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Provisioner Hireling - Useless?

  • Pyatra
    DiceKnight wrote: »
    Very disappointed in mine. Brings me nothing but trash for 3 skill points. Want to respec out of him, buuuut it's going to take a chunk out of the horse fund.

    I made this regarding my experience with him:


    @DiceKnight Do you have a webcomic?
  • Jopoder

    Nice :)
    They should buff hireling to make player able to craft food from what it brings atleast
  • Vantor
    Agreed. Blue and Purple recipes should definitely get into the Hireling mix.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Jeremy
    I'm not crazy about my provisioning hireling either. One of those skill points I regret.

    Adding blue and purple recipes to the mix is a great idea.
  • LonePirate
    I also support the drive for the Provisioning Hireling to send blue and purple quality recipes. Be sure to use the /feedback option in the game to request this as I don't think the devs, designers and content managers pay much attention to these official forums.

    That being said my three pointed Hireling does nothing but rotate beverage materials all week with the two a day emails except for a single email which might contain food items like oats or tomatoes. I don't know of anyone who uses the beverage recipes except to level up Provisioning to

    From my experiences, the Provisioning Hireling is by the worst of all the Crafting Hirelings as far as materials sent are concerned. Even the textual content of the emails is uninteresting. He's no Pacrooti - not by a long shot.
  • Lupinemw
    I don't think they should give recipes..If they did why wouldn't the Blacksmith/Clothier/Wood worker bring the Racial books..
    EU Casual Mature Daggerfall Covenant Guild

    Would you like to know more?! Check us out below
  • Censorious
    The whole hireling idea is a mess, they should just drop it and refund all the points wasted.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • LonePirate
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    I don't think they should give recipes..If they did why wouldn't the Blacksmith/Clothier/Wood worker bring the Racial books..

    It sounds like you are making the case for the other hirelings to deliver a Racial Motif book. I think they should deliver a motif book once a week. Given how there are considerably more recipes than motif books, recipes should be delivered every 3 or 4 days. All hirelings would be much more valuable then.
  • Lupinemw
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    I don't think they should give recipes..If they did why wouldn't the Blacksmith/Clothier/Wood worker bring the Racial books..

    It sounds like you are making the case for the other hirelings to deliver a Racial Motif book. I think they should deliver a motif book once a week. Given how there are considerably more recipes than motif books, recipes should be delivered every 3 or 4 days. All hirelings would be much more valuable then.

    Nope what I'm pointing out is if you say x gives an item that you normally have to hunt about for or buy then why shouldn't another. its about picking the middle of an idea and seeing that you can't over balance one.

    If they did it I can say within minutes of someone posting it you'd have non provisioners posting they should get x as well.
    EU Casual Mature Daggerfall Covenant Guild

    Would you like to know more?! Check us out below
  • Jeremy
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    I don't think they should give recipes..If they did why wouldn't the Blacksmith/Clothier/Wood worker bring the Racial books..

    It sounds like you are making the case for the other hirelings to deliver a Racial Motif book. I think they should deliver a motif book once a week. Given how there are considerably more recipes than motif books, recipes should be delivered every 3 or 4 days. All hirelings would be much more valuable then.

    Nope what I'm pointing out is if you say x gives an item that you normally have to hunt about for or buy then why shouldn't another. its about picking the middle of an idea and seeing that you can't over balance one.

    If they did it I can say within minutes of someone posting it you'd have non provisioners posting they should get x as well.

    The problem with the provisioning hireling is they usually give you materials you don't need.

    That's not the case with other hirelings such as blacksmithing or woodworking, since the materials are more universal and used more broadly. So I think that justifies giving this particular hireling the added benefit of being able to find recipes.
  • Lupinemw
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Lupinemw wrote: »

    The problem with the provisioning hireling is they usually give you materials you don't need.

    That's not the case with other hirelings such as blacksmithing or woodworking, since the materials are more universal and used more broadly. So I think that justifies giving this particular hireling the added benefit of being able to find recipes.

    Depends I often get Racial stones for Races I don't know so I could say the same, with Enchanting I'm forever getting ones I have plenty of. the thing about prov over others is it has a larger pool of resources.

    Its the thing about random, its Random.
    EU Casual Mature Daggerfall Covenant Guild

    Would you like to know more?! Check us out below
  • Sendarya
    Mine also has a grape and hops fettish. I wish I could tell him to stp bringin me drink ingredients entirely.

    Then again, every time I get oats or pepper (even though I CAN find pepper int eh world, getting 4 in the mail is nice), it's like he's handing me thousands of gold. Those lvl 50 and V5 purple foods sell very well, and people will pay a lot for them.

    So for me, no not totally useless. I got 3 oats today. That is like....6k in food sales. And I'll get another delivery tonight (probably more grapes, but meh, whatever). It is worth is for just the oats and peppers I get now and then.

