Here you can see a comparison of the new Redguard and Orc armors. The current one is on top, and the new one, avalaible for testing below.
Tell me what do you think? What do you prefer?

My opinion
First I don't really understand the need of reworking the armor, are they were really fine, diversified and pleasant before.
In addition the ONE thing that should have been changed had not been removed. speaking about the HIP decoration that looks very bad on all armor, because it feel detached from the rest of the armor, serve no purpose and remind us that the dress/armor is actually a silhouette for a computer game that follow the character movement and not a real dress/armor.
If you rework on armor,
please remove the HIP decoration.
While I slightly prefer the new Orc armors, I really do not like the new Redguard style.
The old Redguard style looked really fabulous! It felt mysterious, different, exotic, like the armor was made with a lot of layers of clothes, and large silk belt, and satin! It was one of my favourite style.
But now, its really not nice!

The new dressed look like nightdresses. There is no more different layers of clothes, it more banal, its looks boring.
The light and Medium armor was really better before!
do not change the Redguard dresses!