[THANKS ZOS] Rarest item in next DLC - 7,5 MONTHS to get ONE

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We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

224 days to get one purple ring, if you will do 150k AP per day

So, after first PTS patchnotes i start thinking about new droppable item sets it introduced and figure out the rarest. I stopped at the new pvp sets
  • Vicious Death
  • Marksman
  • Fury
  • Leki's
  • Fasalla's Guile
  • Transmutation
all pictures here - http://deltiasgaming.com/2016/02/04/eso-thieves-guild-gear-sets
They are pretty interesting, with few VERY NICE sets, it must be very popular, im speaking about Vicious Death, yes
Marksman will be top-2 i believe

- they come with ALL parts
- the most wanted and expensive part of such sets is always jewerly
- rings is more expensive than amulets, well because we need 2
- and the most important - quality, we need maximum quality, to keep our set bonuses in the best state

how to get them:
1) gold and purple - rewards for campaign, top 2% leaderboard will get gold - confirmed. Not for us, we need this set faster
2) purple - new vendor Adhazabi Aba-daro will sell them for some amount of AP. The chance is unknown
3) blue and purple - from Reward for Worthy mails! Its our way to test the dropchance, cos on PTs you can open infinite amount of them - every template character has 511 mails, and you can delete characters without limits


10659 mails was opened
307 jewerly was looted - its 2.88% chance
37 purple jewerly was looted - its 0.34% chance
156 rings was looted - its 1.46% chance
137 blue rings was looted - its 1.28% chance
19 purple rings was looted - its 0.17% chance
2 purple Vicious Death rings was looted - its 0.018% chance
4 purple Marksman rings was looted - its 0.037% chance
4 purple Fury rings was looted - its 0.037% chance
4 purple Leki's rings was looted - its 0.037% chance
5 purple Fasalla's Guile rings was looted - its 0.046% chance
0 purple Transmutation rings was looted - its unknown chance
my speculation is - all sets has the same chances, lets calculate the average
19/6=3.16 purple rings of any set - its 0.029% chance

Tell me, its okay and im just crazy to complain about such huge(*irony*) drop chance?
lets go futher and calculate amount of AP and gold for one purple VD ring

~3373 mails need to be looted for one purple VD ring. 1 mail=10k AP according to top PVP players
~33.730.000 AP need to be earned for one purple VD ring
exchange rate of AP to gold is 0,25:
~8.432.500 gold per ring is the real value
150k ap - regular player who love pvp earn in average per day
~224 days need to play for one ring
Edited by NerfPlease on March 2, 2016 2:57PM
    I have 2 questions: who are you and how did you got my screenshot? (with gold jewely)

    I looted today mails from 3 template characters - that's 30 milion AP and got 7 epic jewely items that is 4,3 milion AP for purple jewely, kinda very far away from yours 55.5 milions
  • Ra'Shtar
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    I have 2 questions: who are you and how did you got my screenshot? (with gold jewely)

    I looted today mails from 3 template characters - that's 30 milion AP and got 7 epic jewely items that is 4,3 milion AP for purple jewely, kinda very far away from yours 55.5 milions

    You got lucky.
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • NerfPlease
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    I have 2 questions: who are you and how did you got my screenshot? (with gold jewely)

    I looted today mails from 3 template characters - that's 30 milion AP and got 7 epic jewely items that is 4,3 milion AP for purple jewely, kinda very far away from yours 55.5 milions

    1) not all jewerly, but rings only
    2) not all rings, but VD

  • Ahzek
    @BEZDNA you need 4.3 mill for a purple ring. He is speaking about a ring of a specific set, so he can multiply that by 6 for ~26 mill AP per ring (assuming the droprates are the same per set). He doesnt think the dropprates are the same though and instead calculates with a 0.018% chance for a purple VD ring. Id personally assume its about a 0.04% chance judging from the mass mail openings you 2 have done.
  • NerfPlease
    @BEZDNA in my tests single purple jewerly i got from 3624 mails
    its 36.240.000 ap
    so or you kinda lucky, or you lied, or they changed chances in todays patch

    or you need to open more mails, not only 1533, to clear the results
    Edited by NerfPlease on February 29, 2016 9:45PM
  • NerfPlease
    @Ahzek he opened 1533 mails

    i opened x10 :)
  • Ahzek
    @NerfPlease indeed you did. but you also looted 4 of fury marksman etc. and 0 of transmutation. With the low sample size of actual purple rings id say thats a simple matter of randomness of you getting some sets more than others. I simply assume its the same chance for every set, and rounding up always makes it look nicer =)
    Edited by Ahzek on February 29, 2016 9:46PM
  • GRxKnight
    1 VD ring won't be worth 13 mil gold...if you're asking price is that you will get a laugh in the face from everyone wanting to buy it
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • NerfPlease
    GRxKnight wrote: »
    1 VD ring won't be worth 13 mil gold...if you're asking price is that you will get a laugh in the face from everyone wanting to buy it

    i mean it will worth less, because ppl cant buy for real price

    but in the moment this rings appear in the NEW vendor - all will buy tons of them, and the price will fall very fast
    Edited by NerfPlease on February 29, 2016 9:52PM
  • Anzriel
    Well, if this is the drop chance that's more than a little silly. It should be relatively hard to get but that drop chance, if correct, is pretty ridiculous. Hopefully things will be adjusted before TG launches. I'd assume, or at least hope, they're adjusting the chances incrementally on the PTS until they get it to where they feel is fair.
    NerfPlease wrote: »
    @BEZDNA in my tests single purple jewerly i got from 3624 mails
    its 36.240.000 ap
    so or you kinda lucky, or you lied, or they changed chances in todays patch

    or you need to open more mails, not only 1533, to clear the results

    lol, why would i lie about pts drop rates, that doesn't make any sense!

