[Discussion] Imperial City: What We THINK We Know by Dominoid

While we await this week's Imperial City knowledge drop, I thought I'd recap what we THINK we will see. Enjoy!

WARNING: This post contains many spoilers! You have been warned.

First. It’s a MASSIVE content update. This isn’t simply, open the city and let players fight against each other. There are new quests, new motifs, new crafted sets, new 4-man dungeons, etc. On to the details.

The Imperial City is accessed through the sewers of the city itself. The sewer entrances are actually already in the game. They are not located on City Isle itself as swimming across the water will still get you eaten by slaughterfish. They are actually located on the mainland near Lake Rumare.
In order for these sewer entrances to be open, you must control your alliance’s six home keeps/castles/forts. This map shows which objectives those are for each alliance. This means that all three alliances can have access to the Imperial City all at once. This also makes the entrances to the sewers hot spots for ganking and action.

The Imperial City is a complex piece of new content. There are PVE only sections, PVP only sections, PVE/PVP sections, new 4-man group PVE content and even a solo PVE arena.

The sheer size of the sewers is crazy! Each alliance has two HUGE PVE only sewer sections and there is a huge central hub that is strictly PVP.

Here is an overview map of the entire sewer system

To give you some sense of scale here, do you see the smallish “circle” in the center of the image? That small circle is directly under the Imperial City proper. If you zoom in, you can see how it is broken into the six districts of the Imperial City. Now zoom out again. Ya that big.

While the locations on the map aren’t to scale, let’s look at each “section” on this map.
  • Upper left is simply where ZOS placed cookie-cutter sewer sections to help the world builders get started. So you can ignore that stuff.
  • Upper right are the two PVE only sections of the Ebonheart sewers
  • Lower right are the two PVE only sections of the Aldmeri Dominion sewers
  • Lower left are the two PVE only sections of the Daggerfall Covenant
  • Dead center is known as the Imperial City Sewers Hub

PVE Only Sewer Sections

So as mentioned if you control your home territory, you will be able to access the Imperial City through the sewers. Once stepping through your sewer entrance door (assuming you make it in), you are placed into a PVE-only section of sewer for your alliance. There is no PVP in this section. It’s simply you and your allies against the denizens of Coldharbour. If we look at the overview map above we see that each SECTION of the sewers is larger than Imperial City proper. They’re huge.

The sewers are littered with questing, boss battles and “treasure hunting”.

Imperial City Sewers Quests
  • Complete quest "Bottled Despair" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Bullied" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Dremora on Patrol" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Forgotten Deeds" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Stitching Flesh" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Stolen Relics" in the Imperial City Sewers

You will also be tasked with killing Daedric Leaders in the sewers:
  • Ebral the Betrayer
  • Emperor Leovic
  • Gati the Storm Sister
  • Hzu-Hakan
  • Lady of the Deep
  • Otholug gro-Goldfolly
  • Secundinus the Despoiler
  • Taebod the Gatekeeper
  • Wadracki

In addition to the quests above there are also Daedric and Imperial caches hidden throughout the sewers and city that are guarded by the meanest bosses we’ve seen to date. We will cover these in more detail later.

Here are the base sewer maps for each alliance:
PVP Only Sewer Section

Now lets focus on that central section known as Imperial City Sewers Hub
What is not clear when looking at this map is that the central circle is the size of the entirety of Imperial City proper! Again huge. This map contains a “safe haven” for each alliance:
  • Right side is the Ebonheart safe zone
  • Lower left is the Aldmeri safe zone
  • Upper left is the Daggerfall safe zone

This is where you can regroup, strategize and presumably restock before “dropping” into the PVP section of the sewers. In order to access the city you must fight your way through players from the other alliances and find the entrances to the city above in the central hub of the sewers. The size of the PVP area should not be underestimated. It’s the size of the whole city!

PVP/PVE - Welcome to the City

There are over 30 quests available in the Imperial City including a 3-stage city “main quest”:
  • Complete quest "Drive to Victory" in Imperial City
  • Complete quest "City in Peril" in Imperial City
  • Complete quest "Imperial Intelligence" in Imperial City

The city is broken into 6 sections. Three of the sections can be “captured” by each of the alliances or the denizens of cold harbour themselves. The sections that can be controlled are the Market District, Noble District and the Arboretum District. “Owning” a district provides three benefits:
  • The ability to respawn in that location
  • Special access to an armory within those districts each with a new crafted set
  • A “defender” buff that increases XP for monster and player kills in all of Cyrodiil and the Imperial City

Thats right. Three new CRAFTED sets! I have only been able to find details on two of the crafted sets:

Set of the Redistributor
  • When you are at full health, and cast an ability that would heal yourself, heal an ally within 28 meters for <<1>>. 2 second cooldown.

