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Share your Emote Ideas/Requests for ZOS to peruse

@ZOS_EdLynch (Animation Master)

I've come up with a monster list of some emotes that I think would be fun. They may not be strictly lore appropriate but it's up to ZOS if they want to add them in. I eventually ran out of ideas, particularly when it came to some of the races that I'm not as familiar with.

Please feel free to post yours and I'll add to the list or comment on those listed below!

*Edit 04/01/14- Following some brilliant suggestions from everyone :D I've added them into master list , tweaked /Cape, /Regal, added /Knighthood and want to show off fish collectibles too. Created Violent, Music,Sitting and Non-emote section.

Some fantastic ideas here. Keep 'em coming. I might need a table of contents soon. We still don't have any for Orcs or Imperials. PS, if I've missed any out or you would like your emote moved to a different section let me know. Took ages to format this again and my eyes weren't too reliable near the end :s

/Feed: The same animation as the current “feed”. Just let me smother myself in whoever’s blood I choose.
/Bite: This one is a little different. I’d like to use /Caress and then /Bite for when I care if the mortal dies of blood loss.
/Hypnotise or /Charm: Use your powers of the undead to seduce unlucky mortals (or lucky depending on your viewpoint.)
/Singe: You start to smoke and glow like a burning ember. Use when exposed to fire.
/Hiss: For those awkward moments.
/Fangs: Yes please I want the cheesy True Blood style fang pop out
/Salivate: Ok I’m not sure how this one would look but perhaps you can make them look extra hungry
/Cape: /Mysterious:Swirl your cape Dracula style and look moodily over your shoulder.*Edit 04/01/14- I know ZOS can't do real capes for us to wear but perhaps they can still do an animation of one.So I've changed from /Cape to /Mysterious since that is the look I was going for. Obviously once the emote is complete the cape dissapears.

@MornaBaine suggested following vampire emotes:
/Lungehiss: The vampire lunges forward and hisses.
/Mist:The vampire becomes a column of mist. Animation can be maintained while WALKING only.
/Barefangs :Vampire snarls, baring their fangs, which are visible in the animation.


/Growl: For those awkward moments.
/Bare Teeth: Smile aka Beauty and the Beast style.
/Prowl: Look menacing and extra hungry.
/Mark Territory: Ok, is this a bad idea?
/Drool: Self- explanatory.
/Rage: I want to see Tasmanian devil cartoon rage here.
/Pick Teeth: With a mean looking bone.
/Roll over: Too much? If it does get implemented, we need a /Rub Belly for everyone else.

/Sprinkle Moonsugar: Just a “little” dusting over food or whatever else they want to eat it off of
/Whispering Fang: Cultural Martial Arts
/Meow: If Khajiits can meow, then give them this emote.

And some ideas from @Wenxue2222b16_ESO in this thread. In addition to the emotes there are many good thoughts on Khajiit needs in general:
wenxue2222b16_ESO wrote: »
Play with ball of yarn
Curl up and nap
Eat mousey
Hiss (for use against dogs and guildmates with dogs)
Wash ears
Eat moon sugar
Watch moon

Also mentioned the ability to be able to do emotes in werewolf form which I think is a good idea. PS can Vampires and Werewolves also have /Pounce as we are predators too?

/Warm scales: Bask in the sunlight!

@tinythinker suggested:
/Roar: The ROAR the Argonian does in the cinematic trailer with the Pact sieging in Cyrodiil.

/Ysgrammor Spoon: Really it's a fork but he was one tough nord.

/Whip: it goes back a long way and my character is in desperate need of one. For now I will have to make do with /Controlrod.

/Haughty stare: for looking down your nose at other folk with.

/Chew hand: some of them really do eat people you know.

/Open Portal:
many mages have opened portals to planes of Oblivion and elsewhere, whether accidentally or otherwise.

/Arrow to knee:
Must have this one!

/Show trophy: Remember how in fable you could show off monster heads? Exactly like that! The Undaunted guild is all about this kind of stuff so we should be able to show off. With emotes like /show severed head, /show tentacle.

