224 days to get one purple ring, if you will do 150k AP per day
So, after first PTS patchnotes i start thinking about new droppable item sets it introduced and figure out the rarest. I stopped at the new pvp sets
- Vicious Death
- Marksman
- Fury
- Leki's
- Fasalla's Guile
- Transmutation
all pictures here -
They are pretty interesting, with few VERY NICE sets, it must be very popular, im speaking about
Vicious Death, yes
Marksman will be top-2 i believe
- they come with ALL parts
- the most wanted and expensive part of such sets is always jewerly
- rings is more expensive than amulets, well because we need 2
- and the most important - quality, we need maximum quality, to keep our set bonuses in the best state
how to get them:
gold and purple - rewards for campaign, top 2% leaderboard will get gold - confirmed. Not for us, we need this set faster

purple - new vendor Adhazabi Aba-daro will sell them for some amount of AP. The chance is unknown
blue and purple - from Reward for Worthy mails! Its our way to test the dropchance, cos on PTs you can open infinite amount of them - every template character has 511 mails, and you can delete characters without limits
10659 mails was opened
307 jewerly was looted - its
2.88% chance
37 purple jewerly was looted - its
0.34% chance
156 rings was looted - its
1.46% chance
137 blue rings was looted - its
1.28% chance
19 purple rings was looted - its
0.17% chance
2 purple Vicious Death rings was looted - its
0.018% chance
4 purple Marksman rings was looted - its
0.037% chance
4 purple Fury rings was looted - its
0.037% chance
4 purple Leki's rings was looted - its
0.037% chance
5 purple Fasalla's Guile rings was looted - its
0.046% chance
0 purple Transmutation rings was looted - its
unknown chance
my speculation is - all sets has the same chances, lets calculate the average
19/6=3.16 purple rings of any set - its
0.029% chance
Tell me, its okay and im just crazy to complain about such huge(*irony*) drop chance?
lets go futher and calculate amount of AP and gold for one purple VD ring
~3373 mails need to be looted for one purple VD ring. 1 mail=10k AP according to top PVP players
~33.730.000 AP need to be earned for one purple VD ring
exchange rate of AP to gold is 0,25:
~8.432.500 gold per ring is the real value
150k ap - regular player who love pvp earn in average per day
~224 days need to play for one ring