Enchanting 101: The need to knows

Warning: This contains spoilers if you want to learn them on your own do not venture far into my posts.

Enchanting Guide: What you need to know and how to do it.

Enchanting is a useful profession and one that will be a big money maker as it takes time to reach max level and also requires a large amount of bag space to save enough inventory for the crafting of enchantments (glyphs). Plus, everyone needs an enchantment! Enchantments are used to help a character reach soft caps for their level by increasing health, magicka, stamina, magicka regen, stamina regen, health regen, armor, etc, etc. By applying enchantments to your armor, weapons and jewelry a character can become much stronger than a character whom lacks all enchantments.

In this guide you shall find the following:
  • Leveling tips: How to get the most experience.
  • Rune information: Types of runes and all their respective translations
  • Glyphs: All of the combination of glyphs possible and how to make them.
  • How to use a enchanting table: Pictorial guide on enchanting tables
  • How to enchant an item: Pictorial guide on how to apply enchantments.

Leveling Tips:
  • Use the highest level aspect and potency rune(s) for your enchanting level when crafting a glyph.
  • Extract (Deconstruct) the highest level glyphs.
  • Extracting other people's glyphs will yield a significantly higher experience gain than extracting your own.
  • Extracting world drops will yield more experience than extracting your own, but still not as much as extracting other enchanter's glyphs.

This concludes the introduction on what enchanting is, what are the enchanting skills and leveling tips. If you have any questions or need further clarification please post below. Below here you will find more on what each rune does as well as spoilers showing different glyphs that can be created. Special thanks to @SirAndy for allowing me to repost some of his work.


As always please post comments, corrections, information and I will edit that into my guide.


If you liked this guide check out my other guides:
Alchemy 101
Enchanting 101
Quickslots: A short pictorial guide
Rededication Shrine: How to Respec
Edited by Atalle on May 22, 2014 3:00AM
Elder Moot Exemplar
Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Atalle
    Rune information
    There are three types of runes gathered throughout the world. Each rune type has its own special property which when combined with the other two types of runes will create glyphs that can used to enchant weapons, armor and/or jewelry

    Potency Runes (The Purple Square found in purplish blue shrines in the world)


    Essence Runes (The Trapezoid shaped found in greenish yellow shrines around the world)


    Aspect Runes (The Circular shaped found in reddish orange shrines around the world)

    Edited by Atalle on June 5, 2014 2:14AM
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Atalle
    Glyphs (Combine 1 of each Rune type to make a Glyph)
    This is a list of Rune combinations and resulting Glyphs. To make a Glyph listed, simply replace “Add” with an additive Potency Rune or replace “Sub” with a subtractive Potency Rune, chose the desired Essence Rune and set the quality of the Glyph using an Aspect Rune.



    Edited by Atalle on March 31, 2014 5:42AM
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Atalle
    How to craft a glyph
    Below here are pictures on what a enchanting station looks like and what to expect when you craft a glyph.

    When you operate an enchanting station you will have two options. Creation (as seen here above)

    and Extraction (as seen below). If you loot glyphs and/or want to deconstruct glyphs this is where you do so. When you deconstruct a glyph you will get either the potency, essence or aspect rune used to create the glyph.

    Crafting a glyph requires three types of runes. From this picture below there are three shaped runes. To add runes to the crafting bar either double click the rune or drag and drop to its appropriate shape.

    Potency Runes are the purple square runes used to determine whether your glyph will be a positive effect or negative effect. Potency Runes also determine the level of the glyph created. One thing to note on this picture, red runes are runes that are not able to be used until the appropriate Potency Improvement skill is learned.

    Essence Runes are the yellowish trapezoid runes used to determine the effect produced from the glyph.

    Aspect Runes are the brown circle runes which determine the strength of the glyph created. Ta < Jejota < Denata < Rekuta < Kuta

    Once your runes are in place, push [R] to craft and your glyph will be produced.

