Expanded Pledge of Mara: A Marriage Concept

In the world of Elder Scrolls denizens are able to betroth themselves to one another and profess their undying love with The Pledge of Mara. In the Elder Scrolls Online this union has been made available to players through the Pledge of Mara and players are treated to a 10% XP boost when they are grouped with their betrothed. This concept suggests that this bond could mean a bit more

Players should receive greater benefit from their pledges of Mara. This could include skills, both Active and Passive, Offspring, Item Sharing, and Anniversary Celebrations. By adding these, marriage would become a more meaningful part of ESO.

  • Marital Skills
  • What’s Yours is Mine
  • A House, Our Home
  • Children Together
  • A Yearly Celebration
  • Falling Out of Love

Marital Skills
ESO should provide a set of world skills that can be leveled up by each player and can only effect those who have performed the ceremony of Mara with them. These skills should take the same skill points that all skills require and each skill should keep the spirit of marriage in mind. The 10% XP bonus should be converted to one of the passive skills. Each of these skills should only impact those who are assigned to the rings of Mara the player currently has equipped and are grouped with. Using these skill outside of a group would have no impact on the player or anyone around them.

Active Skills
  • Inspirational Devotion: Buff your spouse’s ATTACK stats at the expense of your DEFENSE STATS for a period of time
  • Share the Burden: All damage is divided between spouses for a period of tme.
  • Loving Embrace: Heal your spouse, at the expense of your own health.
  • Exhaustive Protection: You and your spouse become invulnerable for a short period of time, major drain on Stamina.
  • Sacrifice of Self: Resurrect a fallen spouse, drains Health, Magicka and Stamina.

Passive Skills
  • Better Together: 10% experience buff that can be increased, topping out at 20%
  • Eternal Support: A small passive defense buff, increased with each level.
  • Vigorous Protection: A large Stamina buff if your spouse’s health is ever under a certain percentage. Percentage increases with each level topping out at 50%
  • Passionate Rage: a chance of going berserk upon the death of a spouse, with health, stamina, magicka all overflowing at a non-depleting 100% for a short period of time.

If a player is betrothed to multiple players and they are grouped with both players these skills could have an impact on all three players. If a player casts Loving Embrace, they should heal both of their spouses, but this should cost them more health. Even possibly to the point of killing themselves.

A player who is wearing a Ring of Mara of another player who is not should not be able to cast these Active Skills and have them effect their spouse. Both players should be wearing the ring for the skills to cast and hit properly.

What’s Yours is Mine
ZOS should institute a way for players to share their belongings with their spouses, this could be done in the form a new bank that is separate from player Banks and Marital Banks could be treated similarly to Guild Banks in that players could select the Marital Bank from the bank menu and then select the specific spouse to access that bank.

Players should not have to be wearing their Rings of Mara to access their bank.

This bank could start out small, like 10 or 15 spaces, and could be increased much in the same way the guild banks are increased in size. There is only ever 2 players who have access to this bank space. A player who is married to multiple players would simply have access to multiple banks.

This bank isolated from the player’s personal bank and both player should have complete access to the bank for both withdrawal and deposit. Either player who has access to the bank should be able to purchase Bank Upgrades.

Simple enough.

A House, Our Home
Once ZOS releases housing they should allow players who are married to access to their spouse’s homes. This access should be full access with item placement and removal open to the spouse. The exact mechanic of this access would be dependent on how ZOS handles the access in the housing release.

Personally, I think it would be a good idea if ZOS instituted different housing capacities. Small one-room homes would have a capacity of one, and could not be shared with a spouse. Larger multi-room homes could be required for players who wish to share a home with their spouses.

Another great possibility is for players to have their spouses available to them as NPC when their spouses aren’t online. I may flesh this idea out in a different thread but I think it would have to involve the spouse having logged out in your personal space so there isn’t the possibility of a player logging in and their “npc” version either being in a personal space or disappearing from that personal space.

I would be also in favor of a system where ZOS allows you to assign a specific spouse to a specific house allowing players to choose which homes their spouses have access to.