    I DO wish they had a small chance of bringing purple recipes. Maybe once a month even, I'd love that.
    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • Kosar
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)
  • Catches_the_Sun
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)

    Evidently you missed the post from April 25th where Zenimax confirmed that hirelings 2 & 3 are the only way to get oats & tomatoes. At the time I made this thread, that information was not known. I think it's generally accepted now that Provisioner hirelings are not only "not useless", but are necessary and work well.

    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Jeremy
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    I never said they only give you stuff you use.

    Yes, there is a randomness involved. But the other hirelings have a good chance to give improvement items which you can use. The provisioning hirelings usually do not.

    For example: I have yet to get a single item I could use from my provisioning hireling. While my woodworking/blacksmithing/enchanting hirelings have all given me plenty of items I have made use of. Such as honing stones, dwarf oil, pitch, turpen, alloy, green/blue/purple runes etc.

    So in that context, I think it's reasonable for provisioning hirelings to have a chance to give you a recipe. It would put it on a more even footing with the other hirelings who have more universal materials. Otherwise I will be removing my skill points from it next time I visit the shrine in Mournhold.

    And why you would consider this a form of gimme-gimme welfare gaming I don't get. It would be no more a handout than getting a rare material from the other hirelings.

    Edited by Jeremy on June 2, 2014 12:34PM
  • Jeremy
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)

    Evidently you missed the post from April 25th where Zenimax confirmed that hirelings 2 & 3 are the only way to get oats & tomatoes. At the time I made this thread, that information was not known. I think it's generally accepted now that Provisioner hirelings are not only "not useless", but are necessary and work well.

    They have been useless to me so far though. None of the recipes I use require oats and tomatoes. So I really do think they need to be buffed some. And adding a chance to give a rare recipe would be a great way to do it. At least in my opinion. It would sway me to keep points into it.

    So even with such information confirmed: I still think your thread is valid and makes a good point.
    Edited by Jeremy on June 2, 2014 12:33PM
  • hauke
    i personnally like the idea of hirelings finding recipies in their travels and passing them on especially as food reciepies appear in their stories.##

    i think that green reciepies should be common parts of their stuff, blues should be rare and purples very rare, like you get 1 purple recipie every 1-3 month. but you get them.
    and green recipies from lvl 1 hirelings, blues from level 2 hirelings and the purple recipies only from level 3 hirelings.

    that would realy make level 3 hirelings usefull
  • hauke
    to the comment about throwing out bones and corondum, thats racial motive material and added ability to crafted weapons and armor

    join a guild and put it in guild bank for crafters

    get a bank alt and bunker it for the time you need it to craft

    sell it or give it away in open chat.

    these things are valuable cause they enable players

    i personaly got bank alts and guild banks +

    i use them to craft to upgrade my crafting abilities. i use materials i don t need + racial motifs i don t need to craft armor + weapons i don t need to upgrade my crafting abilities.

    then i sell the armor and weapons i crafted to vendors to get gold

    or i transfer them to my alternate characters so they can improve their crafting skills deconstructing them

    just an exempel how to use crafting materials better then throwing them away

    in my humble opinion
  • Jeremy
    I put them into the guild bank myself. So I agree with your sentiment.
  • nudel
    Jeremy wrote: »
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)

    Evidently you missed the post from April 25th where Zenimax confirmed that hirelings 2 & 3 are the only way to get oats & tomatoes. At the time I made this thread, that information was not known. I think it's generally accepted now that Provisioner hirelings are not only "not useless", but are necessary and work well.

    They have been useless to me so far though. None of the recipes I use require oats and tomatoes. So I really do think they need to be buffed some. And adding a chance to give a rare recipe would be a great way to do it. At least in my opinion. It would sway me to keep points into it.

    So even with such information confirmed: I still think your thread is valid and makes a good point.

    You're missing the point. Just because you can't use those oats and tomatoes yet, does not mean they are worthless. You could easily sell them to another player for a tidy profit. A novice enchanter can't use Kuta, but does that mean an enchanter hireling that brings a Kuta is a complete waste? "Give me Ta instead enchanting hireling. Why do you waste my time with such things?"

    Even if you didn't want to sell them, you could easily save them until you find said recipe.

    Recipes are rare for a reason and shouldn't just come in the mail for free.
  • Catches_the_Sun
    nudel wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)

    Evidently you missed the post from April 25th where Zenimax confirmed that hirelings 2 & 3 are the only way to get oats & tomatoes. At the time I made this thread, that information was not known. I think it's generally accepted now that Provisioner hirelings are not only "not useless", but are necessary and work well.

    They have been useless to me so far though. None of the recipes I use require oats and tomatoes. So I really do think they need to be buffed some. And adding a chance to give a rare recipe would be a great way to do it. At least in my opinion. It would sway me to keep points into it.

