Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

FPS Bug still not Fixed: Edited After Patch 1.2.5

Even after patch 1.2.4 the FPS drop still remains (I play in Wabbajack, but my guest campaign still has FPS drops) It's gotten better but many people in the chat (myself included) are still experiencing sudden and lasting FPS drops in big zergs (FPS doesn't go back to normal until you relog, even if you're not near a battle). Not sure why Zenimax thought two healing spells were causing people to drop from 30 FPS to 5-8. Anyone else still having this issue?

EDIT: After today's patch 1.2.5 on 7/7 the FPS bug isn't completely fixed. Still getting 12 FPS or so in big battles and it continues to linger on until I log out, though it's not as bad anymore. The game can atleast be classified as playable now; it still isn't fixed but atleast Zenimax is trying. 3 patches later... @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
  • Rylana
    This is depressing news :(
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Kajoh_Americano
    Oh noes. This issue is killing pvp big time.
  • Caduryn
    Yeah, because Restro Staffs was never the problem, problem is that the GPU is going into idle Mode.

    If i got hit by 4fps in Cyrodiil, my GPU is at 38°C, normal is 70°C wile playing ESO
    Edited by Caduryn on June 30, 2014 5:30PM
  • Animus
    They should just rollback on that 'lightning' patch. As this improved 'lightning' is most likely to be root of all those problems. No one cares if the rocks glow/shine.
  • SilverWF
    Noone needs in this pointless realistic interior lights!
    Especially with nontransparent windows! It's just looks stupid!
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
  • Juraigr
    Zenimax are failing this is not.good
    EU Worst DK , Best DK Singapore and NA also known as 'Special Snowflake'

    Jurra - V14 Dragonknight Rank 38 August Palatine
    Jurra Hex - V14 Sorcerer Rank 25 Colonel [SEMI-RETIRED until Zos fix this BS sorc nonsense]

    LA DK Still OP :P

    One of the Three Light Armor DK's



    Grinding my way to August Palatine finally made it, still holding a torch for eso so now imma filthy casual
  • Saet
    I think the lighting looks really nice. I seriously doubt the lighting is whats causing the issue but if it were I'd definitely say toss it out though.
    Saet - stam nb
    Hordak - magicka nb
    Demigorgon - stam sorc
  • Rylana
    1 FPS reporting in
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Its clearly their bugged out lighting system. If you turn it off, you dont get the lag
  • supernico
    15€/month premium service ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Supernico - VR14 DragonKnight - Daggerfall Covenant - Former Emperor

    My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Oh, no. I was so looking forward to tomorrow`s EU patch, now this is shattering my hope. I don`t care about fancy graphics, I do care however about being able to PvP! ZOS, make the right choice, I believe in you!
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • Rylana
    Nope, I have lighting shut off and it still affects me.

    its a memory leak into the gfx card. once your video ram is filled it never empties/refreshes and your CPU takes over processing/rendering. Eventually the load becomes so heavy that even your CPU cant keep up along with processing other game data.

    its a "forced bottleneck" caused by the game not clearing the video ram periodically (which explains why map changes alleviate the FPS problem, as do client restarts). Basically your video card is locked into processing effects that have long since left the play environment. Imagine writing on a blackboard and never erasing it, even as you start writing other things. Eventually you run out of black space.

    The problem starts to surface gradually (or in cases of intense fighting can actually appear much quicker). Once it starts, it never stops until that RAM is cleared via a transition or client restart.

    Fix it, ZOS. Stop playing around. Add a line of code that orders the video ram to refresh every 20 seconds when under >50% VRAM useage conditions. Forced reprocess in this situation should be no different than jumping on a horse and running over a server boundary in other games. The client would be fine calling objects back into memory, since it already does that just fine, it just never releases them.
    Edited by Rylana on June 30, 2014 6:23PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • CrushiiX
    have 100fps in cyrodil when not in a battle. in battle i go down to 18fps.... i7-490 CPU 780ti GPU.....really annoying.
  • Armitas
    I still wonder if it isn't a skill that is doing it. I can fight against two different but equal sized raids and get opposite results. One raid it gives me the lag, the other raid does not. But in all cases it only starts when an enemy raid is present.

