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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Textures get muddy/low-res since 1.1.2

  • LavaDrop
    I'm not talking about the memory leaks, the OP is talking about texture quality. That's what I find irritating, we're all jumping to conclusions. We don't know anything, we're just speculating, some people have actual knowledge about graphic APIs, some don't. What I would like is for some official word on the new issues, the stickied post about Known Technical Issues hasn't been updated in almost 2 months.
    Edited by LavaDrop on 27 May 2014 01:17
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Well, today I logged on, hopped on my horse to go do a quest, and the horse was already at least half of normal resolution. I've kinda' been using the horse as a gauge. The eye area was already just blurry lines, and my game had been open and running for about 2 minutes. I feel like the graphical deterioration is progressively happening faster and faster.

    Someone mentioned this is possibly an issue with older or less powerful comps only, I tend to disagree, since my comp is less than a year old, and I think plenty powerful to be running this game.

    Just got a client crash again this evening. Here's the report:

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.alliance = 1
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = inworld
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-05-27T01:02:21.591Z
    client.time_since_load = 4749
    client.timestamp = 2014-05-27T03:41:43.409Z -frme 315173-
    client.uptime = 9562.4
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/ZeniMax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/game_mac/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 995904
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.26.21 310.40.35f08
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24506
    loc.wloc = 234 127758 15399 192564 214.92 = Reaper's March
    loc.worldid = 234 = Reaper's March
    login.address =
    mem.current = 2771
    mem.peak = 2818
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13D65
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
    Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on 27 May 2014 04:04
  • seaef
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Problem is what do you want them to say exactly? What tends to happen from previous games is that developer posts details of technical stuff and it gets picked over and misunderstood and probably doesn't help so much.
    Exactly. There are way too many armchair developers and all it does is confuse the situation. It's best if ZoS just sticks to the basic "we're working on it".

    If you want a sea of misinformation about game development, game forums are your best source. It's like the encyclopedia without fact-checking and experts writing the information. Otherwise known as Wikipedia :wink:
    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • Moonraker
    Well, today I logged on, hopped on my horse to go do a quest, and the horse was already at least half of normal resolution. I've kinda' been using the horse as a gauge. The eye area was already just blurry lines, and my game had been open and running for about 2 minutes. I feel like the graphical deterioration is progressively happening faster and faster.

    Someone mentioned this is possibly an issue with older or less powerful comps only, I tend to disagree, since my comp is less than a year old, and I think plenty powerful to be running this game.

    Just got a client crash again this evening. Here's the report:

    I made a suggestion that it may impact lower end Macs more as some seem to get other texture degradation like in roads etc. (see screenshots) as well as from the horse or crafting stations. I still get low textures even from launch and get noticeably worse than before after a while on the horse specifically though not on other textures in game from say, an hours play.

    Sometimes buildings are low resolution textures until I get closer then after several seconds they pop to higher resolution but that is more likely lag related and not all the time. They still revert to higher quality as set by the View Distance.
  • Moonraker
    cfurlin wrote: »
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Problem is what do you want them to say exactly? What tends to happen from previous games is that developer posts details of technical stuff and it gets picked over and misunderstood and probably doesn't help so much.
    Exactly. There are way too many armchair developers and all it does is confuse the situation. It's best if ZoS just sticks to the basic "we're working on it".

    If you want a sea of misinformation about game development, game forums are your best source. It's like the encyclopedia without fact-checking and experts writing the information. Otherwise known as Wikipedia :wink:
    I don't think there is any harm for players to pitch in with thoughts or ideas on issues. Often they come up with a workaround like the language issue introduced in update 1.1.2 for the Mac client.

    In other situations it's not possible to be explicit about details of issues from PTS testing etc. so words have to be hedged for example.

    I am happy always to see suggestions and technical chat ;) As long as it gets backed up with some reference or some form of testing which others can replicate.

    But from the developers there would be little to be gained to try and detail every change they make to end users, even if they were able to do so. And one persons feature is another persons issue :)

    I am glad that they are aiming to give general updates in the Patch Notes now.

  • LavaDrop
    I don't think we need anything technical at all, just an updated Known Technical Issues post. Try to be empathetic, not about us, but new players.

