xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »I've found that the burst damage is way less then before when sniping people..However you can fire off a Lethal Arrow much easier now. However the counter i've seen so far is basically just spamming dodge... at least in keep fights, If you're riding along on your horse, they could be about anyweapon and kill you before ya can get back up if you're knocked off
you cant see them because they are hitting you from stealth, NOT because they are spamming cloak.
now, the 1.1 sec cast time is a bit much, I agree.
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »If you're riding along on your horse, they could be about any weapon and kill you before ya can get back up if you're knocked off
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »I've found that the burst damage is way less then before when sniping people..However you can fire off a Lethal Arrow much easier now. However the counter i've seen so far is basically just spamming dodge... at least in keep fights, If you're riding along on your horse, they could be about anyweapon and kill you before ya can get back up if you're knocked off
Thechemicals wrote: »
Actually they are. The routine is: initial attack is snipe then they quickly use shadow cloak and continue these attacks until they cant shadow cloak anymore. The counter is to have mage light on both loadouts and also have a way to close a 35 meter distance in less than 2 seconds.
Night Blades arent warriors or fighters. They are gankers or assassins. This idea is cool until you have 15 bow snipers hitting you all at once. I dont worry about it because im a reflecting DK but my friend that a girl just flat out dies. Snipe shouldnt be so cheap but im definately reaping the rewards by using Snipe myself followed by crit rush.
What does magelight do vs bows? Also Radiant Magelight has been broken since bets and they have never fixed.Thechemicals wrote: »
Actually they are. The routine is: initial attack is snipe then they quickly use shadow cloak and continue these attacks until they cant shadow cloak anymore. The counter is to have mage light on both loadouts and also have a way to close a 35 meter distance in less than 2 seconds.
Night Blades arent warriors or fighters. They are gankers or assassins. This idea is cool until you have 15 bow snipers hitting you all at once. I dont worry about it because im a reflecting DK but my friend that a girl just flat out dies. Snipe shouldnt be so cheap but im definately reaping the rewards by using Snipe myself followed by crit rush.
sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO wrote: »AND ARE YOU AWARE IT STILL HITS FOR OVER 1000S?
Destruction and restoration staff have been so good, now bow has a place, and you whine about it.
As a VR6 with 2.9k health and close to soft-cap armors, 4 out of 5 times my death last night was thanks to Snipe that seem to come out of nowhere. And poison arrow. Took only 3-5 secs for ONE person to deplete my health when I'm not blocking, if i'm too late to realize something's going wrong.
I used to die a lot thanks to Crystal Fragment, but now it's Bow user's turn.
But since I'm a DK, i guess it's not too huge of a problem for me. That being said, since I'm no sorc (cant get crystal frag), and Destro seems to be nerfed (my unstable wall is invisible...?), seems like I'll be leveling my Bow to replace the Destro.
That way I can be a pure Stamina build instead of splitting 50/50 like now...
PS: Is the new Dragon Scale Reflect also reflects arrows? It doesn't feel like it, but maybe it's just my timing sux last night.
Destruction and restoration staff have been so good, now bow has a place, and you whine about it.
To be fair, nothing magicka related can really compete with the bow's 1.1 second spammable healing debuff that hits harder than any single spell for anybody that's doing it right. Though, in part, due to light armor supremacy.