero would be to not allow any XP from silver/gold content for anyone (even those who haven't completed it yet). So if it's not fair for vet players to get *any* CP from the vet content they already completed they should make that rule for everyone.

    If fairness is the real reason for this stupid change that would be the most fair. Nobody gets XP from silver/gold. You can only earn CP through other activities (grinding or pvp or daily quests). It would be stupid but at least it would be fair.
  • manny254
    Sharee wrote: »
    Ramtaku wrote: »
    Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

    Not enough content in a game that continually adds new content?

    Everyone is too fixated on the past. "OMG i won't be able to do Cadwell quests again, i'm forewer screwed!" Look forward! The release of new zones is around the corner. There will be tons of new ways to earn XP - that is the nature of MMO's!

    Champion system will take years to max out. One year after now, nobody will be giving a damn about the old cadwell's quests anymore. Wrothgar, Murkmire, Imperial city, and god knows what else ZOS is planning to drop on us in 2015 will keep everyone busy, and give tons of ways to earn XP.

    All you've done is flame people for disagreeing with you, while simultaneously offering up zero valid counterarguments. And I mean that's *all* you've done -- obstinately defend ZOS tooth and nail, despite any valid points made, despite all evidence, despite common sense.

    That is funny because I said the same thing before I saw your post.
    - Mojican
  • Sharee
    Honestly, I'm asking in all seriousness: What would make you quit this game?

    Getting bored with it. Or the game becoming F2P with pay to win store.

    Certainly not any kind of entitlement. "I played so much and thus i deserve this and that, and they are not giving it to me, omg, i am so going to quit!". I swear the gaming is full of pampered princesses nowadays.
  • Enodoc
    Sharee wrote: »
    Ramtaku wrote: »
    Everyone that did all the quests through gold will be gimped forever, not enough content to catch up.

    Not enough content in a game that continually adds new content?

    Everyone is too fixated on the past. "OMG i won't be able to do Cadwell quests again, i'm forewer screwed!" Look forward! The release of new zones is around the corner. There will be tons of new ways to earn XP - that is the nature of MMO's!

    Champion system will take years to max out. One year after now, nobody will be giving a damn about the old cadwell's quests anymore. Wrothgar, Murkmire, Imperial city, and god knows what else ZOS is planning to drop on us in 2015 will keep everyone busy, and give tons of ways to earn XP.
    That works only if content is comparable. PvP, Craglorn, Murkmire, Imperial City, Trials and Vet Dungeons are not comparable to Cadwell's quests, as Cadwell's are solo PvE and everything else in the list is either group content or PvP. People are upset about the fact that they will have no comparable way to gain the Champion Points that were assured would be given by them completing Cadwell's. So maybe they are going to make Champion Point accumulation comparable between those types of content, but if the content itself is not comparable, that is irrelevant.

    The only source of Champion Points that remains for these players is Wrothgar, and that'll only be worth about 1/10th of the content that was supposedly being "tracked".
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  • Layenem
    Antiquity wrote: »
    What I am saying is that had I been in VR14's position on October 3rd, I would have been pissed that they were going to hand me points on a silver platter for work done exceeding the VR cap. And I would be happy now that that decision is reversed.

    Silver platter? You mean we didn't earn that exp? When I completed the 50++ content it was far more difficult to kill the mobs, especially as a tank who had to pretend to DPS when he was soloing... which was the majority way of doing things because phasing kept us from grouping.

    Do you even hear yourself? Right now, exactly right now, you sound like a white knight who thinks they have some moral high ground to stand on waving your finger saying "Shame on you guys for believing you'd be rewarded for your work..."

    Get off it.
  • manny254
    Sharee wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm asking in all seriousness: What would make you quit this game?

    Getting bored with it. Or the game becoming F2P with pay to win store.

    Certainly not any kind of entitlement. "I played so much and thus i deserve this and that, and they are not giving it to me, omg, i am so going to quit!". I swear the gaming is full of pampered princesses nowadays.

    None of the people you are talking to said that. So I have no idea where you pulled that quote from. Yet again trying to spread your idea, but not using a valid argument. If any thing you have resorted to trying to insult others making constructive posts.
    Edited by manny254 on 24 December 2014 01:08
    - Mojican
  • Layenem
    Sharee wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm asking in all seriousness: What would make you quit this game?

    Getting bored with it. Or the game becoming F2P with pay to win store.

    Certainly not any kind of entitlement. "I played so much and thus i deserve this and that, and they are not giving it to me, omg, i am so going to quit!". I swear the gaming is full of pampered princesses nowadays.

