For a hefty lump sum payment you can redo your skill points and/or attribute points by visiting a Rededication Shrine.
The cost is 100g per point and it's an all or nothing exchange, meaning if you have 23 attribute points and you reset your attributes it will cost you 2,300 gold. If you have 118 skill points it will cost you 11,800 gold.
Rededication shrines are found in the following locations:Aldmeri Dominion: Grahtwood just east of the wayshrine in Elden Root
Daggerfall Covenant: Stormhaven on the west side of town in Wayrest.
Ebonheart Pact: Deshaan at the city center of Mournhold (go through the doors on the right)

*Note* haven't seen any in Cyrodiil if anyone finds otherwise please let me know.
If you liked this guide check out my other guides:
Alchemy 101Enchanting 101Quickslots: A short pictorial guideRededication Shrine: How to Respec
Edited by Atalle on April 2, 2014 2:19PM Elder Moot Exemplar
Mara's Moxie and Psijic Order (Beta Tester)