Crown, cape and sceptre!*Edit 04/01/14- Costume suggestion moved to non-emote section as a costume. Perhaps the /Regal emote could be a certain way of standing?Or something like /Knighthood as in, when the King/Queen bestows a Knighthood on someone.

VIOLENT EMOTES (Section inspired by @Gidorick):
@Giddorick suggested the following:
/Slap: Character pulls back right hand and crosses to the left in a slapping motion.
/Backhand: Character crosses left hand over body and aggressively swings it to the left.
/Hit: Character's head pulls back, as if they were hit straight on.
/Hit2: Character's head pulls to the right, as if they were hit from the left.
/Hit3: Character's head pulls to the left, as if they were hit from the right.
/Kicked: Character pulls up their left foot and hops on their right for a moment, as if they were kicked by someone using the /kick emote while facing them.

/Sing: We should be able to pick the song. This would come in handy at impromptu events that are not in a tavern.
More musical instruments: An example would be /Harp or /Sitar. They should come with a range of accompanying tunes that we can select.

@Gidorick suggested the following instrument emotes which inspired me to move from general section and create own heading. Be sure to check out the amazing pictures of these instruments below:
/Rebec: Character plays a Rebec!
/HurdyGurdy: Character pulls out and cranks a Hurdy-Gurdy

A combination of /sit and /eat or /drink: Why can’t my character have food and drink whilst sitting down? I particularly want a combination of /sitchair drink2 and /sit3 drink2

@MornaBaine pointed us to this thread on sitting emotes, which has prompted me to move sitting to its own section. Fantastic variations on sitting in this thread complete with pictures:

@Rev Rielle has suggested that we “could /emote upper-body action actions whilst /sitchair is active, such as /eat4 (soup), /read, /write, etc.

/Show Collectible: I want to show off the chattering skull I’ve collected.*Edit(04/01/14): Now that I’ve caught collectible fish I want to show those off too.
Ability to use dance emotes from both genders: We know I’m lusting after the male Redguard dance!
The ability to emote whilst in combat. (Suggested by @Nordjitsu)
/Shackled: For when people go to dungeon…because they are naughty. Yes, that’s the reason I want this emote. If we could have a /Shackled Kneel and /Shackled Stand that would be good too.
/Pray to or /Payrespect: These could possibly be culturally specific like /pray tribunal or /payrespect greenlady. A spectre of the deity that you pray to could appear.
/Lean Forward: from the waist.
/Raise eyebrow
/Drink skooma
/Eat sweetroll
/Give sweetroll
(as in pet)
/Swoon: Hand to the forehead, Damsel in distress style.
/flatulent (suggested by @ers101284b14ESO)
/macarena (suggested by @PSLAnimal)
/flip (suggested by @Wenxue2222b16ESO)

@lago suggested:
/Jugglexxx: the ability to juggle other elements such as in /juggleflame.

In addition @MornaBaine has suggested the following “juggles”:

/Torch: needs to work whilst walking suggested by @lago or @Gidorick has suggested an alternative slot in this thread:

@AlexDougherty suggested the following emotes:
/Knifetoss, character takes a knife and throws it up in the air, catches it by the blade, and throws it back up again, and catches it by the handle.
/Stafftwirl, character starts twirling around a staff, martial arts style (only no damage, it's just an emote).
/Coolhands, character reaches hands forth like he's trying to summon something, only to get blocks of ice forming instead. He then smashes the blocks of ice together to free his hands, which he then blows on and rubs together.

@Gidorick suggested emotes:
/Sweetroll: Character pulls a sweetroll from behind their back, takes a bite, puts it away. Emote cycles once.
/Fish: Character whips out their fishing pole and fishes... anywhere... even on land. Why not? Emote lasts until broken.
/AllMine: Character holds up cupped hands to their face (as if there is something in them), looks down as they bring their clasped hands to their chest. Then they suspiciously look left, then right. Emote cycles until broken.
/Insult: Character performs an insulting hand gesture. Not the ones we know now, but new ones made up for use in Tamriel. There could be multiple emotes (/instult3).