    Imagine a new player that heard from his buddies that the game is awesome. He buys the game and he buys the retail version to play it on his latest Retina MacbookPro. Installation goes smooth, he patches and has some issues. Goes to the forums and finds the first post about the 209/210 Patch Manifest error. He fixes it and embarks on the adventure. Lets say he goes back to his starting area in Bleakrock. Right now, by the time he gets there, the low res texture issues become very apparent. He stops playing, heads back to the forums and reads the sticky. Nope, there's no info there. Then he starts reading all our posts. He gets a better idea of what's happening, but again, nothing official, not even a "we're working on it" post. He goes back to playing but every couple of hours restarts the client. He tells his PC buddies he has issues, they tell him they also have issues, that the game quits and according to forum posts, they have memory leakage issues.

    Do you see what kind of impression this leaves on new players? The lack of communication between the company and its customers?

    I mean, for the love of the Spaghetti Monster, the PC Known Technical Issues sticky is still has public beta test information!
    Edited by LavaDrop on 27 May 2014 15:58
  • Moonraker
    LavaDrop wrote: »
    I don't think we need anything technical at all, just an updated Known Technical Issues post. Try to be empathetic, not about us, but new players.

    Imagine a new player that heard from his buddies that the game is awesome. He buys the game and he buys the retail version to play it on his latest Retina MacbookPro. Installation goes smooth, he patches and has some issues. Goes to the forums and finds the first post about the 209/210 Patch Manifest error. He fixes it and embarks on the adventure. Lets say he goes back to his starting area in Bleakrock. Right now, by the time he gets there, the low res texture issues become very apparent. He stops playing, heads back to the forums and reads the sticky. Nope, there's no info there. Then he starts reading all our posts. He gets a better idea of what's happening, but again, nothing official, not even a "we're working on it" post. He goes back to playing but every couple of hours restarts the client. He tells his PC buddies he has issues, they tell him they also have issues, that the game quits and according to forum posts, they have memory leakage issues.

    Do you see what kind of impression this leaves on new players? The lack of communication between the company and its customers?

    I mean, for the love of the Spaghetti Monster, the PC Known Technical Issues sticky is still has public beta test information!
    I agree on that for sure.
  • Windshadow_ESO
    As a side note I played a mid teen sorc for 6 hours today with 2 and some times 3 pets out (when the ultimate was called) in pve both world and public and solo dungeons and I did not have any of the textures going to mud issues that I saw yesterday.... One bid difference was that the bots were mostly missing in the areas I was in today and yesterday the bot trains were everywhere in huge numbers.... Above and below ground I wonder if all the highspeed bots are impacting the system so much that the game is having to drop Rez in order to keep the client running?
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Dear @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_KaiSchober‌ (and @ZOS_ WhoeverMakesDecisions) - I know you are only the message bearers, but please, show this to your bosses or whomever necessary...

    This is NOT better than the crashing, and is NOT a fix like your patch notes state. Sure, I can play longer, but everything eventually looks like sh*t. And if I let it go long enough, not only does my horse look like a white blob of ooze, but shadows begin to turn completely black, so I can't really play anyway without logging out. (You don't realize how many shadows are in this game until they all turn pitch black.)

    I'd rather crash when needed than look at this (which I never saw before patch 1.1.2). And my comp is practically brand new, and definitely powerful enough to handle this stuff.

    Even with all the bugs, bots, broken skills (yes, I'm a nightblade), I was still enjoying this game, and 60% of that enjoyment came from the fact that at least it looked awesome, and I loved the scenery. Now, even that is failing. I really WANT to love this game, and play it for a long time, but that is becoming harder and harder to do.

    27-inch iMac, late 2013
    3.5 GHz intel core i7
    Memory: 16BG 1600 Mhz DDR3
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB
    OSx 10.9.3


    Oh, and as I was typing this post, I left the game running with the graphics in those images above, and sure enough, this crash report just popped up:
    ProductName = eso
    Version =

    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = inworld
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-05-28T01:44:21.106Z
    client.time_since_load = 1496
    client.timestamp = 2014-05-28T04:41:51.576Z -frme 431251-
    client.uptime = 10650.7

    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/ZeniMax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/game_mac/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 995904
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.26.21 310.40.35f08
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24500
    loc.wloc = 210 123765 10612 209039 355.59 = Malabal Tor
    loc.worldid = 210 = Malabal Tor
    login.address =
    mem.current = 2893
    mem.peak = 2893
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13D65
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3

    THIS IS NOT A FIX IN ANY WAY!!!! If you can't fix it, revert what you did and let me crash! I have to logout anyway long before the crash!

