One of the most intriguing aspects of The Elder Scrolls is the plethora of religions and faiths that exist. In ESO, religions are represented in the cultures around Tamriel, and through the stories, quests, and lore. Players can even visit a few shrines around Tamriel to reassign their attributes, skills, and to even betroth themselves to another player.
Throughout the history of Elder Scrolls gods of Nirn have shown themselves to be powerful and petty. Players can curry their favor through prayer and action. In ESO there should be means by which players can revere, worship, and align themselves with any number of the deities that can be found in the various Pantheons of The Elder Scrolls. Blessings should be bestowed upon those who pray at shrines with benefits for focused prayer and punishments for worshiping opposing gods.
Gods of Nirn are not, however, always reliable. For this reason I do not believe that skill-lines for the deities of Nirn is quite the solution ESO needs. There needs to be a slight risk/reward mechanic to the system and the system needs to resemble the methods of worship in previous Elder Scrolls titles. In previous Elder Scrolls titles worshiping gods has always revolved around on activating shrines and receiving temporary blessings. There is no reason this mechanic cannot be included and improved upon in The Elder Scrolls Online.
NOTE: The below concept does
NOT contain specific numbers as they tend to distract from the core concepts being presented. It would be up to ZOS to figure out the exact numbers that would be most beneficial to ESO.
- Shrines and Temples
- Prayer and Consecration
- Blessings & Evocation
- The Pantheons
- Faithfulness, and Sacrilege
- Shrines of the Saints and Individual Gods
- Crown Store Additions
Shrines and Temples
There are multiple locations already throughout ESO’s Tamriel that contain shrines for various deities. This concept would see a wide variety of shrines added to the game. Temples of the Eight should contain all eight shrines, one for each of the divines. Different cities in different regions already have temples that are dedicated to local deities. The temple of the Tribunal and shrines in Mounhold could be a location for worship of the Tibunal gods. Shrines of Malacath in Wrothgar could be used as well. As ZOS releases more DLC and opens more areas, more shrines could be opened to players of ESO.
Players should also find shrines outside of cities that would allow them to practice their worship. Random shrines could be found in the wilderness, in dungeons, in NPC homes, or even randomly spawned. Hist trees could even serve as shrines in Argonian territories.
Shrines don’t have to be organized or follow any particular rules about quantity or variety. There could be certain shrines that are only found in one location in all of Tamriel, while others could be found in every zone.
Once player housing is added to the game, players should be able to purchase, or craft, shrines for their personal use. Some players could even choose to use their Player Home to act as a sort of church for their favorite god or pantheon.
It is also important that each Pantheon include shrines to reset skill and attribute points. This has already begun to occur in ESO with shrines to Akatosh and shrines to Kyne both allowing for attribute redistribution.
Prayer and Consecration
Worshiping in Tamriel couldn’t be easier! Players simply must pray at the shrine of any of the gods. Prayers will be heard by the gods and will be awarded with the appropriate blessing for a period of time. This blessing could pass in real time or be suspended while the player is logged off. This decision would have a significant impact on the duration of the blessing.
Once a player’s prayer has been heard, they could be greeted with the prompt “Consecrate your prayers to (god) with a sacrifice of self? (Requires one Champion Point)”. Choosing to do so will consume one unallocated Champion Point. If the player has not yet earned any CP or have allocated all of their CPs, they will simply be told “Your faith is lacking. You have nothing more to offer (god).” If the player has an unallocated Champion Point the appropriate blessing is extended a significant amount and the blessing should become significantly more potent. This would cause different characters on one account to have different numbers to CPs.
If the player accesses a shrine of that same god before their blessing has expired they get the prompt “(god’s) blessing is still upon you.” And they cannot pray again until their blessing has worn off. Players should be able to extend their blessings with further prayers to other gods.