@Rev Rielle suggested:
(I agree with @Gidorick above, but maybe not the land part)
/noway (A more vigorous/obvious 'no' than /no)
(Like @Iago said above and I I agree; make it movable)
/writeloop (so it is continuous)

@badmojo suggested:
/sharpenblade so I can sharpen my daggers while waiting for the enemy.

@Hypertionb14_ESO suggested:
/Armed Salute 1-3 (salutes with current weapon, different for each weapon tree, 3 different versions for each Tree)

/random (does any random emote)
/cointoss (does a single coin toss, character yells result)
/practice (character pratices attacks with weapon)
/practice X (x is specific weapon tree, allows a player to emote practice with any weapon basic Iron weapons of the characters race are used)


Emporer Costume – Get this costume if you become emperor. (Suggested by @MornaBaine)

The ability to assign emotes to hotkeys, so that you don’t have to type each one in (suggested by @Wenxue2222b16_ESO)

The ability to burn enemy bodies, “forcing them to revive somewhere vs. Letting them stay there to be revived or spy on movements while dead. Make it work just like revive, same timer etc, but burns their corpse.” (Suggested by @NadiusMaximus)
Edited by angelyn on January 16, 2015 10:32PM
  • MornaBaine
    Some of what you are calling emotes are actually abilities or costumes. What's the point of the vampire charm if it actually has no effect on the target?
    These are the vampire emotes I'd like to see:

    /lungehiss The vampire lunges forward and hisses.

    /mist The vampire becomes a column of mist. Animation can be maintained while WALKING only.

    /barefangs Vampire snarls, baring their fangs, which are visible in the animation.

    As for some of your suggestions....
    /Regal: Crown, cape and sceptre!"
    This would actually need to be a costume you use in the disguise slot. And I would love to see this even though I'll never have an emperor character myself.

    "/Cape: Swirl your cape Dracula style and look moodily over your shoulder."
    This one would actually require them to figure out how to implement capes, which they've already admitted failure at.

    We need tons more sitting emotes. See here:

    And we need AT LEAST FIVE /sitchair emotes!

    /Open Portal: many mages have opened portals to planes of Oblivion and elsewhere, whether accidentally or otherwise."

    I LOVE this one!

    Edited by MornaBaine on January 1, 2015 2:24PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • AshySamurai
    I want to see emote, that some NPC play: floating body, hands a little aside and runes on the floor under them.
    And what I really want to see is a group emote. Did you tried to play music together or sync your dance? Sometimes it's awful. IMO it would be nice to have some sort of "synergy". Press X and now you play a beautiful melody together (and not to separate sound as it is now).
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Iago
    I would like to be able to carry torches while walking. It seems silly but its a feature I miss from prior Elderscrolls Games.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Gidorick
    Iago wrote: »
    I would like to be able to carry torches while walking. It seems silly but its a feature I miss from prior Elderscrolls Games.

    I agree. I posted a suggestion for an "alternate" item slot a while back...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Iago
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Iago wrote: »
    I would like to be able to carry torches while walking. It seems silly but its a feature I miss from prior Elderscrolls Games.

    I agree. I posted a suggestion for an "alternate" item slot a while back...

    I just don't get why they didn't add torches, they are in all the other games. I hope they add them a an item even if we don't get and extra Item slot for them.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Gidorick
    I really like the idea of the /SHOW emote. It could be used in conjunction with the "link in chat" function and anything you link would be shown by your character reaching around, pulling the item out and holding it above their head, proudly.

    Good one!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • AlexDougherty
    /Knifetoss, character takes a knife and throws it up in the air, catches it by the blade, and throws it back up again, and catches it by the handle.

    /Stafftwirl, character starts twirling around a staff, martial arts style (only no damage, it's just an emote).

    /Coolhands, character reaches hands forth like he's trying to summon something, only to get blocks of ice forming instead. He then smasshes the blocks of ice together to free his hands, which he then blows on and rubs together.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Iago
    /mime would be fun as well as being able to play with different elements similar to what we can do with /juggleflame
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Gidorick
    /Sweetroll: Character pulls a sweetroll from behind their back, takes a bite, puts it away. Emote cycles once.

    /Fish: Character whips out their fishing pole and fishes... anywhere... even on land. Why not? Emote lasts until broken.

