So, you forgot to type up the rest of the NB changes...right?

  • shiva7663
    Has anyone experienced getting kicked from a group (or rudely rejected) for playing a Nightblade?
  • Crescent
  • Decimus_Rex
    Their notes and updates refer to "Nightblade fixes" coming in a PATCH after 1.1.

    1.1.2 is a major update with patches.

    1.1.3 would be considered a patch.

    I don't remember them specifically saying 1.2 would be when nightblade fixes would come...

    If that is the case, then you are looking another 4-6 weeks out.

    If they said "a patch" after 1.1, then you could expect to see it in 1.1.3 or 1.1.4.

    In which case you are looking another week or two... which is much better than 1.2.

    1.2 = 4-6 weeks out.
    1.1.3 = 1/2 weeks out.

    So I hope they said "another patch after 1.1" instead of "Another major update".

    Zeni said 1.2.? When more issues with NB would be addressed


    4 to 6 weeks until more fixes

    Zeni just cant pull off expedient fixes (as we can now plainly see) you will be vr12 before the fixes come


    You will be gone
  • apterous
    why all the lols?
  • apterous
    By all means, continue giving no response at all. just lol everything i say.

    Or, you could be helpful and provide what exactly you are doing to show why it's funny.
  • Selodaoc
    You seriously posted vids with Angof fight, and abusing stealth bugg :smile:
    A Sorc/DK could just stand next to the boss spamming one button
  • Ilterendi
    As terrible as the nightblade class plays (depending on build) I think sorcs and DKs are balanced well and should be what ZOS aims for to get nightblade and templar builds up to par.

    I realized the other night my Surprise Attack was bugged and GIVING mobs armor rather than applying reduction...

    Hopefully, ZOS will realize what a significant gap templars and nightblades are trailing behind.
  • vicNBitis
    Not really abusing stealth but it is a rather pathetic example of an NB being effective. VR1 boss, lots of invis to heal, LOS'ing a stationary boss, relying on NPC allies, etc. So, yeah, not much worthy of comment.
  • ConciseRex

    A better example of how a NB can be effective. Although this does strengthen the point that it becomes more difficult the more you move away from light amrour/Magika and enemys immune to CC make my life hell.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Ilterendi wrote: »

    I realized the other night my Surprise Attack was bugged and GIVING mobs armor rather than applying reduction...

    You sure? I just tested it... my light attacks pre Surprise Attack are doing 74 dmg and post SA they do 78 dmg. Nothing spectacular but the increase is there. So 40% armor reduction on a mob equals about 5% dmg increase.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on May 26, 2014 5:10PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Ilterendi
    ConciseRex wrote: »

    A better example of how a NB can be effective. Although this does strengthen the point that it becomes more difficult the more you move away from light amrour/Magika and enemys immune to CC make my life hell.

    This is an amazing example of how great nightblades can solo! Unfortunately, this shows little group benefits or reasons to add a Nightblade to a group other than as heals or tank when sorcerer and DKs are overall more attractive as dps. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the video and I love my nightblade, but it doesn't have any attractive qualities to add to groups, notably Craglorn. Once real fixes go live, and we are no longer plagued with a plethora of bugs, nightblades will likely be fine and need little further tuning.

    I tested my Surprise Attack while in Cold Harbour. I did not test logging in and out however, which may likely be where my issue was. I'll have to test again, and find some mammoths for more stable parsing.
  • Selodaoc
    ConciseRex wrote: »

    A better example of how a NB can be effective. Although this does strengthen the point that it becomes more difficult the more you move away from light amrour/Magika and enemys immune to CC make my life hell.

    Stealth bugg exploit / bad enemy mechanics. We all can solo 1 boss by doing it, chaining stealth >stun.
    Its just that DK/Sorc can kill 5-6 of those in same time we kill 1.
    DK can also straight up facetank them in melee while doing much more ST dps then us.
    We have to nerf our dmg by 22% to be able to do it aswell, pretty much ALL builds we use requires us to nerf our dps by 22%

    NB is severly behind in ST, AoE AND tanking
  • vicNBitis
    It should always be pointed out that stealth NBs are OP when it comes to bosses that can be stun-locked. Unless the boss:

    a. is a troll
    b. has 20,000+ hp
    c. is immune to stun
    d. sees through invis
    e. has a healer
    f. resets if you invis twice in a row
  • ConciseRex
    Selodaoc wrote: »

