Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v1.2.0

  • cincen
    Soul Shriven
    Let me give you some advice, ZOS:

    As you can see, there are multiple people complaining about how much detail your patch notes contain, which seems to not be enough information in most cases. I'll strongly advice you to take a look at patch notes made by one of the biggest rising gaming companies out there: Riot.

    Their patch notes for their popular game League of legends are truly amazing and frankly, your patch notes are really bad compared to theirs. Every time i look at the patch note for LoL i both know and can get a feel of in which way the game has changed. I don't even get close of that from your patch notes, and you should hopefully notice that i'm not the only one concerned with the amount of info you share with us.

    Suggestion: Have the guy in charge of writing the patch notes look up how league of legends patch notes look like and STEAL it. I'm serious, STEALSTEALSTEAL. steal whatever they're doing right and use it. No reason to try to invent the wheel again, especially when your wheel is square and doesn't work very well compared to their perfectly round ones that are better in every single way.
  • Tai
    About NB:
    I like the fact that Refreshing shadows will become a permanent buff for NB, and i appreciate other changes, like the one on Twin blade and blunt, but i would also like to see more about medium armor, Dual Wield and stamina.
    I would really like to see NB as "the" medium armor class, with more bonuses to stamina (cost reduction), and a buff to Dual Wield (it has to deal more damage).
    At the moment this game is all about light armor and staves, and i doubt this is the diversity you wanted to see when you were imagining your ESO.
  • Sakiri
    Snit wrote: »
    Oberon wrote: »
    And nary a mention of fixing the universally hated "you cannot mount while in combat" game mechanic that very seriously impacts healers in Cyrodiil.

    The solution to this should be simpler. Whatever causes a Heal to put you in combat for several minutes, with no enemies within range, needs to be identified and changed. It feels like a bug, not a design decision.

    I'm also tired of having to run for a good minute after the rest of my group has mounted up, simply because I cast a heal a while back.

    Your hot is still ticking on someone.

    That's why.
  • Anazasi
    Anyone know if they are including a VR12 Soul Shine Set since the only set on live is VR6.
  • necronyteub17_ESO
    So basically your thinking of changing Bolt escape yet again? The nerf for it wasn't good enough just before release so , you listen to the whiners on the forums and nerf it yet again?

    Why don't you just rename the skill while your at it . Magicka Drain, or how about Useless Streak ? I know , lets call it BS BOLT . yeah that's a good one , lets use that.

    I have enough time to play one character, because unlike some people I actually HAVE a job and a life. I am not going through this early in a games life , and reroll a different class , just because you want to keep crapping on sorcerers.

    The name on the skill is BOLT ESCAPE . GET IT , its for ESCAPING . Go ahead and implement this change to this particular skill.

    Just as easy to shelve this game and play something else , since I can see and many others can see just where this company is taking the classes. Down the same damn road we have all seen time and time again.

    You start catering to the whiney little cry babies on the forums yelling NERF it NERF it , and swinging that bat wide every other patch, trying to balance something ,until you get to the point that paying for the crap isn't worth it.

    I will sit back and watch but no doubt you will stay the path and implement this BS change. I am saying don't change this skill, and stop screwing up the classes.

    If you put this change through then that's fine, but paying for waiting to see each new patch and nerf isn't something your going to get from my wallet. You can keep the crap.

  • AngryNord
    Muletide wrote: »
    Please address the Light Armor/Stave using DK's, not blanket nerf DK's in general! My Heavy Armor/Sword & Board DK-Tank is consistently losing PvE viability due to nerfs coming from PvP/Endgame cries over this OP Pyro-caster DK class.

    I love this game and want it to succeed, but the elephant in the room keeps getting ignored: Light Armor/Stave builds of the DK class are whats OP'd.

    Lore wise, the Dragon Knight is a form of the Akaviri martial-arts tradition. They excel with one handers, shields, and heavy armor, but not very skilled in the use of magic ( http://tesfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Akaviri ).... Why are the magic based DK's reigning supreme?

    Do what other MMOs do - restrict classes in the kind of armour/weapons they can use (i.e. no staves for melee classes, no heavy armour for mage/archer/thief classes, etc)
  • vultar
    Soul Shriven
    Fix ZERG issue!

    Hard to consistently find small group or solo pvp without 10-20 people jumping you during the fight. Most everyone just runs around following each other to take the next keep in line and it gets BORING!

    1. Make keeps MUCH more difficult to take
    2. Create better keep ownership with keep upgrades.
    • Stronger Guards
    • Deadly Archers
    • Powerful Mages
    • Healing Templar's that can Resurrect other NPC's
    3. UN-LINK keeps and promote random keep taking.
    4. Allow guilds to bind at a keep that they own.
    5. Add guild colors, cloaks, banners, and crest.
    6. b]IMPORTANT[/b Add leveling and farming in the frontier!
    7. Grant some sort of resource to keep holding guilds.
    • Not all the same.
    • Mining nodes
    • Buffs
    • Other resources for crafting
    9. Give timer before a keep can be sieged similar to DFO.

