So you no longer wish to be a life sucking spawn of the night? Perhaps you are failing to many sobriety tests due to you red eyes, maybe your family and friends have become distant due to your new... interests, or maybe your sick of fighters guild members and fire users making you regret getting out of the coffin that night. No problem, I have you covered!
The first thing you'll want to do is go to Evermore and run over to the mages guild.

Once you are there run straight to the back and talk to Prelate Sabinus.

He will say something along the lines of...

Okay, with the simple fee of 621 Arkay has cured you!
Huh? You have a problem with how easy that was? You feel it conflicts with the lore already set forth? You want to see a quest?
Wow! What a coincidence, so do I! Who would have thought I would agree with myself as I wrote this guide, oh how strange our world truly is.
But if YOU are still not convinced let us look at the facts within the game.
You are special, so special in fact that only Mother Lamae herself had to turn you. Let that sink in, you were turned by the mother of all vampires. Obviously being of such close bloodline you would think you would suffer from all the aliments she had when turned.

So why was she turned at all? Well it was to spite Arkay of course! He keep close balance of life and death, vampires screwed with the balance.

Well why didn't she seek out Arkay and just have him cure her? One would assume Arkay would want to nip something like that in the bud. Plus not curing her would just mean Molag Bal won, right?
Oh how right you are! However she did seek him out, and he did not answer.

Why did he not answer her?
Oh, this is where we have to actually read a lore book. Luckily the Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie is in this game, so let's read that why don't we! (Since I could not get into the location where you get it in DC ended up having to make a EP character. Thank you
@Senk3tsu for the warp!)

So now after reading that you should understand that it was never within Arkay's power to cure. So with all those things presented I feel it is safe to say we need a quest or something if we want to cure this Disease. Or you could fix the last line of the lore book to say, "Arkay knew this could not be undone... for no less than 621 gold."
I suggest you make a quest where you go around and collect ingredients for a potion to cure it. This could really add depth to the game, once you have the potion in your inventory you can use it or not, it is up to you. The quest can be repeatable and give you a potion each time you do it, however don't put any gold or exp reward on the quest. And make the potion trade able, this way if folks want to farm and sell the potion they can.
Now what is this potion I am talking about, well here is a excerpt from the UESP.
"The witches of the Iliac Bay caught the attention of the Mages Guild by apparently curing the disease. The cure is a potion, consisting of six cloves of garlic, two shoots of bloodgrass, five leaves of nightshade, the blood of an Argonian, and the ashes of a powerful vampire; these same ingredients were used to cure Count Skingrad's comatose wife, Rona Hassildor, of her vampirism."
The quest would be simple enough, when you talk to the priest of Arkay he will tell you he heard rumors of a book that might have the cure, put that book in a public dungeon. After you read the book you go back to the priest of Arkay and he tells you where you can get the stuff. Have a camp with a very powerful vampire (new world boss) in Bangkorai, The Rift, and Reaper's March, the other ingredients spread around the zone, maybe have an Argonian that will donate some blood for some gold or if you use intimidate or persuade on him he will do it for free. Once you gather all the items the priest of Arkay will give you the potion. It is up to you if you use it or not, once you found the book you can do this quest over again and get a new potion.
That is how I think you should implement the quest in game, or do it some other way. Either way it need to be something other than having a priest of Arkay heal it for you for 621 gold. Heck, I'll even write all the quest dialog for you, free of charge.

Also, if you do use my idea for the quest you should change the priest to a female breton and name her Prelate Medwin. That would be pretty awesome ZOS.