    (comments based on prepatch)
    Edited by Armitas on June 30, 2014 6:27PM
    Nord mDK
  • GossiTheDog
    Confirmed. Single digit fps when near a zerg still happening since patch 1.2.3. Porting back to another area maintains the fps loss. CPU usage is stupid high during these times.

    Do Zenimax have a QA department? Did they not test it?
  • SoulScream
    I can also confirm. There is NO change after this supposed fix patch. I still get super slow FPS and have to relog.
  • c0rp
    Its too bad that Brian Wheelers pvp vision is ruined by terribad coders and poor servers. The PVP in this game is really fun when it works...which I haven't seen since a beta weekend.
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    c0rp wrote: »
    Its too bad that Brian Wheelers pvp vision is ruined by terribad coders and poor servers. The PVP in this game is really fun when it works...which I haven't seen since a beta weekend.

    Im begining to think Brian wasnt the genius behind Daoc it was the other guy.
  • ItsRejectz
    No change at all for me, still drops to 4 fps and will not increase until I re log.
    Think what annoys me most his how zenimax put in the patch notes that fps issues in PvP is fixed! Do they not actually do any internal testing prior to stating a patch adresses an issue in which it does not
    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • galiumb16_ESO
    I think it might be marginally better, but still unplayable as soon as I get around a fight of more than a few folks. I have the lowest of settings with everything turned off, but as soon as I get into a fight I get to a slide show FPS rate and it wont go away until I shut down the game

    Yay for waiting a week for a patch that didn't fix it and knowing ZOS no new fix until next week.
  • Dyrvik
    Soul Shriven
    I saw a dramatic improvement in frame rate in RvR when I switched from fullscreen to windowed (fullscreen). The correlation could be coincidence, but perhaps worth a shot.
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    Confirmed. Single digit fps when near a zerg still happening since patch 1.2.3. Porting back to another area maintains the fps loss. CPU usage is stupid high during these times.

    Do Zenimax have a QA department? Did they not test it?

    No they don't and no they didn't.

    Edited by ferzalrwb17_ESO on June 30, 2014 8:28PM
  • incandescent
    Well they just closed one of the other threads with this:
    The latest patch has addressed skill-related FPS issues in Cyrodiil. Please have a read here for detailed patch notes.
    So they seem to think they've fixed the FPS issue (on the NA servers anyway).
  • Tintinabula
    Now not only is FPs still as bad but NPCs are no longer appearing..resource flags not appearing..enemies not appearing in fights..I got hit with soul assault and didn't even see that I was getting hit with it. Game play is atrocious.

    Time to dig up the old build that worked.
    Edited by Tintinabula on June 30, 2014 8:46PM
  • SwampRaider
    No one tags ZOS employees they..

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_BrianWheeler‌
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Tintinabula
    now I die and don't see enemies appear until my death recap shows up. Who on their team is testing these patches?
  • LrdRahvin
    now I die and don't see enemies appear until my death recap shows up. Who on their team is testing these patches?

    Here's your answer...

    Edited by LrdRahvin on June 30, 2014 10:02PM
  • htoncic
    I predict this will be one of those bugs that Zenimax 'fixes' several times, while it remains unfixed. The affected players will subsequently leave the game and the problem will have 'fixed' itself.
  • LrdRahvin
    htoncic wrote: »
    I predict this will be one of those bugs that Zenimax 'fixes' several times, while it remains unfixed. The affected players will subsequently leave the game and the problem will have 'fixed' itself.

  • SoulScream
    It's like they are trying to make people leave! I can't pay to have to relog so much.
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