    Thanks for reading!
    Edited by vultar on 5 June 2014 05:37
  • trueche
    I'm curious, why would you add things to Haste when it doesn't work properly to begin with. I say fix the Haste ability to ACTUALLY work as intended with all weapons, then add things :) I enjoy the updates, it's good to see you guys at least trying to keep us updated and informed
  • Halrloprillalar
    Please just fix the lag in Wabbajack. Please. That is all I want for now.
  • trimsic_ESO
    The zerg issue will be solved when powerful and non self purge-able CC will be present in the game.

    I agree with you that keeps should be much more difficult to take, but then there is a risk of endless keep sieges with a lot of lag. That would not be fun either.

    Roaming was great in DAoC. It was possible for a group of 8 persons to roam and have fun winning a fight against a raid of 30+ enemies. Roaming does not work at all in ESO for two main reasons:
    - The game mechanics encourage people to pack together (PBAoE heal, PBAoE support, PBAoE DPS), and nothing exists to harm severely a pack a players (through long range CC or DPS)
    - Everyone can be in sneak mode, and therefore it's very hard to find a small group people until they jump at you and kill you. Sometimes we feel like the map is empty while actually many players are just stealthed.

    Also missing:
    - Incentive PvP ranks, opening the access to great passive bonuses (there are only 3 passive bonuses in assault and support skill trees, this is not enough - no need for more active skills since we can only slot 5 of them per bar anyway.
    - Incentive PvP ranks, opening the access to materials required for crafting exclusive PvP set bonuses, rather than looting directly a piece of equipment, which currently makes many craft professions about useless. Yes, this would be a new craft feature. But it would be just great.

    Edited by trimsic_ESO on 5 June 2014 06:05
  • Arturum
    Soul Shriven

    Before I posted this I READ EVERY POST before i posted this... ALl 8 pages to be exact***

    Usually I don't post on patch notes and could care less about the nerf stick that Melee Heavy Armor DK's are getting. People are crying over a class that is ment to be Heavy armor, sword and board YET the only whining I see about DK's is just what every other person is crying about. STAFF and LIGHT ARMOR. If i wanted to play a caster type game, I would want one that has something along the lines like Mage of whatever. Or Slinging Spells but pretty much I am done with this game. I will not pay for a game, to shake my head while dying to VR2-VR3 mobs in groups of 2-3 because I am not falling in suit, to wear cloth and wield a staff. (Wow just seems strange, a Tank, A Meat shield, and Front line scrubber be-littled to cloth and a stick). Personally though this patch is not why i canceled my subscription.

    Reason I canceled my subscription is due to the fact I couldnt log into my beat @$$ Heavy Melee character due to a loading issue. Which took the company a cool 8 days and 4 replies to "I see nothing wrong" going on.

    Now from a RES Fan the quests and overall single player experience from questing and taking everything in was great. BUT once VR1 hit, well that was just the end of solo. You were forced to group and do dungeons. Ohh well you weren't forced but a whopping 30xp per kill on mobs and only a 10% gain of total quest amount towards your 500k for VR1 and ohh the 900k for VR2. No wonder you have botter problems.

    I seen some F2P games that didnt require that much dedication to level (and some require alot).

    So I will glad to place my subscription on the shelve, and go back to skyrim (which i barely play) hell I am actually giving up this POS game for EQ Landmark and I HATE WORLD BUILDING GAMES, because well in intrigues me even more then this really.

    To all the people that are gonna bash me, I hope you get off on it cause I WILL NOT be reading it.

    TO all the people that feel my pain, or experience the same pain, I hope you wise up and stop using their game as your MONEY sink into their pockets. Shame they destroyed such a loveable game that i grew up on and loving everyone. They did it dirty and well i guess it is what it is.

    Ohh on a PVP note, or game period, i guess I am old skool but to keep me intrigued in PVP or whatnot I guess my one main rule of thumb would be FULLY LOOTABLE corpses but you know that is just me. That will keep me interested.

    Nothing like that adrenline rush of jacking someone for their loot, OR Losing your hard earned loot as well.