    How to enchant an item
    Here is a step by step pictorial guide on how to enchant an item.

    To apply an enchantment first you must have glyphs in your inventory. They are found under the miscellaneous tab. Once you have your glyphs in your inventory, find your weapon, armor or jewelry piece to enchant. This item must also be on your character (not in a bank/guild bank, etc). Once you find it in your inventory or equipped, right click on the item as seen in the picture below and click on enchant.

    The next picture that pops up is in the middle of your screen, showing what enchantments are available to apply. Hover over the enchantments to view them. Once you know what enchantment you want to apply click on the enchantment it will turn bright blue and then push E to commit and apply the glyph (enchantment).

    Now you will notice that my armor piece has the enchantment applied to it. Sit back and now enjoy that extra buff!

    Enchantment Type
    Special thanks to @Ethoir
    Each enchantment type (Weapon, Armor and Jewlery) has its own form ( Pentagonal for weapon, Round for Jewlery and shield for armor) and its own status boost perks (and chance) as well. So every item crafted has its "chance" to receive the full value from the enchantment and has this information on it (though its not visible to the player).

    Armor (for the purposes of enchanting) come in two types. Primary and secondary. Chest and Leg armor pieces are "Primary Armors". Wrists, feet, waist, shoulders and head armor pieces are "Secondary Armors"

    If you apply an enchantment to a Primary Armor piece, the enchantment's full strength is applied. On the other hand if you put it on a Secondary Armor piece the enchantment loses most of its strength (though an email I got discussing this with the devs gets a bit confusing saying the Secondary Armor pieces have a "chance of a percentage of the full value of the enchantment").

    So weapons, shields, and jewelry always get the full effect (with diminishing returns for stacking them on jewelry as far as I recall). Chest and Leg armors will always get the full benefit of the enchantment. All other armor pieces will not.

    For Secondary Armor pieces the glyph will always be of weaker output. This much is a fact. However the specifics for enchanting Secondary Armor pieces is that the glyph will only boost the status (Max Health/Stamina/Magicka) by a percentage of its stated value.

    For example, a Petty Glyph of Health gives +18 Max Health. If you put this on a belt, you'd get +7 Max Health. This is approximately 38% of the original bonus given to the item because it is a Secondary Armor piece.

    Players can never gain more than 50% of the buff from a glyph if it is used on a Secondary Armor piece. The percentage you get varies based on your character's level, your enchantment level, and the level of the item you are enchanting. So this leads to some really funky numbers for enchanting non-primary armor pieces.

    Double Enchanting

    *Currently not available in game* left in the guide in case the bring it back.

    As far as I have learned (correct me if anyone finds otherwise). To double enchant an item the current item must have a lock on it and if a weapon or armor piece must be upgraded to at least purple or better gear level. An item with a locked symbol cannot have its enchantment changed to a different one, but can however have a second enchantment applied to that item. Jewelry can have a double enchant placed on it as long as it has a lock symbol on it. Until they implement upgrading of jewelry I do not see this feature changing until then. Here is a picture below of an item with a double enchantment.

    Edited by Atalle on May 22, 2014 3:01AM
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Atalle
    Edited by Atalle on April 2, 2014 2:05PM
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • WebFeat
    @Atalle Excellent guide...thank you!
    Does not play well with others.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Well damn, amazing guide.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • ShadowBorn
    Very insightful. I started playing yesterday and put in like 12 hours or so. Doing various things. But only came up with enough mats to get level 5 enchanting. Is this average or am I very far off?
  • BigDumbViking
    This is awesome. One question. I have jewelery enchants but when I right click on my current jewelery none of it allows enchantments... I haven't checked if they are locked or not. Does lower level green and blue jewelery come locked?
    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • Atalle
    @ShadowBorn I got to lvl 6 enchanting yesterday. Once you get there you have to put skill points in Aspect and Potency Improvements and get the next levels of Aspect and Potency runes to get your XP gain higher. Also find a crafting buddy to swap glyphs around with.