    And while you're at it, please revert the ninja changes you made to my face and hair appearance. I spent a long time choosing those, and really don't appreciate them getting changed on me without any warning or way for me to change them back. Seriously not cool. I would gladly waste money on this game for years to come, but you are making it very difficult at this point for me to want to do so, because, hmm, let's see...
    • My class is seriously bugged and way underpowered (NB), I've been doing ok so far, but am dreading vet ranks
    • I got vampire b/c I thought it would work well with my build, but that is bugged too - it still has potential, but fading
    • My armor now looks like sh*t since you revamped vet armor (and I understand that theirs should look better, but I don't understand why that necessitates you changing my lower level armor to an awful dirty-mop brown color, and removing half of the 3-item set bonuses (hi Darkstride Armor that's now worthless)
    • You changed my appearance without my knowledge or consent
    • No one can /whisper my user ID because it has an apostrophe in it and therefore is bugged, so I don't get half the messages people try to send me
    • The "battle level" buff in Cyrodiil is a joke. If you really want all players to be on-par regardless of level in PvP - that battle level should scale from uber > none as players go from 10 > Vet Whatever. As it is, I still can't compete in any way with vet rank players, that +500-ish buff does nothing when they have 2k more hp, dps, and armor than me.
    • Not to mention the bots, gold spam, losing all my bank inventory to the bank bug, etc etc
    • And now, as if all that weren't enough, this graphics stuff.

    Yeah, I can put up with almost all that stuff, at least the game was enjoyable to look at.

    I'm trying to be very tolerant, I'm a dev, and know it can be tough, and I want so bad to love this game, but please, give me SOMETHING to make this game enjoyable - PLEASE!

    Or, keep focusing on pushing out new "group only" content that OP classes can solo through within 1 week of the release. B/c that is obviously the priority? Good call. My bet is, those OP players will be bored in a month or two (at best) and move on to another game.

    On the other hand, I would be here for years to come, and give you my hard-earned dollars for years to come, if only you'd show people in situations like mine a little love.

    Sorry, I know this is now way off topic. /rant off
    Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on 28 May 2014 05:39
  • Neomar
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for that passionate statement. Signing it. I'd prefer a every-now-and-then crashing client over a slowly fading game that melts all magic away. Since 1.1.2, I need to restart more often than I had crashes before.

    Thanks to the mac-team for their work, thou. The potential of the mac-client is clearly recognizable, even within this %&§%&! 32-bit-limitation.
  • Emrani
    I agree that it is better to crash after 3 hours or so play time than this new system we have which makes the game look horrible after about 1-2 hours.
    I have a late 2012 27 inch iMac with NVIDIA GTX 680MX, so a fairly high-end graphics card. I use high settings. When I log in everything looks gorgeous, then later horse, wall, ground, crafting station and other graphics turn medium-res, then very low res. Then I have to log out anyway to fix it. If this was a deliberate 'fix' to stop crashes, it was a very bad idea. It should be optional at the very least via a checkbox in the graphics settings.

    I would really appreciate some feedback from the developers on whether they are aware of this issue and are working on it, or whether they honestly think it's a great new system for stopping crashes and plan to do nothing.
  • Moonraker
    This is NOT better than the crashing, and is NOT a fix like your patch notes state. Sure, I can play longer, but everything eventually looks like sh*t. And if I let it go long enough, not only does my horse look like a white blob of ooze, but shadows begin to turn completely black, so I can't really play anyway without logging out. (You don't realize how many shadows are in this game until they all turn pitch black.)

    I'd rather crash when needed than look at this (which I never saw before patch 1.1.2). And my comp is practically brand new, and definitely powerful enough to handle this stuff.

    Even with all the bugs, bots, broken skills (yes, I'm a nightblade), I was still enjoying this game, and 60% of that enjoyment came from the fact that at least it looked awesome, and I loved the scenery. Now, even that is failing. I really WANT to love this game, and play it for a long time, but that is becoming harder and harder to do.


    THIS IS NOT A FIX IN ANY WAY!!!! If you can't fix it, revert what you did and let me crash! I have to logout anyway long before the crash!
    I'm pretty sure you'll find they have already read and taken some actions to address the concerns already raised, as you have here (with which I agree) and hopefully we will see the results in the next update.

    As a developer, which you said you are, then I guess you understand that, in attempting to deal with the thorny issue of the memory crash which can have a variety of causes, sometimes you need to try several different techniques in order to try and address it. We know that there is already a system in place to control LOD which has been in since live launch which has helped the TTC especially in PVE. I'm guessing that they adjusted it to be more aggressive in control and it has resulted in it being too aggressive in live use from the comments posted. Because they have this feedback (which they do read) it can be readjusted to aim to try and get the best balance between longer times between crash and visual quality.