Children Together
One of my favorite concepts out of my Repository is the ESO Character Offspring: A Phylogenetics Concept. In that concept I suggest ZOS allow a player create an offspring character that combines the racial skills of two of the player’s level 50 characters. (check it out)

It would be a great addition to marriage in ESO if players were empowered to create offspring with any of their spouses. This of course would be contingent on both parents being level 50.

In my original concept, players would purchase Progeny character slots. When a player creates a character in one of these Progeny slots they would be taken to a menu where they can choose one of their male level 50 characters and one of their level 50 female characters. If the player is also betrothed to a level 50 character, that character would also be selectable in this menu.

Interesting thought… a player who is married to both a female character and a male character could, in theory, create an offspring of those two characters, making the offspring of two characters that do not belong to them. Father, Mother and Child could feasibly adventure together using this concept. That’s kind of cool.

Oh… Offspring characters shouldn’t be selectable for reproduction under any circumstance. This will avoid weird inbreeding and whatnot.

A Yearly Celebration
Every couple looks forward to their anniversary. It allows them to celebrate their commitment and commemorate their relationship. This should be no different with ESO marriage. On the anniversary of their Pledge, players could be treated to a myriad of benefits, but the one I think would be most fitting would be a 25% gold drop bonus from mobs. Perhaps even a huge RNG buff for that one day.

ZOS could establish anniversaries using our own calendar, but I would prefer if ZOS were to establish a Calendar in ESO and stretch the ESO day out to 10 hours. This would mean players would be able to observe their anniversary once every 5 months for a period of 10 hours.

Another Anniversary benefit could be the ability to trade Bound items to their Spouse. This could allow players to sort of give their spouses Anniversary gifts. Thanks to @elantaura for the inspiration for this concept.

Falling Out of Love
As people tend to do in the real world, those pledged to one another may wish to renounce their vows and walk away from their once loved. If ZOS expands the Marriage mechanic of ESO they really should allow players to dismiss their pledge and dissolve their relationship. This could be accomplished by visiting the Shrine of Mara.

When a player visits a Shrine of Mara they could be given the option to abandon their vows. When this option is chosen, players should be given a list of all those they have married. Once the player chooses the spouse they wish to leave that ring crumbles into a useless pile of rust dust. The spouse’s ring also crumbles to dust.

The player dissolving the marriage relinquishes their access to the marriage bank, the bank messages the spouse being left to inform them they have 30 days to empty the shared bank before their shared account is closed. Once the account is closed, the player who purchased a bank space upgrade for crowns is refunded that bank space upgrade via the in-game mail system with a bank space voucher that can be used to upgrade a different marital bank.

Both players immediately lose all access to personal spaces of their ex-spouse. Both players would also lose access to their ex-spouse’s NPC characters for their Homes.

Adding more complex mechanics to the Marriage system in ESO would go a long way into making the Pledge of Mara an extremely meaningful part of the ESO community. These mechanics would encourage players to purchase Pledges of Mara, bank space upgrades, homes, and extra character slots (if all of these mechanics were implemented).

So what do you think? Could marriage use expansion in ESO? Are there other skills you would like to see or other aspects of Marriage you would like to see included?

Edited by Gidorick on May 3, 2016 8:28PM
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  • Divinius
    As someone who just recently got married in real life, I'd much prefer to keep my gaming marriage simple. I don't need all those complexities in my video games too.

    The existing 10% xp bonus is sufficient for me. :)
  • Gidorick
    At least I'm not suggesting a wedding ceremony that'll set you back 30,000 Crowns @Divinius :wink:

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  • Divinius
    Gidorick wrote: »
    At least I'm not suggesting a wedding ceremony that'll set you back 30,000 Crowns @Divinius
  • MornaBaine
    I think it would be neat! One thing I'd add though... Shrines of Mara in various picturesque locales throughout the game. Yes, wedding venues. We have the dress! LOL And it would be cool if there were a mechanic whereby you could invite wedding guests, group with them, and when you actually activate the pledge all characters in the group receive an XP potion. At first I thought "get a buff" but then your whole wedding party would run off to adventure and you wouldn't have time to throw a decent reception! LOL So the potion solves that problem and guests take it home as a souvenir to be used later. :)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Gidorick
    Nevermind.... @MornaBaine wants a 30,000 Crown wedding. :lol:

    But seriously. I kind of love that idea Morna. It would have to be a special less-powerful XP potion. What about a moveable shrine of Mara that any player can use while it's active. This way players could be "priests of Mara" and they could run around and use the shrine for their friends who would like to get married.
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  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    So to summarize your idea, you want in combat advantages that can only be obtained by purchasing something in the crown store?
    I'm fine with shared bank space / housing, but your skill suggestions look a lot like pay to win.
  • Gidorick
    So to summarize your idea, you want in combat advantages that can only be obtained by purchasing something in the crown store?
    I'm fine with shared bank space / housing, but your skill suggestions look a lot like pay to win.

    To prevent this, the skills would simply need to not offer anything that is better than the currently available skills. I didn't go through the skills to see what's currently out there because what is important is the core concept.

    I do think, however, that most of the skills I suggested are pretty good since they usually have a trade off. It's not just "heal spouse" it's "heal spouse but hurt yourself". I don't see these as adding combat advantages but offering players different options while playing.

    That being said, You have a really valid point, @lolo_01b16_ESO . ZOS would have to work on making sure the skills aren't providing an un-fair advantage to players.

    And no, you didn't summarize my concept. You summarized 1 of the 6 suggestions in my idea. Read the rest. They're pretty mutually exclusive.
    Edited by Gidorick on December 15, 2015 3:13AM
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  • Sausage
    I think it would be fun when they add Housing. Wifes and Husbands could be epic loot and one could place them in House. My Dunmer needs some Bosmer Wife!
    Edited by Sausage on December 15, 2015 4:00AM
  • MornaBaine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Nevermind.... @MornaBaine wants a 30,000 Crown wedding. :lol:

    But seriously. I kind of love that idea Morna. It would have to be a special less-powerful XP potion. What about a moveable shrine of Mara that any player can use while it's active. This way players could be "priests of Mara" and they could run around and use the shrine for their friends who would like to get married.

    LOL Yes and I would be a total bridezilla and demand a new wedding dress be designed just for me!

    But I really like your idea of the moveable shrine! How would that work exactly?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Alucardo
    Divinius wrote: »
    As someone who just recently got married in real life, I'd much prefer to keep my gaming marriage simple. I don't need all those complexities in my video games too.

    The existing 10% xp bonus is sufficient for me. :)

    I think if everything was added as some kind of passive (except the base 10% xp bonus) you could keep it the way it is. People who want more from their ESO marriage could spend skill points to unlock the newer features.
  • Gidorick
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    But I really like your idea of the moveable shrine! How would that work exactly?

    It would work like a trophy item. The player would simply "use" the portable shrine and a little shrine would appear in front of them. Anyone could use it and It would stay there until that person picked it up, zoned out, or left the game.
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  • MornaBaine
    Gidorick wrote: »

    It would work like a trophy item. The player would simply "use" the portable shrine and a little shrine would appear in front of them. Anyone could use it and It would stay there until that person picked it up, zoned out, or left the game.

    Cool. What would the mechanic be for acquiring the shrine? Would it be something you keep forever? A one time use item?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Gidorick
    MornaBaine wrote: »

    Cool. What would the mechanic be for acquiring the shrine? Would it be something you keep forever? A one time use item?

    I was envisioning a crown store item that is non-consumable. Use it as many times as you want. They could add it as a one time use item you buy from the priest at a temple for gold.

    The crown store item would end up with situations where guilds have specific people with the shrine and those people are called upon to "officiate" ceremonies. I like the "meta" of that. :smile:
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  • notimetocare
    Attach skill lines to an item that can only be purchased with cash.... that sounds like a GREAT plan.
  • MornaBaine
    Gidorick wrote: »

    I was envisioning a crown store item that is non-consumable. Use it as many times as you want. They could add it as a one time use item you buy from the priest at a temple for gold.

