So, you forgot to type up the rest of the NB changes...right?

Sooo....where are the rest of the promised fixes to broken passives, abilities not critting properly, damage not scaling with level, stealth mechanic exploit fixes, DoTs not ticking on bosses that can resists the CC, etc...

I thought this was supposed to be the patch that fixed what is arguably the most broken class (not in regards to balance, simply in broken abilities). Instead you fixed 3 abilities, fixed one passive, and nerfed one ultimate.

I get that this is better than nothing, but where are the rest of the promised fixes for the abundance of other issues?
  • corbyone
  • vicNBitis
    That's 1.2. Not 1.1.2. Try to keep up please. You're an NB not a DK.
  • Marovec
    vicNBitis wrote: »
    That's 1.2. Not 1.1.2. Try to keep up please. You're an NB not a DK.

    Ah, must have missed that. ;)
  • Jeggred
    Soul Shriven
    How hard can it be to fix leeching strikes? It works already, only the amount is wrong (2.5% instead of 4% health). That should only be one number to change?
  • liquid_wolf
    Their notes and updates refer to "Nightblade fixes" coming in a PATCH after 1.1.

    1.1.2 is a major update with patches.

    1.1.3 would be considered a patch.

    I don't remember them specifically saying 1.2 would be when nightblade fixes would come...

    If that is the case, then you are looking another 4-6 weeks out.

    If they said "a patch" after 1.1, then you could expect to see it in 1.1.3 or 1.1.4.

    In which case you are looking another week or two... which is much better than 1.2.

    1.2 = 4-6 weeks out.
    1.1.3 = 1/2 weeks out.

    So I hope they said "another patch after 1.1" instead of "Another major update".
  • dardywood69connectb16_ESO
  • Marovec
    Jeggred wrote: »
    How hard can it be to fix leeching strikes? It works already, only the amount is wrong (2.5% instead of 4% health). That should only be one number to change?

    This. And also they specifically mentioned Path of Darkness needing the same fix as Summon Shadow for damage not scaling properly...

    Did they just leave that one off?
  • Marovec
    Their notes and updates refer to "Nightblade fixes" coming in a PATCH after 1.1.

    1.1.2 is a major update with patches.

    1.1.3 would be considered a patch.

    I don't remember them specifically saying 1.2 would be when nightblade fixes would come...

    If that is the case, then you are looking another 4-6 weeks out.

    If they said "a patch" after 1.1, then you could expect to see it in 1.1.3 or 1.1.4.

    In which case you are looking another week or two... which is much better than 1.2.

    1.2 = 4-6 weeks out.
    1.1.3 = 1/2 weeks out.

    So I hope they said "another patch after 1.1" instead of "Another major update".

    Well, I guess one could argue the semantics of it, but we all know that pretty much everyone was under the impression that they were happening with Craglorn - that is what Zenimax implied anyway...
  • corbyone
    I was under the impression that non-working abilities (ie impale crit, leeching strikes healing, haste w/ bows) would be fixed with Craglorn and that the 1.12 or whatever would be reworking if skills such as Path of Darkness, changes to shads etc.
  • Marovec
    corbyone wrote: »
    I was under the impression that non-working abilities (ie impale crit, leeching strikes healing, haste w/ bows) would be fixed with Craglorn and that the 1.12 or whatever would be reworking if skills such as Path of Darkness, changes to shads etc.

    Ok, that could be the case. However, none of the stuff that you listed "to be fixed now" in Craglorn happened, and one of the things you listed as "to be fixed later" happened now.

    So, basically, I would love to get an list of what abilities they actually acknowledge as being broken, and what they are intending to do about it. Because, to my knowledge, they made a general statement saying they new NB's were broke, and that they would be mostly fixed come Craglorn...

  • Talketzanto
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys
  • apterous
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.
  • Marovec
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    It is not that they don't bring anything, it is that if you WANT to bring something, you have to use "unconventional" builds that almost completely revolve around using non-class abilities.