    /AllMine: Character holds up cupped hands to their face (as if there is something in them), looks down as they bring their clasped hands to their chest. Then they suspiciously look left, then right. Emote cycles until broken.

    /Insult: Character performs an insulting hand gesture. Not the ones we know now, but new ones made up for use in Tamriel. There could be multiple emotes (/instult3).

    Some violence is needed!

    /Slap: Character pulls back right hand and crosses to the left in a slapping motion.

    /Backhand: Character crosses left hand over body and aggressively swings it to the left.

    /Hit: Character's head pulls back, as if they were hit straight on.

    /Hit2: Character's head pulls to the right, as if they were hit from the left.

    /Hit3: Character's head pulls to the left, as if they were hit from the right.

    : Character pulls up their left foot and hops on their right for a moment, as if they were kicked by someone using the /kick emote while facing them.

    A couple of instrument suggestions:

    /Rebec: Character plays a Rebec!

    /HurdyGurdy: Character pulls out and cranks a Hurdy-Gurdy (could be a Dwemer instrument! Mostly though, I think the name is silly. :smile:

    One instrument I would personally love but they don't really feel like they "fit" in Tamriel is the Bagpipes. :disappointed:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • AlexDougherty
    Gidorick wrote: »
    One instrument I would personally love but they don't really feel like they "fit" in Tamriel is the Bagpipes. :disappointed:

    Really, I have always felt Bagpipes would fit in with Khajiit Culture (don't ask me why, I just do), it just I can't stand them at any price.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • MuseTheDrunkenDragon
    Frankly, I would be happy with just being able to dance as a werewolf.
  • Gidorick
    Frankly, I would be happy with just being able to dance as a werewolf.

    This sounds silly... unless there's a specific dance that werewolves do.

    Can werewolves use any other emotes?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • MornaBaine
    /Knifetoss, character takes a knife and throws it up in the air, catches it by the blade, and throws it back up again, and catches it by the handle.

    I have wanted this emote forever. And I love the /juggleflame emote but would really LOVE to see /jugglespheres and /juggleknives as well!

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    It would be nice I think if we could /emote upper-body action actions whilst /sitchair is active, such as /eat4 (soup), /read, /write, etc.

    Additionally, just a couple of simple ones I can think of off the top of my head:
    • /bedroll
    • /campfire
    • /fish (I agree with @Gidorick above, but maybe not the land part)
    • /flex
    • /noway (A more vigorous/obvious 'no' than /no)
    • /talk
    • /torch (Like @Iago said above and I I agree; make it movable)
    • /writeloop (so it is continuous)
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • badmojo
    /sharpenblade so I can sharpen my daggers while waiting for the enemy.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    One instrument I would personally love but they don't really feel like they "fit" in Tamriel is the Bagpipes. :disappointed:

    Really, I have always felt Bagpipes would fit in with Khajiit Culture (don't ask me why, I just do), it just I can't stand them at any price.

    I think they would just puncture the bag with their claws. lol!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • NordJitsu
    Just let me emote in combat.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • ers101284b14_ESO
  • tinythinker
    Posted it somewhere else but I still want to have ROAR the Argonian does in the cinematic trailer with the Pact sieging in Cyrodiil.
    Edited by tinythinker on January 2, 2015 1:50AM
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  • PSLAnimal
    Animal (Ask me what the PSL stands for. Go on. Ask.)
    @PSLAnimal on the NA Megaserver
    Making people wonder just what the hell is wrong with me since 1961.
  • MuseTheDrunkenDragon
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ... Can werewolves use any other emotes?

    Only /playdead :(
    Edited by MuseTheDrunkenDragon on January 2, 2015 4:03AM
  • NadiusMaximus
    Uh, not an emote, more of an ability, but

    We should be able to burn enemy bodies, forcing them to revive somewhere vs. Letting them stay there to be revived or spy on movements while dead.

    Make it work just like revive, same timer etc, but burns their corpse.
  • SantieClaws
    Can I also please beg for some sort of system like in LOTRO that allows you to hotkey emotes?

    Allowing me to film stuff like this:

    Which is not currently possible in this game.

