gunsofdeschain wrote: »Try taking a melee NB to a dungeon. Just try it once please. You could be the most biased person in the world, and you'll still need to admit that NB as a melee is useless in a dungeon for most of the time when it really matters.
mousekime111rwb17_ESO wrote: »gunsofdeschain wrote: »Try taking a melee NB to a dungeon. Just try it once please. You could be the most biased person in the world, and you'll still need to admit that NB as a melee is useless in a dungeon for most of the time when it really matters.
I regularly run into dungeons on my 0/0/49 NB in full medium armor wielding my mighty two handed sword. In big aoe fights i sit in the middle of the mobs spamming brawler and sap spirit laughing as my dps counter reads 1.5k+ (i'm only VR 5 atm) and i never die despite holding 70% of the aggro. Mind you where big single target damage is required I do use a bow - however I'm fine with that as I still get to run in at the end of such fights and repeatedly whack the boss for 1k crits with reverse slash .
Also one of the best dps players i've seen was a duel wielding NB - the only thing they could not best me at was sheer aoe destruction. I think people put too much stock in throwing 5 damage abilities on their bars. Typically in a dungeon my 2h bar will look like - brawler (cone aoe that grants a shield per target hit) impale (magicka execute) reverse slash (stamina execute) double take (2 seconds of 30% dodge, 20 of 15%) sap will (minor pbaoe that boost my WD per target hit and heals me per target hit) and veil of blades for ultimate (60% damage reduction) - noting that 1 of my abilities is solely for surviving and 3 assist in my survival. 4 out of my 6 standard abilities are for surviving an extended amount of time. As for bosses that aren't a dps check i sacrifice a very small amount of dps for the flavor of hitting them with a stick by doing the following, brawler (actually applies a rather nice dot) reverse slice, impale, haste, rally and veil of blades. There's honestly been very few bosses that I can't complete with my 2h (yet to try the 3 vr6-10) But I don't think melee NBs are 'weak'
Decimus_Rex wrote: »navystylz_ESO wrote: »Nightblade is out of question. It is an outcast archetype -- not meant to play in groups. Templars are meant to play in groups. Or were. Until this patch.
Yep... you confirmed that you are not thinking clearly (as mean as you can get on these forums without being moderated). Now you're just pulling stuff out your ass and arbitrarily deciding what nightblades should be to justify your idea of templars being the weakest when they aren't.
Obviously Zos decided how Templars should play and that meant nerfs to those powers. Get over it.
Let me put a hole in that drum you love to beat
some of us want to play Nb as a rogue
we know Nb can be homogenized to a sorc or tank
Fix the broken s^#t so the rogue archytype can be played
With the play it the other way because you think we dont get that it can play as sorc or tank
Go tell the temps to play the dest/rest sorc build they havnt heard that tired argument yet