    You know what you remind me of? Those little kiddies who started calling everyone "fanboi" when they had no valid arguments to pose. You do realize all you're really saying is "ZOS screwed up but suck it up and deal with it. I know, I know. You were promised and you went forth based on that promise. But now I'm going to call you names so that you look bad... because reasons."

    Try again. This time, instead of just calling people pampered, try using real reasons as your argument. It might actually work to sway some people. On that note, maybe even consider that the word and integrity of these past companies is what caused them to fail. I hate to break it to you, DAoC wasn't even a top 5 in its day and the best thing it had going for it was the PvP element. That's why no one cared. Because when did the level ever matter as long as you were max level in DAoC? And even then, it wasn't the primary element.

    We're not playing DAoC. We're playing ESO. I know, there's a letter shared between the two, but you're going to have to look past that and realized a few things:

    1) DAoC NEVER said "Don't worry about doing those quests, we'll let you keep the rewards when we move forward in a month or so..." It's generally known as retroactive compensation.

    2) DAoC did expansions, they didn't evolve the game every few months. This was a major overhaul, MAJOR overhaul to the entire game. People will be left behind because of this and they will suffer in being invited to hard content because of this.

    3) You can't seem to see past your own self righteous nonsense, so none of this will ever make sense.

    Personally, the only way to clean all this up is to award a set amount of CP per vet level when they remove it, a set amount of exp (THE EXACT SAME AS WHAT WILL BE AWARDED) earned per objective quest, side quest, and the achievements from the silver and gold content. Individual mob kills will become irrelevant, which is absolutely fine.

    Oh, and usually when you have this many people willing to just stop playing a game over something, and you find yourself defending the developers, you're the one in the wrong. Making the casual player base equal to those who play far more is a horrible method and if they are just going to prove (twice now) that they will do this every few months then all you'll have left is casual players. Can you name a single game that has a casual player base only? No? Oh. Right. Because though they pay the bills, they don't stay unless others provide an environment that they can step in to and start playing. That doesn't happen from a casual only environment.
  • Sharee
    Enodoc wrote: »
    People are upset about the fact that they will have no comparable way to gain the Champion Points that were assured would be given by them completing Cadwell's.

    ZOS already officially stated that they intend for all players to have a comparable way to gain champion points, regardless of whether they still have cadwell's quests to do or not.

    Give them a chance.
  • Darkonflare15
    I find the post completely ironic now. Misery does love company. Every person comes on here and complain. Then when a person comes on here and post that they are ok with it. They then gang up on that person screaming" your point is invalid", Why does it not bother you like it bothers me" ," you have no idea what you talking about",and my favorite" I unsubscribe from the game but I still going to complain even though I am not playing the game anymore".

    Newsflash not everybody thinks, feels, or care the same way as you. Just because your complaining does not mean the whole player base feels the same way as you. The fun apart about it is that if it something they do not agree with, they give you lol because they either is suppose to be laughing at your post or they just do not agree like most spoiled humans. I do love the lols you keep giving me on my comments for actually giving my opinion.Keep them coming, I am about to reach 100.
  • badmojo0777b14_ESO
    people are forgetting that 1.6 is the first stage in implementing the Champion System. ZOS has stated that players with a VR character will receive 30 points. They have also stated that veteran ranks will not be removed yet, and that will take place in a later patch. a 30 point VR14 will be obviously more powerful than a 30 point VR1. with this, ZOS will have a better understanding of the value of champion point, and when veteran ranks are removed can reward players more accurately for their removed veteran ranks and further tracked XP. Bypass the nerdrage
    Edited by badmojo0777b14_ESO on 24 December 2014 01:31
  • DanielMaxwell
    sadly people do not recognize that their actions and choices do have consequences .

    ZOS is going to suffer some bad press over that promise they made on Oct 3 . they are making it worse by not being honest and open about it now . Indirectly acknowledging what happened will not help anybody least of all ZOS .

    Players who chose to grind out all of the non-repeatable content available to them based off of that bad promise not taking responsibility for their choice . They could have chosen to play the repeatable content and save the non-repeatable for when the champion system launched there by ensuring they would have that content available to them for the champion system progression .
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    Sharee wrote: »
    Honestly, I'm asking in all seriousness: What would make you quit this game?

    Getting bored with it. Or the game becoming F2P with pay to win store.

    Certainly not any kind of entitlement. "I played so much and thus i deserve this and that, and they are not giving it to me, omg, i am so going to quit!". I swear the gaming is full of pampered princesses nowadays.

