That makes sense. Some had to be kept around to turn off the lights.
Anyway, The Un-laid-off Six shoud get some achievement for survining The Great Galway Christmas Massacre of 2015.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone,
Following the successful console launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited in June, we have a thriving console and PC online community. We adjusted customer support levels in mid-August by reducing staffing by approximately 50 people to reflect the game’s stability and the needs of our players. This is a normal practice. We have been diligently working with the IDA, and the employees affected by this decision since the summer. We are disappointed by the inaccuracies in the report of the Connacht Tribune.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone,
Following the successful console launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited in June, we have a thriving console and PC online community. We adjusted customer support levels in mid-August by reducing staffing by approximately 50 people to reflect the game’s stability and the needs of our players. This is a normal practice. We have been diligently working with the IDA, and the employees affected by this decision since the summer. We are disappointed by the inaccuracies in the report of the Connacht Tribune.
timidobserver wrote: »Though, do the Irish even celebrate Christmas?
Something tells me that this is not the case.
Yah and all looking like crap :S
tinythinker wrote: »Can't it be that they were hired on a six-month contracts to help with console releases, and the contracts expired? The console release was around six months ago after all.
It's exactly this. Six month contracts which have expired and weren't renewed. Suck for those involved and the time of year is bad, but these aren't really layoffs.
Not all were contract employees...But on the other side, the Connacht Tribune understands that in the region of 300 full-time and contract employees have been let go from the European Customer Services Centre in Rahoon on the western side of the city.
It is understood that just five or six employees remain at the premises.
It may or may not have to do with tax breaks, but there was this at the end...An industry source said: “Around half-a-dozen employees remain, to keep things ticking over, but things have been wound down there. It may be the case that things may pick up again if they have another [game] release.”
- - - - - -
In any case ZOS will lock this thread in a heart beat if it takes a turn that belittles or makes light of the employees let go or turns into a ZOS/Bethesda bashing session.
nimander99 wrote: »Spoilertinythinker wrote: »Can't it be that they were hired on a six-month contracts to help with console releases, and the contracts expired? The console release was around six months ago after all.
It's exactly this. Six month contracts which have expired and weren't renewed. Suck for those involved and the time of year is bad, but these aren't really layoffs.
Not all were contract employees...But on the other side, the Connacht Tribune understands that in the region of 300 full-time and contract employees have been let go from the European Customer Services Centre in Rahoon on the western side of the city.
It is understood that just five or six employees remain at the premises.
It may or may not have to do with tax breaks, but there was this at the end...An industry source said: “Around half-a-dozen employees remain, to keep things ticking over, but things have been wound down there. It may be the case that things may pick up again if they have another [game] release.”
- - - - - -
In any case ZOS will lock this thread in a heart beat if it takes a turn that belittles or makes light of the employees let go or turns into a ZOS/Bethesda bashing session.
Totally off topic but every time I see you post a well thought out comment or critique I chuckle at your forum handle @tinythinker
Quite unfortunate for those affected. But I hope Zenimax has an official response soon, since by the number of soothsayers in this thread it's evident that a number of their player base believe this reflects the GAME'S state of affairs when this appears to be a COMPANY decision.
It doesn't help that ESO is Zenimax Online Studio's only current online offering, so it's easy to draw such conclusions when the company makes a big change like that.
I'm going under the hopes that Zenimax has plans to have support staff located elsewhere, or are otherwise restructuring their support system. Given that a number of players were complaining about canned responses and a lack of help in general from the support team, you can't really say a support restructure is unexpected or even undesired. We will see what the days ahead hold, but again, an official response would help placate the Chicken Littles who believe the sky is falling.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
Huh? I can't walk 2 feet without seeing wreaths and trees and lights. I can't surf through the radio in the car without coming across multiple stations playing Christmas music 24/7. I can't surf the television without coming across multiple channels playing Christmas movies 24/7. It is like a red, white, and green explosion!
Maybe it is because I am in New York, where there is a, "Go big or go home," attitude and everyone is trying to outdo everyone else. But you would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind and locked in your apartment for the last 2 months of the year to not be inundated with Christmas everywhere.
Standard for these forums.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone,
Following the successful console launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited in June, we have a thriving console and PC online community. We adjusted customer support levels in mid-August by reducing staffing by approximately 50 people to reflect the game’s stability and the needs of our players. This is a normal practice. We have been diligently working with the IDA, and the employees affected by this decision since the summer. We are disappointed by the inaccuracies in the report of the Connacht Tribune.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »I am working as a contractor. Believe me I do not care if they do not renew my fixed term contract ending on X month.
And always trying not to have any ongoing contract for Christmas. Because January is ALWAYS the best month to be unemployed in UK & Ireland. Is when the market booming for new employment and you can be very picky
As for the people laid off, I believe was last year this happened! Anyhow on this side of the Atlantic, is not USA crap legislation, so they should have had the statutory 4-8 weeks notices and redudancy payments.
Only when companies go bust, the above doesn't happen....
Saint314Louis1985 wrote: »
that 50k per year (or 1million after 20 years) would be enough to keep 1 employee. Maybe 2 at most. They arent even giving it away until next year. I would guess they are expecting the giveaway publicity to bring in more than 50k revenue next year.In big business, 50k is nothing.
Video game customer service reps make 50k a year? Damn.