    So even with such information confirmed: I still think your thread is valid and makes a good point.

    You're missing the point. Just because you can't use those oats and tomatoes yet, does not mean they are worthless. You could easily sell them to another player for a tidy profit. A novice enchanter can't use Kuta, but does that mean an enchanter hireling that brings a Kuta is a complete waste? "Give me Ta instead enchanting hireling. Why do you waste my time with such things?"

    Even if you didn't want to sell them, you could easily save them until you find said recipe.

    Recipes are rare for a reason and shouldn't just come in the mail for free.

    You had me until that last sentence. Do you have any idea just how rare VR5 purple recipes are? I posted a few days ago that people were openly offering 300k gold for them...without finding sellers. That was just a few days ago & since then it has continued to escalate. Yesterday a buyer was offering 1 million gold + 100k finder's fee to the player that found him a seller. This is not "daedra motif" rare, as those are common as rain. This is not even V12 epic set gear rare. These are the rarest items in the game right now. Can you think of another item that people are offering 1 million gold for?

    Now I do agree that Consummate Honey Brittle shouldn't arrive in the mail for free, but a recipe of some's not out of the question.

    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Sendarya
    nudel wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)

    Evidently you missed the post from April 25th where Zenimax confirmed that hirelings 2 & 3 are the only way to get oats & tomatoes. At the time I made this thread, that information was not known. I think it's generally accepted now that Provisioner hirelings are not only "not useless", but are necessary and work well.

    They have been useless to me so far though. None of the recipes I use require oats and tomatoes. So I really do think they need to be buffed some. And adding a chance to give a rare recipe would be a great way to do it. At least in my opinion. It would sway me to keep points into it.

    So even with such information confirmed: I still think your thread is valid and makes a good point.

    You're missing the point. Just because you can't use those oats and tomatoes yet, does not mean they are worthless. You could easily sell them to another player for a tidy profit. A novice enchanter can't use Kuta, but does that mean an enchanter hireling that brings a Kuta is a complete waste? "Give me Ta instead enchanting hireling. Why do you waste my time with such things?"

    Even if you didn't want to sell them, you could easily save them until you find said recipe.

    Recipes are rare for a reason and shouldn't just come in the mail for free.

    You had me until that last sentence. Do you have any idea just how rare VR5 purple recipes are? I posted a few days ago that people were openly offering 300k gold for them...without finding sellers. That was just a few days ago & since then it has continued to escalate. Yesterday a buyer was offering 1 million gold + 100k finder's fee to the player that found him a seller. This is not "daedra motif" rare, as those are common as rain. This is not even V12 epic set gear rare. These are the rarest items in the game right now. Can you think of another item that people are offering 1 million gold for?

    Now I do agree that Consummate Honey Brittle shouldn't arrive in the mail for free, but a recipe of some's not out of the question.
    It seems pretty obvious that something is out of whack when a provisioning recipe is worth more than an ENTIRE SET of V12 epic gear, lol. So yeah, 100% agree with you. Shouldn't be free, but shouldn't be insane either. I'm old school, I can wait for things and work for things in games, months if need be. I don't need it now. But I do need a SHOT at getting it someday, more than a snowballs chance in hell.

    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • Jeremy
    nudel wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    um, i absolutely disagree with "other hirelings only give stuff you use" theory here for one simple reason: i throw out dozens and dozens and dozens of flint, corrundrum, nickle, bone, etc etc etc week after week after week...
    you wanna talk about useless, that's as useless as anything. yes *some* of the presents are wonderful, but its not all bread and roses.

    no these shouldn't give recipes. absolutely not. that's welfare gaming. a sound MMO should NOT be based on handouts and caving to the gimme-gimme demands.

    should these hirelings give you 5 or 10 of whatever they bring? absolutely. i get multiple damn bosmer bones from blacksmith, i should get multiple tomatoes.

    theory time:
    this is absolutely semi-speculative honestly ...what i think broke with these was when provisioning got a major overhaul early in beta. from what many people have discussed in regards to fishing (more so than I've seen talked about by provisioners, this convo happens with fishermen), at some point fishing was a major component and the recipes were vastly different to accommodate. (not something i saw, just something my fishing friends talk about a LOT.) when fishing was turned away from provisioning and made into simple achievements, i would assume something with that vast array of viable components for various rarities of ingredients/recipes would have changed wildly.
    i would further assume that since fishing is mostly boring for most people, that the hireling probably went fishing for you and was supposed to bring rare fish back for rare recipes.

    anyway, the point...yeah its "broken" in that it is not efficient or as helpful as some hirelings, but it should NOT be overcorrected (like the repeated ups and downs of motifs...)