    LOL -- Wow, what a revelation! People actually WANT to be rewarded for the time and effort they invest in an MMORPG.

    Is this really a new concept? LOLOL

    Brass tacks, they made a promise to track XP specifically for the purpose of awarding champion points, accordingly (up to a cap) on October 3rd, going so far as to assure us that even post-VR14 XP was being tracked. We all assumed there would be a conversion rate on a gradient scale based on what players have achieved, but we assumed there would be conversion -- not a flat value assigned *almost* indiscriminately, regardless of XP.

    Few people thought they'd hit the cap, but a lot of people wanted to try. So for the last ten weeks, people have been investing *more* time and effort into this game (than they otherwise would have, had ZOS said nothing) in good faith that ZOS would be true to their word and award the Champion Points we were (supposedly) earning for the last two months.

    It's funny that you'd say getting bored with the game would make you quit, because a lot of people were getting bored with it, right around early October, when there was virtually no new content on the horizon. Lo and behold, a message comes from on-high: "Keep playing, you will be rewarded." But this wasn't some fictional deity, it was @ZOS_MariaAliprando. You cannot deny the timing was far too convenient: they assured us to keep playing RIGHT when we were most likely to leave: during the period of new game releases leading into the holidays. We took the bait -- we rolled alts and kept playing, instead of unsubscribing, *despite being bored* because the promise of earning Champion Points was enough to keep us around (and paying). The more we play, the more XP we earn, the more CP we get (up to the cap) when the Champion System is implemented -- we took it hook, line, and sinker.

    You see, some of us enjoy the catharsis of earned rewards, not just trolling the forums for jollies.

    ZOS could try talking to us like people and explain why they broke their word instead of dancing around the issue like the Whitehouse Press Secretary. Unfortunately, it's hard for us to communicate with them with you jumping from thread to thread mischaracterizing our concerns. Frankly, I'm surprised I've been *this* charitable to you -- nobody who pulls that "QQ" nonsense has anything to say worth remembering, just FYI.

    If it is the case that we'll be getting reimbursed for the XP we've accrued when Update 1.7 drops and veteran ranks go away, @ZOS_GinaBruno went through a great deal of trouble when she created this thread to NOT say so. That was the only question anyone wanted answered, but she ducked it, completely. Either they don't have an answer, or they know we won't like it. Based on the feigned enthusiasm they displayed during the ESO Live broadcast when they started "30-gate," I'm leaning towards the latter explanation.
  • Layenem
    Every person comes on here and complain. Then when a person comes on here and post that they are ok with it. They then gang up on that person screaming" your point is invalid"

    I'd find you more intelligent if you actually said something that valued both sides here. A majority stated their concern (some a little more anxiously than others) and some idiots showed up and started calling people pampered and spoiled and other ridiculous things.

    HAD you actually read through that, maybe your post could have read more along the lines of "News flash. You shouldn't bash people for having an outright honest fear for a system that hasn't been given 100% clarity on. Next time, maybe the masses won't jump on you like fresh meat if you approached them a tad bit more tactfully and attempted to actually have a valid argument about it. (Which is what any conversation is when more than one view point is discussed, an argument.)"

    But you didn't. You just went on and sounded dumb. Good job.

    The irony here is that those who are complaining actually raise valid concerns whereas those who actually DISAGREE with the valid concerns pose no valid debate on their own behalf. It's just an attack. But, you keep doing what you're doing, clearly it's working for you!
  • EQBallzz
    Sharee wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    People are upset about the fact that they will have no comparable way to gain the Champion Points that were assured would be given by them completing Cadwell's.

    ZOS already officially stated that they intend for all players to have a comparable way to gain champion points, regardless of whether they still have cadwell's quests to do or not.

    Give them a chance.

    OHHHH. OK. So ZOS is making a vague promise of some future system that will make all this "fair" somehow (and yet give absolutely ZERO details)? Hmmm..they made other promises that were much more concrete and clear..and we see how that turned out. Sorry, but you can only mislead people so much before your promises have no value.
  • Sharee
    Layenem wrote: »
    "ZOS screwed up but suck it up and deal with it. I know, I know. You were promised and you went forth based on that promise. But now I'm going to call you names so that you look bad... because reasons."

    You were not promised. ZOS was so nice that they informed you about their development plans.They had absolutely no obligation to do so. They could have kept quiet, and just implemented the champion system in january as a surprise.

    If they did that, none of this sh..storm after their plan changed (as plans often do) would have happened. Serves them well to be so open with their development, doesn't it.

