Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

A MILLION Thank You's....

Thank You for...
...NOT being F2P
...LUA UI addon support
...free choice skills
...guards flipping coins
...guards using clipboards
...non-quest giver NPCs that have vocals
...miner NPCs that flip their hammer WHILE talking to me
...NPCs that lean (properly) against walls -- some even using their hand/arm
...painting palette on porch
...icy river water in Eastmarch looks so refreshing I want a drink
...random snow falling from building roof edges
...detailed cat animations (where's my follower!)
...a complete rainbow of frogs
...frogs that "walk" and jump if you get to close
...incredible flora
...incredible fauna
..."bath salts"
...special "finishing" kills
...killer PC animations -- even "dodging" and rolling OVER a small tent!
...good crafting options (personally prefer more interactive ala EQII/Vanguard)
...subtle weapon effect animations
...enchantable armor/weapons
...interesting storylines and recurring characters
...a multitude of siege weapons, options, and destructible structures
...the poor skeleton inside a broken barrel at the bottom of a waterfall
...the (nearly) fully submerged treasure chest
...the dead (snake? bandits? weather?) explorer in remote locations
...the remote explorers campsite often with a backpack full of goodies
...interspecies flirting with a cute dark elf assassin ("Once you go Khajit...mrawr!")

My main is currently enjoying Eastmarch so this is somewhat centric to that zone.

I've beta tested and played almost every MMO out there and have to say this had to be probably the smoothest launch period I've ever seen. The incredible details already present and the game is barely a few months old. I look forward to many, many years of adventuring.
Edited by Eldarth on 27 May 2014 14:52
  • Sturmwaffel
    ... Until you become victim to the 301 error and can't even log in.
  • zeuseason
    ....for bots!

    I've never seen them in a game so bad. I'm sure they have been, I've just never been exposed to them as a player sooooooo much.
  • Ohioastro

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on 27 May 2014 13:19
  • Sturmwaffel
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    Do the sour and bitter people feel compelled to chime in regardless of subject? Do you realize how petty and small it makes you look?

    Says the pot to the kettle.

    No, really. I like the game, but the fact that I cannot even log in on a holiday weekend is no good.
  • Ohioastro
    Someone wrote a lighthearted and fun post that you stomped all over with an utterly unrelated complaint. If I was them I'd find that a real downer. Why do it?
  • netsike
    The OP sounds like he is praying to ZeniGod...
  • TheBull
    Awesome game is awesome.
  • Sturmwaffel
    netsike wrote: »
    The OP sounds like he is praying to ZeniGod...

    Wouldn't be the first time I've seen a brown-nosing employee on the forums of an MMO.
  • Weberda
    Totally agree with the points listed by the OP.
    Fernwood, EP Haderus NA
    Lo Behold, AD Thornblade NA (formerly Haderus, inactive)
  • mutharex
    zeuseason wrote: »
    ....for bots!

    I've never seen them in a game so bad. I'm sure they have been, I've just never been exposed to them as a player sooooooo much.

    Didn't play GW2? You must be one of the few
  • SoupDragon
    Eldarth wrote: »
    ...guards flipping coins

    This ♥
  • mutharex
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on 27 May 2014 13:22
  • Oblongship
    ...for a million bugs
    ...for being sluggish to fix progression halting quest bugs
    ...for breaking more things with every patch
    ...for not catching simple things like memory leaks causing computers to crash
    ...for AoE banning my friends along with the bots then waiting over a week to give them the time of day only after they wrote something negative on your Facebook
    ...for lying to us about content
    ...for bots ruining our questing experience
    ...for spam every day in our email and PMs and zone from bots
    ...for having one of the most useless support departments ever created
    ...for class passives still being bugged
    ...for skills still being bugged
    ...for massive bugs in pvp (i.e. caltdrops currently) being so sluggish to fix
    ...for being the only MMO I have ever seen not have a special event at the end of beta to say thank you to the people who tested for you (not that you listened to us anyways)
    ...for infinite loading screens which still happen
    ...for massive lag spikes at just the right moments
    ...for weapon swap being worse now than ever
    ...for randomly emptying banks
    ...for having to buy the extra 10 slots on my inventory 4 times now
    ...for making this list so easy to write...there are tons more but it would make this far to long.
  • Ohioastro
    I really like the recurring characters. MMOs tend to have one-shot quest givers, so it's very nice to have some who recur from zone to zone. You get an actual personality developed for them, and some of the writing is extremely clever. I also like how the quests have lore weaved into them: there are some where you're seeing how a religious tradition works, for example, as opposed to having all of them involve whacking some beastie. And I also like the stealth options, which are especially viable with a nightblade.
  • Millionaires
    zeuseason wrote: »
    ....for bots!

    I've never seen them in a game so bad. I'm sure they have been, I've just never been exposed to them as a player sooooooo much.

    RuneScape.. 190k of the 200k online were bots, moment they 'nuked' them the players online dropped to 30k at peak.

    Final Fantasy: ARR.. same issue as ESO currently. Flying/teleporting etc.

    GW2.. still full of teleporting bots.
    Edited by Millionaires on 27 May 2014 12:46
  • Khandi
    @‌ Oblongship exactly!
    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • Ibura
    yes, yes and yes!