    The crown store item would end up with situations where guilds have specific people with the shrine and those people are called upon to "officiate" ceremonies. I like the "meta" of that. :smile:

    Awesome. I like it too! But now you've gone and created a playable Priest/Priestess of Mara! So you know what happens NOW, right? You must come up with cool items, one each, for the SEVEN other Divines! And then... for the main Daedric Princes!

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Gidorick
    Attach skill lines to an item that can only be purchased with cash.... that sounds like a GREAT plan.

    So you think we will never get new skill lines that after only obtainable through the crown store @notimetocare ? Maybe released with a dlc like the dark brotherhood? How is this suggestion any different than that?
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  • Alucardo
    Attach skill lines to an item that can only be purchased with cash.... that sounds like a GREAT plan.

    You mean like Vampirism and Lycanthropy? Pretty sure they've already introduced skill lines to the crown store man.
  • Gidorick
    MornaBaine wrote: »

    Awesome. I like it too! But now you've gone and created a playable Priest/Priestess of Mara! So you know what happens NOW, right? You must come up with cool items, one each, for the SEVEN other Divines! And then... for the main Daedric Princes!


    Gah! By the Divines why do I do this to myself? Lol.

    Religious garb (like robes and such) would be pretty awesome though.
    Edited by Gidorick on December 15, 2015 2:39PM
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  • MornaBaine
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Gah! By the Divines why do I do this to myself? Lol.

    Religious garb (like robes and such) would be pretty awesome though.

    Totally looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Because I KNOW you will come up with SOMETHING! ;)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Sighlynce
    I love this :) ! My maraed and I have actually talked about this! We 100% want to be able to share housing.. You have put a lot of thought into this, I love the idea.
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax
  • Kaynehusky
    Hah, this is actually a really nifty idea! I mean, there's a long shot that it'll be a thing, but it would be kinda nifty to see a couple of these things. At the very least the sharing of a house together, and maybe sharing items.
  • Necrelios
    This is a good start, if not a tad bit biased. Might I propose a twist to liven things up:

    Sacrifice of Spouse: Sacrifice your spouse and/or children in the name of Sithis and the Night Mother, instantly regain all health, receive 20% health regeneration for 52 seconds, 20% Magicka regeneration for 52 seconds, add 20% weapon and spell critical, and become immune to all knockback and disabling effects for 20 seconds. Boost health points by 20% for 52 seconds for each family member sacrificed.
    Terms & Conditions ["We revoke permission to fictional legal constructs or private/public persons for selling of any private data, censorship, surveillance, personage or conversion as a trespass of law. We prohibit the practice of "procedural law" or corporate statues in place of divine law."]
  • MornaBaine
    Necrelios wrote: »
    This is a good start, if not a tad bit biased. Might I propose a twist to liven things up:

    Sacrifice of Spouse: Sacrifice your spouse and/or children in the name of Sithis and the Night Mother, instantly regain all health, receive 20% health regeneration for 52 seconds, 20% Magicka regeneration for 52 seconds, add 20% weapon and spell critical, and become immune to all knockback and disabling effects for 20 seconds. Boost health points by 20% for 52 seconds for each family member sacrificed.

    You sick monkey! LOL Of course I AM always complaining that you never have the opportunity to "go to the dark side" in this game....
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • elantaura
    Say what! multiple spouses ! Adding to the dark side
    As soon as I discover they are married to someone else I should be able to steal thier armour and teabag them with thier own umm teabag...To make it more of an expanded concept of course, I should definitely be able to do that. I do get it's not against their laws of tamriel. So all the more reason to be notified by mail should they marry another as well. I thought maybe their are monogamous couples as they can legally "gank" their spouse for such behaviour should they not agree with their life choice :wink:

    So more than one spouse and I get the Phoenix armour and to steal thier mounts for the day and throw them into enemy territory in the lag gist Zerg ball available for a few hours. That would expand the concept.
    ( also not sure how housing etc would work with multiple spouses if items released it would be a bound item exploit for sure)