    I play a NB caster that does VERY well, solo PvE. However, out of 10 abilities and 2 ultimates, I am using MAYBE 3 class abilities depending on what I am doing.

    Also, our single target damage on bosses is around 100-200 dps behind other classes.

    NB shouldn't be forced to use "outside the box" builds to compensate from broken abilities.
  • Creslian7
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    Yes, how dare people want to play with something other than a destro staff and light armor. Everyone knows that is the ONLY way to play a nightblade effectively. You medium dw types should just reroll or quit, there is no place for THAT type of gameplay here. /sarcasm off
  • Selodaoc
    To do more dmg, use as little NB skills as possible
  • Marovec
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    To do more dmg, use as little NB skills as possible

    So sad, but so true...
  • apterous
    Marovec wrote: »
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    To do more dmg, use as little NB skills as possible

    So sad, but so true...
    i'd like to disagree
  • Mountain_Dewed
    Man, there are religious people out there that really get bothered by the GD saying. It doesn't bother me but have "some" respect for others dude...

    I really would like to do more 1vs1 with my NB but will stick with group until they fix also and hope we can get 2/3rd of the glory DK's get after all being said :-)

    BTW: My NB does do a great deal of help with my group in PvP because my boy has good skills that help the group when used correctly, it's just the 1v1's that he has trouble with and it's only a select group such as DK's that I don't stand a chance against but like I said, I contribute a hell of a lot during group battles.
    Edited by Mountain_Dewed on May 22, 2014 4:24PM
  • apterous
    Creslian7 wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    Yes, how dare people want to play with something other than a destro staff and light armor. Everyone knows that is the ONLY way to play a nightblade effectively. You medium dw types should just reroll or quit, there is no place for THAT type of gameplay here. /sarcasm off

    i play with light/bow.
  • ShedsHisTail
    Yeah, gotta say, I was expecting a little more love than that. And what about medium armor, could swear there were gonna be some fixes there as well but it didn't even get a mention.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • Marovec
    apterous wrote: »
    Creslian7 wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    Yes, how dare people want to play with something other than a destro staff and light armor. Everyone knows that is the ONLY way to play a nightblade effectively. You medium dw types should just reroll or quit, there is no place for THAT type of gameplay here. /sarcasm off

    i play with light/bow.

    By all means, continue giving short snarky responses.

    Or, you could be helpful and provide what exactly you are doing (along with the dps numbers on vet bosses) to show us what we could change.
  • Aoifesan
    corbyone wrote: »
    I was under the impression that non-working abilities (ie impale crit, leeching strikes healing, haste w/ bows) would be fixed with Craglorn and that the 1.12 or whatever would be reworking if skills such as Path of Darkness, changes to shads etc.

    Apparently that's not the case.
  • daveben007b14a_ESO

    Nightblade Update
    ZOS_JessicaFolsomZOS_JessicaFolsom admin
    5:43PM edited 5:43PM in General Discussion - English Staff Post
    Incoming Fixes & Improvements
    We have ongoing efforts to improve the Nightblade class, and fix some of the outstanding issues. Below is an early look at some of the incoming fixes and improvements you will see in content patch 1.2.X.
    Incapacitate will increase heavy attack damage.
    Incapacitating Strike will now be capable of critical strikes.
    Master Assassin will increase spell power in addition to weapon power.
    Path of Darkness damage will be increased. The ability will also be visible to all players.
    Refreshing Path will heal allies. The healing will also be slightly increased.
    Refreshing Shadows will always be active, and will no longer require you to use an ability.
    Also worth noting, there were three Nightblade class abilities impacted by this general combat note from the 1.1.2 patch notes: Fixed an issue where a number of abilities were not properly able to cause critical strikes.

    The abilities impacted by this fix were:
    Impale (Assassin’s Blade morph)
    Killer's Blade (Assassin’s Blade morph)
    Sap Essence (Drain Power morph)

    Outstanding Known Issues
    Patch 1.1.2 fixed many outstanding Nightblade issues, but below are some that we are either actively investigating, working on fixes for now, or have recently fixed and will push in a future patch. Please note this list does not reflect every reported Nightblade issue we are currently investigating.