    Evidently you missed the post from April 25th where Zenimax confirmed that hirelings 2 & 3 are the only way to get oats & tomatoes. At the time I made this thread, that information was not known. I think it's generally accepted now that Provisioner hirelings are not only "not useless", but are necessary and work well.

    They have been useless to me so far though. None of the recipes I use require oats and tomatoes. So I really do think they need to be buffed some. And adding a chance to give a rare recipe would be a great way to do it. At least in my opinion. It would sway me to keep points into it.

    So even with such information confirmed: I still think your thread is valid and makes a good point.

    You're missing the point. Just because you can't use those oats and tomatoes yet, does not mean they are worthless. You could easily sell them to another player for a tidy profit. A novice enchanter can't use Kuta, but does that mean an enchanter hireling that brings a Kuta is a complete waste? "Give me Ta instead enchanting hireling. Why do you waste my time with such things?"

    Even if you didn't want to sell them, you could easily save them until you find said recipe.

    Recipes are rare for a reason and shouldn't just come in the mail for free.

    I said the hireling has been useless to me so far.

    I haven't gotten any tomatoes or oats. All I can remember I have gotten is hops, salt, and something else... I forget exactly. Maybe some type of grapes. And always just 1 of each.

    Now my hireling may get better later. But up to now I have to admit I have found him useless and a waste of a skill point. Where as my other hirelings have been useful and given me things I have actually used.

    I believe recipes - especially the purple variety - are too rare on this game. If players are never able to find them then why even put them in the game to begin with?

    So I believe there needs to be other ways to get them. And giving the hireling a chance to supply one seems to be a reasonable way to achieve this. It would also correct an imbalance between the hirelings and make the provisioning one more worthwhile.
    Edited by Jeremy on June 4, 2014 2:35PM
  • Sendarya
    @Jeremy One skill point IS useless, you need 2 or 3 in order to get hops, tomatoes, pepper, etc. At one, you'll just get one or two crummy items a day, no rares.
    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    I don't think they should give recipes..If they did why wouldn't the Blacksmith/Clothier/Wood worker bring the Racial books..

    Great idea, can't stand the Provisioner Hireling although like his "Will work for Food" sign. Love to see him bring back a recipe and for the Blacksmith Hireling to happen on to one of the more exotic Racial Books in his search.

    The other hirelings get a bonus, provisioner one, food stamps.

  • Gisgo
    Just because you dont use tomatoes/salt/whatever you got from your hireling it doesnt make it useless, exchange it!

    I regularly trade salt and tomatoes for onions and corn flower and it works perfectly, i have plenty of what i need thanks to the hireling (no matter how dumb he is).
    Edited by Gisgo on June 15, 2014 2:29PM
  • JessieColt
    I did a respec and dropped all hirelings for all of my crafts. Nothing that they are providing cannot be gotten in world, with the exception of Oats and Tomatoes, and I do not have/use any recipes that currently require those items. After getting deliveries of nothing but hops or snowberrys, I have decided that the Provision Hireling is completely worthless to me since I do not craft beverages.

    If at some point in the future I loot/get a V5+ purple that requires oats or tomatoes then I will consider putting points back into the Provisioning Hireling again.

    If the Hireling would sometimes find green recipes from other Alliance Factions at 2/3 or 3/3 I would probably keep the Hireling.

    It is annoying looting things like Goat Bits and not have a recipe that uses them.

    Provisioning in general needs a lot of love from ZeniMax to fix a lot of the issues.

    Looting in VR zones is giving mats for the Zone faction, but recipes for your main faction. Which means that the mats you are getting are nearly worthless unless you have a cross faction alt that can use the materials, or are in a cross faction guild.

    The only thing I can currently use from VR zones is salt. Which means I am trashing a ton of materials that I loot that I cannot use and are just taking up bag/inventory space.
    Edited by JessieColt on June 16, 2014 12:49PM
  • mfischer303b14_ESO
    I just love hope people say they can make a quick round around town and find pepper and oats. I SURE want there luck, I have 5 alts with provisioning level 50 all with +3 level hirelings, atm i have 19pepper and only now try to make Consumate Fishy sticks for your guild and see how fast it goes, and go ahead and try to buy a Vet5 purple, seen them going for over 255k. Luckyly I got many of my purple recipes before the nerfs, Food and Drinks are a important part of game and try to be a chef for the guild when you cant find the items. People whined and cried about hirelings and seems the QQ people get what they want, play the game for a month and quit.
  • JessieColt
    Oats are Hireling only. You will never loot them in the world.

    I have 23 pepper sitting in my bank. I do not use a recipe that calls for them, so they are banked for the future.
    Edited by JessieColt on June 16, 2014 12:55PM
  • mfischer303b14_ESO
    yep, and for some reason getting mudcrab meat has become very hard to get now also in the world. cant remember but tomato also might be hireling only
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