    Stealth bugg exploit / bad enemy mechanics. We all can solo 1 boss by doing it, chaining stealth >stun.
    Its just that DK/Sorc can kill 5-6 of those in same time we kill 1.
    DK can also straight up facetank them in melee while doing much more ST dps then us.
    We have to nerf our dmg by 22% to be able to do it aswell, pretty much ALL builds we use requires us to nerf our dps by 22%

    NB is severly behind in ST, AoE AND tanking

    The exploit I assume you mean is the several second grace period which was fixed in the most recent patch and this build is still viable. I am not trying to deny that NB is behind other classes and that DK can faceroll anything I was just showing that they can still be viable thats all.
  • ConciseRex
    vicNBitis wrote: »
    It should always be pointed out that stealth NBs are OP when it comes to bosses that can be stun-locked. Unless the boss:

    a. is a troll
    b. has 20,000+ hp
    c. is immune to stun
    d. sees through invis
    e. has a healer
    f. resets if you invis twice in a row

    Boss trolls are just as easy as others they just take a week to kill.
    Enemy health is only an issue if they are immune to stun or you don't manage your resources well enough.
    CC immunity is generally a deal breaker yes.
    Never had this problem but stealth bugging for whatever reason can be annoying.
    Kill the healer first simple.
    Again never came across this but sounds like a deal breaker also.
  • ConciseRex
    Ilterendi wrote: »

    This is an amazing example of how great nightblades can solo! Unfortunately, this shows little group benefits or reasons to add a Nightblade to a group other than as heals or tank when sorcerer and DKs are overall more attractive as dps. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the video and I love my nightblade, but it doesn't have any attractive qualities to add to groups, notably Craglorn. Once real fixes go live, and we are no longer plagued with a plethora of bugs, nightblades will likely be fine and need little further tuning.

    I tested my Surprise Attack while in Cold Harbour. I did not test logging in and out however, which may likely be where my issue was. I'll have to test again, and find some mammoths for more stable parsing.

    The only real use I have found for my self in group work is that I can make for a handy addition when the other DPS is AOE heavy meaning I just burst damage any healers/ranged enemys which makes life much easier. I just stick to a support role in general in group stuff.
  • Ilterendi
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    Ilterendi wrote: »

    This is an amazing example of how great nightblades can solo! Unfortunately, this shows little group benefits or reasons to add a Nightblade to a group other than as heals or tank when sorcerer and DKs are overall more attractive as dps. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the video and I love my nightblade, but it doesn't have any attractive qualities to add to groups, notably Craglorn. Once real fixes go live, and we are no longer plagued with a plethora of bugs, nightblades will likely be fine and need little further tuning.

    I tested my Surprise Attack while in Cold Harbour. I did not test logging in and out however, which may likely be where my issue was. I'll have to test again, and find some mammoths for more stable parsing.

    The only real use I have found for my self in group work is that I can make for a handy addition when the other DPS is AOE heavy meaning I just burst damage any healers/ranged enemys which makes life much easier. I just stick to a support role in general in group stuff.
    Same as myself. I make sure the group is aware that I'm a Nightblade and therefore not worth purging my resources for mediocre (at best) aoe, so I'll target healers and start eating ranged attackers to help our healer. Maybe that's our job..but I'd still like to do that job better without the class handicap we have now.
  • CapuchinSeven
    A "PVP video" where you attack people fighting a veteran mob, is not a PVP video.
  • Selodaoc
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    The exploit I assume you mean is the several second grace period which was fixed in the most recent patch and this build is still viable. I am not trying to deny that NB is behind other classes and that DK can faceroll anything I was just showing that they can still be viable thats all.

    The "exploit" (more of a bugg) is that enemys just stand there like idiots while you stealth.
    This also works in group dungeons if enemies are on you and you stealth.
    They just stand there, they dont start attaking the other players in your group standing right next to them.

    Without it though, we would be in even more ***
  • vicNBitis
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    Boss trolls are just as easy as others they just take a week to kill.

    Not if they regen more than an NB can dish out. Especially not if they can regen more than 2 NBs can dish out(I've seen this happen...wasn't one of them so it was absolutely hilarious).
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    Enemy health is only an issue if they are immune to stun or you don't manage your resources well enough.

    Agreed. But the NB is nowhere near OP if it takes them 35 stabs to kill a stun-locked boss. Merely tedious.
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    CC immunity is generally a deal breaker yes.

    Definitely. While I love kiting things for 8 minutes with Path of Darkness as a speed boost it's about as far from OP as you can get :'(
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    Never had this problem but stealth bugging for whatever reason can be annoying.