    It's just one of the approaches and I'm sure they are still continuing to explore all possible root causes. Although I also found it swung too much one way, at least it is reflecting the attempts to remedy this and I'm sure we will see a change soon.
    And while you're at it, please revert the ninja changes you made to my face and hair appearance. I spent a long time choosing those, and really don't appreciate them getting changed on me without any warning or way for me to change them back. Seriously not cool.
    They have already posted in response to this issue from the last update 1.1.2 a few days ago;
    ZOS_JessicaFolsom admin
    May 25 Staff Post
    Sorry for the delay in responding, @Maverick827. We're currently looking into this issue, which we've seen people report as a slight difference in hairstyle, face choices, and facial expression. We're focusing on some of the more critical fixes over the weekend, but this one is on our radar, too.
    My class is seriously bugged and way underpowered (NB), I've been doing ok so far, but am dreading vet ranks
    From the updated Customer Support In-Progress Known Issues;
    Nightblade – We have many fixes coming to the Nightblade in our next patch, including fixes to abilities and passives that weren’t working properly, and adjusting the responsiveness in high-intensity combat. We’ll continue to monitor the Nightblade after we push these fixes live.

    And especially the specific Nightblade Update thread posted by ZOS with a load of information and staff posts.

    They will be brought in with the next Update 1.2 but you will be able to test them on the PTS before it goes live as PTS is now being closed to prepare for fully open public access from yesterday which is a good move and lets everyone that wishes test changes and provide feedback, bugs etc.
    No one can /whisper my user ID[/url] because it has an apostrophe in it and therefore is bugged, so I don't get half the messages people try to send me.
    They acknowledged the issue and are looking at it in this post.
    The "battle level" buff in Cyrodiil is a joke. If you really want all players to be on-par regardless of level in PvP - that battle level should scale from uber > none as players go from 10 > Vet Whatever. As it is, I still can't compete in any way with vet rank players, that +500-ish buff does nothing when they have 2k more hp, dps, and armor than me.
    The new Battle level option is primarily to allow those not yet VR to switch off the buff and use their equipped gear etc. because at some point after level 40 > 50 A decently equipped player will have better stats than the Cyrodiil buff.

    The Cyrodiil wide buff isn't intended to make everyone equal, just close the gap for low level players. It is a balance because if you nerf VR down to the same level as a level 10 player or level 50 even, there is little to no incentive to actually bother levelling in VR at all and no reward for that of crafting hard to craft higher gear.

    If I remember correctly, for VR they do get scaled down in stats to the same level but retain the additional benefits from the additional skill points and set bonuses also I think (not sure). On top of Emperor buffs etc. as applicable.
    Not to mention the bots, gold spam, losing all my bank inventory to the bank bug, etc etc
    Bank bug was sorted previously and all the other stuff is being worked on and in the In Progress Known Issues thread.
    Or, keep focusing on pushing out new "group only" content that OP classes can solo through within 1 week of the release. B/c that is obviously the priority? Good call. My bet is, those OP players will be bored in a month or two (at best) and move on to another game.

    On the other hand, I would be here for years to come, and give you my hard-earned dollars for years to come, if only you'd show people in situations like mine a little love.
    They have already stated that next Updates will include solo player features and content and continue to do so over the Updates. Craglorn has been planned for over a year and was the missing end game group content from launch so naturally went in this first Update. But it didn't preclude them also including a whole load of other fixes, changes, etc. in 1.1.2.

    The point of this reply is to say that there are things that are frustrating and impact enjoyment of the game. In some cases they probably could have been avoided or issues that arise which are not explained as they should. But a new MMO is a complex beast and even a veteran MMO like WoW even after so long still has balances, fixes etc in updates.

    I think overall ZOS are now getting on top of the communication and better informing players via the forums and post updates. In that way at least we can see things are acknowledged and what action is being taken to address them. In some cases I expect they don't even know themselves why some things happen after a patch and may take some time to give an explanation and idea on how/ when it will get fixed.

    I think we will see some changes to the next update as they respond to comments here and on other issues. Even if developers don't post to forums directly they do read and react to feedback.
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Yeah, I know I got a bit off-topic, wasn't trying to rant. And I know they are aware of the issues, I have read all those threads. I don't expect any or all of them to be a quick fix, and I understand that a lot of those things are lower priority. It's just the combination of all of them that is starting to get frustrating.

