@Ravens-Sonata The "Veteran" title is a reward for the PvP rank of Veteran, not for hitting Level 50. There appears to be a bug with the Mages Guild questline, as it's being mentioned on the forums quite a bit, but ZOS haven't directly commented on it yet.Ravens-Sonata wrote: »I'm level Veteran 2 Why do I not have the Title option for Veteran???
Also What happened to Mages Guild Story line - Valaste wasnt "feeling" well at the last book I retrieved and I havent heard nothing from them since!
but ZOS haven't directly commented on it yet.
but ZOS haven't directly commented on it yet.
Mighty_oakk wrote: »If a small percentage of the player base is currently affected by vr16 and cp system, why does it seem to be your primary concern?
Vr16 ... 99.99% of console players arent vr14 making the increase irrelevent.
Champion points ... 99.99% of console players have under 100 so noone cares.
You just sold close to 1.5 million units on console while strugling to sell pc copies at a 75% discount.
Yet console players inability to group reliably due to no text chat and a broken lfg tool is just flat out ignored.
Its starting to feel like you just took the money and walked away
SleepyLaosGuy wrote: »What happens to my items in the guild trader after my guild trader its out bid?
Why is the game difficulty so easy?
Summary: First off i love the game, having said that there are some big problems.This post is only commenting on LV's 1-50, I'm not Vet rank so i cannot comment personally on that yet, Please don't reply with "LV 1-50 is easy mode, it gets harder at Vet ranks!", (maybe it will, probably not though) I understand that and its part of my point, why do i have to wait so long for the game to pose a challenge?. Firstly the game's LV1-50 feels like a single player game with other players running around getting in your way. Right now what we have is a MMO with no need for other ppl. Outside of a group dungeon, the content is so easy its down right trivial, you don't ever "need" to group, so players just become annoying/unnecessary to come across. This lack of difficulty also makes you not even care about what your doing on a quest, you almost get the mentality of "well, lets just get this over with." A difficulty increase is needed so players are a welcomed site rather than a buzz kill ruining your dungeons. Lv 1-50 has so much good content but seems wasted because of this, I understand being able to Solo, but Solo everything with ease? if you want to go that direction, give us an option for instance delvs/dungeons. In fact ESO already has LV scaling/instances, in main story/group dungeons. Just needs expanded upon further.
1. PVE difficulty .
This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god(Example: able to kill 3-4mobs at a time that are 5 Lv's higher than you, Even able to kill 1-2 mobs at a time 15-20lvs higher). You need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase or decrease difficultly of quests, this will allow players to customize there own experience and would also make lower zones/quests worth while to all Lv's (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of) Player's Gimping themselves by playing naked is not the answer, and should be a humongous red flag !
2. Adding Instance dungeons.
Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see players roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option so that each dungeon (All Dungeons/Delvs) that requires you to zone into them, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.This option would also work in conjunction with the difficulty setting. Each player could scale a quest/delve to a higher or lower difficulty setting, accommodating everyone.
Thank you for the read.
nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO wrote: »This is a question about the topography of Cyrodiil. At the moment 3 of the daggerfall homekeeps are placed so you can attack them from a safe spot where the defenders cannot return fire. Both the Dominion and the Pact only have one of those keeps each.
Are you going to do something about this problem as it makes it much harder to defend for the DC side?
@HGW Maintenance generally lasts for somewhere between 1 and 4 hours, depending on what needs to be done.Is there an estimated end time for server maintenance today?
@HGW Maintenance generally lasts for somewhere between 1 and 4 hours, depending on what needs to be done.
For future reference, this thread is for general questions about the game that they answer in their biweekly show on Twitch; for other things, you may like to check elsewhere on the forums.
KkaosReinz wrote: »Last post got deleted with no answer. So I'll try to rephrase.... Isn't it against policy to sell in game content for real money? and if such activities have been noticed, who is the appropriate person or persons to notify? Or should we just ignore it, and hope it goes away?....
Hmm... not sure how that works, but I watch some Twitch streamers that basically do this by not letting players into their guild unless they subscribe and charging players with subs for in game giveaways (which is gambling). Does this qualify as inappropriate dealings and or borderline illegal?
I never said they answered all of them, just that that is what this thread is forReally? I hardly ever hear majority of these questions answered.