    General: Currently, a Nightblade’s own residual outgoing damage-over-time ticks break his or her invisibility. This is not intended, and will be fixed in a future patch.

    Dark Cloak (Shadow Cloak morph): Dark Cloak is not currently removing damage-over-time (DoT) debuffs as it should be. We’re currently investigating this issue to determine which DoTs are not being removed by Dark Cloak.

    Haste: Haste is not currently applying the 30% attack speed increase to ranged weapons as it should be. We are working on a fix for this issue.

    Mark Target: Mark Target currently allows you to see and attack targets that are sneaking, but not ones that are invisible. We are working on a fix for this issue.

    Path of Darkness: The PFX for Path of Darkness and its morphs will sometimes appear under terrain. We are currently investigating this issue.

    Pressure Points: This passive ability is working as intended, but there is a bug with the character sheet not correctly displaying the critical strike rating bonus. We have a fix for this, and it will go out with a future patch.

    Siphoning Attacks: This ability’s tooltip will no longer says that it restores health. It never restored health, nor was it intended to. This is a tooltip bug. We have a fix for this, and it will go out with a future patch.
    Post edited by ZOS_JessicaFolsom at 5:43PM
    Edited by daveben007b14a_ESO on May 22, 2014 9:54PM
  • Marovec
    Well, at least they are aware, so I guess that is a bit better...
  • methjester
    Marovec wrote: »
    Well, at least they are aware, so I guess that is a bit better...

    They've been aware since beta. They are just horrible at fixing things. They are worse at dealing with paying customers.
  • Torbesh
    Soul Shriven
    I used to be an adventurer like you... but then I rolled a Nightblade.
  • ShedsHisTail
    "Let me guess, someone stole your basic functions."
    Edited by ShedsHisTail on May 23, 2014 12:55AM
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • andersan

    I have patiently been waiting.. and waiting.. and waiting. I honestly would have rolled a DK already but after hitting VR5 or so I did NOT want to go through all that leveling and time spent on the horse, research (I don't like crafting alts) and everything else. I'd quit before I rerolled. I'm almost at that point today.

    I still have more vet levels to go and the fact that not only did we not get any significant buffs or enough fixes but the vet mobs now have so much more health that I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish leveling before I just quietly stop playing the game completely. Mobs I was fighting yesterday had 2500hp now have 3500+ and are hitting for a lot more. I have to sit there in SOLO dungeons and wait for help to come along before I can finish it.

    The best thing I just saw was a DK run through packs of 3 that either kill me or almost kill me and walk away mostly full health. You've literally had the beta and 6+ weeks to fix the class and you can't do it. I have zero faith in Zenimax anymore to fix anything and the only reason I haven't quit already is because I'm in a great guild with great people who pity me and are willing to take me along in dungeons despite being a gimp freaking class.

  • Lord_Hev
    Oh no, actually it's even WORSE. lol

    They broke several other skills. Oh, and one buff was actually a severe and crushing nerf. Hmmmm, maybe a typo or something?
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • apterous
    Marovec wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    Creslian7 wrote: »
    apterous wrote: »
    NB bring nothing to large group pvp, and nothing to group pve......I feel bad for you guys

    your fault for playing with *** builds.

    Yes, how dare people want to play with something other than a destro staff and light armor. Everyone knows that is the ONLY way to play a nightblade effectively. You medium dw types should just reroll or quit, there is no place for THAT type of gameplay here. /sarcasm off

    i play with light/bow.

    By all means, continue giving short snarky responses.

    Or, you could be helpful and provide what exactly you are doing (along with the dps numbers on vet bosses) to show us what we could change.

    here is me doing veteran boss:
    here is me doing pvp:

    this was while ago and i've changed few things in my second bar.
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