Blessings & Evocation
While I think it would be best if every god’s shrine offered different benefits to players, different shrines could offer the same benefit. If this is the case, the benefits should stack if the player prays at both shrines before their blessings expire.
Blessings could benefit a wide variety of stats that can impact any and all aspects of the game. From a god’s blessing that increases a player’s chances of catching rare fish or getting that rare drop, to a blessing that decreases repair costs or removes item damage, to a god’s that increases a player’s health regeneration rate or increases the effectiveness of potions, there isn’t an aspect of the game that couldn’t benefit from a god’s blessing.
While a player is blessed by their god, they should have an extremely slight chance of activating the god’s Evocation. Think of this as the god’s ultimate. Similarly to the blessing, the Evocation can affect any aspect of gameplay. For some of the Aedra or Daedra, perhaps the Evocation is a limited time summoning of an aspect of their Aedric or Daedric weapon. A player who evokes Sheogorath would obviously get limited use of an aspect of the Wabbajack. For lore purposes, this isn’t the Wabbajack itself, but a temporary manifestation of the power and form of the Wabbajack. For functional purposes… it’s the Wabbajack.

A few Evocation possibilities:
- Stendarr could cause the player to have a short period of increased critical hits.
- Akatosh could transform the player into a dragon.
- Nocturnal could make the player undetectable by guards, so they are free to rob, steal, and murder with impunity.
- Peryite could cause a cloud of pestilence to erupt upon a player’s death that has a high lethality rate in its area of effect.
- Arkay could cause an instant revival upon death and a period immunity to all incoming damage and increased damage dealt.
- etc…
Evocations could have a chance of being triggered when the player performs whatever act is with the power once evoked such as when they take damage, when they steal, when they fish, when they deal damage, when they die, or any other action in the game. Each Evocation could be as varied as the gods behind their power. The chance of Evocation should be incredibly, almost frustratingly low. Evocation should be quite rare and they should be an event when they occur. When a player Evokes the power of a god in game or on the battlefield it should make all players who are around them take notice and go “woah”.
The Pantheons
To support this system ZOS should add a new tab in the options menu for player to track their religious pursuits. This tab should be a physical representation of the Pantheons of Nirn and should indicate the following:
- For which gods shrines have been found.
- The blessing effect of each shrine.
- By which gods the player is currently blessed (and if those prayers are consecrated).
- The current blessing effects.
- The time left on the current blessings.
- Which pantheons the player is currently worshiping.
There could also be achievements added for finding and worshiping full pantheons and ZOS could add new dyes or even aura effects as rewards. A player finding and worshiping at all the Daedric shrines could be awarded with a subtle black cloud aura that could encompass the player. A player finding and worshiping all the divines could be enveloped in an aura of light. These auras could be placed in the costume slot in the equipment menu.
This would mean that ZOS would have to make some decisions about the relations of some off the gods. It is quite apparent that Stendarr is in the pantheon of the 8 divines, the Bretons, Altmer, Ayleid, Bosmer, Khajiit, and Imperial. It is not as readily apparent if Shor in the Nord Pantheon is Lorkhan in the Altmer Pantheon.
Since some gods, such as Mara and Hermaeus Mora, are present in multiple pantheons worshiping one pantheon isn’t as cut and dry as it may first seem. There should be benefits to being faithful and consequences of cross-pantheon worship.
Using the information on the pantheon chart on UESP (, there are 12 pantheons. UESP doesn’t separate the Divines and the Daedra out into their own Pantheons, but they should be.
Faithfulness, and Sacrilege
There should be no limit on how many of blessings a player receives or how many gods they worship. Players should be free to worship any number of Gods they wish, in any of the pantheons. This doesn’t mean, however, that worshiping gods from different pantheons shouldn’t have consequences.
When a player receives blessings from more than one god, the effectiveness and the length of time of the blessings should be impacted negatively or positively.