    I got lucky indeed, first purple ring i got was exactly Vivious Death and i got it only from first 200 opened mails.


    From those 3 template characters i got 1 Visious Death ring, 2 Rings of Fury, Necklace of Fury, Necklace of Transmutation, Marksman's Ring and Leki's Ring. Not that bad for in my opinion.

    Ofc drop chanse is still kinda low.

    On top of that as i remember Vicious Deaf Necklace was available from AP vendor on the first day of pts. As soon as those rings will be available market will be completely flooded with them, considering that are plenty of ppl with 10 milion + AP waiting how to make money out of that!
    Edited by BEZDNA on February 29, 2016 10:22PM
  • NerfPlease
    ZOS forgot to delete jewerly from new vendor
    their plan to show us horrible dropchance can be ruined by this vendor
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    I fear the drop rate too. This is the result of them not wanting us to use saved AP on new sets via updated loot boxes: ridiculously hard to obtain new items, and worthless AP.

    Do you have a table of drops? I would be interested in hearing the rate of blue item drops (like blue rings).
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • RedRoomGaming
    Couple of question.

    1. How the hell did you get that much ap
    2. How the hell did you get that much ap
    3. What is this?
    4. Is this the thieves guild drop for the new vendor in cyrodiil
    5. And if (the above) does this mean the drops will be millions of gold for the purchases.
    PS4 Eu Server
    • Stampler - RedRoomGaming - V16
    • Mageblade - Beard Of Molag - v3
    • High Elf Sorc - Man Of Potato - V16
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Couple of question.

    1. How the hell did you get that much ap
    2. How the hell did you get that much ap
    3. What is this?
    4. Is this the thieves guild drop for the new vendor in cyrodiil
    5. And if (the above) does this mean the drops will be millions of gold for the purchases.

    Every V16 PTS template character starts with 10m AP
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Couple of question.

    1. How the hell did you get that much ap
    2. How the hell did you get that much ap
    3. What is this?
    4. Is this the thieves guild drop for the new vendor in cyrodiil
    5. And if (the above) does this mean the drops will be millions of gold for the purchases.

    This is a test, the PTS templates have a ton of AP, and thus give large quantities of rewards of the worthy. From there, he tested the drop rates of the PvP sets from the rewards bags.

    There are a few ways you can get these sets (as OP already illustrated...): rewards for the worthy chance to drop, wait for the correct piece to come to the vendor, or get them from end of campaign rewards.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • NerfPlease
    Couple of question.

    1. How the hell did you get that much ap
    2. How the hell did you get that much ap
    3. What is this?
    4. Is this the thieves guild drop for the new vendor in cyrodiil
    5. And if (the above) does this mean the drops will be millions of gold for the purchases.

    well all explained in the first post. you need to read carefully next ime
  • NerfPlease
    @ebethke_ESO i got 137 blue rings

    its 1.28% for the blue rings
  • Holy-Dope
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    I have 2 questions: who are you and how did you got my screenshot? (with gold jewely)

    I looted today mails from 3 template characters - that's 30 milion AP and got 7 epic jewely items that is 4,3 milion AP for purple jewely, kinda very far away from yours 55.5 milions

    Well, the screenshot of Gold jewelry was uploaded by me not OP in another post. And second if you'd see other jewelries are as well gold. This came from the weekly rewards or pvp rewards, something i can;t remember as it was not me who received it but another guildy of mine...so keep an eye out, those ring monsters do exist....
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • NerfPlease
    first post updated with

    156 rings was looted - its 1.46% chance
    137 blue rings was looted - its 1.28% chance
  • NerfPlease
    why so many insightful?
    people just dumb here?
  • HoloYoitsu
  • Waseem
    who the hell cares!
    FINALLY we can have golden quality jewlery
    PC EU

  • Sharee
    I don't really care all that much. If it drops, great, if it doesn't, i'll just keep using my old set. At least cyro won't be flooded with everyone using the new sets from day one.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    I imagine they will boost the drop rate at the start, so that people get a piece of something that interests them.

    Then they will stealth nerf them so that it takes ages to get all the pieces you want :(
  • Holy-Dope
    Sharee wrote: »
    I don't really care all that much. If it drops, great, if it doesn't, i'll just keep using my old set. At least cyro won't be flooded with everyone using the new sets from day one.

    Expect to see HIGH on Alchemist DOPE set NB Gankers from the day1. yeah,you guessed it right...it's coming....and it's bad....
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

    Holy-Dope wrote: »
    Well, the screenshot of Gold jewelry was uploaded by me not OP in another post. And second if you'd see other jewelries are as well gold. This came from the weekly rewards or pvp rewards, something i can;t remember as it was not me who received it but another guildy of mine...so keep an eye out, those ring monsters do exist....

    I know, i made that screenshot and it's my inventory out there on picture. Since I'm not a member of Sigma Draconis and don't think i ever saw you in game, i have to ask you - how did you got that screenshot? I just want to understand how something that i posted in What's Up chat for internal use of my guildies, made his way up to official forum, and who is that person who made it happen.
  • Paske
    Its RNG

    Its golden jewelry for most anticipated PVP set

    Yes it will be rare.

    Less then 1% drop chance for golden one is expected.

    Top 100 players in Cyro will get it ?
    Fine by me. Im so far from that I dont even care ...
  • M_TeK_9
    Devs are absolutely dumb when it comes to loot in ESO. I really don't know who hired any of them and why they're still employed
  • DRXHarbinger
    So it'd be awesome if every zerg rolled with VD set would it? kind of needs to be rare, the QQ'ing to follow once everyone starts going kaboom etc is going to be unreal, does anyone know if the explosion kills someone, does that person explode? Kind of like a Chain reaction?
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