Set of the Armor Master
  • While you have a Heavy, Medium, or Light Armor Ability slotted, gain an additional <<1>> Maximum Health. Additionally, gain <<2>> Magicka Regen while you have a Light Armor ability active, <<3>> Stamina Regen while you have a Medium Armor ability active, and <<4>> Health Regen while you have a Heavy Armor ability active.

As mentioned three of the city sections can also be controlled by Molag Bal’s minions. In order to take those sections back from them, you will need to once again venture into parts of Coldharbour. There are actually nine short jaunts into Coldharbour available in the Imperial City update. We will briefly look at each in their appropriate district.

Arboretum District

This district can be captured by your alliance and contains an armory.
  • Complete quest "Arms of Rescue" in the Arboretum District
  • Complete quest "Of the Flesh" in the Arboretum District
  • Complete quest "Marking Targets" in the Arboretum District
  • Complete quest "The Mage's Projection" in the Arboretum District

Market District

This district can be captured by your alliance and contains an armory.
  • Complete quest "Seize the Initiative" in the Market District
  • Complete quest "Guildhall Decorations" in the Market District
  • Complete quest "Dark Magic" in the Market District
  • Complete quest "One Man's Treasure" in the Market District

Nobles District

This district can be captured by your alliance and contains an armory.
  • Complete quest "Symbol of Nobility" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "Snakes" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "Blood Drive" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "Rune Vision" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "The Help" in the Nobles District

Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Care Package" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Fight to Freedom" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Reclaiming of Gardens" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Scarhea's Return" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "The Cold Wind Blows" in Elven Gardens District

Temple District
  • Complete quest "Ritual Resumed" in the Temple District
  • Complete quest "Pierce the Veil" in the Temple District
  • Complete quest "Saving Souls from Molag Bal" in Temple District
  • Complete quest "Shattered Faith" in the Temple District
  • Complete quest "Divine Retribution" in the Temple District

There is also a larger objective of beating a badass named Uzuruz
  • Complete the Imperial City Temple by defeating Uzuruz

Arena District
  • Complete quest "Brother's Legacy" in the Arena District
  • Complete quest "Lambs to the Slaughter" in the Arena District
  • Complete quest "The Rat's Bane" in the Arena District
  • Complete quest "To the Sword" in the Arena District

The Arena District also includes a 4-wave solo PVE arena. There are rumors that this has been changed to include PVP matches as well, but there is no sign of it in the code. You will face off against four fearsome bosses:
  • Kill the The Devourer
  • Kill Uzzai
  • Kill Migoruz
  • Kill The Game Master

Presumably there will be leaderboards and certainly arena specific gear drops!

Prison District

While not part of the city proper, you will also be able to visit the Imperial Prison district.
While you’re here, you will be tasked with freeing some of its prisoners:
  • Free Prisoners in Cell Block 1
  • Free Prisoners in Cell Block 2
  • Free Prisoners in Cell Block 3
  • Free Prisoners in Final Cell Block

As well as some longer term kill goals:
  • Defeat 50 Vigilant Watchers in Imperial City's Prison District.
  • Defeat 300 Mindshriven in Imperial City's Prison District.

4-Man PVE Dungeons

The Imperial City is adding not one but two brand new four-man dungeons to the game. The first is the Imperial City Prison (which already has artwork for a Veteran Version as well) and a second 4-Man dungeon located in White Gold Tower itself! It is unknown if the White Gold Tower dungeon will be immediately available.

The Imperial City Prison dungeon is a direct throwback to the escape you made in Oblivion. You will feel right at home here and will recognize the sewer sections as a sense of nostalgia washes over you. You ultimate goal is to:
  • Defeat the Lord-Warden of Imperial City Prison while you and your group members avoid every Darklight Burst.