    And for giving us a world that one wants to explore in every corner, jump in the cool water and swim to the little islands.

    ... for letting us rumble through wardrobes, bags, crates. Discovering chests that we have to pry open.

    ...little notes/letters that we can read

    And perhaps most of all! For enduring all the negativity from people who still believe an excellent and nutritious from scrap made dinner is served in 5 sec, Rome was build in 1 day, if they had done it it would have been perfect right away.

    To build something takes time, but you can burn something down in a wink.

  • Turial
    oh boy, where to start :)

    ...for a million bugs (try gw2)
    ...for being sluggish to fix progression halting quest bugs (gw2)
    ...for breaking more things with every patch (gw2 so much)
    ...for not catching simple things like memory leaks causing computers to crash (memory leaks are not that simple, they happen)
    ...for AoE banning my friends along with the bots then waiting over a week to give them the time of day only after they wrote something negative on your Facebook (sure they werent botting? zos looks into the behaviour of bots not just click and ban at random. then they send nasty responses to zos, i am surprised they wanted to respond either)
    ...for lying to us about content (lol, where?)
    ...for bots ruining our questing experience (bots, every game, did the bots steal the npcs or what?)
    ...for spam every day in our email and PMs and zone from bots (every game)
    ...for having one of the most useless support departments ever created (tried EA, ubisoft?)
    ...for class passives still being bugged (this one i can agree with)
    ...for skills still being bugged (as above)
    ...for massive bugs in pvp (i.e. caltdrops currently) being so sluggish to fix (not all bugs are so simple)
    ...for being the only MMO I have ever seen not have a special event at the end of beta to say thank you to the people who tested for you (not that you listened to us anyways) (sorry pal, no event per se but there was something special at the end of the beta, methinks you missed it)
    ...for infinite loading screens which still happen (in progress from what i heard)
    ...for massive lag spikes at just the right moments (this gets to me also but its not easy to fix as it doesnt happen to everyone)
    ...for weapon swap being worse now than ever (explain? i seen no difference)
    ...for randomly emptying banks (this never happened)
    ...for having to buy the extra 10 slots on my inventory 4 times now (did you not wait for the fix or submit tickets?)
    ...for making this list so easy to write...there are tons more but it would make this far to long. (actually, i think you are just all raged out, im sure with some time you could could up with more to whine about but at the end of the day nobody is really interested in raging.)

    Have a great day ^_^
    "Neither a 'Borrower nor a Lender' be."
    Never Forget

    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
    Please check out Enchanting Alchemy - A Progression Guild
  • Sturmwaffel
    Arguing on a forum is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at it (or how right you are), the pigeon is just going to crap on the board and strut around like it won.
  • GreySix
    There are really nice things in this game, but would really like to see the following fixed:

    ... forcing solo-instancing in the main quest
    ... bots!
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Regoras
    That's nowhere near a million... you have failed me OP.
  • Regoras
    Turial wrote: »
    ...for randomly emptying banks (this never happened)

  • zaria
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    I really like the recurring characters. MMOs tend to have one-shot quest givers, so it's very nice to have some who recur from zone to zone. You get an actual personality developed for them, and some of the writing is extremely clever. I also like how the quests have lore weaved into them: there are some where you're seeing how a religious tradition works, for example, as opposed to having all of them involve whacking some beastie. And I also like the stealth options, which are especially viable with a nightblade.
    This, I almost restarted the game because I thought my favorite NPC died because of a mistake I did.
    Will not spoil more of the AD story.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Eldarth
    Wouldn't be the first time I've seen a brown-nosing employee on the forums of an MMO.

    ...and now you've seen an independent old man who as played nearly every MMO since Meridian59 (Neverwinter on AOL if you split hairs), and has beta tested (ACTUAL testing, not "early" playing most of them).

    ...and a software developer/architect with 40 years of programming experience.

  • Eldarth
    mutharex wrote: »
    zeuseason wrote: »
    ....for bots!

    I've never seen them in a game so bad. I'm sure they have been, I've just never been exposed to them as a player sooooooo much.

    Didn't play GW2? You must be one of the few

    ...or Aion apparently.
  • Sturmwaffel
    I find skepticism is caution incarnate.

    Also, Lol Neverwinter.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Arguing on a forum is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at it (or how right you are), the pigeon is just going to crap on the board and strut around like it won.
    This made me laugh, thank you.

    And it's nice to see someone post a positive thread!
    Sure, the game has problems, some bug-related, some vision-related, but which game doesn't? You can't please everyone. Development are working and moving the game in the right direction it seems, and that's most important.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • egosumacunnus
    I would like to say thank you too, i haven't played a game since Half-Life or Deus Ex 1 that captivated me as much as ESO does. Shame i can't play it due to the 301 error.
    If real life had a block function i would go out more.

    Proud to have spent a year paying to BETA test ESO for consoles.

    Error Code 301
  • seaef
    Don't forget the dialog you hear in towns and the great stories your hirelings tell when they email you mats.

    There's a woman in Sentinel who makes a really funny comment about "a cat" that will have you rolling on the floor laughing. I'll leave it up to you to find her.
    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
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