Faithfulness:benefits of worshiping gods in the same pantheon
- Every blessing in the pantheon receives a power buff (more for consecrated prayers)
- Every blessing in the pantheon receives a duration increase (more for consecrated prayers)
- Worshiping an entire pantheon could yield the player great benefits, consecrated or not.
- Extended worship of one god should also benefit the player. A player who worships one god for a long period of time should benefit greatly from that gods attention. Perhaps this benefit manifests in a greater chance of evocation, which would make sense. This could also accompany a cool-down period after a blessing wares off in which the player has a limited amount of time to pray to that god again to get the faithfulness benefit, otherwise the player receives no additional benefit from praying to that god again.
Sacrilege: consequences of worshiping gods in different pantheons
- Every blessing in both pantheons receives a significant power decrease (no impact on consecrated prayers)
- Every blessing in both pantheons receives a significant duration decrease (no impact on consecrated prayers)
- Some pantheons could have a curse that is bestowed upon the player if they are worshiping a different pantheon. Mostly the Daedric Princes would be the ones to curse the player for praying to a god of a different pantheon.
- Some gods could punish the player if they are not worshiped within the cool-down period. This would mean that a player could be cursed for nothing more than not continuing to worship a specific god. The gods who would act in such a way would have to have benefits that would be worth the possible punishments.
If a player seeks the blessings of all the gods in one pantheon, the chances of them receiving an Evocation should be considerably higher than if they do not seek additional gods within the same pantheon. The larger the pantheon, the greater the eventual chance of Evoking one of the gods in the pantheon.
This aspect of the mechanic would mean that worshiping cross-pantheon gods would be crucial to a strategic plan of worshiping as cross-pantheon gods would negate some of the negative benefits of worshiping completely unrelated gods.
ZOS could make this even more complicated by applying boons and curses upon players depending on the specific god they worship. This could help make some of the pantheons, such as the Daedric pantheon, more complicated. There are certain princes who wouldn’t take too kindly to other princes being worshiped as well as them.
Shrines of the Saints and Individual Gods
In addition to the shrines of the pantheon gods, Tamriel could also be host to shrines of the saints (Mannimarco) and individual gods (Anu, Sithis, The Hist) that do not belong to any specific pantheon. These would be individual blessings that could have their own sets of rules of faithfulness and sacrilege.
Perhaps the duration and potency of the blessings could be dependent on being faithful by praying continuously to that saint or individual God. There is one major difference between praying to a saint and praying to an individual God: prayers to saints cannot be consecrated whereas prayers to individual gods can be.
It would be up to the lore-keepers at ZOS to differentiate between Pantheon Gods, Individual Gods, and Saints.
Crown Store Additions
There could be a few additions that could be added to the Crown Store to benefit ZOS and Players with this kind of religion mechanic.
- Indulgence Writ: Consumable that clears worship from one god.
- Baptismal Waters: Consumable that clears all worship.
- Idols: Portable, consumable icons that allow players to pray on the go without returning to shrines. These could require “imprinting” at the shrine so ZOS would sell one item that could be imprinted with any god or saint.
This concept can seem rather convoluted but I think it is fitting that it be. The worshiping of gods can be a tricky aspect of life on Nirn and one must be careful not to incur the wrath or favor of the wrong deity.
Using the chart on UESP, it appears that there are about 50 different gods between all of the pantheons. Depending on the god or saint status of some of them, there may be a few more or a few less. Players who take the time to visit shrines, and especially those who sacrifice themselves by giving up CPs to consecrate their prayers should gain glorious benefits that players who worship irregularly or not at all do not receive. I do not believe there should be any benefits for NOT worshiping gods… aside from not falling prey to their whims.
Not all pantheons and gods and saints would need to be added at once. As ZOS releases more zones, the gods and saints of that zone could be added and eventually pantheons would fill out. This would make this concept one that grows with the game and isn't set in stone.
So, any thoughts, comments, suggestions, or Crown Store ideas for this sort of mechanic?