The Imperial Prison Map:
There are also Speed, Death and Challenge Modes for each dungeon:
  • Escape Artist
    • Defeat the Overfiend, Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, the Gravelight Sentry, the Flesh Abomination, and Lord-Warden Dusk within thirty minutes of entering Imperial City's Prison District.
  • Life Sentence
    • Defeat the Overfiend, Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, the Gravelight Sentry, the Flesh Abomination, and Lord-Warden Dusk without suffering a group member death throughout the entire dungeon.
  • Out of Sight
    • Defeat the Overfiend, Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, the Gravelight Sentry, the Flesh Abomination, and Lord-Warden Dusk without any group member being noticed by the Scout Watchers throughout the entire dungeon.

There really isn’t a whole lot known about the White Gold Tower 4-man dungeon other than:
The Daedra have wrested it and the Ruby Throne from the Imperials in their invasion of Imperial City. They say the Empress Regent Clivia Tharn now moves to retake the Tower. Help her, and return Undaunted.

Misc Information

Treasure Hunting

There is also an overarching treasure hunt of sorts scattered throughout the sewers and city:
  • Discover and loot all the Daedric Caches in the Imperial City and Imperial City Sewers
    • Bloodmist Master's Cache
    • Corrupted Temple's Cache
    • Deceiver's Cache
    • Deposed Emperor's Cache
    • Despoiler's Cache
    • Dremora Looter's Cache
    • Gatekeeper's Cache
    • General Kryozote's Cache
    • General Nazenaechar's Cache
    • General Zamachar's Cache
    • Hoarvor Tender's Cache
    • Hunter's Cache
    • Lady's Cache
    • Scamp Trainer's Cache
    • Sniper's Cache
    • The Gamemaster's Cache
    • Torturer's Cache
    • Xivkyn Spoils Cache
  • Discover and loot all the Imperial Caches in the Imperial City and Imperial City Sewers
    • Almsman's Cache
    • Caretaker's Cache
    • Elder Councilman's Cache
    • Emperor's Tithe Cache
    • Gambler's Cache
    • Gladiator's Cache
    • High Priest's Cache
    • Landlord's Cache
    • Lonely Widow's Cache
    • Market Banker's Cache
    • Market Delivery Cache
    • Market Treasury Cache
    • Private Mercenary's Cache
    • Scholar's Cache
    • Speculator's Cache
    • Temple Coffer Cache
    • Tradesman's Cache
    • Wealthy Landowner's Cache


There will be 9 new skyshards to find in the Imperial City

New AOE Buffs

Another new mechanic being added to the game with the advent of the Imperial City, are six new AOE buffs designed to aid you and your group. At the guild summit we were told these wouldn’t be permanent buffs but would be on an eight hour real-time timer. These buffs appear to revolve around the Divines and based upon the fact that there are six of them, there will most likely be one in each of the six districts of the Imperial City. There will be a shrine devoted to one of the divines and upon activation will bestow an AOE buff to benefit you and your group:
  • Akatosh: Grants increased Weapon Power on all Dual Wield attacks for the blessed and nearby group members
  • Arkay: Grants reduced cost to CC Break when wielding 2 Handed weapons for the blessed and nearby group members
  • Mara: Grants increased range to Restoration Abilities for the blessed and nearby group members
  • Stendarr: Grants increased Stamina Regeneration while wielding a Shield for the blessed and nearby group members
  • Julianos: Grants increased range on all Destruction Staff attacks for the blessed and nearby group members
  • Kynareth: Grants increased range on all Bow attacks for the blessed and nearby group members

While these aren’t mind blowing or necessarily overpowering (they can't be), they do add a new dynamic to the mix.

Xivkyn Motif

This was formerly referred to as Imperial Daedric armor, but it’s official name is Xivkyn. This is “Racial Motif 16” and will be released with the Imperial City. Players will collect “Nuggets of Charcoal of Remorse” within the Imperial City. A stack of ten nuggets can be refined into one “Charcoal of Remorse” which is the style material for the Xivkin motif. A very short video segment showing off the Xivkin armor can be viewed here.
Edited by Dominoid on July 14, 2015 6:17PM
  • Aeladiir
    You know what?

    You're awesome. :)
  • Sallington
    Thank you for taking the time to organize all of this.

    And I can't wait to compare this to the PTS patch notes.
    Daggerfall Covenant
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  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    Good to see Leovic got over being stabbed to death. Awesome compilation. B)
  • Dradhok
    Great compilation thank you for sharing.
  • Akavir_Sentinel
    Nugget of Charcoal of Remorse. Yeah, they need to shorten that to Charcoal Nugget. And hopefully they stay true to their word that no buffs gained in Cyrodiil will apply outside of Cyrodiil. And the one new set that heals an ally for a little bit if you are already at full health? LOL. Let me guess, it will also have the exploration or training trait.
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  • Dominoid
    LOL. Let me guess, it will also have the exploration or training trait.

