Attorneyatlawl wrote: »@Dominoid , what did you see in the map pictures you mined that made you think the sewers have pve-only sections? I'm not spotting it offhand. EDIT: I'd seen the posts you made about this stuff before and enjoyed it, by the way
. Thank you!
- Brian Wheeler"The sewers are pretty much a huge long public dungeon . . . . we're pretty happy with it's kind of a reward zone. Pretty much the fact of once you get access to it, you can go in there with one or two players, have a good time. It's not ncessarily something that is hardcore that's going to require a group or more to run through the content. We want as many people to experience it."
- Brian Wheeler
12m 50s In This Guild Summit Audio
There is some other discussion in there about the PVE only sections of the sewers, but calling them a super long public dungeon pretty much cements it for me. So I didn't see anything per se in the maps, as much as looking at the maps with the Guild Summit audio fresh in my mind to decipher what I believe to be happening.
alainjbrennanb16_ESO wrote: »secondly the op is saying about ganking etc, which as an Community Ambassador should not be saying. As saying this it makes it clear that zos says this is ok. The new content should be open to all who have paid for it not this if its correct.
I'm an ambassador not a developer. It doesn't indicate a damn thing. Also what is wrong with ganking? It's an integral part of pvp gameplay right now. I think you may be confusing ganking with griefing.
•Stendarr: Grants increased Stamina Regeneration while wielding a Shield for the blessed and nearby group members
- Brian Wheeler
12m 50s In This Guild Summit Audio
There is some other discussion in there about the PVE only sections of the sewers, but calling them a super long public dungeon pretty much cements it for me. So I didn't see anything per se in the maps, as much as looking at the maps with the Guild Summit audio fresh in my mind to decipher what I believe to be happening.
I really hope that this is the case.Nice Work.
does this meen i will have stam regen while blocking? even after they gona remove the Stamina reg while blocking?
Wait for the official info drop to confirm the buff details, then ask that as a question for Wrobel in this week's ESO LiveI really hope that this is the case.
alainjbrennanb16_ESO wrote: »Let me get this correct i might be a bit dum, we can't get in to the imp city unless we hold all six keeps, thats what i read. If thats the case then there will be an up roar, you are telling sub players that are in campaigns where there alliance never has all six keeps they can not get to the new content, [...]
Indeed. And that's why it should be completely either/or and not a mix of both.You would have a whole section of population playing in Cyrodiil that could care less about owning the home keeps if they couldn't access the sewers and to me that spells bad trouble when "playing the map" in Cyrodiil.
I'm an ambassador not a developer. It doesn't indicate a damn thing. Also what is wrong with ganking? It's an integral part of pvp gameplay right now. I think you may be confusing ganking with griefing.
alainjbrennanb16_ESO wrote: »Let me get this correct i might be a bit dum, we can't get in to the imp city unless we hold all six keeps, thats what i read. If thats the case then there will be an up roar, you are telling sub players that are in campaigns where there alliance never has all six keeps they can not get to the new content, if that is the case big mistake, you will lose a lot of people because of that and have a lot of complaints. secondly the op is saying about ganking etc, which as an Community Ambassador should not be saying. As saying this it makes it clear that zos says this is ok. The new content should be open to all who have paid for it not this if its correct.
alainjbrennanb16_ESO wrote: »
maybe i am, so i get it right in fututre if you have 3-4 players run pve in there and they are set up by a full raid that is griefing (A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.In the culture of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) in Taiwan, such as Lineage, griefers are known as "white-eyed"—a metaphor meaning that their eyes have no pupils and so they look without seeing. Behaviors other than griefing which can cause players to be stigmatized as "white-eyed" include cursing, cheating, stealing, and unreasonable killing.) and not ganking (It is a word commonly used in online video games, usualy used in an MMORPG. Ganking is the process in which a group of charecters gang up on one or more players that do not have a chance to defend themselves, Or when one high level player does the same action to a player way below his or her own level)
like i said so i get it right being gang up by a full raid or a blinker on 2-4 players is as said above thankyou
The new content IS open to every subscriber... Just like you can't reach a trial's last boss unless you kill the first ones, you can't reach the imperial city unless you grab some keeps... It blows my mind that people can't understand this and want everything handed to them..