    Add to that if said spouse leaves for another mmo and fails to return in 2 months - party still in eso, gets the house lol

    Seriously though something should be done to expand it. I might actually marry one of my friends to give bound items to them as well as to
    buy a house. Their are many times I have sacrificed myself for them And them for me. I feel it should have some reward it would be nice and I guess worthwhile to get something in return. After all I am giving them my surplus motifs psyjic etc anyway so for me these in particular would give me a reason to actually marry someone, as currently I still have the scroll in the bank from imperial edition and every time I'm asked (I've had some interesting pledges lol) I just tell people to just move 10% faster as they will kill 10% more.
    PS4 EU 1200+ cp - I enjoy RP, Housing, PVE and PVP

  • Gidorick
    LOL @Necrelios . While I disagree your "Sacrifice of Spouse" skill would fit into this concept, I like how you think.

    An entirely separate Sithis Skill line or mechanic where players are rewarded for killing their spouse, killing their team-mates, etc. would be quite awesome! There are many questions that arise like... how would this work with there not being open PVP? It would be quite awesome to be in the middle of a battle and then notice that one of your own is attacking you! The betrayal!!! :astonished:

    @MornaBaine is totally right. We DO need a way to "go dark" in this game and I hope that those that want to do so are given that exact opportunity in the next two DLCs.

    My initial thought is that this could be one active skill that, when toggled, would allow players to attack group members and be attacked by group members. This could easily be part of a Dark Brotherhood skill line.

    I like where your thoughts are going @elantaura with the bound items. One thing we have to be careful of with these sorts of things is preventing abuse. While I think the Crown cost of the Pledge of Mara is likely enough to prevent most people from marrying people just to sell them their bound items.

    I think the ability to give bound items to a spouse would be a great addition to the Anniversary mechanic. What better way to celebrate your relationship than to give to them what you are unable to give anyone else. This would also mean that players would have to hold onto items to give to their spouse and they would have to be married a while before they can take advantage of this mechanic. This would be another reason to have our calendar set at about 2.5 Nirn days for ever 1 Earth day. This anniversary would come about every 5 months or so.

    Great idea!
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  • notimetocare
    Gidorick wrote: »

    So you think we will never get new skill lines that after only obtainable through the crown store @notimetocare ? Maybe released with a dlc like the dark brotherhood? How is this suggestion any different than that?

    It is possible, but unlikely. However there would be a difference. Brotherhood would be DLC. In that case, it is far more likely that that a skill line associated with ONLY the DLC won't have any lvl of good combat use. Reason being? Balacing a game where everyone does not have access to a skill line is going to be difficult.
  • Gidorick

    It is possible, but unlikely. However there would be a difference. Brotherhood would be DLC. In that case, it is far more likely that that a skill line associated with ONLY the DLC won't have any lvl of good combat use. Reason being? Balacing a game where everyone does not have access to a skill line is going to be difficult.

    You might be right @notimetocare but man that sounds terrible... for a skill line to only be viable in one zone. Ugh... that sounds like quite a turnoff to me.
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  • notimetocare
    Gidorick wrote: »

    You might be right @notimetocare but man that sounds terrible... for a skill line to only be viable in one zone. Ugh... that sounds like quite a turnoff to me.

    The majority of legerdemain is non-combat bonuses. Not too much different. Adding in combat skills can shift alot with balancing in the way that this games character building is.

    However, if it is a combat based new skill line like fighters guild, it would be strange for it to only be accessed via the DLC. Especially with how sub works with DLC. Most logical thing would be everything for DB is in DLC with the exception of the skill line. All DLC has been accompanied by stuff for non-sub/DLC.
  • Gidorick
    We have yet to have skill lines introduced in this iteration of ESO so we really don't know how that will work. Perhaps dark brotherhood skills work exclusively to help complete dark brotherhood quests. Same for thieves guild.

    The buy to play transition seems to have muddied the waters a bit in regard to content release. I'm hopeful ZOS has it under control.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Caroloces
    Can't resist this . . .
    Can we have a stealth bonus for sneaking home after a night of philandering?
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