    Maybe I'm just being hypervigilant but I'm noticing it a lot more since the recent patch.
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    Kill the healer first simple.

    Easier said than done sometimes. There was one particular quest boss that was beyond annoying. The healer has 11k hp and the boss 9k. The boss is an NB(ironically enough) so can stun you occasionally which allows the healer to fill back up. After about 4 tries a DK blew through with about 5 trash mobs in tow. Pulls boss and healer as well, plops down Standard and tanks everything with zero problems.
    ConciseRex wrote: »
    Again never came across this but sounds like a deal breaker also.

    There are about a half dozen of them in the Thizzrini Arena quest line in Reaper's March.
  • ConciseRex
    Selodaoc wrote: »

    The "exploit" (more of a bugg) is that enemys just stand there like idiots while you stealth.
    This also works in group dungeons if enemies are on you and you stealth.
    They just stand there, they dont start attaking the other players in your group standing right next to them.

    Without it though, we would be in even more ***

    Well that only really effects NB Tanks and other group stuff, my video was solo so I would hope they just stand there when I m stealthed.
  • Selodaoc
    But should we be forced to stealth > suprise attack > knockdown > normal attack to leech > repeat over and over to kill mobs?

    Thats just really bad mechanics.
  • ConciseRex
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    But should we be forced to stealth > suprise attack > knockdown > normal attack to leech > repeat over and over to kill mobs?

    Thats just really bad mechanics.

    I agree that it should not be the only way (Or one of very few) but its not really bad mechanics its just a very bland and boring tactic that works very well.
  • apterous
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    You seriously posted vids with Angof fight, and abusing stealth bugg :smile:
    A Sorc/DK could just stand next to the boss spamming one button
    abusing bug? that is how stealth works in this game, nothing i can do to change it.
    and i love playing stealthy.

  • davidetombab16_ESO
    nightblade stealth bug was fixed with recent patch, now nighblade is totally crap
  • davidetombab16_ESO
    here this is the great balance idea from zenimax
    DK solo craglorn trial(no pts , patch 1.1.2)

    Aetherian Archive Trial

    4 Man Dungeons
    Edited by davidetombab16_ESO on May 27, 2014 4:01AM
  • jelliedsoup
    NBs are fine in PvE, still underpowered in comparison to most other Classes builds.

    In PvP, after 1.1.2 they are better, still not completely fixed.
  • martymart76_ESO
    NBs are fine in PvE, still underpowered in comparison to most other Classes builds.

    In PvP, after 1.1.2 they are better, still not completely fixed.

    You are wrong, just flat out wrong.

    If they were fine in PvE, ZOS wouldn't be making the changes to the class.

    Having a major overhaul of a dozen skills, fixing ones that are flat out not working, and buffing the damage to scale better with level absolutely does NOT mean they are "fine."

    And being underpowered also means they are not "fine."

    Not sure what you are smoking.

    Your post was a non-post. You say they are fine and then say they are underpowered in comparison to every other class in the game.

    Saying they are fine is counterproductive to Nightblade players getting the much needed repairs they require. Stop saying things like that when it's completely false.
    Edited by martymart76_ESO on May 27, 2014 1:22PM
  • Beeftips
    So, last night I decided to give 2hander a shot with my VR10 NB. I'm a medium armor NB with about 50-60 crit based on how many assassinate skills I want on my bar. Well, after leveling 2hander to 35 and getting 4/5 skills and most of the passives, I decided to do some tests on PVE mobs. One of my tests was to see how hard the 3rd THW skill hits for from stealth compared to concealed weapon.

    My concealed weapon hit for 1734 every time it crit, from stealth. Ambush hit for about 1200-1300. Now, wrecking blow (2handed morphed 3rd skill) hit for 2992 EVERY TIME, from stealth.

    I then tested Impale compared to executioner (4th skill on 2handed tree). Impale was hitting for 400ish non-crit and 800ish crit on targets >%25. Executioner, however, was hitting for 800ish non-crit and over 1k for crits on targets >%25.

    I find it dumb that weapon lines skills hit harder than a skill line that is meant for ASSASSINATING. I understand that wrecking blow has a bit of a action delay and that concealed weapon is instant but the damage difference is ***. Executioner does dumb damage compared to our assassinate.

    In short, WTF Zen?
  • Selodaoc
    Suprise/Concealed should definatly be the hardest hitting ST skill
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