    I'd also rather like the 'flip' emote while you are about it actually :)
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
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    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    i saw 3 emotes in that video that are already in ESO.

    /kiss /faint /celebrate or /cheer

    i would like

    /random (does any random emote)
    /cointoss (does a single coin toss, character yells result)
    /practice (character pratices attacks with weapon)
    /practice X (x is specific weapon tree, allows a player to emote practice with any weapon basic Iron weapons of the characters race are used)

    but my Number 1...

    /Armed Salute 1-3 (salutes with current weapon, different for each weapon tree, 3 differant versions for each Tree)
    Edited by Hypertionb14_ESO on January 2, 2015 1:00PM
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ... Can werewolves use any other emotes?

    Only /playdead :(

    That kind of makes sense to me. As a werewolf you're more of a Ferrell beast. You shouldn't have the faculty to dance or to play the lute. Lol. A werewolf paying a lute. Heheh.
    Edited by Gidorick on January 2, 2015 1:03PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • angelyn
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    What's the point of the vampire charm if it actually has no effect on the target?
    It's along similar lines as /Controlrod. Although /Controlrod has no real effect on target, they know that they should act as if it might(If that is suitable for their character). So /Charm would be a sign that they will be susceptible to a vampire for next x seconds(again only if suitable for their character. If it isn't perhaps they could emote something like *Resists vampire charm with recent blessing from Arkay* or *resists charm with garlic salve that healer gave me* etc etc).
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    /Regal: Crown, cape and sceptre!"
    This would actually need to be a costume you use in the disguise slot. And I would love to see this even though I'll never have an emperor character myself.
    Good point- I've created a new section at the bottom for suggestions that aren't strictly emotes but get suggested during this thread. Alas, I doubt I will be emporer ever! You've also inspired me to think of /Knighthood.
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    "/Cape: Swirl your cape Dracula style and look moodily over your shoulder."
    This one would actually require them to figure out how to implement capes, which they've already admitted failure at.
    I perhaps didn't fully elaborate on this one. So I've edited the description and modified it to /mysterious.

    Fantastic thread on sitting btw.
    Edited by angelyn on January 4, 2015 11:56AM
  • angelyn
    I want to see emote, that some NPC play: floating body, hands a little aside and runes on the floor under them.
    This is a fantastic idea!How about something like /Ominous ritual? >:)
    And what I really want to see is a group emote. Did you tried to play music together or sync your dance? Sometimes it's awful. IMO it would be nice to have some sort of "synergy". Press X and now you play a beautiful melody together (and not to separate sound as it is now).
    Have you tried SyncMotes from ESOUI? It allows everyone our group who has it installed to start the same emote at exactly the same time. Although I'm not sure what to suggest if you want to start different emotes at exactly the same time.
    Edited by angelyn on January 4, 2015 12:22PM
  • angelyn
    Gidorick wrote: »
    That kind of makes sense to me. As a werewolf you're more of a Ferrell beast. You shouldn't have the faculty to dance or to play the lute. Lol. A werewolf paying a lute. Heheh.

    Wouldn't it be worth it to see a werewolf playing a lute though :p
  • angelyn
    /Stafftwirl, character starts twirling around a staff, martial arts style (only no damage, it's just an emote).
    Love this. Finally my sorc can look more dangerous!
    Gidorick wrote: »
    A couple of instrument suggestions:/Rebec: Character plays a Rebec!

    /HurdyGurdy: Character pulls out and cranks a Hurdy-Gurdy (could be a Dwemer instrument! Mostly though, I think the name is silly. :smile:
    Wow those are some amazing instruments. They look as if they would definitely fit into ESO. +1 from me!

  • ReCreare
    I'd love to see a smoke pipe emote. Most of my friends are drinkers, but I prefer the herbal life.

    It would be amazing if you could sync up your musical instruments. (example: your friend is playing the lute, you /drum and start playing the same song your friend is, at the same point.

    please add a loop feature to more emotes. I think I've seen it on 1 emote in game? correct me if I'm wrong. There's a few that don't require a loop, like drink, potion, lute. But for ones like /search, it'd be nice to make them stay up longer.
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