    ***Throws this box on top of the other types of beat worthless MMO's... Warhammer, Age of Conan, Newer WoW expansions, Starwars. List goes on and on)

    Edited by Arturum on 5 June 2014 06:03
  • n.englishb14_ESO

    tl;dr: I'm out, see yall later.
    Edited by n.englishb14_ESO on 5 June 2014 06:15
  • Hilgara
    •Siphoning Strikes: This ability now restores slightly less resources,

    You gotta be kidding right? Why do you hate NB's
  • tyjoie
    I didn't see the bug with Molag Bal on the list where he would pick you up and continually roar at you or drop you without the ability to actually fight him, this blocks people form progressing to veteran content and has been there for a while, will that be fixed?
    Ex-Beta tester
    Playing since 2014
    Still a noob
    Green-Sap Loyalist
  • Jaztica
    Soul Shriven
    slaxe wrote: »
    nothing about thiefs guild and dark brotherhood :(

    I know :( It bothers me too. But I'm too afraid to complain about it, what with a lot of stuff in release being so buggy or underdeveloped that it feels more like an open beta than a real release. I don't want something new to come out that I'm excited for but be underwhelmed because the release ended up feeling rushed, which is really the only reason TESO isn't sustaining the immense amount of interest it drew upon release. I'd rather they carefully craft the content to make it as good as it ought to be. Though, I would also like to know the release date of end-game content more than 24 hours before it is available.

    The extent of proposed changes along with great & original ideas people are suggesting has me strongly under the impression their real plan is that we as players basically beta test the game in preparation for their console release :neutral_face: which barring any major new endgame additions, tapping the console demographic is probably their best avenue at this point to surge some fresh interest into the title.
    Stream: twitch.tv/jaztica
    Twitter: @Karastrasza
    <FORCE>: www.tesoforce.com
  • ThyIronFist
    The Elder Sorcs Online
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    OMG!!!!..... How much time we have to wait to see a heavy armor buff??? come on Zenimax, are you blind!!!

    PS: Alongside this, the patch is great. Thanks xD.
    Edited by arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO on 5 June 2014 08:55
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Aziz006
    Thanks ZOS I couldn't be happier. Thank god! II cannot imagine how it would be if I didn't already quit the game. But it is funny now :smiley:
  • rich_nicholsonb16_ESO
    vultar wrote: »
    Fix ZERG issue!

    Hard to consistently find small group or solo pvp without 10-20 people jumping you during the fight. Most everyone just runs around following each other to take the next keep in line and it gets BORING!

    1. Make keeps MUCH more difficult to take
    2. Create better keep ownership with keep upgrades.
    • Stronger Guards
    • Deadly Archers
    • Powerful Mages
    • Healing Templar's that can Resurrect other NPC's
    3. UN-LINK keeps and promote random keep taking.
    4. Allow guilds to bind at a keep that they own.
    5. Add guild colors, cloaks, banners, and crest.
    6. b]IMPORTANT[/b Add leveling and farming in the frontier!
    7. Grant some sort of resource to keep holding guilds.
    • Not all the same.
    • Mining nodes
    • Buffs
    • Other resources for crafting
    9. Give timer before a keep can be sieged similar to DFO.

    Thanks for reading!

    Good ideas here I also would like to see some sort of small outposts dotted around for solo/small groups to fight over. They give a small buff to the alliance which holds them ( like 2% ) but place them away from keeps so those zergs wouldn't bother with them.

    Just give us solo/small groups to have something to do and feel we are helping our alliance for what we do.
    Patch 1.2.3 nerfed the game....
    Zergballing wrecked pvp......

    Now waiting for Camelot Unchained!!
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    Hey everyone, just letting you know that we are reading your comments and questions, and are working on getting you some answers.

    Great. Please read this. Incremental balancing of classes while still not taking in consideration greatest disbalance in this game MAG / STAM output is completely wrong. Why i say that - without that balance - game will be balanced just fine and still big chunk of people will play classes in way they dont like . And guess again - what will happen ?
  • Attorneyatlawl

    Hopefully right alongside more important nameplates and guild tag options for community and socialization... chat bubbles would be far more intrusive, so there's no reason we can't have an option for nametags/guildtags too.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on 5 June 2014 09:06
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • JLB
    Templars changes look very good to me. Although magicka management is still unfixed based on these notes.

    Would be very nice for templars to see some kind of magicka cost reduction, be it through a passive tweak or a boost to an ability like Channeled Focus magicka return.

    Regarding Rune Focus in general, could the little area be fixed somehow so we have a nice tanking ability we can use in all the fights and not only the very few ones where you can just stay at the same place? Maybe make the buff area be always around the caster or make it have a bigger radius?

    Thanks for keeping an eye on players opinions devs, These changes are definitively on the right track.

  • SC0TY999

    Blessings of madeira bug! Is this going to be fixed there are a number of users' exploiting this. They basically travel at warp speed while on foot. Some guy took the scroll and 20 of us were chasing him, someone on a 58% speed horse couldn't catch him and he was on foot! This was on the EU server - Wabbajack campaign - Ebonhart Pact. I'm going to name and shame the user.

    Player = "The Great Sacreblew"
  • williams226
    Hilgara wrote: »
    •Siphoning Strikes: This ability now restores slightly less resources,

    You gotta be kidding right? Why do you hate NB's

    the problem is a NB in light armour and healing staff with siphoning strikes is pretty OP.