    @BigDumbViking not all jewelry can have enchantments put on them/changed. Ones with locks and ones with names (i.e. quest loot) I do believe cannot be enchanted. I also haven't had a chance to test the double enchantment on jewelry as it's been hard for me to loot jewelry since gold.
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • BigDumbViking
    Ok. My initial thought was the same. That it was probably quest loot and the named items are unique and not modifiable.
    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • Vilified
    Guess I'm going rune finding later lol

    @Atalle Thank you for the guide!
    Ayita of the Dominion
  • Mange
    Thanks for the guide, quick question, does the "Magicka Absorb" actually remove mana from your target or does it just do damage and recover your own mana? The term absorb suggests it would be a mana burn but the wording on the description suggests other wise.
  • Atalle
    @Mange tbh, I never tested it to see if it drains magicka from the target. Would be harder to test since we can't see cast bars anymore. Could try and test in pvp with a friend in an opposing faction, however my thoughts tell me that it doesn't it just does magic damage. You do however regain magicka so if the glyph reads "Does 8 magicka damage and recovers 4 magicka" you get the 4 magicka every time the enchantment procs.

    When ZOS implements poisons, I have a feeling that'll be a whole new ball of wax.
    Edited by Atalle on April 1, 2014 12:04PM
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Mange
    Atalle wrote: »
    @Mange tbh, I never tested it to see if it drains magicka from the target. Would be harder to test since we can't see cast bars anymore. Could try and test in pvp with a friend in an opposing faction, however my thoughts tell me that it doesn't it just does magic damage. You do however regain magicka so if the glyph reads "Does 8 magicka damage and recovers 4 magicka" you get the 4 magicka every time the enchantment procs.

    When ZOS implements poisons, I have a feeling that'll be a whole new ball of wax.
    Thanks for the insight.
  • MachoKing
    i've only reached lvl 6 or 7 enchanting, but i can't use ANY of the glyphs ive made, I had 6 I'd crafted so I sent them to main, couldnt use any on any piece of gear, sent back to crafter alt, she couldn't use any either
  • Atratus
    thanks for the charts! certainly will refer to them in the future
  • Ethoir
    Might want to add this to your guide:

    Each enchantment type (Weapon, Armor and Jewlery) has its own form ( Pentagonal for weapon, Round for Jewlery and shield for armor) and its own status boost perks (and chance) as well. So every item crafted has its "chance" to receive the full value from the enchantment and has this information on it (though its not visible to the player).

    Armor (for the purposes of enchanting) come in two types. Primary and secondary. Chest and Leg armor pieces are "Primary Armors". Wrists, feet, waist, shoulders and head armor pieces are "Secondary Armors"

    If you apply an enchantment to a Primary Armor piece, the enchantment's full strength is applied. On the other hand if you put it on a Secondary Armor piece the enchantment loses most of its strength (though an email I got discussing this with the devs gets a bit confusing saying the Secondary Armor pieces have a "chance of a percentage of the full value of the enchantment").

    So weapons, shields, and jewelry always get the full effect (with diminishing returns for stacking them on jewelry as far as I recall). Chest and Leg armors will always get the full benefit of the enchantment. All other armor pieces will not.
    Participant in the Sanguine's Tester beta group since November 2013.
  • Atalle
    @Ethoir‌ thanks I will put that on there somewhere when I get home
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Ethoir
    Atalle wrote: »
    @Ethoir‌ thanks I will put that on there somewhere when I get home

    no prob. I did further discussions with devs on the subject. The mention of "chance of a percentage" and in fact "chance" of anything is just some cloudy wording. They clarified it more.

    For Secondary Armor pieces the glyph will always be of weaker output. This much is a fact. However the specifics for enchanting Secondary Armor pieces is that the glyph will only boost the status (Max Health/Stamina/Magika) by a percentage of its stated value.