If your alliance can't get 6 keeps then it's your bloody fault, not ZoS'.
You can consider "unreasonable killing" to be griefing if you want, but it still fits in the rules of PvP
Kharnamatic wrote: »Can we get a gentlemen's agreement going? Each campaign going forward is agreed to have one main faction only playing on it, so the entire community can enjoy Imperial City in peace.
Say Haderus: agreed to be held by AD
Azur'as Star: DC
People have been waiting for new content so long since Craglorn one whole year ago. We don't want to deny the community the chance to explore this new content just because of some PvPers, who can always PvP outside in Cyrodill like the mouth-breathers they are.
I know this is what they do in other MMOs. e.g. in WoW, PvP servers usually have 90% of the population one faction, and Ashran (their version of Cyrodill) is dominated by one faction only depending on server so that people can jump in, quickly gear up with unopposed victories and enjoy the rest of the game (the real pvp, arenas).
alainjbrennanb16_ESO wrote: »
all i was, was stating a fact to the op that it will cause it alot and he should not be saying, as for me if i get ganked i call for rest of guild we then go find player and kill him over and over, then in public chat shout out his character name
@bertenburnyb16_ESO That's the requirement for crowning an Emperor. Crowning an Emperor and accessing Imperial City have different requirements.bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »u said to gain acces to the IC, u need to have control of all 6 home keeps, was this changed from the original?
it used to be have control of all 6 center keeps around the city
That would indeed be interesting.... Say for example that owning the Market District enabled access to the EP sewer section for whoever controlled that district - that would open up PvP between the owner and EP, since that section is connected to the EP sewer entrance in Cyrodiil, but only if EP control all their home keeps. If EP don't control their home keeps, then only the owner of Market could access the EP sewers. If EP owned Market, then the EP sewers would essentially be "safe" for EP players (barring any leftover enemies).I thought, if I remember correctly (reading, listening to AmA etc) that there is indeed a "safe zone" for each faction and that access to the dungeons (albeit 3 different sides of the map) was made available by owning those adjacent areas of Imperial City. In other words- Owning the Market district enabled access to the dungeons on that side.
@bertenburnyb16_ESO That's the requirement for crowning an Emperor. Crowning an Emperor and accessing Imperial City have different requirements.
That would indeed be interesting.... Say for example that owning the Market District enabled access to the EP sewer section for whoever controlled that district - that would open up PvP between the owner and EP, since that section is connected to the EP sewer entrance in Cyrodiil, but only if EP control all their home keeps. If EP don't control their home keeps, then only the owner of Market could access the EP sewers. If EP owned Market, then the EP sewers would essentially be "safe" for EP players (barring any leftover enemies).
Yeah, you may be right actually, I think I remember that being suggested a while back. I think that it was decided against though so more people could get into IC more frequently, and so that PvP was more of a constant thing in the city, rather than just "IC is ours now, let's wipe out the previous guys and have ourselves a PvE zone".bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »
I know it is for emp,
but it also used to be speculated to gain acces for IC, in this way, acces to IC would revolve the whole time, since alot of players from the faction who had acces would go in IC, and lose alot of players in Cyro, meaning the other alliances would have it easyer to get the 6 center keeps (since population between Cyro and IC is shared) and thus the second alliance gains acces, and start killing whats left of the previous alliance in IC, in the mean time the 3th alliance has the most chance of taking the 6 keeps since the other 2 alliances are still fighting it out in IC, and round it goes
your proposed acces of the home keeps means theres a very good chance nobody will take any keeps and everybody will just get into IC, except for some dedicated pvp players if they even get on a map (the Q's will be awfull I imagine) so that would make it very counter productive for having people pvp in cyro
Yeah, you may be right actually, I think I remember that being suggested a while back. I think that it was decided against though so more people could get into IC more frequently, and so that PvP was more of a constant thing in the city, rather than just "IC is ours now, let's wipe out the previous guys and have ourselves a PvE zone".
More players in IC => less players in Cyro => less lag?pmn100b16_ESO wrote: »I wonder how IC will help with the lag in Cyrodiil
More players in IC => less players in Cyro => less lag?
The cutting down of server/client transfers by reducing LoS checks should help too.