    Well that's a crafted set, you can put whatever trait you want on there. Also as part of 2.1 ALL dropped sets are dropping with RNG traits on them from now on.

  • Akavir_Sentinel
    Dominoid wrote: »
    Also as part of 2.1 ALL dropped sets are dropping with RNG traits on them from now on.

    Well now, that is a welcome change for once.

    Can't find the items you are looking for? Need a place to trade? We welcome ESO players of all platforms at ESO Trade, the home for trading of goods and services in the lands of Tamriel.
  • Vashna
    Dominoid wrote: »
    The Arena District also includes a 4-wave solo PVE arena. There are rumors that this has been changed to include PVP matches as well, but there is no sign of it in the code. You will face off against four fearsome bosses:
    • Kill the The Devourer
    • Kill Uzzai
    • Kill Migoruz
    • Kill The Game Master
    I'm really excited about this particular feature. I hope it's more challenging than Hiath (VDSA Level 10), that the fights are 1vX with more dynamic elements, and that it takes more than a few days for players to surmount all the various champions.

    At the same time, I know guilds like Legend have been desperately waiting for a formal arena to host PvP duels. Hopefully this district will support both forms of game play.
    Edited by Vashna on July 14, 2015 6:33PM
    @Vash-na | Vashna | Dragonknight | Tank/DPS -- "Lone Wolf"
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  • Pman85
    very interesting.
    Guildmaster - Order of Stendarr [XB1] - Apply today!

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  • Akavir_Sentinel
    Dominoid wrote: »

    Also as part of 2.1 ALL dropped sets are dropping with RNG traits on them from now on.
    I wonder if that includes Nirnhoned? Probably not, but hey, it is a trait.

    Can't find the items you are looking for? Need a place to trade? We welcome ESO players of all platforms at ESO Trade, the home for trading of goods and services in the lands of Tamriel.
  • BlackEar
    Welp, don't think I need the road ahead anyway ;)
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  • Gorthax
    If this turns out to be good grinding you can expect to see one of two things happen: 1 - nerf xp and 2 - people camping in there so no one else can get in. Didnt they say that is was limited amount of people from each faction in at a time?
  • Dominoid
    Gorthax wrote: »
    If this turns out to be good grinding you can expect to see one of two things happen: 1 - nerf xp and 2 - people camping in there so no one else can get in. Didnt they say that is was limited amount of people from each faction in at a time?

    I believe the last word was that Cyrodiil and the Imperial City share the same player pool - most likely running off the same campaign server.
  • Gorthax
    Dominoid wrote: »

    I believe the last word was that Cyrodiil and the Imperial City share the same player pool - most likely running off the same campaign server.

    Yes, but I mean only X amount of players from pvp can enter into IC at any given time(in the same campaign). Everyone else has to wait their turn(from the same campaign). At least that is what I thought I remember them saying, which is only to keep battles raging on the outside
    Edited by Gorthax on July 14, 2015 7:54PM
  • Grunim
    So, if you are like me and your crafter is in a different alliance than the alliance you fight for in Cyrodiil does that mean you need to place your crafter in a different campaign? Or, can a pure crafting character reach the new crafting tables without going into a Cyrodiil campaign?
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • Dominoid
    Grunim wrote: »
    So, if you are like me and your crafter is in a different alliance than the alliance you fight for in Cyrodiil does that mean you need to place your crafter in a different campaign? Or, can a pure crafting character reach the new crafting tables without going into a Cyrodiil campaign?

    I believe the new crafting tables can only be reached by going through the content to get there. When I say content I don't mean having to complete all the quests and things but you will most likely have to walk/run through the sewers. Also remember that if your alliance owns a district you can spawn there. I'm not sure if you need to already be int he city to use that spawn point though.
  • Rayste
    I would be curious to know if battle spirit applies in the Imperial City ... i.e. the nerfs to damage, blocking, shields, dodge rolling etc. Or do those just apply in the pvp areas?

    Edit: great job on the write up
    Edited by Rayste on July 14, 2015 8:24PM
    The Teach - AD Templar
  • Dominoid
    Ariak wrote: »
    I would be curious to know if battle spirit applies in the Imperial City ... i.e. the nerfs to damage, blocking, shields, dodge rolling etc. Or do those just apply in the pvp areas?