  • Layenem
    Sharee wrote: »
    Layenem wrote: »
    "ZOS screwed up but suck it up and deal with it. I know, I know. You were promised and you went forth based on that promise. But now I'm going to call you names so that you look bad... because reasons."

    You were not promised. ZOS was so nice that they informed you about their development plans.They had absolutely no obligation to do so. They could have kept quiet, and just implemented the champion system in january as a surprise.

    Oh good! I'm SO glad you said that!!! Give me a bit to find their post from the 3rd of October that stated very clearly that they would be, in fact, tracking that exp from the silver and gold content so that we could go ahead and enjoy the content.

    Wait one white knight, I'll be back once I find it. (PS. I'm horrible at researching this stuff so it's going to be a while lol)
  • EQBallzz
    people are forgetting that 1.6 is the first stage in implementing the Champion System. ZOS has stated that players with a VR character will receive 30 points. They have also stated that veteran ranks will not be removed yet, and that will take place in a later patch. a 30 point VR14 will be obviously more powerful than a 30 point VR1. with this, ZOS will have a better understanding of the value of champion point, and when veteran ranks are removed can reward players more accurately for their removed veteran ranks and further tracked XP. Bypass the nerdrage

    Try doing some research before spreading false information. It's been posted numerous times now but it's already been stated by ZOS that there is NO future reward for tracked XP. They promised that before but yesterday stated they changed their mind and nothing beyond the 30 CP points that every V1+ account gets is getting awarded. People with 3, 4 or 6 V14 characters and no slots left or content to do will get 30 CP..just like someone who has 100 XP into V1. There is no other compensation.
  • Gyudan
    Sharee wrote: »
    Layenem wrote: »
    "ZOS screwed up but suck it up and deal with it. I know, I know. You were promised and you went forth based on that promise. But now I'm going to call you names so that you look bad... because reasons."

    You were not promised. ZOS was so nice that they informed you about their development plans.They had absolutely no obligation to do so. They could have kept quiet, and just implemented the champion system in january as a surprise.

    If they did that, none of this sh..storm after their plan changed (as plans often do) would have happened. Serves them well to be so open with their development, doesn't it.
    I remember a video with Paul Sage saying that he understood that some players just wanted to be crafters and that they'd be able to make the best gear because it shows that they're important.
    What a bunch of guar dung. :|
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    @Sharee, I believe you were putting your foot in your mouth...
    Greetings! I am Maria Aliprando, Gameplay Designer on the Champion System.

    We are hard at work on it and I’m here to answer a few of your questions. Most of these questions were also asked during our Guild Round Table in the last two days.

    How will the current system change when the Champion System gets introduced?

    The Champion System will introduce new past lvl 50 progression for your account where previously there was only an increase in Veteran Ranks and Attributes. The Champion System allows you spend points in the constellations to earn powerful passives such as giving your bash a chance to snare targets, reduce the amount of damage you take from flames or leech health on critical strikes.

    What happens to the Veteran Ranks we currently have VR1-12?

    We want to remove the Veteran Ranks from the game and rely on the more active progression provided by the Champion System. However, when we release the Champion System we will continue to maintain Veteran Ranks. We have several options as to how we will remove Veteran Ranks but all of them require time and careful planning. In the meantime, we are making Veteran Ranks earned by XP and reducing the overall time it takes to get a Veteran Rank. We are also rewarding an Attribute Point and a Skill Point each time you reach a Veteran Rank.

    What happens to the Skill Points from VR1-12? Are they carried over to the CS instead?

    The Skill Points we reward will not be removed from you! You will continue to have the same amount of Skill Points you do now. The Champion System does not reward any Skill Points, only gaining Veteran Ranks does. When we take out Veteran Ranks we will make sure that anyone that didn't make it max Veteran Rank will still rewarded with those Skill Points.

    Does everyone that is a Veteran Rank get lowered back to lvl50? Or are the Ranks staying, but only being changed to lvl 51, 52, etc instead?

    Similar to an answer before, we just don’t know yet.

    Should players that are VR1+ still work towards VR12 or should they just wait until the new changes.
    Continue to play! We are tracking your XP as you advance your way through Veteran Ranks and even past VR14. When the Champion System comes out we will reward you points right away based on the amount of XP you have earned up to a cap. In general, most people won’t reach the cap and we do not know what that cap is yet. We're still working out that value and making sure to take a look at the XP you all are earning.

    That clear enough, for ya?

    EDIT: Thanks to @astal360b14_ESO for finding this, earlier.
    Edited by Unlikely_Ghostbuster on 24 December 2014 01:52
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