    With a DW NB the -25% damage is to harsh and then with less recourse return its a bit of an overall nerf.

    If the stamina/melee builds were increased it wouldn't seem so bad would it?

    Little by little they keep adjusting hopefully it will balance out eventually.
  • Juraigr
    1) pls buff every stamina skill in 2h and dw, they are underpower compared with magika skill and you risk to die for using stamina

    i suggest 2 way to fix it:

    -stamina skill must do more damage than magika (cause you risk to die for use stamina damage skill)

    -use 1 new and different resource for dodge-roll/block/bash/sprint/cc-break (in this way we will got magika, stamina and utility resource)

    2) molthen whip nerf got no sense, it increase your skill damage only 4-10

    3) burning talon nerf got no sense, it do low damage and the dot duration is only 4 sec

    4) the NB balance planned is not sufficent, if you buff/fix weapon damage from 2h and dw you will open the way of new builds and maybe NB can work better than now and finally will become balanced

    5) the nerf of bolting escape (sorcerer) isn't sufficent you need to increase the duration from 4 to 6 sec or increase the cost of next cast to 100%

    6) medium armor passive need 1 little rework for work better like the light armor passive:

    ligth armor- increase magika regen, spell crit chance, spell penetration, spell resist, decrease cost of magika skill

    medium armor- increase crit chance, stamina regen, utility for sneak, decrease stamina cost of dodge roll (maybe add reduce cost of stamina skill too), increase attack speed (useless cause of the light attack cancel animation)

    we at least miss some armor penetration on medium armor passive line, maybe put it in the useless "increase attack speed" passive

    7) we need the "guild tag" on pvp (of course pve too) leaderboard and under pg name. It is the main resource for every competitive guilds than want recruit other peoples and get some appreciation

    I agree with most but the sorcs I play a dk but if a sorc wants. to run I say let em ain't no harm done I just say I won game set and match
    EU Worst DK , Best DK Singapore and NA also known as 'Special Snowflake'

    Jurra - V14 Dragonknight Rank 38 August Palatine
    Jurra Hex - V14 Sorcerer Rank 25 Colonel [SEMI-RETIRED until Zos fix this BS sorc nonsense]

    LA DK Still OP :P

    One of the Three Light Armor DK's



    Grinding my way to August Palatine finally made it, still holding a torch for eso so now imma filthy casual
  • Gorbit
    Soul Shriven
    For all you people quitting the game feel free to mail me all your crafting material and gold @gorbit I don't plan on going anywhere I love this game.
  • NordJitsu
    Man I am just so frustrated by these patch notes I don't even know where to begin...

    Really starting to feel like intelligent feedback is just completely ignored and the only people who ever get a response from ZOS are the relentless hordes of internet trolls and whiners. There's plenty in this list to be upset about and really nothing that excites me.

    Not sure I'll be around much longer.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Haxer
    Thanks for the update! As stated in my forum thread, please reconsider this:

    "One Hand and Shield
    All One Hand and Shield abilities now require you to have a one-handed weapon and a shield equipped in order to activate them.

    You said play our way. Someone with just a one handed weapon and no shield should still be able to use Puncture and Low Slash like they could before you changed it!

    Please don't require a shield for abilities that don't use a shield at all! This change serves no functional or balance purpose, please don't do it.

    All your RP'ers
    Edited by Haxer on 5 June 2014 13:12
  • Dissentinel
    Tai wrote: »
    About NB:
    I like the fact that Refreshing shadows will become a permanent buff for NB, and i appreciate other changes, like the one on Twin blade and blunt, but i would also like to see more about medium armor, Dual Wield and stamina.
    I would really like to see NB as "the" medium armor class, with more bonuses to stamina (cost reduction), and a buff to Dual Wield (it has to deal more damage).
    At the moment this game is all about light armor and staves, and i doubt this is the diversity you wanted to see when you were imagining your ESO.
    The classes are just supposed to be starting points, making any class better with a weapon/armor would ruin the point of the system and player progression. I think they should reduce the cost of weapon abilities (Especially bow) because unlike Magicka, Stamina is used for sprinting, dodge rolling, CC breaking, e.t.c. They should leave room for both using abilities and doing all of these things. Magicka builds become more powerful when the only thing they are using their resource for is abilities, and their Stamina bar is free to sprint/dodge/CC break/interrupt/block

    Otherwise they might as well remove Stamina abilities from the game.
    Edited by Dissentinel on 5 June 2014 14:09
  • ZairanArainai
    I'd like to see attention paid to the bug that randomly takes the party leader's status away, leaving a group with no leader. It gets annoying when all of a sudden, the party leader is no longer the leader, and the party has to disband and reform just to invite someone. This issue has existed since beta and it still remains.
This discussion has been closed.