randolphbenoit wrote: »@ZOS_JasonLeavey Where the Q&A from last Friday ESO Live?
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Blade Cloak - I noticed that when leveling up this ability, none of the ranks actually seem to do anything (no duration change, no cost change, no damage change, nothing.) This is the only ability that I know of that exhibits no change from Ranks I-IV or even after morphing the ability (I chose Quick Cloak.) Is this intended or a bug? – Varicite
You are correct. All abilities should increase in some aspect as they rank up. With Blade Cloak there was a minor bug we just fixed where the increase was smaller than expected and sometimes not seen at lower levels.
"Adding heavy attacks into your damage rotation is easier than light attacks, we have a number of ways to increase heavy attack damage such as dragon knight's molton weapons, sorcerers bound armaments, and the undaunted Item set"
HeroOfNone wrote: »Thank you for taking the time to try and address my question last ESO live, but it missed the mark completely.
- do you plan to offer alternative skills or mechanics to folks poor at animation canceling as an alternative to the current meta that requires it be used in most challenging fights or pvp?
The response
I will try to reword:
- What builds with armor sets and skills have devs used to test things like speed runs on veteran spindleclutch, veteran Darkshade Caverns, and trials like Aetherian Archive that work well with poor animation canceling? A lot of these require a lot of DPS thar seems can only be achieved with proper attack weaving that is not well documented or hinted at in the game.
I fail to see how they didn't answer your question. They basically said "Yes, use heavy attacks in your rotation instead, and we added buffs to those".
To cancel a heavy attack is pretty simple, you hold down the button and spam your ability. As soon as the heavy attack is able to be cancelled, it will be by the ability you're spamming. Then just do the same thing again, etc.
Are you asking if there are competitive builds that don't use animation cancelling AT ALL, or simply stating that some people aren't great at it, so there should be an alternative? Because their answer seems to be to the latter.
Oh wow, all three questionsZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »Would it be possible to add the Campaign name to anything which involves being in Cyrodiil? [...] – Enodoc
This is a good suggestion. It’s possible that we could add this in a future update. We’ll discuss it.
Would you consider adding map and compass icons for the Imperial Milegates and Bridges in Cyrodiil? [...] – Enodoc
We have considered adding map icons for those key structures and locations like the Bridges and Milegates however we currently are butting up against some limitations on the amount of map pins allowed in a zone—Cyrodiil has an abundance. If we can get around those limitations, it’s possible.
Is there a plan/reason for those [Ayleid Ruins] which were specifically given icons, considering there are 7 in each territory? – Enodoc
Ayleid ruins that are major ruins with lots of creatures inhabiting them usually have Point of Interest icons but as you noted, some have slipped through due our current limitations with how many POIs we can put on a single map (such as Cyrodiil).
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »All abilities should increase in some aspect as they rank up. With Blade Cloak there was a minor bug we just fixed where the increase was smaller than expected and sometimes not seen at lower levels.
Time for an armchair talk about player housing
I can answer this for ya its apart of the pinned thread now.Ok this may be answered before but here it goes
If I buy the game straight from Playstation Plus, I can downloaded and play it. If I buy the game box, do I need to always have the CD into ps4 to play? (I know in Destiny I must have it in all the time). I generally prefer game boxes to keep them for collection reasons, but if I need to have the cd inside when I play I will have to chose the ps store.