    Just hoping that at least a few of them happen sooner rather than later, and that in the meantime, I can at least look at pretty pictures. :)
    Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on 28 May 2014 18:48
  • Moonraker
    Yeah, I know I got a bit off-topic, wasn't trying to rant. And I know they are aware of the issues, I have read all those threads. I don't expect any or all of them to be a quick fix, and I understand that a lot of those things are lower priority. It's just the combination of all of them that is starting to get frustrating.

    Just hoping that at least a few of them happen sooner rather than later, and that in the meantime, I can at least look at pretty pictures. :)
    I appreciate that. I feel the same sometimes too.

    Think we can get pretty back soon ;)
  • Neomar
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly: would I be a ZOS-employee, I'd start to smile somewhere here. Because this thread shows both our anger, some steam and fury, but also well-mooded, relaxed and supportive understanding of the MMO-beast-as-a-whole-situation.

    Nice to have you folks around. Nice to read where this is going. Just had a minute while I was restarting my client cause… ah well, you know. Those damn textures ;_)
    Edited by Neomar on 28 May 2014 20:12
  • Strongblade
    Soul Shriven
    I'll just chime in and say that the graphic degradation is NOT a fix, however I will temper this with the fact I have not crashed once, as I have taken the low-rez graphics as a sign to shut down the game and relaunch it (or take a break and perhaps eat something...)

    It may not seem like a good trade-off, but when you crash in the middle of countless fights, only to finally relaunch and relog in to have your character dead and losing coin for repairs and progress on quests, I appreciate the early warning system for this.

    As well, I have not once fallen through the world or passed through stairwells and gotten stuck once since this has been implemented. I suspect it is related as lower- resolution graphics means environment 'solidity' is quicker.

    I would get stuck or fall through stairs/floors probably 30 times a day. I have lost thousands of gold in repairs from the /stuck command...

  • LavaDrop
    Actually I'd rather restart the client myself than having it crash without notice.
  • Moonraker
    What I do is to have Activity Monitor running in the background and just check occasionally to see when it approaches 2.7GB Real Memory or 3.7GB Virtual Memory (usually these values are closely tied, often now it reaches closer to 3.0GB before crash but I allow some margin)

    It's easiest with the process window open so;

    /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor

    Activity Monitor > Memory > Double click the active eso process to open the process window and select Memory. Resize window smaller as you want)

    If you quit ESO then close that window and repeat once you launch ESO client again, otherwise it will show the old process number which is no longer active.

    In this way you have a more precise idea of when it may be getting close to the memory crash, as and when the LOD is tuned up again.
  • Kayira
    Same happens to me after around an hour. It usually crashes 30min after my graphics have changed as well.
    I am also experiencing a substantial memory leak. (talking 5gb worth)

    It is also interesting how everything becomes low resolution APART from the character models. (You, other players and NPC's included)
    Edited by Kayira on 29 May 2014 23:07
    EU PC
    In Game Tag: @Silthoras

    Raid Mains: Warden and Templar Heals
    DDs: Mag Sorc and Mag Necro
  • LavaDrop
    I haven't had a crash since the Craglorn patch
  • Moonraker
    Kayira wrote: »
    Same happens to me after around an hour. It usually crashes 30min after my graphics have changed as well.
    I am also experiencing a substantial memory leak. (talking 5gb worth)

    It is also interesting how everything becomes low resolution APART from the character models. (You, other players and NPC's included)
    The PC & Mac client are both 32-bit process so are limited to 4GB of RAM however much a player has installed on their computer. it is one of the reasons why there is currently a memory crash issue (64-bit would allow the use of all installed RAM). But their is ongoing work to reduce this issue and already progressed a fair way since beta.

    As I noted in response to your post in the other thread, it would be useful for players to post their system details , OS version and installed RAM etc. in order to get a better idea if their are possible links between them. Without context it's hard to begin to get an idea. For example I don't have any of these issues with my Mac (texture of horse and some crafting benches after a while currently);

    System: iMac 27-inch, Late 2013/ 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5/ 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3/ NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB/ OS X 10.9.3
    Edited by Moonraker on 30 May 2014 15:03
  • Moonraker
    LavaDrop wrote: »
    I haven't had a crash since the Craglorn patch
    At least it shows that it's possible to achieve much longer time between crashes especially in PvP where the issue is still a big issue. However as we see, the downside is the poor quality textures over time. Trying to get that balance is part of the ongoing process, though it's not the only avenue for trying to improve the issue.
  • FatalDarkness
    I too am experiencing the texture degrade issue. After about an hour, give or take, all environmental and mount textures degrade to low resolution. Player character model seems unaffected. Completely exiting and restarting the game client resolves the issue temporarily.

