So, you forgot to type up the rest of the NB changes...right?

  • rhoekieb16_ESO
    What`s a Nightblade?
  • Aoifesan
    ConciseRex wrote: »

    A better example of how a NB can be effective. Although this does strengthen the point that it becomes more difficult the more you move away from light amrour/Magika and enemys immune to CC make my life hell.

    I'm in 5 Med and 2 Heavy and having no trouble whatsoever to VR6.
  • Marovec
    apterous wrote: »
    Marovec wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    Creslian7 wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    Yes, how dare people want to play with something other than a destro staff and light armor. Everyone knows that is the ONLY way to play a nightblade effectively. You medium dw types should just reroll or quit, there is no place for THAT type of gameplay here. /sarcasm off

    i play with light/bow.

    By all means, continue giving short snarky responses.

    Or, you could be helpful and provide what exactly you are doing (along with the dps numbers on vet bosses) to show us what we could change.

    here is me doing veteran boss:
    here is me doing pvp:

    this was while ago and i've changed few things in my second bar.

    I am a bit tardy with the response, but here we go...

    I didn't look at the pvp video since my comments are regarding PvE. However, in the "veteran boss" video, you are fighting a quest mob (I know as I have done that quest). When I say veteran boss, I am referring to veteran bosses in know, ACTUAL bosses - and I am looking for dps numbers, not you beating on a quest mob for 2 minutes.

    Your video actually proves my point. I am not saying you can't play with a NB (Mine is at VR3 and is progressing through the content easily). I am saying they are completely subpar to other classes at the moment - as you show by taking that long to kill that guy.

    You are missing the point of this thread entirely. Stop claiming that just because you can complete the content is in any way indicative of the class not being broken.
  • jelliedsoup
    NBs are fine in PvE, still underpowered in comparison to most other Classes builds.

    In PvP, after 1.1.2 they are better, still not completely fixed.

    You are wrong, just flat out wrong.

    If they were fine in PvE, ZOS wouldn't be making the changes to the class.

    Having a major overhaul of a dozen skills, fixing ones that are flat out not working, and buffing the damage to scale better with level absolutely does NOT mean they are "fine."

    And being underpowered also means they are not "fine."

    Not sure what you are smoking.

    Your post was a non-post. You say they are fine and then say they are underpowered in comparison to every other class in the game.

    Saying they are fine is counterproductive to Nightblade players getting the much needed repairs they require. Stop saying things like that when it's completely false.

    Lol blow it up.
  • apterous
    Marovec wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    Marovec wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    Creslian7 wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    Yes, how dare people want to play with something other than a destro staff and light armor. Everyone knows that is the ONLY way to play a nightblade effectively. You medium dw types should just reroll or quit, there is no place for THAT type of gameplay here. /sarcasm off

    i play with light/bow.

    By all means, continue giving short snarky responses.

    Or, you could be helpful and provide what exactly you are doing (along with the dps numbers on vet bosses) to show us what we could change.

    here is me doing veteran boss:
    here is me doing pvp:

    this was while ago and i've changed few things in my second bar.

    I am a bit tardy with the response, but here we go...

    I didn't look at the pvp video since my comments are regarding PvE. However, in the "veteran boss" video, you are fighting a quest mob (I know as I have done that quest). When I say veteran boss, I am referring to veteran bosses in know, ACTUAL bosses - and I am looking for dps numbers, not you beating on a quest mob for 2 minutes.

    Your video actually proves my point. I am not saying you can't play with a NB (Mine is at VR3 and is progressing through the content easily). I am saying they are completely subpar to other classes at the moment - as you show by taking that long to kill that guy.

    You are missing the point of this thread entirely. Stop claiming that just because you can complete the content is in any way indicative of the class not being broken.

    ok, nightblade is only class i've played and i can kill everything in pvp so i don't just see the the thing.
  • Pancake-Tragedy
    apterous wrote: »

    ok, nightblade is only class i've played and i can kill everything in pvp so i don't just see the the thing.

    You keep saying stuff like this but haven't posted a single useful thing, or even proof, that you do well on a nightblade. No, the video that you posted earlier doesn't count, you just kept killing the same lowbies while they were engaged with an NPC. Let's see some high level fights and some group fighting of you "killing everything" in pvp.
    Edited by Pancake-Tragedy on May 28, 2014 4:32PM
    Pancake Tragedy - Sorcerer
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