I understand the reasoning behind having the player cap be shared between Cyrodiil and IC, but it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out and affects alliance campaigns. I can easily see people rushing into IC once the entrance is open and staying in there even if their keeps are taken. So there won't be enough people in Cyrodiil to retake the keeps since the people still in IC aren't coming out.
Kharnamatic wrote: »Can we get a gentlemen's agreement going? Each campaign going forward is agreed to have one main faction only playing on it, so the entire community can enjoy Imperial City in peace.
Say Haderus: agreed to be held by AD
Azur'as Star: DC
People have been waiting for new content so long since Craglorn one whole year ago. We don't want to deny the community the chance to explore this new content just because of some PvPers, who can always PvP outside in Cyrodill like the mouth-breathers they are.
I know this is what they do in other MMOs. e.g. in WoW, PvP servers usually have 90% of the population one faction, and Ashran (their version of Cyrodill) is dominated by one faction only depending on server so that people can jump in, quickly gear up with unopposed victories and enjoy the rest of the game (the real pvp, arenas).
Contraptions wrote: »Nice summary.
And I just realised the Valkyn Skoria set is actually in the Xivkyn Motif, albeit recoloured.
Sneaky ZOS, once again sneaking in motifs that we cant craft yet onto NPCs or items. First it was Dwemer on Foreman Llothan, and now this.
Can't wait for IC to be out too!
[*] Akatosh: Grants increased Weapon Power on all Dual Wield attacks for the blessed and nearby group members
bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »
if you are killed in IC while your alliance doesnt have acces to the IC anymore, you cant respawn there and have to go back to Cyro, atleast thats how it used to be advertised
This was play tested and hated. The only way to get kicked from IC is to leave it. You will always respawn in the city or sewers upon death regardless of keep status.
@olemanwinter The number of keeps required for access has not been finalised yet. Remember that this is all datamined stuff from before the announcement this week. Since then, we have had this:olemanwinter wrote: »All this talk about PvE players not needing to bother with this DLC.
MORE LIKE....any DC players need not buy it.
6 Keeps required to access the IC huh?
DC players will have vastly less access to this PAID content than other factions.
That's absurd.
GW2 had this same type of centralized non-faction PvP area, but you were never actually closed off from it. It might be harder to get to...as in the entrance behind enemy lines...but you were never actually barred from accessing the content.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »
On PTS we will be testing access the following access rules and deciding if certain campaigns have different Access rules or be universal across all Campaigns:
- Everyone has Access
- Access granted by owning your native 6 keeps
- Access granted by owning your native 6 keeps + 1 enemy keep
- Access granted by owning the majority of keeps
For clarification, "Access" means the doors in Cyrodiil around Lake Rumare (non slaughterfish side) that let you into the Sewers/City will let you click on them to go into the Sewers/City or not. These entrances will also be highlighted on your Cyrodiil map.
olemanwinter wrote: »All this talk about PvE players not needing to bother with this DLC.
MORE LIKE....any DC players need not buy it.
6 Keeps required to access the IC huh?
DC players will have vastly less access to this PAID content than other factions.
That's absurd.
GW2 had this same type of centralized non-faction PvP area, but you were never actually closed off from it. It might be harder to get to...as in the entrance behind enemy lines...but you were never actually barred from accessing the content.
olemanwinter wrote: »All this talk about PvE players not needing to bother with this DLC.
MORE LIKE....any DC players need not buy it.
6 Keeps required to access the IC huh?
DC players will have vastly less access to this PAID content than other factions.
That's absurd.
GW2 had this same type of centralized non-faction PvP area, but you were never actually closed off from it. It might be harder to get to...as in the entrance behind enemy lines...but you were never actually barred from accessing the content.
Well that's a crafted set, you can put whatever trait you want on there. Also as part of 2.1 ALL dropped sets are dropping with RNG traits on them from now on.
Will this be paid DLC or a patch (don't laugh)?
Sandmanninja wrote: »
If you subscribe, you have access to it.
If you do NOT subscribe, you will need to buy it (with Crowns, which are purchased with real life currency).
This is a HUGE Expansion, People. It has to be paid for in some way, shape, or form.