    Other graphic issues:
    • Doors are often not rendered. Instead entrances to buildings appear as solid black.
    • Weather is limited to a circular radius around the player. For example, during rain, it can be clearly seen that outside of this radius it is sunny/clear. It gives the look of a dark rain cloud following the player around where there is otherwise no weather.

    System: Mac Pro 4,1 (Early 2009) | Processor: 2.93 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon | Memory: 16 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC | Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB | Software: OS X 10.9.3 (13D65).
    Using NVIDIA Web Driver 334.01.01f01
    Edited by FatalDarkness on 31 May 2014 21:06
  • Cheesetooth
    Soul Shriven
    Moonraker wrote: »
    As I noted in response to your post in the other thread, it would be useful for players to post their system details , OS version and installed RAM etc. in order to get a better idea if their are possible links between them. Without context it's hard to begin to get an idea. For example I don't have any of these issues with my Mac (texture of horse and some crafting benches after a while currently);

    I just wanted to put up my Mac hardware specs too, as I've been getting the full-blow super low-res i]muddy[/i textures since patch 1.1.2 as well.

    Setup: iMac 27-inch, Mid 2010 (iMac11,3)
    Processor: Quad Core 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 870
    Memory: 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB (mobility equivalent)
    System version: Mac OS X 10.9.3

    I would also note that I'm not connected over wi-fi nor am I currently running a secondary display. Oh, I'm also running with a 1920x1080 resolution for extra added performance :wink:
    Edited by Cheesetooth on 31 May 2014 22:24
  • Moonraker
    Moonraker wrote: »
    As I noted in response to your post in the other thread, it would be useful for players to post their system details , OS version and installed RAM etc. in order to get a better idea if their are possible links between them. Without context it's hard to begin to get an idea. For example I don't have any of these issues with my Mac (texture of horse and some crafting benches after a while currently);

    I just wanted to put up my Mac hardware specs too, as I've been getting the full-blow super low-res i]muddy[/i textures since patch 1.1.2 as well.

    Setup: iMac 27-inch, Mid 2010 (iMac11,3)
    Processor: Quad Core 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 870
    Memory: 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB (mobility equivalent)
    System version: Mac OS X 10.9.3

    I would also note that I'm not connected over wi-fi nor am I currently running a secondary display. Oh, I'm also running with a 1920x1080 resolution for extra added performance :wink:
    Thanks for the details. Fingers crossed this is readjusted for next weeks update. Changing resolution is sensible given that screen size and graphics card.
  • atomikrej
    Experiencing the same problems as everyone else in this thread. Texture quality gets worse over time. Sometimes everything turns black. At that point a game restart fixes it up. It only happens sporadically but it is noticeable. A fix for this minor annoyance would be appreciated by a lot of people it seems.
    Running a 2013 MacBook Pro retina display model.
  • francisjarryb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Since the patch, I've also been experiencing muddy textures after playing for 1h-1h30. It even reaches a point where I have to log out because I cannot see anything as the gamma saturation is messed up as well as the textures just plainly unappealing.

    Most of the time, just relogging fixes the issue, but it would be nice to have this glitch adressed sooner than later.
    Brioche - Altmar - Admeri Dominion - Member of La Compagnie du Nord - Lv 11
  • achimb16_ESO3
    I have the same problem on a 2011 iMac, 16GB Ram, with Radion 6970M (2GB).

    This should definitely be addressed with high priority, because they will loose us Mac users eventually fi they don't fix it - it takes out all the fun if I have to restart the game about every hour.

  • Moonraker
    Good news is that the fix should be going in for the next update as anticipated ;)

    Confirmed in the Mac TS section no less, thanks @ZOS_Michelle. Woot!
    Hello, @Moonraker‌ and @veluccia‌. We wanted to give you a few quick updates in regard to these issues.
    As Moonraker has helpfully stated, the GPU bugs should have been sorted out in a previous patch.
    We've identified the source of the blurry textures issue you're experiencing now, and it will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
    Additionally, we have opened tickets with our Customer Support team in regard to your /bug and add-ons issues, so that this can be investigated. Thank you both for your patience, and for the information you've provided so far in this thread!
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    It doesn't seem to be a fix so much as a reversion to the way things were prior to 1.1.2. Meaning, blurry textures are fixed yes, now we are back to crashing.
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