Login failed for both EU and NA servers.

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • abuniffpreub18_ESO
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »

    *laughing* At least give @Mirra_Halfelven credit for the original post on this :D

    Credit given. Couldn't remember where I saw it.
  • Cryptz
    I have tried everything. Still can't get in on the PS4. Tried the EU server, same error. Tried shutting down and restarting. Tried just spamming log in over and over. Nothing is working. Bahhhhhhhh!
  • Slylok
    What did some of us say? " Zenimax please have a stress test to help avoid some launch issues ". Did they? Nope. Are they having launch issues? Yep.

    You're Welcome. Maybe you'll listen next time.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay - http://tinyurl.com/o6evusk

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

    Google+ - Slylok
  • Mettaricana
    No log in for me past noon now
  • Fragglerockr
    so it is up, but the lag is so bad you can't play. Really fix this already.
  • kazzarack
    Soul Shriven

    Ok, here's what I did and it worked. I kept getting the internal error. I went to server select and changed it to EU.
    Clicked play and it worked for EU. It took me to the character creation screen. I canceled that and went back to
    server select. I selected the NA server and clicked play and it worked, finally got in :) .

    Might be worth a try for some here that can't get in.

    THIS WORKED!!!!!
  • Mikyza

    Ok, here's what I did and it worked. I kept getting the internal error. I went to server select and changed it to EU.
    Clicked play and it worked for EU. It took me to the character creation screen. I canceled that and went back to
    server select. I selected the NA server and clicked play and it worked, finally got in :) .

    Might be worth a try for some here that can't get in.

    It worked for me as well... THANK YOU :-)

  • deathanator
    Soul Shriven
    If your having login errors switch to the European server, get to the create character screen and back out and switch to the North American sever, worked swiftly for me.
  • keigal
    Soul Shriven
    This is such bs. I have three friends on ps4 playing currently and I still get login fail message. Total bs. Made a ticket with only a reply back saying if you don't reply to this email in 4days we can assume your problem has been fixed. I replied back and they send me a survey about how they helped. This is the biggest epic fail ever.
  • Bulldog1205
    Lol, can't believe that actually worked.
  • ZOS_AmeliaR
    We're continuing to work on a fix for the "Login Failed" error. In the meantime, please try the following workaround (which some others in this thread have already shared) if you're encountering this issue:

    If you are trying to log into the NA megaserver:
    1. Switch to the EU megaserver
    2. Log into the EU megaserver and accept the legal agreements as prompted
    3. Log out of the EU megaserver and switch back to the NA megaserver
    4. Log into the NA megaserver

    If you are trying to log into the EU megaserver:
    1. Switch to the NA megaserver
    2. Log into the NA megaserver and accept the legal agreements as prompted
    3. Log out of the NA megaserver and switch back to the NA megaserver
    4. Log into the EU megaserver
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Sandmanserkan
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any update yet I was expecting something to go wrong but holy *** not actually playing the game
  • keigal
    Soul Shriven
    Yes that worked I did the EU server and backed out. Now its working. Thank you thank you and suck it to the damn customer help. I know someone that should get that job.
  • Jager
    So I was able to get on this morning and already accepted the agreements. So I tried the eu select. Got to character creation. Go back to na and instantly goes login failed. Should I created a char on eu? Is that gonna mess my stuff up? Anyone else got this?
  • stalkrates
    I tried the eu thing, no success, however I'm not getting the error message, i'm being put in queue: position 1, wait time 1 second... and it just sits there.
  • Robbie575
    Maybe I should have sex with my girffriend and come back to a internal error again :|
    Edited by Robbie575 on June 9, 2015 10:44PM
    Xbox One NA server:
    Bayley Saur: Bosmer, Templar (AD)
    Constantine Mxyzptlk : Altmer, Sorcerer (EP)
  • Snakeboywonder
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in the UK and I've still not been able to access (nearly 24 hrs) the work around above also isn't any use! You can't even get to the legal prompt to agree to this - on ANY SERVER! I hope this is fixed soon. Pretty frustrating :(

  • PyroKid21
    Still having difficulties
  • Raaahhhyyynn
    I was able to log in around 4 am central time this morning and was able to log in for around 10 minutes when I got home from work just now but now I'm getting the "Login Failed: An Unexpected internal error occurred please contact customer service."

    Tried doing the EU server switch fix but thats not working either. I understand MMO's have a track record of problematic launches, but this is really frustrating.
  • OneBadHuskerFan
    Come on ZOS get your crap together. I expected not to be able to play last night but this is ridiculous.
    Edited by OneBadHuskerFan on June 9, 2015 11:42PM
    Soul Shriven
    This game would actually have to improve to even be called bad...
    Sick to death of paying money for games unable to even come close to what they promise.
    In the few times I have actually been able to load this digital lemon, I have seen every kind of bug imaginable.
    Worst of all missions fail because key NPCs simply disappear!
    It really is a disgrace.
    I am embarrassed to have bought it.
  • ak47andahalf
    Soul Shriven
    Is the psn north American megaserver down?
  • ElderAngel777
    Soul Shriven
    I cannot log in but I can wait please fix as soon as possible, can't wait to visit the worlds of ESO...
  • alexandava
    All night I couldnt get into the NA server but could get into the EU server. Does this mean my character will only exist on the EU server? I will have to start a new one on NA when it eventually lets us in? Or stay on EU?
  • Eggstu
    Soul Shriven
    Man I miss the days of buying a game that actually worked. I swear on my life I will never preorder any game ever again.
  • treehugginsantab14_ESO
    Wow, we are really going to run into 24 straight hours of people not being able to log in that a joke!
  • lsneakl
    I have had slight issues but been able to get in each time but it has crashed 3 times likely due to server overload.
  • grafixfreakV2
    Soul Shriven
    this is absolute *** zenimax how can you not be prepared for all of these players i payed $80 to look at a failed to login screen... awesome
  • nbrown43
    Soul Shriven
    So I've been playing just about all day. Haven't hadn't too many issues other than the lag spikes and a game crash or two. But I was always able to get back in the game so I didn't think it was an issue. But now every time I try and login to the NA server the moment I hit play I get an error almost instantly saying "LOGIN ERROR: An unexpected internal error has occurred." I'm able to load up on the EU server just fine. I already tried loading up the EU server accepting all that stuff and going back to the NA server but no luck still. I tried shutting down my system and unplugging it for a few minutes. Also no luck.
    Has anyone discovered any other fix for this?
  • MediocreLion
    Soul Shriven
    Game crashed. Went to start get back in & now I'm getting the internal error screen. Changing to EU servers didn't work. This is frustrating. (Xbox one)
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