    For example, a Petty Glyph of Health gives +18 Max Health. If you put this on a belt, you'd get +7 Max Health. This is approximately 38% of the original bonus given to the item because it is a Secondary Armor piece.

    Players can never gain more than 50% of the buff from a glyph if it is used on a Secondary Armor piece. The percentage you get varies based on your character's level, your enchantment level, and the level of the item you are enchanting. So this leads to some really funky numbers for enchanting non-primary armor pieces.
    Participant in the Sanguine's Tester beta group since November 2013.
  • zaxthegreyb14_ESO
    Great guide. Very helpful.
    Anyone know where to find jewelry for enchanting?
    I have glyphs, but can't find regular rings and amulets that can accept an enchantment.
    Thanks again!
  • Atalle
    @zaxthegreyb14_ESO‌ there's vendors in the mages guild that sells jewelry, very pricey. If you're low level just wait you will start looting more.

    Cyrodiil dungeons are great drop places.
    Cyrodiil vendors with alliance points.

    Those would be the places I'd check first.
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • Umbra
    As I understood, There is not any possibility to create 'locked' weapons / armor. Am I right?
  • Atalle
    Yes no way to lock items, wish there was....
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • mahrii
    I have some items that are purple with a lock on them and some blue rings with locks, every time I try to enchant anything with a lock it doesn't give me an option to enchant it.
    Is there a way to unlock it so it lets me enchant?
  • tjvannevel_ESO
    Extremely helpful guide and I loved the charts you created.

    Atalle wrote: »
    Armor (for the purposes of enchanting) come in two types. Primary and secondary. Chest and Leg armor pieces are "Primary Armors". Wrists, feet, waist, shoulders and head armor pieces are "Secondary Armors"

    If you apply an enchantment to a Primary Armor piece, the enchantment's full strength is applied. On the other hand if you put it on a Secondary Armor piece the enchantment loses most of its strength (though an email I got discussing this with the devs gets a bit confusing saying the Secondary Armor pieces have a "chance of a percentage of the full value of the enchantment").

    This must have been changed because I'm able to take off my belt, gloves, etc. and see an exact decrease equal to the enchantment. I don't believe there is any Secondary Armors value especially since I would expect it to be listed somewhere in-game. Test it for yourself if you don't believe me.
  • jgc471980
    Hi there

    Love the guide but I'm having issues Getting the items I need to level Where is a good place to gather tier 2/3/4 runes ? Bleak-rock is amazing for tier 1 stuff but All the area area in my EH or AD characters are very poor and you can run for 3 hours and get 20 runes you need from potency or aspect, Any suggestions on a good area to grind ?

  • Atalle
    @jgc471980‌ with all the players and bots you're probably just not seeing the same numbers you would normally. Each zone has its own level of potency runes. Starter zones are level 1, stonefalls, glenumbra, and auridon have level 1 and 2 potency runes, the next zone has 2-3 level, etc etc etc.

    If you go to the end of the zone you generally find the higher tier potency runes.

    Deconstructing glyphs also have a chance of dropping potency runes of their level.

    Those are all the tips and wisdom I can think of at this time. Happy Hunting!
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
  • tjvannevel_ESO
    I wanted to add that I found Essence Runes - Jaedi and Lire. I think it is a glitch/mistake though because Jaedi = Kaderi (shield) and Lire = Taderi (Physical Harm).

    Not only do these runes have identical features to existing runes but it does not say "Discovered" or "Unlocked" or whatever it says when you use a new rune for the first time. I only had 1 of each where I have 10-25 of all other essence runes which again leads me to believe it was some kind of glitch.
  • reggielee
    i have not been able to double enchant any pieces with a lock on it, think its been patched?
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Atalle
    @reggielee‌ I've been wondering the same thing. Waiting till I get a chance to make a legendary item before I edit that out.
    Elder Moot Exemplar
    Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)
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