    Interesting. I would think so, but at the same time the PVE areas will most likely be "behind" a loading screen, so toggling it on and off would be "simple".

  • Akavir_Sentinel
    Dominoid wrote: »

    Interesting. I would think so, but at the same time the PVE areas will most likely be "behind" a loading screen, so toggling it on and off would be "simple".

    Yet when they nerf a skill because of PvP whines, it's applied globally. ZOS logic....
    Can't find the items you are looking for? Need a place to trade? We welcome ESO players of all platforms at ESO Trade, the home for trading of goods and services in the lands of Tamriel.
  • Fordd
    What i dont understand, ZOS, is why did we need to hear this from a member of your player base...ITS NOT THAT HARD TO KEEP US INFORMED!

    Honestly, thank you OP for doing ZOS's job.

    Fordd / Ford Trucks
    VR14 Templar (AD)
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    Decibel Heals
  • pmn100b16_ESO
    inb4 its actually 3 pipes leading to a big circle where everyone spams impulse around a crafting table.
  • FireCowCommando
    Fordd wrote: »
    What i dont understand, ZOS, is why did we need to hear this from a member of your player base...ITS NOT THAT HARD TO KEEP US INFORMED!

    Honestly, thank you OP for doing ZOS's job.

    Well actually hes doing the job ZoS claimed they would do yesterday. But that got upgraded to Soon(TM)+ Online
    Edited by FireCowCommando on July 14, 2015 9:23PM
  • Enodoc
    Nice summary :) This is pretty much like the one you posted on Reddit a few months back, I believe?

    One point that I disagree on (but you may have more info than me, since you've been datamining), is the PvE sewers section; considering the number of bosses and quests in the sewers, I am of the opinion that the three "alliance" branches won't be PvE only, otherwise people will be locked out of some of the content. Each alliance therefore would only have a small safe zone in each section - the lighter-shaded "entry area" of each Sewer 1 map.
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  • Loves_guars
    Thanks a lot for the information. Sadly, nothing in this dlc interests me.
  • Dominoid
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Nice summary :) This is pretty much like the one you posted on Reddit a few months back, I believe?

    One point that I disagree on (but you may have more info than me, since you've been datamining), is the PvE sewers section; considering the number of bosses and quests in the sewers, I am of the opinion that the three "alliance" branches won't be PvE only, otherwise people will be locked out of some of the content. Each alliance therefore would only have a small safe zone in each section - the lighter-shaded "entry area" of each Sewer 1 map.

    I believe that the bosses listed on the achievements will be located in each of the alliances safe zones making the "quests" completable for each alliance - but with a whole different atmosphere for each. But now I'm wondering. Back to studying the maps . . .

    And yes this is basically a stigmatization of all the data-mining I had done previously, with very little new information from those 3 separate efforts.
    Edited by Dominoid on July 14, 2015 10:55PM
  • Roco32373
    Will this be paid DLC or a patch (don't laugh)?
  • Dominoid
    Roco32373 wrote: »
    Will this be paid DLC or a patch (don't laugh)?

    We don't know. They were asked in several AMA's and said they didn't know as opposed to outright (at the time) saying that Spellcrafting and PVP Justice System would be "free" updates. My gut says free. I don't know how they would separate the sewer entrances for non-subs or B2P players without the DLC. You would have a whole section of population playing in Cyrodiil that could care less about owning the home keeps if they couldn't access the sewers and to me that spells bad trouble when "playing the map" in Cyrodiil.
  • Akavir_Sentinel
    Roco32373 wrote: »
    Will this be paid DLC or a patch (don't laugh)?

    I'm leaning towards DLC, as it won't affect your access to the rest of Cyrodiil.
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  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    So we help Clivia, but we get to kill her other husband. Hmm. I think I can put up with helping Clivia if I get to see White Gold Tower...
    Dominoid wrote: »
    You would have a whole section of population playing in Cyrodiil that could care less about owning the home keeps if they couldn't access the sewers and to me that spells bad trouble when "playing the map" in Cyrodiil.

    I'm going to second that this would be messy. It will be interesting to see what ZOS does.
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  • Attorneyatlawl
    @Dominoid , what did you see in the map pictures you mined that made you think the sewers have pve-only sections? I'm not spotting it offhand :). EDIT: I'd seen the posts you made about this stuff before and enjoyed it, by the way :). Thank you!
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 14, 2015 11:58PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
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